Coovachilli can't read encrypted password on RADIUS table - radius

I've installed and configured Coovachili with FreeRADIUS.
Everything is working well, the user can get captive portal before browsing the internet.
But I have a problem: in the RADIUS table, the password field is unencrypted. When I try to encrypt the password field with md5 or sha1 Coovachili can't read it.
I want the radius password to be encrypted and Coovachili to read authentication from it.
How can I solve this problem?

depends upon what authentication module you use in RADIUS


How to deal with hashed user credentials and Parse authentication

I am trying to authenticate users for my Flutter app with hashed credentials. That is I'm hashing them before requesting auth with .login(). Problem is that the hashing packages I'm looking at using both have a function for checking the plain text password against the stored hash. This works fine for offline auth, however when sending hashed credentials to Parse auth gives invalid username/password error of course, because the algorithm changes after app restart.
The local side of things is pretty easy, now I'm caught wondering if it's secure to send users credentials in plain text through https Parse request?
I can't see a way to verify equality of hashing just entered credentials with parse because the hash is always different on app restart. Do I have any other option here?
Can someone give me some guidance here please?

Storing passwords on server

I want to do the following
User signs up to IOS app and provides username and password
Make a server call and store password in server database
When user logs in in the future, retrieve that password and check against the password that the user entered.
How can I do this in the most secure way possible? I was thinking of encrypting the password when storing in the db. When the user logsin, use the same encryption algorithm and compare against the db encrypted password.
NEVER ever store user credentials in encrypted (reversible) form. Currently best known way for checking user credentials is slow salted hash
for what and why please read
However, don’t try to invent your own algorithm for repeated hashing.
Choose one of these three well-known ones: PBKDF2, bcrypt or scrypt.
As already commented you may outsource the user authentication to some reliable service (google, fb, aws cognito, ibm appid,...)
Have you tried looking into databases? I know that Firebase has an authentication component of their database for ios development, and you might want to try to look into it or other databases. Check out firebase at:

Flutter Offline Authentication

In my app, the user should be able to login regardless whether they are online or offline, so is it possible to add offline authentication capabilities to my app, because I believe the package google_sign_in only does online authentication.
If all you're doing is asking for an email & password, that's fairly simple to check against and you can do it without having to delve into native code.
However, you'll also want to store the password information securely so that will require a little more work.
During registration:
Ask for username and password, then confirm password
Hash password securely (use an algorithm meant for password hashing like PBKDF2, SCrypt, or Argon2, and use a salt. There'a ton of stuff out there on the internet why this is important). There's a plugin for this: password.
Store this hash & the username as securely as possible - flutter_secure_storage seems a good a bet as any although only supports android 4.3+.
Use the generated encryption key to encrypt any data you need saved securely (maybe the encrypt package could help but I'm not 100% sure how complete or secure it is).
If you instead want your user to log into a server the first time and save the password as well, this should be more or less the same process except that you verify that the server accepts the password before/after hashing it.
During login:
Ask for username and password (or hopefully just password or you'll annoy the crap out of your users =D)
Retrieve previously stored password hash + salt
Verify against previously stored hash + salt
Use generated encryption key to decrypt data etc.
A few other things... make sure that the password entry doesn't support autocomplete or the user's keyboard might save their password. If you have a button to show the password you might want to think about blocking screenshots somehow while it's being shown (that's native though). And never, ever store the password in plain text! Using a hash means that at least if an attacker gets in, they won't be able to see the actual password.
Note that while this should work and should be at least moderately secure, don't treat it as a 100% secure solution. You should always get an expert opinion on how to implement your security as opposed to a stranger on SO =P.
There's also a bug open against the flutter google auth plugin about this so it might get resolved at some point that way.
And there is also the local_auth plugin which supports TouchId/FaceId on iOS and fingerprints on android - however, it will only work on android 6+ and with devices that have a fingerprint reader so you may need to have the username/password fallback anyways.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about this.

Can a password be passed to SafeNet USB Token through iText or will the User always be prompted

I am trying to use iText to specify a certification signature for Pdf documents that will automatically be verified (blue ribbon) within Adobe Reader. In order for this to occur, the certificate used for signing must be recognized by Adobe as tying to a root certificate of an AATL member. All AATL Certificate Authorities seem to deliver their certificates on a SafeNet USB Token. The example Bruno gives in his "Digital Signatures" white paper concerning USB Tokens shows the user being prompted for a password. Having a user specify a password isnt' going to work in my situation. Is there anyway to pass the password (PIN) with the call to a SafeNet USB Token?
Please read my white paper once more. In this paper, I'm showing different ways to sign a document with a USB token. When you use MSCAPI, it's evident that the user is prompted for a password because that's how it's implemented in the Windows OS. However, I also wrote an example that uses PKCS#11. In this example, the password is fetched from a properties file; the user isn't prompted for it.

Is it possible to verify a password hash against another password hash?

Consider the following interaction:
A user stores their username and password on a web server. For the sake of security, the server records a hash of the password plus some unique salt.
While the user is using a client application, it makes a request to the server submitting their username and a hash of the password plus some other unique salt.
So you have the following information on the server and need to know whether or not the request is authentic:
The server's salt
The server's hashed password
The client's salt
The client's hashed password
Again ... client sends: clientSalt + MD5(clientSalt + password). Server has serverSalt + MD5(serverSalt + password). I don't want to know the password, I just want to know if the hashes were calculated from the same password.
Without knowing the password that was hashed, is there any way to verify that both hashes are of the same password?
My goal is to allow some form of secure authentication in a client-server environment without ever exchanging the actual password over the wire. This is just one idea I've had, but I don't even know if it's possible.
That would require unhashing the password, which is not possible. If the server receives: salt, md5sum, it can't see what went into the md5sum.
A challenge-response protocol would work instead. The server should generate a random value nonce and send it to the client. The client calculates md5(md5(password) | nonce)) and returns it to the server. The server verifies by checking md5(storedpassword | nonce).
No, you can't do this.
Once you add a salt into the mix it becomes practically impossible to compare hashes. (To do so would require "un-hashing" those hashes somehow before comparing the "un-hashed" data.)
Challenge-response authentication is probably the way to go, possibly using Kerberos, depending on your tradeoffs. One of the tradeoffs being the possibility for attackers controlling the clients to use compromised hashes to authenticate themselves.
Don't invent your own cryptographic protocols. Use one that is well-known and well tested. If possible, use an existing (vetted) implementation.
My goal is to allow some form of secure authentication in a client-server environment without ever exchanging the actual password over the wire. This is just one idea I've had, but I don't even know if it's possible.
For this, I advise looking into Kerberos: Official Site and Wikipedia
It's impossible. If you don't store password on the server, user must provide it.
If you store password on the server, user can provide hash calculated using requested salt.
You will not be able to verify the hash with this setup.
If you don't want someone to see the password go over the wire, SSL is the easier way.
If you don't want to use SSL, you could check out SRP.
Additionnally: don't use MD5+Salt to store your password, use key strengthening functions like bcrypt or scrypt.