How to handle varchar columns with Entity Framework? - entity-framework

I have a table with a varchar column and I am using Entity Framework to use this column in the WHERE clause.
Entity Framework generates the query with N'' hence the index on the column cannot be used. Is there a way to force Entity Framework to generate varchar query instead of nvarchar one?

It actually depends on how you built your EF model, if you're using its Designer you can specify the required data type for each column (in your case simply set varchar and you're done).
If you're using a code-first approach you have to decorate the property that represents that column with the proper attribute (string objects in .NET are always Unicode so it'll map nvarchar by default), just do this (with data annotations, if you're using StringAttribute then se its IsUnicode property to false):
[Column(TypeName = "varchar")]
public string YourColumnName

You can use the EntityFunctions.AsNonUnicode(string) method, so then the EF will not pass the string value as nvarchar. I had the same issue with EF 5 and EDMX, where the Oracle database was ignoring a varchar2 column index, and that's worked for me.
var q = (from TableClass t in TableName
where t.varchar2Column == EntityFunctions.AsNonUnicode(someText));
MSDN reference:


mvc Entity Framwork, insert using select max() from table

I am developing an App using MV5 and Entity Frameowrk to connect to SQL Server Database
I need to do an Insert where the is getting ID like this.
Select max(id)+1 from table where field_id = #ID.
The idea is to do it in one transaction.
Is that Posible to do it in Entity Framework or I should use a Store Procedure?
EF compiles the C# expressions you provide it into SQL, and then executes the resulting SQL. So you can write such a query in LINQ, which will in-fact be computed during a single "call" to the database:
long id = MyDbContext.MyDbSet.Max(entity => entity.Id) + 1;
Do note, that if you are doing this so that you can assign a non existing ID to a new entry- there's no need. EF takes care of this for you, so long as the field is named Id and it is of type long. Just do not assign it any value.

Entity Framework 6 Database-First and Foriegn Key Naming Conventions

We've started using EF6 as part of rewriting our application suite. There are many perfectly reasonable tables in the existing suite and we're reusing them using a database-first approach. My problem is that EF6 seems to be enforcing what I think are code-first conventions on my database-first model.
Consider this minimal example with two tables defined thusly and appropriately populated with a few rows:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] (
[Table2Reference] INT NOT NULL REFERENCES [dbo].[Table2](Id) )
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2] (
[SomeColumn] NVARCHAR(25) )
After running Update Model From Database we get this model:
(Oops. Not enough reputation to post images. It's what you would imagine.)
So far so good, but when you write code to access the Table1 entity, like so...
var q = _context.Table1.ToList();
foreach (var item in q)
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", item.Table2Reference);
... it compiles fine but will throw on the ToList() line. This is because the SQL generated contains a request for a column that doesn't even exist:
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Table2Reference] AS [Table2Reference],
[Extent1].[Table2_Id] AS [Table2_Id] <-- this one doesn't exist
FROM [dbo].[Table1] AS [Extent1]
I gather this has something to do with a code-first naming convention for foreign keys. I know I can rename Table2's Id column to Table2Id and rename Table2Reference to Table2Id and it will work. However, this is supposed to be database-first. Is there some way to tell EF to get out of the way and just go with what is actually in the pre-defined database? I did discover early on that I had to turn off the name pluralizing convention, but I can't seem to identify a convention to turn off that fixes this problem. I tried removing these:
Anyway, I'm stumped. Is there an easy workaround that doesn't involve modifying the existing database?
Thanks for reading.
You can use data annotations attributes or fluent API to configure EF mapping to actual database tables. Here is how it can be done with attributes:
public class Table1
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Table2Reference { get; set; }
public Table2 Table2 { get; set; }
It turns out that there is a very important piece to a database-first approach besides having an EDMX file. That is, your connection string must contain the following section:
metadata=res:///IPE.csdl|res:///IPE.ssdl|res://*/IPE.msl; (replacing IPE with the base name of your EDMX)
Otherwise, EF will be unable to locate the EDMX information in the assembly and code-first conventions can come into play. Mostly things just work, until they don't.

Why eclipselink convert BIGINT to string type?

I am using EclipseLink 2.6 and MySQL 5.
In the database, I design a table named User which has a id column as BIGINT datatype.
Then I use Eclipse to generate entity class from the table.
After generating, the entity class User has the id field as String, which I would have expected as long type.
I tried to perform CRUD operations and all worked just fine.
Why a String type can be mapped to a BIGINT type.

Entity Framework database defaults on inserts allow updates

Is there a way to have entity framework use a SQL default value on an insert and yet allow updating to the field. We have an instance where a SQL table has an identity column "id" and another column which is set to ident_current("table"). The only way that I know of to get the field inserted with the default value is to set the field as DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed) so that it is ignored on the insert. However by having that attribute then we cannot perform an update to the column. Also it's a self referencing foreign key so we can't do an insert then immediate update to get around the issue. Don't ask me why the table is designed this way - just the way it was set up before so we're kind of stuck with it for now. A simple diagram of our setup is below:
Class1 {
public int id {get;set;}
public int id2 {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
SQL (pseudo):
Table (
id INT which is an identity(1,1) column,
id2 INT NOT NULL with a default value of ident_current("table")
Name nvarchar(50)
We would want the insert statement generated by EF to be:
INSERT INTO Table(Name) VALUES('Name')
and the update to be:
UPDATE table
SET id2 = *somenumber*, name = 'Name'
Thanks a lot for all the help. We are using EF if that's needed as well.
There is no way AFAIK. See this and that.
The first link points to a suggestion about using sequences as primary keys, which seems like something you might want to do instead given your example code.
The second link points to a suggestion about generic handling of default values, which is currently not supported either, but would be another potential starting point toward adding support for what you need.

How should I annotate CreatedOn and ModifiedOn columns with EF 4.1?

In our database, every table has two DateTime columns, CreatedOn and ModifiedOn, set via triggers in SQL Server. CreatedOn is set on INSERT, and ModifiedOn is set on INSERT and UPDATE.
I am trying to use Entity Framework 4.1. How should I annotate/configure the two properties?
I think it involves the annotation [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)], but should I use that annotation for both, or should I set [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] on the CreatedOn field?
According to MSDN Identity simply implies that The database generates a value when a row is inserted., which seems true here.
Also, should I use [Timestamp]?
Use Identity for CreatedOn and Computed for ModifiedOn. Identity means that value is set only during insert and returned back to application. Computed is set during each modification (including insert) and value is returned back to the application after each executed insert or update.
Just be aware that neither of these properties can be set in the application. Computed columns also can't be part of primary key or foreign key (it will not be your case).
This will only work with existing database. When using code-first Computed can be set only for timestamp or rowversion.
Timestamp is used for optimistic concurrency. If you mark a column as timestamp each update will contain condition WHERE timestampColum = #lastKnownValue. It will update the record only if last known value is the same as current value. If the value is different you will get an exception. It is usually used with timestamp SQL type. Using it with datatime would require some tests. Value of SQL datatime is not the same as value in .NET.