Regarding tutorials on GWT [closed] - gwt

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on a new project , in which the GUI part is built on top of GWT(Google window toolkit),as I have to make few changes in GUI part , Please advise me some viedeo tutorials for GUI , although I am going through
but please advise some best tutorials specially the viedeo one.Thanks in advance
also please advise google web toolkit and google app engine are they two different independent things.

Here you can start with tutorial of helloworld..
And then have a look at Architecture building with GWT
Finally with Remote procedure calls (hitting backend).
And finally your second Question GWT with App engine
And I'm suggesting to have a look at GWT showcase and as well as code samples.
And the best GWT examples site roughian


Are there MVC/JPA tutorials without using Spring? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
this is my first post here.
I am searching for some examples or tutorials for web application using JPA and MVC. All the tutorials and examples that I found so far are related using Spring. I am new on using JPA/MVC and I am finding a little difficult to understand how Spring works. Can anyone recommend me a good tutorial or a simple example without Spring?
For what's it worth, the concept 'clicked' for me through this book. A bit dated now, but the basics stay the same. Other than that you can just as well find a bunch of simple tutorials and presentation if you search for something like 'java servlets basic mvc tutorial'
Watch this videos its easy to understand :

What's the best google Maps V3 API for GWT 2.5? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a "working" API to work with google Maps in my new WebApp. The problem is: there are a plenty of third party libraries and I have tried some which did not work. Which one would you guys suggest?
Thanks in advance!
Did you check the unreleased gwt teams library for maps?
It was pointed out in the answer to GWT + Google Maps API v3.
The branflake2267's trunk has fixed a lot of errors, it's well maintained and it's good for production, I recommend it as the first option until google releases an oficial one (the 3.8.0-pre1 is a bit outdated and has some bugs).

What's the best way to start using Lift? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a Ruby on Rails developer and I'm very intrigued by what Lift has to offer, but I'm having a very hard time getting together some good resources/documentation to start off.
Should I use Lifty? I can't manage to get it working under sbt 0.12; Is there another tool for code generation?
Is there a way to see snippet changes live on the development server without spending money on JRebel?
Going around on some forums i saw that Manning's Lift in Action is not up-to-date; is there any other tutorial-style book I can look into to grasp the basics on how to make a Lift app from scratch? I found many guides but none of them gives me a clear path on how to work with Lift.
Is there a way to see snippet changes live on the development server
without spending money on JRebel?
JRebel is free for Scala developers - just get yourself an account at

Talend Training/Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can anyone recommend a good source of material for learning how to use Talend Open Studio For Data Integration?
I've had a look at the TalendForge tutorials but was wondering if a more cohesive training resource exists for beginners?
I've search the Interweb and can't find anything that isn't off TalendForge or a book with terrible reviews!
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
There are some reference manuals which can be downloaded from official website. Once you go to this link, goto tab Data Integration there, at the bottom of the page you can find a section User Documentation. Download the appropriate pdfs.
We get minimal help from them, but self exploration would give better results once we have been through these materials.

Projects that were build with GWT [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I was wondering which projects were build in GWT? Especially by Google itself... seems to be a starting point.
AdWords, AdSense, Google Health, Wave...
I work on
Consider using the search functionality first next time. Projects that were build with GWT
Google Wave is the only one that I'm sure of (that was built by Google).
Here's another list of applications that use GWT.
new UI for (avi at is also built with GWT.