install mongodb on window 8 - mongodb

I try to install mongodb on window 8 .
problem is when i want to install mongodb service
C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --auth --config C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --install
below error accord
Wed Mar 13 19:13:23 Trying to install Windows service 'MongoDB'
Wed Mar 13 19:13:23 Error connecting to the Service Control Manager: Access is denied. (5)
how Can I Install Mongodb Service?

Open Command with "Run as Administrator",that solved my problem

For anyone that happens to try to create a mongodb service on Windows 8 and follows the instructions on MongoDB's website AND still is unable to create the service successfully - I've written this post that explains how I got it to work after experiencing problems trying to set the mongo service on my Windows 8 laptop. Hope it helps!
Here are the steps that you really need to follow to create a Windows service for MongoDB in Windows 8:
Installing MongoDB on Windows 8
Download and install MongoDB. You can download the 32 or 64-bit version from here.
Make sure you install MongoDB in a folder that you can easily remember, for example: c:\mongodb\
Add directories c:\mongodb\log and c:\mongodb\data
Add log file c:\mongodb\log\mongo.log
Creating a Windows service for MongoDB
Open your command window and type the following:
cd c:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --install --rest -master -logpath=c:\mongodb\log\mongo.log
Open the registry settings, press the Windows key and R at the same time and then type regedit in the Run command window.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> services
Find out MongoDB directory & edit ImagePath key
Set key value as:
C:\mongodb\bin\mongod --service --rest --master --logpath=C:\mongodb\logs\mongo.log --dbpath=C:\mongodb\data
Save and exit registry editor.
Open Services by pressing the Windows key and R at the same time and then type services.msc in the Run command window and click OK.
Find the MongoDB service and right-click on it, select Properties
Make sure the service is set to start automatically and start the service as shown below.
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:28017/ to see if MongoDB is running correctly, you should see a page full of MongoDB details.
Link to this blog post:

error message suggest you don't have admin privileges.
"Run all of the following commands in Command Prompt with “Administrative Privileges:”"

thanks for answer Moacy Barros but problem was not for this because i run all commands in Command Prompt with “Administrative Privileges:”" problem was for mongod.cfg if mongod.cfg config by manual in editor this problem solve that we didn't need to do this in window 7 or server 2008
in older windows when installing MongoDB < 2.2 that i was tested. in Configure directories and files step
echo logpath="C:\Program Files\MongoDB\log\mongo.log" > "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\mongod.cfg"
it make mongod.cfg for your mongodb but it wasn't make for me in window 8 for that i make it by manual like
dbpath = E:\data


MongoDB (ServerService) not installing on windows10

I am trying to install mongodb on my windows10 computer, but keep getting error that I don't have the privileges, even though I am the admin user.
I tried running the msi installer getting the error. So I tried the commands shown in the docs using the terminal running as admin, but getting the same error as seen below.
I am trying to install it on my D:/ Drive. But I also tried installing it in the default C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/4.4/ but it didn't work as well.
cmd: msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4.3-signed.msi INSTALLLOCATION="D:\Program_Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\" ADDLOCAL="ServerService,Client,Router,MiscellaneousTools" SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0"
The log on as a service user right allows accounts to start or run services on a Windows machine. By default, and due to security reasons, services can only be configured to run under the Local System, Local Service or Network Service accounts which have a built-in right to log on as a service. Any other user account that requires to run a service must be assigned this right.
Run gpedit.msc.
Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies >User Rights Assignment.
In the details pane, double-click Log on as a service.
Click Add User or Group and add the account to the list of accounts that have the Log on as a service right. Once you have selected the user, click OK.
Click OK and close the policy editor.
References :
No matter what I tried, I just couldn't get the Server Service to install on my system through the msi, using either the gui or command line.
So finally I installed it without checking the "Install MongoD as a Service" option.
It successfully installed the mongodb including the mongod.exe in the bin (finally).
Then ->
Set the environment variables PATH to my bin folder
Create the /data/db and /log/mongo.log in the directory you want
Type the command mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath <your_dir_path>\data\db --logpath <your_dir_path>\log\mongo.log --install
Type the command net start MongoDB
And you will have the mongodb service running as I did.

Can't start mongodb server in windows 7

I am using windows 7 64 bit laptop ,it contain 8 gb RAM ,i installed mongodb sucessfully ,while i am trying to connect the server using the "net start MongoDB" i stuck there lot? and it show service name is invalid, anyone could help me to retify this problem?
Open command prompt,
Navigate to where the mongodb is installed(usually at C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin),
Type mongod and hit enter.
From MongoDB documentation :
Start MongoDB.
To start MongoDB, run mongod.exe. For example, from the
Command Prompt:
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe"
This starts the main MongoDB database process. The waiting for
connections message in the console output indicates that the
mongod.exe process is running successfully.
You take a look into log of console , you will see path of db (ex:C:\data\db)
Mongod not auto create folder when it not exist
You should create folder struct follow the log then run mongod.exe again. It will work.

Install Mongodb on windows 7 - 64 bit

I am new to mongodb and not getting how to install it since i dint find videos or any helpful resources to achieve the same. Please help me for installing mongodb on windows 7 with the exact steps. I tried downloading recent version of mongodb from the site and its unsuccessful. Thanks in adcance.
Download MongoDB this link link.
Review MongoDB folder.
In MongoDB, it contains only executable files 10 Plus(exe) in the bin folder. This is true, and That are the required files to MongoDB, it's really hard to believe for a developer like me Who eats from a relation database background.
path:- Files under $MongoDB/bin folder
Configuration File
Create a MongoDB config file, it’s just a text file, for example C:\mongodb\mongo.config:
#store data here
\\all output go here
\\log read and write operations
Run MongoDB server
Use mongod.exe --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config to start MongoDB server.
C:\mongodb\bin>mongod --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config
All output going to: C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log
Connect to MongoDB
Uses mongo.exe to connect to the started MongoDB server.
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.3
connecting to: test
//mongodb shell
MongoDB as Windows Service
Add MongoDB as Windows Service, so that MongoDB will start automatically following each system restart.
Install as Windows Service with --install.
C:\mongodb\bin> mongod --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config --install
A Windows service named “MongoDB” is created.
To start MongoDB Service:
net start MongoDB
To stop MongoDB Service
net stop MongoDB
To remove MongoDB Service
C:\mongodb\bin>mongod --remove
Reference Link Install Mongodb
For mongoDB 4.x, I got installation hung up several times in "wait for a few minutes..."
I changed to v3.2.21-1 as recommended from searching the answer from web. It installed very quick and fast as I installed one year ago.
firstly you downloaded mongodb from here :
you unzip the folder in your directory example C:\..\MongoDB
you open the command prompt ( demarrer>Invite commande)
you go to your folder where the bin is and you write this on your command prompt : cd c:\..\mongodb\bin
then you have to specifies the directory where you want to put the data, you can create a folder called : MongoData, and you whrite on your command prompt: Mongod --dbpath C:\..\MongoData
Download the version 4.0.22 from here
And follow steps from Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 5.0 Community Edition on Windows using the default installation wizard
All the best!!!
use mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.22-signed for Windows7 64 bit

Deployd :: Failed To Start MongoDB

Am a newbie in Deployd and MongoDB. I have installed Deployd ( 0.6.9 on my Windows-XP system. I executed the following command at the prompt as instructed by the book am studying
>dpd create sportsstore
Now, when i run the following command
> dpd –p 5500 sportsstore/app.dpd
to start the Deployd server, i get the following error::
starting deployd v0.6.9...
Failed to start MongoDB
It states that MongoDb has failed to start. I went into the directory "C:\Program Files\Deployd\tools" and found that there is a file called "mongod".
I have never installed MongoDB before on my computer. It is my first time working with Deployd so i don't know whether the "Mongod" file in the tools folder is the same as MongoDB or i have to install MongoDB separately on the computer.
Can someone point me to the right direction.
First of all, you have to install mongodb in your computer. You can do it from the official site for MongoDB. The standard option would be to install the Community version.
After that, you can check if mongodb was properly installed and can be used with Deployd:
If you are in iOS or Linux you can try:
sudo dpd
If you are in Windows try opening a command window with "Run as Administrator" and try:
For Windows Installation.
1) Run npm install deployd -g
2) Install Mongo DB separatetly using windows installer available on
and configure to run it as service as mentioned on below url.
Service option is convenient to start and stop database using net start and net stop command
3) create a deployd module using 'dpd create abcd'.
4) navigate to deployd module you have created (using cd abcd) to run dpd -d command. Before you run dpd -d command you need to ensure the you start the mongodb service from same command prompt running in elevated mode or admin mode.( use the command : 'net start MongoDB')
In case It is still giving path error then try below command:
set path=%PATH%; "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4.1\bin"
this command is alternative for setting path in environment variable (in case user doesn't have permissions to modify environment variable)
Still not working, same path issue ??
run using command --mongod as mentioned below
dpd -m "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4.1\bin\mongod.exe"
After installed the depolyd run:
dpd -e production
To solve the problem of "failed to start mongoDB"
1- I installed mongoDB for windows from this web page (
2- Then I created a path as shown below
3 - I installed the deployd and I run:
dpd -e production

How to install MongoDB as service on Windows 8.1

I am running Windows 8.1 64 bit, MongoDb 2.6.0, I am running as administrator
This is the command I am running:
c:\mongo\bin\mongod.exe --logpath "C:\mongo\logs\server.log" --dbpath "C:\mongo\data\db" --install
This is the error I receive, note that this error appears in the log file!
--install has to be used with --logpath
I've read these, and tried the suggestions from these other questions to no avail
install mongodb on window 8
How to set MongoDB as a windows service
It's a bug. It has been fixed 2 hours ago but will be part of 2.6.1. See Jira Issue here
As a workaround you can install 2.4.9 as Windows Service and then replace the files with 2.6 with a simple copy & paste
Using "sc create" as described Ray's article did the trick for me.
So instead of;
"C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe" --config "C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg" --install
Use this;
sc create MongoDB binPath= "C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --config=C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --service" displayname= "MongoDB 3.0 Standard Server" start= auto
Start the service with
net start MongoDB
I you want to change the startup behaviour later on you can use the GUI.
Open a run box; Win + R
Type services.msc and press return
Double click the MongoDB service to show the properties screen
Finally, the Jira issue has been updated with a proper set of manual service installation instructions. It's not necessary to go through the 2.4.9 installation Kabuki. I had no problem installing a 2.6.0 service on a new Windows 2012 server.
I wrote a blog about it that outlines some key points: