Finding the difference between two signals - matlab

I have two signals, let's call them 'a' and 'b'. They are both nearly identical signals (recorded from the same input and contain the same information) however, because I recorded them at two different 'b' is time shifted by an unknown amount. Obviously, there is random noise in each.
Currently, I am using cross correlation to compute the time shift, however, I am still getting improper results.
Here is the code I am using to calculate the time shift:
function [ diff ] = FindDiff( signal1, signal2 )
%FINDDIFF Finds the difference between two signals of equal frequency
%after an appropritate time shift is applied
% Calculates the time shift between two signals of equal frequency
% using cross correlation, shifts the second signal and subtracts the
% shifted signal from the first signal. This difference is returned.
length = size(signal1);
if (length ~= size(signal2))
error('Vectors must be equal size');
t = 1:length;
tx = (-length+1):length;
x = xcorr(signal1,signal2);
[mx,ix] = max(x);
lag = abs(tx(ix));
shifted_signal2 = timeshift(signal2,lag);
diff = signal1 - shifted_signal2;
function [ shifted ] = timeshift( input_signal, shift_amount )
input_size = size(input_signal);
shifted = (1:input_size)';
for i = 1:input_size
if i <= shift_amount
shifted(i) = 0;
shifted(i) = input_signal(i-shift_amount);
However the result from the function is a period wave, rather than random noise, so the lag must still be off. I would post an image of the plot, but imgur is currently not cooperating.
Is there a more accurate way to calculate lag other than cross correlation, or is there a way to improve the results from cross correlation?

Cross-correlation is usually the simplest way to determine the time lag between two signals. The position of peak value indicates the time offset at which the two signals are the most similar.
%// Normalize signals to zero mean and unit variance
s1 = (signal1 - mean(signal1)) / std(signal1);
s2 = (signal2 - mean(signal2)) / std(signal2);
%// Compute time lag between signals
c = xcorr(s1, s2); %// Cross correlation
lag = mod(find(c == max(c)), length(s2)) %// Find the position of the peak
Note that the two signals have to be normalized first to the same energy level, so that the results are not biased.
By the way, don't use diff as a name for a variable. There's already a built-in function in MATLAB with the same name.

Now there are two functions in Matlab:
one called finddelay
and another called alignsignals that can do what you want, I believe.

corr finds a dot product between vectors (v1, v2). If it works bad with your signal, I'd try to minimize a sum of squares of differences (i.e. abs(v1 - v2)).
signal = sin(1:100);
signal1 = [zeros(1, 10) signal];
signal2 = [signal zeros(1, 10)];
for i = 1:length(signal1)
signal1shifted = [signal1 zeros(1, i)];
signal2shifted = [zeros(1, i) signal2];
d2(i) = sum((signal1shifted - signal2shifted).^2);
[fval lag2] = min(d2);
It is computationally worse than cross-calculation which can be speeded up by using FFT. As far as I know you can't do this with euclidean distance.
UPD. Deleted wrong idea about cross-correlation with periodic signals

You can try matched filtering in frequency domain
function [corr_output] = pc_corr_processor (target_signal, ref_signal)
L = length(ref_signal);
N = length(target_signal);
matched_filter = flipud(ref_signal')';
matched_filter_Res = fft(matched_filter,N);
corr_fft = matched_filter_Res.*fft(target_signal);
corr_out = abs(ifft(corr_fft));
The peak of the matched filter maximum-index of corr_out above should give you the lag amount.


Moving maximum and LTI in MATLAB

I've implement a moving maximum filter in matlab and now I have to determine if it's LTI or not. I've already prove it's linear but I can't prove if it's time ivnariant. To prove this I have to give as an input a signal x[n] and get the output X[n]. After that I'm giving the same signal but this time it have to delay it that is x[n-a] and the output must be X[n-a] the same as the X[n] but delayed. My problem is that I don't know what input to give. Also, the moving maximum is a LTI system or not?
Thanks in advance.
Max-Filter Using For-Loop and Testing System for Linear and Time-Invariance
Filter Construction:
To filter an array/matrix/signal a for-loop can be applied. Within this for-loop, portions of the signal that overlaps the window must be stored in this case called Window_Sample. To apply the maximum filter the max() of the Window_Sample must be taken upon each iteration of the loop. Upon each iteration of the loop the window moves. Here I push all the code that calculates the maximum filtered signal into a function called Max_Filter().
Time-Invariant or Not-Time Invariant:
With proper padding, I think the maximum filter is time-invariant/shift-invariant. Concatenating zeros to the start and ends of the signal is a good way to combat this. The amount of padding I used on each end is the size of the window, the requirement would be half the window but there's no harm in having a little bit of buffer. Unfortunately, without proper padding, this may appear to break down in MATLAB since the max filter will be introduced to points early. In this case without padding the ramp the max filter will take the 5th point as the max right away. Here you can apply a scaling factor to test if the system is linear. You'll see that the system is not linear since the output is not a scaled version of the input.
Window_Size = 3; %Window size for filter%
Delay_Size = 5; %Delay for the second test signal%
Scaling_Factor = 1; %Scaling factor for the second test signal%
n = (0:10);
%Ramp function with padding%
Signal = n; %Function for test signal%
Signal = [zeros(1,Window_Size) Signal zeros(1,Window_Size)];
Filtered_Result_1 = Max_Filter(Signal,Window_Size);
%Ramp function with additional delay%
Delayed_Signal = Scaling_Factor.*[zeros(1,Delay_Size) Signal];
Filtered_Result_2 = Max_Filter(Delayed_Signal,Window_Size);
hold on
xlabel("Samples [n]"); ylabel("Amplitude");
title("Moving Maximum Filtering Signal");
legend("Original Signal","Delayed Signal");
xticks([0: 1: length(Filtered_Result_2)]);
xlim([0 length(Filtered_Result_2)]);
function [Filtered_Signal] = Max_Filter(Signal,Filter_Size)
%Initilizing an array to store filtered signal%
Filtered_Signal = zeros(1,length(Signal));
%Filtering array using for-loop and acccesing chunks%
for Sample_Index = 1: length(Signal)
Start_Of_Window = Sample_Index - floor(Filter_Size/2);
End_Of_Window = Sample_Index + floor(Filter_Size/2);
if Start_Of_Window < 1
Start_Of_Window = 1;
if End_Of_Window > length(Signal)
End_Of_Window = length(Signal);
Window_Sample = Signal(Start_Of_Window:End_Of_Window);
Filtered_Signal(1,Sample_Index) = max(Window_Sample);
Alternatively Using Built-In Functions:
To test the results of the created filter it is a good idea to compare this to the output results of MATLAB's built-in function movmax(). Here the results appear to be the same as the for-loop implementation.
Window_Size = 3;
n = (0:10);
%Ramp function with padding%
Signal = n;
Signal = [zeros(1,Window_Size) Signal zeros(1,Window_Size)];
Filtered_Result_1 = movmax(Signal,Window_Size);
%Ramp function with additional delay%
Delay_Size = 5;
Delayed_Signal = [zeros(1,Delay_Size) Signal];
Filtered_Result_2 = movmax(Delayed_Signal,Window_Size);
hold on
xlabel("Samples [n]"); ylabel("Amplitude");
title("Moving Maximum Filtering Signal");
legend("Original Signal","Delayed Signal");
xticks([0: 1: length(Filtered_Result_2)]);
xlim([0 length(Filtered_Result_2)]);
Ran using MATLAB R2019b

Matlab : Help in entropy estimation of a disretized time series

This Question is in continuation to a previous one asked Matlab : Plot of entropy vs digitized code length
I want to calculate the entropy of a random variable that is discretized version (0/1) of a continuous random variable x. The random variable denotes the state of a nonlinear dynamical system called as the Tent Map. Iterations of the Tent Map yields a time series of length N.
The code should exit as soon as the entropy of the discretized time series becomes equal to the entropy of the dynamical system. It is known theoretically that the entropy of the system is log_2(2). The code exits but the frst 3 values of the entropy array are erroneous - entropy(1) = 1, entropy(2) = NaN and entropy(3) = NaN. I am scratching my head as to why this is happening and how I can get rid of it. Please help in correcting the code. THank you.
clear all
H = log(2)
threshold = 0.5;
x(1) = rand;
lambda(1) = 1;
entropy(1,1) = 1;
if x(j - 1) < 0.5
x(j) = 2 * x(j - 1);
x(j) = 2 * (1 - x(j - 1));
s = (x>=threshold);
p_1 = sum(s==1)/length(s);
p_0 = sum(s==0)/length(s);
entropy(:,j) = -p_1*log2(p_1)-(1-p_1)*log2(1-p_1);
lambda = entropy(:,j);
j = j+1;
plot( entropy )
It looks like one of your probabilities is zero. In that case, you'd be trying to calculate 0*log(0) = 0*-Inf = NaN. The entropy should be zero in this case, so you you can just check for this condition explicitly.
Couple side notes: It looks like you're declaring H=log(2), but your post says the entropy is log_2(2). p_0 is always 1 - p_1, so you don't have to count everything up again. Growing the arrays dynamically is inefficient because matlab has to re-copy the entire contents at each step. You can speed things up by pre-allocating them (only worth it if you're going to be running for many timesteps).

Time delay / lag estimation non periodic signals (and periodic signals)

I'm working on aligning different measurements from sensors. Some of these are periodic and I just used the maximum of the cross correlations and it worked fine. Now I have a couple of non periodic signals similar to ramp/sigmoids/step/hill functions that I want to align, but for these the cross correlation fails miserably (giving me always the maximum at lag 0).
What is the approach for these kind of signals?
Ideal the approach would work for both signals without prior knowledge which one I'm encountering.
Here is an example (with noise)
One possible approach is to take your aperiodic signal and coerce it into a periodic signal.
One way to do this is to first normalize your signal, and then append an inverted version of your signal (1 - normalizedSignal) to your signal. This makes it a periodic signal which then should be able to be fed into cross-correlation analysis relatively easily.
Here is an example I whipped up using an inverted sigmoid shifted in time.
function aperiodicxcorr()
% Time step at which to sample the sigmoid
dt = 0.1;
t = -10:dt:5;
% Artificial lags to apply to the second and third signals
actualLag2 = 3;
actualLag3 = 5;
% Now create signals that are negative sigmoids with delays
S1 = -sigmoid(t);
S2 = -sigmoid(t + actualLag2);
S3 = -sigmoid(t + actualLag3);
% Normalize each sigmal
S1 = normalize(S1);
S2 = normalize(S2);
S3 = normalize(S3);
% Concatenate the inverted signal with signal to make it periodic
S1 = cat(2, 1-S1, S1);
S2 = cat(2, 1-S2, S2);
S3 = cat(2, 1-S3, S3);
% Retrieve lag (in samples)
[corr2, lag2] = computeLag(S1, S2);
[corr3, lag3] = computeLag(S1, S3);
% Convert lags to time by multiplying by time step
lag2 = lag2 * dt;
lag3 = lag3 * dt;
fprintf('Lag of S2: %0.2f (r = %0.2f)\n', lag2, corr2);
fprintf('Lag of S3: %0.2f (r = %0.2f)\n', lag3, corr3);
function [corr, lag] = computeLag(A, B)
[corr, lags] = xcorr(A, B, 'coeff');
[corr, ind] = max(corr);
lag = lags(ind);
function data = normalize(data)
data = data - min(data(:));
data = data ./ max(data(:));
function S = sigmoid(t)
S = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-t));
The modification to the signal that I discussed, looks like this for the above code.
And the result of the fprintf statements at the bottom are:
Lag of S2: 3.00 (r = 1.00)
Lag of S3: 5.00 (r = 1.00)
And these match up with the specified lags.
The drawback of this is that it won't work for signals which are already periodic. That being said, periodicity is relatively easy to check (particularly for a normalized signal) by comparing the first and last values of your signal and ensuring that they are within a specified tolerance of one another.

Simulation of Markov chains

I have the following Markov chain:
This chain shows the states of the Spaceship, which is in the asteroid belt: S1 - is serviceable, S2 - is broken. 0.12 - the probability of destroying the Spaceship by a collision with an asteroid. 0.88 - the probability of that a collision will not be critical. Need to find the probability of a serviceable condition of the ship after the third collision.
Analytical solution showed the response - 0.681. But it is necessary to solve this problem by simulation method using any modeling tool (MATLAB Simulink, AnyLogic, Scilab, etc.).
Do you know what components should be used to simulate this process in Simulink or any other simulation environment? Any examples or links.
First, we know the three step probability transition matrix contains the answer (0.6815).
% MATLAB R2019a
P = [0.88 0.12;
0 1];
P3 = P*P*P
P(1,1) % 0.6815
Approach 1: Requires Econometrics Toolbox
This approach uses the dtmc() and simulate() functions.
First, create the Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) with the probability transition matrix, P, and using dtmc().
mc = dtmc(P); % Create the DTMC
numSteps = 3; % Number of collisions
You can get one sample path easily using simulate(). Pay attention to how you specify the initial conditions.
% One Sample Path
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[1 0])
% Multiple Sample Paths
numSamplePaths = 3;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]) % returns a 4 x 3 matrix
The first row is the X0 row for the starting state (initial condition) of the DTMC. The second row is the state after 1 transition (X1). Thus, the fourth row is the state after 3 transitions (collisions).
% 50000 Sample Paths
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
k = 50000;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]); % returns a 4 x 50000 matrix
prob_survive_3collisions = sum(X(end,:)==1)/k % 0.6800
We can bootstrap a 95% Confidence Interval on the mean probability to survive 3 collisions to get 0.6814 ± 0.00069221, or rather, [0.6807 0.6821], which contains the result.
numTrials = 40;
ProbSurvive_3collisions = zeros(numTrials,1);
for trial = 1:numTrials
Xtrial = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]);
ProbSurvive_3collisions(trial) = sum(Xtrial(end,:)==1)/k;
% Mean +/- Halfwidth
alpha = 0.05;
mean_prob_survive_3collisions = mean(ProbSurvive_3collisions)
hw = tinv(1-(0.5*alpha), numTrials-1)*(std(ProbSurvive_3collisions)/sqrt(numTrials))
ci95 = [mean_prob_survive_3collisions-hw mean_prob_survive_3collisions+hw]
maxNumCollisions = 10;
numSamplePaths = 50000;
ProbSurvive = zeros(maxNumCollisions,1);
for numCollisions = 1:maxNumCollisions
Xc = simulate(mc,numCollisions,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]);
ProbSurvive(numCollisions) = sum(Xc(end,:)==1)/numSamplePaths;
For a more complex system you'll want to use Stateflow or SimEvents, but for this simple example all you need is a single Unit Delay block (output = 0 => S1, output = 1 => S2), with a Switch block, a Random block, and some comparison blocks to construct the logic determining the next value of the state.
Presumably you must execute the simulation a (very) large number of times and average the results to get a statistically significant output.
You'll need to change the "seed" of the random generator each time you run the simulation.
This can be done by setting the seed to be "now" (or something similar to that).
Alternatively you could quite easily vectorize the model so that you only need to execute it once.
If you want to simulate this, it is fairly easy in matlab:
servicable = 1;
t = 0;
while servicable =1
t = t+1;
servicable = rand()<=0.88
Now t represents the amount of steps before the ship is broken.
Wrap this in a for loop and you can do as many simulations as you like.
Note that this can actually give you the distribution, if you want to know it after 3 times, simply add && t<3 to the while condition.

Frequency array feeds FFT

The final goal I am trying to achieve is the generation of a ten minutes time series: to achieve this I have to perform an FFT operation, and it's the point I have been stumbling upon.
Generally the aimed time series will be assigned as the sum of two terms: a steady component U(t) and a fluctuating component u'(t). That is
u(t) = U(t) + u'(t);
So generally, my code follows this procedure:
1) Given data
time = 600 [s];
Nfft = 4096;
L = 340.2 [m];
U = 10 [m/s];
df = 1/600 = 0.00167 Hz;
fn = Nfft/(2*time) = 3.4133 Hz;
This means that my frequency array should be laid out as follows:
f = (-fn+df):df:fn;
But, instead of using the whole f array, I am only making use of the positive half:
fpos = df:fn = 0.00167:3.4133 Hz;
2) Spectrum Definition
I define a certain spectrum shape, applying the following relationship
Su = (6*L*U)./((1 + 6.*fpos.*(L/U)).^(5/3));
3) Random phase generation
I, then, have to generate a set of complex samples with a determined distribution: in my case, the random phase will approach a standard Gaussian distribution (mu = 0, sigma = 1).
In MATLAB I call
nn = complex(normrnd(0,1,Nfft/2),normrnd(0,1,Nfft/2));
4) Apply random phase
To apply the random phase, I just do this
Hu = Su*nn;
At this point start my pains!
So far, I only generated Nfft/2 = 2048 complex samples accounting for the fpos content. Therefore, the content accounting for the negative half of f is still missing. To overcome this issue, I was thinking to merge the real and imaginary part of Hu, in order to get a signal Huu with Nfft = 4096 samples and with all real values.
But, by using this merging process, the 0-th frequency order would not be represented, since the imaginary part of Hu is defined for fpos.
Thus, how to account for the 0-th order by keeping a procedure as the one I have been proposing so far?