Executing C# code in Nuget Package - nuget

I am beginner in creating nuget packages. I created a nuget package which copies all files to solution explorer for now. I am trying to copy folder to users local folder where they have visual studio installed. Can I execute c# code while user installs nuget package on their visual studio solution? Any help would be highly appreciated.

You can add a powershell .ps1 script and set it to be executed while installing the nuget package. If Powershell wouldn't suffice ( most probably it would) and you absolutely want to have some piece of C# code run, just include the code in Powershell as described here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/stefan_gossner/archive/2010/05/07/using-csharp-c-code-in-powershell-scripts.aspx


In a nuget init.ps1 how do you detect if running as install or as console initialization

So init.ps1 https://docs.nuget.org/create/creating-and-publishing-a-package#automatically-running-powershell-scripts-during-package-installation-and-removal runs in two circumstance. When you install a package for the first time and when you open the nuget powershell console as part of opening a solution.
Init.ps1 runs the first time a package is installed in a solution.... The script also runs every time the solution is opened
So inside Init.ps1 how do you determine in which context it is running?
There isn't a built-in way—Init.ps1 is meant to be called each time Package Manager Console is initialized, so there's purposefully no context parameter. As Yishai Galatzer puts it in no uncertain terms on GitHub:
That's not the intent of init.ps1, and we will not enable it. NuGet is not an automation entry point into visual studio, and please do not use it as such.
I do find this a bit unfortunate since support for Install.ps1 and Uninstall.ps1 was removed in NuGet 3 back in 2015, which means we can no longer run custom code after installation, even simple stuff like showing an HTML readme. The reasoning makes sense, but it would be nice if there were an alternative for package installs specifically inside Visual Studio.
It's old question but maybe it helps somebody. To run script during package installation instead of console initialization put your code inside install.ps1 file.

How to use paket from command line

I installed paket from nuget in Nuget Package Manager Console with:
Install-Package paket
I then tried to run paket convert-from-nuget. It stalled out on a user prompt (it wouldn't let me type into the package manager console). My next thought was to run it from command line, but how to do so is not documented.
Just putting paket convert-from-nuget into a standard dev command prompt results in an error saying "paket" is not recognized.
How do I run paket from the command line or powershell, and how do you specify which solution to work against?
The way to setup paket in your repository is as follow:
1 Download a release of paket.bootstrapper.exe
This is a lightweight utility which obtains and updates paket.exe, pick stable release from official release page:
2 create a .paket folder
md .paket
3 put the downloaded bootstrapper in this folder and invoke it
cd .paket
now you have an up-to-date paket.exe ready to ease your handling of dependencies.
4 convert from nuget
cd ..
.paket\paket convert-from-nuget
Please checkout the https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket.VisualStudio also for Visual Studio plugin to help you authoring paket.dependencies and paket.references file
Please also join https://gitter.im/fsprojects/Paket if you have any questions.
The Chocolatey package modifies the PSModulePath envivornment variable. I've observed that sometimes that modification isn't picked up until the system is restarted (or at least not until the user logs out and back in again). In the meantime, you can import the module using:
Import-Module <path-to-packages>\Paket.PowerShell\Paket.PowerShell.psd1
The packages path is usually something like C:\Chocolatey\lib. OTOH, re-reading your question, are you referring to the Nuget inside of Visual Studio? If so, that downloads from NuGet.org and that pkg puts paket.exe in $(SolutionDir)\packages\Pakget.1.18.5\tools\paket.exe. Your version number may varying.
Unfortunately the fact that PowerShell V5 introduces Install-Package (which downloads from Chocolatey by default) is going to get a little confusing vis-a-vie the NuGet Package Manager Console's Install-Package in Visual Studio.

Execute NuGet PowerShell Command by code

I have a NuGet package with PowerShell commands.
I want to manage it from a context menu (added with a vsix). With NuGet.VisualStudio I can install my NuGet package by code but I don’t find how to execute NuGet package PowerShell commands.
Can anybody help me?
You can use the IScriptExecutor to execute a powershell script in your NuGet package.

How do you query installed nuget packages with the command line interface?

I need to find the installed version of a package inside my CI build script using the nuget command line.
The "list" command returns ALL packages from the nuget.org feed as far as I can tell. I only want the locally installed packages.
I know how to do this with the VS nuget powershell console. Please do not answer "use get-package". I need to do it with the nuget.exe.
However if there's a way to use the nuget command from plain powershell outside of visual studio that would be acceptable.
nuget list -Source http://my.local.feed/ will list packages available in a local feed, and dir .\packages from within the top-level solution folder will show the packages installed under that location (where .\packages is the install location you have set for the solution).
From http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/command-line-reference#List_Command_Options and How do I specify the directory where NuGet packages are installed?

Nuget Command-line install is not launching Install/Init scripts

I was trying to use Nuget as a software deployment system (repository, versioning and delivery) - idea from Octopus. Previously I was packaging ASP.NET sites into a self-extracting RAR archives with a .CMD startup scripts embeded. Now I'm trying to use Nuget creating puckages during automated build. The issue is that the package installation scripts (tools\Install.ps1 or tools\Init.ps1) do not execute if the package is being installed using command line:
nuget.exe install <package_id> -OutputDirectory <install_folder> -source <local_repo>
Same scripts are able to execute when package installed from Visual Studio Package Manager or Console.
I do not see why this shouldn't be possible given omnipresence of PowerShell.
Am I missing something or this is behaviour by design? Will appreciate you help.
Yes, we did consider MSDeploy but we already have install scripts that do the same thing and give more control and we need some strong package management and repository for build artifacts (something that Java folks do with Maven).
As of today, the powershell scripts are not invoked from doing installations from command line.
One reason for this is that, in general, most of the install/init actions are tied to dte and the visual studio project and doesn't add much value to be able to run it from outside VS.
We have a backlog item for enabling support for exe based scripts too in addition to powershell.