MS Access Group By breaks when using a date - date

For some reason using a date/time field in a select query with Group By in Access 2010 breaks (records are not properly "grouped by" the text field first, showing the same "aTextField" value multiple times). I am able to replicate the issue in a simple, one table query. Ex:
SELECT aTextField, SUM(aIntField) AS SumOfaIntField
FROM simpleTable
GROUP BY aTextField, aDateField
HAVING aDateField >= Date()
ORDER BY aTextField;
As soon as you remove the "aDateField" from the query (Group By and Having lines) then it works properly. I can even remove the HAVING line and it still breaks. Leaving me to believe that it is something with the Group By.
Any feedback would be great. Thanks!
EDIT More details
| ID | aTextField | aIntField | aDateField |
| 1 | John Doe | 1 | 3/14/2013 |
| 2 | John Doe | | 3/15/2013 |
| 3 | Jane Doe | 1 | 3/15/2013 |
| 4 | John Doe | 2 | 3/18/2013 |
| 5 | Jane Doe | 1 | 3/19/2013 |
| 6 | John Doe | | 3/20/2013 |
| 7 | John Doe | 3 | 3/21/2013 |
| 8 | Jane Doe | 1 | 3/19/2013 |
| 9 | John Doe | | 3/22/2013 |
| 10 | Jane Doe | 2 | 3/20/2013 |
| 11 | Jane Doe | | 3/21/2013 |
| 12 | Jane Doe | | 3/22/2013 |
**Expected Result**
| aTextField | SumOfaIntField |
| Jane Doe | 4 |
| John Doe | 3 |
**Actual Result**
| aTextField | SumOfaIntField |
| Jane Doe | 2 |
| Jane Doe | 2 |
| Jane Doe | |
| Jane Doe | |
| John Doe | |
| John Doe | 3 |
| John Doe | |
So what appears to be happening is that there is a seperate row for each date as well. I just need to filter by the date and not necessarily Group By it. However, Access will not accept the query without grouping it. Options?

You're grouping by aTextField and aDateField. Perhaps simpleTable includes rows where the date is the same, but the time of day is different. In that case your grouping would produce a row for each date/time combination.
Whether or not that was the explanation, you should check what the db engine actually evaluates by including aDateField in the SELECT list.
SELECT aTextField, aDateField, SUM(aIntField)
FROM simpleTable
GROUP BY aTextField, aDateField
HAVING aDateField >= Date()
ORDER BY aTextField;
Also consider using a WHERE instead of HAVING clause:
WHERE aDateField >= Date()
Based on your sample data, I suspect you want ...
SELECT aTextField, SUM(aIntField)
FROM simpleTable
GROUP BY aTextField
WHERE aDateField >= Date()
ORDER BY aTextField;

You should be able to use the following:
SELECT aTextField, SUM(aIntField) AS SumOfaIntField
FROM simpleTable
WHERE aDateField >= Date()
GROUP BY aTextField
ORDER BY aTextField;
You will notice that I removed the GROUP BY on the aDateField column. Since you want the total for each aTextField, then you do not need to group by the date. Grouping by date will result in a separate row for each distinct date.
Note: this query was tested in MS Access 2010 and generated your desired result.

I think you are misunderstanding on how GROUP BY works. You should be seeing the same aTextField once for each unique textfield/datetime combination
a 2012-01-01
a 2012-01-01
b 2012-01-01
b 2012-01-02
b 2012-01-02
group by aTextField, aDateField
a 2012-01-01
b 2012-01-01
b 2012-01-02
group by aTextField


PostgreSQL COUNT DISTINCT on one column while checking duplicates of another column

I have a query that results in such a table:
guardian_id | child_id | guardian_name | relation | child_name |
1 | 1 | John Doe | father | Doe Son |
2 | 1 | Jane Doe | mother | Doe Son |
3 | 2 | Peter Pan | father | Pan Dghter |
4 | 2 | Pet Pan | mother | Pan Dghter |
1 | 3 | John Doe | father | Doe Dghter |
2 | 3 | Jane Doe | mother | Doe Dghter |
So from these results, I need to count the families. That is, distinct children with the same guardians. From the results above, There are 3 children but 2 families. How can I achieve this?
If I do:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT child_id) as families FROM (
//larger query
I'll get 3 which is not correct.
Alternatively, how can I incorporate a WHERE clause that checks DISTINCT guardian_id's? Any other approaches?
Also note that there are instances where a child may have one guardian only.
To get the distinct family you can try the following approach.
select distinct array_agg(distinct guardian_id)
from family
group by child_id;
The above query will return the list of unique families.
Now you can apply the count on top of it.

Postgresql: Looping through a date_trunc generated group

I've got some records on my database that have a 'createdAt' timestamp.
What I'm trying to get out of postgresql is those records grouped by 'createdAt'
So far I've got this query:
SELECT date_trunc('day', "updatedAt") FROM goal GROUP BY 1
Which gives me:
| date_trunc |
| Sep 20 00:00:00 |
Which are the days where the records got created.
My question is: Is there any way to generate something like:
| Sep 20 00:00:00 |
| id | name | gender | state | age |
| 1 | John Kenedy | male | NY | 32 |
| |
| Sep 24 00:00:00 |
| |
| id | name | gender | state | age |
| 1 | John Kenedy | male | NY | 32 |
| 2 | John De | male | NY | 32 |
That means group by date_trunc and select all the columns of those rows?
Thanks a lot!
Please try SELECT date_trunc('day', "updatedAt"), name, gender, state, age FROM goal GROUP BY 1,2,3. It will not provide as the structure, you expect, but will "group by date_trunc and select all the columns ".

how to migrate relational tables to dynamoDB table

I am new at DynamoDB, in my current project, I am trying to migrate most relational tables to Dynamo DB. I am facing a tricky scenario which I don't know how to solve
In Posgresql, 2 tables:
id | name | age | address | phone
1 | Alex | 18 | aaaaaa | 88888
2 | Tome | 19 | bbbbbb | 99999
3 | Mary | 18 | ccccc | 00000
4 | Peter | 20 | dddddd | 00000
id | class | student | year
1 | A1 | 1 | 2018
2 | A1 | 3 | 2018
3 | A1 | 4 | 2017
4 | B1 | 2 | 2018
My query:
select,, s.age, s.address,
from Registration r inner join Student s on r.student =
where r.class = 'A1' and r.year = '2018'
id | name | age | address | phone
1 | Alex | 18 | aaaaaa | 88888
3 | Mary | 18 | ccccc | 00000
So, how can I design the dynamoDB table to achieve this result? in extend for CRUD
Any advice is appreciated
DynamoDB table design is going to depend largely on your access patterns. Without knowing the full requirements and queries needed by your app, it's not going to be possible to write a proper answer. But given your example here's a table design that might work:
| (GSI PK) |
(P. Key) | (Sort) | (GSI Sort)
studentId | itemType | name | age | address | phone | year
1 | Details | Alex | 18 | aaaaaa | 88888 |
1 | Class_A1 | | | | | 2018
2 | Details | Tome | 19 | bbbbbb | 99999 |
2 | Class_B1 | | | | | 2018
3 | Details | Mary | 18 | ccccc | 00000 |
3 | Class_A1 | | | | | 2018
4 | Details | Peter | 20 | dddddd | 00000 |
4 | Class_A1 | | | | | 2017
Note the global secondary index with the partition key on the item type and the sort key on the year.
With this design we have a few query options:
1) Get student for a given id: GetItem(partitionKey: studentId, sortkey: Details)
2) Get all classes for a given student id: Query(partitionKey: studentId, sortkey: STARTS_WITH("Class"));
3) Get all students in class A1 and year 2018: Query(GSI partitionkey: "Class_A1", sortkey: equals(2018))
For global secondary indexes, the partition and sort key don't need to be unique therefore you can have many Class_A1, 2018 combos. If you haven't already read the Best Practices for DyanmoDB I highly recommend reading it in full.

Typo3 TCA custom table

I have this situation, I have one offer, and that offer have n number of dates, and n number of options. So I have two additional tables for offer. And third one, which is a price, but price depends of date, and offer. And it is like this:
| | date 1 | date 2 | date 3 |
| offer 1 | price 11 | price 12 | price 13 |
| offer 2 | price 21 | price 22 | price 23 |
| offer 3 | price 31 | price 32 | price 33 |
Is there any way to create TCA custom field to insert all of this Price values at once?
So, basically I need one table with input fields and to store also uid of date and offer in it as reference.
Make more than one table... Tables with dynamic col count are horrible bad to maintain.
Table Offer:
uid | Name | Desc
1 | offer1 | This is some cool shit
2 | offer2 | dsadsad
3 | offer3 | sdadsdsadsada
Table Date:
uid | date
1 | 12.02.2014
2 | 12.03.2014
3 | 20.03.2014
Table Prices:
uid | date | offer | price
1 | 1 | 1 | price11
2 | 1 | 2 | price21
3 | 1 | 3 | price31
4 | 2 | 1 | price12
5 | 2 | 2 | price22
6 | 2 | 3 | price32
7 | 3 | 1 | price13
8 | 3 | 2 | price23
9 | 3 | 3 | price33
And then its straight forward...

complex query in postgresql

Hello and warm greetings to you all,
I am having some challenges writing a complex query in posgresql. the fact is i'm having problem writing this particular query period, and your help is kindly needed. lets get to it.
here are my tables
[products_tb] [client_tb] [sales_tb]
+--------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+--------------+-----+
| product_name | | client_name | | client_name | product_name | qty |
+--------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+--------------+-----+
| shoe | | john | | john | shoe | 20 |
+--------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+--------------+-----+
| belt | | bob | | john | belt | 9 |
+--------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+--------------+-----+
| kim | | bob | shoe | 2 |
+-------------+ +-------------+--------------+-----+
| bob | belt | 98 |
| kim | shoe | 46 |
| kim | belt | 3 |
[query output] # this output will be displayed using php and html
| products | Total | john | bob | kim |
| shoe | 68 | 20 | 2 | 46 |
| belt | 110 | 9 | 98 | 3 |
I am trying to write a query which will allow me to produce the table [query output]. Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you very much.
A version without using cross_tab:
select p.product_name, sum(s.qty),
sum(CASE WHEN c.client_name='john' THEN s.qty END) as john,
sum(CASE WHEN c.client_name='bob' THEN s.qty END) as bob,
sum(CASE WHEN c.client_name='kim' THEN s.qty END) as kim
from products_tb AS p
JOIN sales_tb AS s ON p.product_name=s.product_name
JOIN clients_tb AS c ON c.client_name=s.client_name
GROUP BY p.product_name;!12/afc9a/10
Here's one way of doing it using standard SQL:
SELECT st.product_name AS products,
SUM(st.qty) AS Total,
(SELECT SUM(st_john.qty)
FROM sales_tb st_john
WHERE client_name = 'john' AND st_john.product_name = st.product_name) AS john,
(SELECT SUM(st_bob.qty)
FROM sales_tb st_bob
WHERE client_name = 'bob' AND st_bob.product_name = st.product_name) AS bob,
(SELECT SUM(st_kim.qty)
FROM sales_tb st_kim
WHERE client_name = 'kim' AND st_kim.product_name = st.product_name) AS kim
FROM sales_tb st
GROUP BY product_name
See SQL Fiddle Demo