How to catch F1 and F2 in windows mobile 6? - windows-mobile-6

how can I catch F2 and F1 in my device?
I have to use it in my application but it doesnt work

If you are a C/C++ programmer all you need to do is call AllKeys(TRUE); in WinMain or your startup code.
If you are a .NET programmer, you can read the full story here:
I am sorry for providing the link only, but it is not that simple to catch F1 and F2 in .NET Compact Framework.


Error 1002 in applescript that uses "key code" when called from macOS app

I'm trying to run an AppleScript from my macOS app (Mojave, Xcode 10.3). However, when the AppleScript is run from the app, I get this error:
/Users/my_username/Desktop/test_apple_script.scpt: execution error: System Events got an error: osascript is not allowed to send keystrokes. (1002)
Based on other posts, I have made sure that my app can control my computer (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility), and it also has control over System Events (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation).
Here is my AppleScript:
tell application "System Events"
key code 48 using {command down}
end tell
The script works when run in Script Editor (I only had to give Script Editor the access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility).
This is the code I am using to run the Apple Script from my app (via osascript):
let proc = Process()
proc.launchPath = "/usr/bin/env"
proc.arguments = ["/usr/bin/osascript","/Users/my_username/Desktop/test_apple_script.scpt"]
This code works perfectly when I run a simple AppleScript that just displays a notification:
tell application "System Events"
display dialog "Test"
end tell
How can I make it so that my AppleScript runs from my macOS app just as it does when I run it in Script Editor?
Edit: For some more context, the command tab case here is just an example. I am trying to find a generalizable approach to simulating keyboard shortcuts by clicking buttons in my app (e.g., the user clicks on the "cut" button and the app acts as if the user has just pressed command + x). There may be a better approach to this than using an AppleScript, but I know that it is possible to do what I want using AppleScripts.
Edit: In case it wasn't clear from my original question, the simple AppleScript that displays a notification was already working from within my app. The problem arises when I try to run an AppleScript that simulates user input from the keyboard.
Edit: This code here worked for me temporarily, but it no longer works. I did not change the code at all. I simply ran my app again.
let PlayPauseScript = "tell application \"Spotify\"\n playpause\n end tell"\"test\"\n end tell"
if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: PlayPauseScript) {
Here is where the problem currently stands. Based on suggestions, I added this to my info.plist, and now the Spotify AppleScript consistently works (when called via NSAppleScript):
<string>...this is why I need permission...</string>
It seems my problem (now) is just with AppleScripts that use System Events. Despite making sure that both my app and osascript are allowed to control my computer (via security & privacy > privacy > accessibility), I now get the same error (1002) when using NEAppleScript and osascript. My app is also allowed to control System Events (security & privacy > privacy > automation). The osascript error prints to the console in Xcode, and I uncovered the error code for NEAppleScript by using this code (in the #IBAction of the button):
let script =
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "c" using {command down}
end tell
on error errMsg number errorNumber
display dialog "An unknown error occurred: " & errorNumber as text
end try
if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: script) {
The above code caused this to appear in the dialog box:
An unknown error occurred: 1002
When my app is run, it does prompt me to give it control over System Events, which I always do. My app is not sandboxed. I believe that both NSAppleScript and oascript did work for me once, but stopped working when I ran the app again (despite my not having made any changes to my code, I'm almost positive).
I don't know if this is informative, but the only other clue I have as to what might be going on is that I keep having to check and uncheck Script Editor's permission in security & privacy > privacy > accessibility to get it to run these AppleScripts because it tells me that Script Editor is not allowed to send keystrokes.
Security & Privacy -> Privacy tab -> Accessibility
Add /usr/bin/osascript
NOTE: You may also need to add your terminal (iTerm in my case)
To fix osascript 1002 permission issue.
Got to Security & Privacy -> Privacy tab -> Accessibility -> Add osascript (/usr/bin/osascript)
Or Use NSAppleScript
This is a couple of things for you to consider, more than a real answer to your question. If you'd like more details, I'll happily edit them in on request. (also, I'll put code examples in objective-C, because I'm still learning swift)
First, if you're going to be doing a lot of scripting in your app, it may be worth your while to switch over to Scripting Bridge. Scripting Bridge is a cocoa interface for applescripting other apps, so (to steal an example I found elsewhere) if you want to get the name of the current track in iTunes, you'd do something like:
iTuneApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:#""];
currentTrack =;
If you want specific code for Spotify I'll have to install that app; let me know.
Second, if you want to do keystrokes, you should look into Quartz Event Services. QES allows you to create, send, and capture input events. So if you want to send a ⌘C, you might do something like:
// '8' is the key code for 'c'
comCDownEvent = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(nil, 8, true);
CGEventSetFlags(comCDownEvent, kCGEventFlagMaskCommand);
comCUpEvent = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(nil, 8, false);
CGEventSetFlags(comCUpEvent, kCGEventFlagMaskCommand);
CGEventPostToPSN(targetAppProcessSerialNumber, comCDownEvent);
CGEventPostToPSN(targetAppProcessSerialNumber, comCUpEvent);
You can't run this code from sandboxed apps, but I think you'll have that problem any way you go.
The main advantage of these approaches is that they avoid switching contexts: it's all done from cocoa, so you don't need to invoke a shell or create an AppleScript environment, and avoid all the translation problems that involves.

Passing command line arguments to a flutter app

Is package:args ArgParser compatible with flutter apps? I see on Github that it is used several times in some Flutter tools, but I'm not sure it's used in any of the sample apps.
If it is not compatible, is there another way to pass configuration options to my app at compile time as part of its build rule?
package:args operates on List<String>, which can come from anywhere. For example, I've used it in a browser app, in which the arguments came from Chrome's JS console. If you are OK with using the HostMessages API, then the following might work for you:
On Android, turn Intent.getExtras into List<String> and pass it to package:args. Similarly, this answer may help on the iOS side.

Bug in external link tracking when opening the link in a new window in Google Analytics?

First off, I apologize if it's considered poor etiquette to cross-post on stackexchange sites, but this seemed appropriate for both the webmasters site and here, as it's a common issue for webmaster, but may be able to be solved by coders. In any case, here goes...
OK, so this seems like a really simple problem, but I have yet to find a solution that accomplishes the following:
Opens the link in a new window
Tracks the event in GA when using the asynchronous code
Doesn't trigger pop-up blockers (uses target="_blank" instead of
Most of the code I've seen, including Google's, doesn't take into account the case of opening in a new window - they just use window location.href.
Even GAAddons (, which charges for commercial use, seems to not manage opening in new windows properly.
Perhaps, I'm missing something simple - I'd be relieved if so and would thank profusely whoever points it out to me!
If no one is able to provide an example, I'll post some of the test cases I've created to illustrate the problem.
[EDIT] I've since tested the GAAddons code more throughly and have found it to work. I'm guessing the problem that was being reported earlier by a client using Chrome 7 on Windows was more likely a configuration issue than something related to the GAAddons library itself.
You put it in the link's onclick attribute:
some link
The method I've found to satisfy all the requirements I've mentioned is the one found here:
It's actually quite simple, leading me to think that there was some other reason why other code wasn't working in earlier tests.
However, I can confirm that the method that's mentioned in the comments on this Google page - - does not meet the above requirements (new windows trigger popup warning on Chrome and IE).
The Google code does work for tracking external links not opened in a new window.
here's the snippet:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'External Links', 'Click', $(this).attr('href')]);
} catch(err) {}
return true;
I've tested on the following browsers:
IE 6 - 9
Firefox 3.6, 4.0
Chrome 9, 10
Safari 5
Opera 11
Safari 5
Chrome 10
Firefox 3.6, 4.0
Also tested on iPhone 4 and the native Android browser on Gingerbread

Haxe - Flash project compiles fine, but won't compile using hxcpp

In summary, I think my question is this:
How can I force hxcpp to compile haxe code for Flash 8 ?
Here's where I'm at. I'm new to haxe, and am trying to get a sample from here:
to compile using hxcpp, in my tests to see how haxe compiled apps work on the iphone.
I've gotten other samples to compile fine and put them on the iphone, but when I compile this sample, it complains with things like:
Demo.hx:32: characters 17-53 : Class not found : flash.MovieClip
Demo.hx:42: characters 20-36 : Class not found : flash.Key
Demo.hx:44: characters 43-60 : Class not found : flash.Stage
and as I mentioned, this compiles fine using the following hxml file (flash.hxml):
-swf Demo.swf
-swf-lib DemoRes.swf
-main Demo.hx
-swf-header 480:320:100:808080
but fails as detailed above using this (cpp.hxml):
-main Demo.hx
-lib nme
-lib neash
-swf-lib DemoRes.swf
--remap neko:cpp
--remap flash:neash
-cpp cpp
So I think the problem is that hxcpp is targeting Flash version 9 swf's, and the haxe code is targetting Flash 8. I tried forcing it to accept Flash 8 syntax using "-swf-version 8" but it doesn't work (gives the same errors).
Although Neash is quite complete I am not sure it does map 100% of the Flash API. That said you have for sure a problem with -swf-lib that will not work with Neash; that beacuse it is not possible to embed swf files in other platforms than flash. You have to manage your assets differently.
Maybe in a not so distant future it will be possible to embed even swf resources, but first someone has to write a nice decompiler that transform them for the intended target.
I asked Hugh, the guy behind the hxcpp compiler part of Haxe that's doing all the haxe / iphone / hxcpp stuff, and he basically said that Flash 8 isn't an available target for hxcpp, just Flash 9 and up.... Thanks for the response Hugh!

Event from JAva Script to objective c

I am developing a map application for iPhone.I am using google maps API to develop this,by adding the java script file to the resource.My problem is that I need to catch an event defined in the java script. for eg: I need to cath the following event in java script
"GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function(latlng, index)" .
Please anyone help me.
Thanks in advance
Why are you not using MapKit? Is this a web app only?
You can call javascript to probe if something has happened, but you cannot have javascript call back to your code... at least not directly. You can override the URL handling and have javascript included that tries to make an external call that your code recognizes and acts on.