I have JAVA SWT/RCP application (Equinox OSGi), I am just creating Wizard which should look like one the picture:
The problem I just caught that standard SWT class Spinner, does not offer this kind of option to have some text inside of Spinner. I was doing some googling but I could not find any reasonable solution for this.
Spinner (with text) like described on my picture, is possible to do with Swing, but I cannot use Swing => SWT RCP (Equinox OSGi platform).
I even looked into SWT Spinner class source but its not very clear.
Can anybody help please?
I would suggest you to implement custom widget. If you look at Spinner, it is also a Composite. you could do the same, with a Text widget and up arrow Button and down arrow Button.
You could use an SWT Combo widget to simulate a Swing Spinner.
Here's some example code.
private String[] items = { "5 min", "3 min", "1 min" };
Combo readOnlyCombo = new Combo(shell, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY);
I am working on AEM Classic UI and I want to add a checkbox widget inside dialouge and to add a tooltip on it. Is that possible to add a tooltip or on mouse hover text inside dialogue on cq widgets? If possible, how can we implement it?
I found the solution.
The answer is NO. We can't implement direct tooltip inside dialogue box.
But we can implement a short text that works like tooltip.
feildLabel = <p title="Trust me! I am tooltip!!">Hover over me</p>
Note: In the above example, the tooltip text will appear only if we place the mouse over the base text for more then 1 second. There is an delay for a second.
We can implement tooltip in classic UI. Here below I gave the node structure to implement that.
Node Structure:
=> nt:unstructured
=> tooltip
jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured
autoHide = true(Boolean)
title = title for tooltip
text = text for tooltip
I'm working on Eclipse RCP Viewer framework, i have a requirement to place a button widget in column of TableViewer.
I have been following the tutorials to develop my application
I don't find any widget inside the tableviewer, as in the example it was just an image, is it possible to place a widget, any idea please suggest me.
I've searched API to find any predefined method like getWidget() similar to getImage() ,that can be placed in col.setLabelProvider(), but there was none actually,How can i do this
you may want to use editing support or for instance DialogCellEditor
I am looking for tooltip/widget/popup panel like this one
Any idea for such tooltip in GWT ?? I tried ballon widget in gwt,but that does not help me,i need a tooltip like the one above that should also be selectable!
PopupPanel is certainly your best start. PopupPanel will get you an undecorated square box like your example, with user interaction.
Depending on your design requirements you can setup the content with straight HTML (embed an HTMLPanel, with the HTML as contents, inside a PopupPanel), or lay it out using the GWT layout tool.
Also look over: DecoratedPopupPanel for some ideas about decorating the border of your panel with css rules. This may help with the little triangle pointer at the top.
One more hint: you might end up embedding a FocusPanel in your PopupPanel if you need to track events outside specific GUI elements.
I just started working on an eclipse RCP application in my company and search now for following component:
In the eclipse preference dialog is a text input field with a eraser which clears the text box (see image).
Is there a component in eclipse RCP which does exactly that? Or one where I can set an image in a text input field, so I can implement just the functionality.
Or have I to write my own component extending from Text?
Eclipse does not offer such a component, so you will have to implement one yourself.
But I wouldn't extend Text for this. Simply create a Composite with SWT.BORDER style, and a Text and Button as children. If you don't give the Text a border, it looks like the button is within the text box. Instead of the Button you could use a ToolBar with a single ToolItem, both with the SWT.FLAT style. This will look much better than a regular button.
Text text = new Text(parent, SWT.SEARCH | SWT.ICON_CANCEL);
This is present in Luna's API, don't know about older versions. You can check more here: http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt.git/tree/examples/org.eclipse.swt.snippets/src/org/eclipse/swt/snippets/Snippet309.java?view=co
The GWT Incubator contains this widget, but it doesn't provide the clean look and feel I am looking for. The Same page does show precisely the widget I would like to use:
A thin resize bar with the small middle arrow icon which is clicked to hide/show a docked panel on the side of the page.
The widget appears on many google services pages, which makes me suspect that it may be a common widget:
Google Reader
Slightly modified (animated) version on Maps
Does anyone where to find or know how to build this widget in GWT.
How about using a VerticalSpliPanel and overriding the OnClick event? On click you can hide your navigation panel.
I don't think Maps and Google Reader are build using GWT. I know Wave is, and it doesn't use the collapsible panel you're looking for... My guess is that this specific widget is not available in GWT but you may be able to find a suitable replacement. Let me know if you do.