Having trouble with Facebook FQL - Empty Return - facebook

I'm attempting to make a Facebook app that will query insights metrics from pages that I administer. I'm unsure if there is a better approach, but I am running into issue after issue trying to build my queries.
For instance, many of the "metric" fields listed here return empty data objects. Testing the following FQL query on the Graph API Explorer is an example (substitute with your page ID):
fql?q=SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=<USER_ID> AND metric='post_storytellers' AND period=0
I have granted myself "read_insights" permissions.
I'm wondering if this is a common issue, if I'm doing this wrong, and if there is a better way (i.e. FQL is problematic, stick to the Graph API). I started this project using Perl, intending to simply parse the return data into a database. Perhaps I would be better served writing this in PHP?

The post_storytellers metric, has only 3 available periods: day, week and days_28. When you put period=0, you are asking for the lifetime period.
Your query should be something like this:
SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=<PAGE_ID> AND metric='page_storytellers' AND end_time=1334905200 AND period=period('week')
I hope it would help!


Get Post Insights for multiple posts in one call using Graph Api 2.7

I am trying to get post insights for a page feed using Facebook Graph API version 2.7 ..
If I only write:
'[Page ID]/feed?fields=insights'
It asks for metric, which indicates it should work... But when specifying a metric:
'[Page ID]/feed?fields=insights/post_impressions/lifetime'
I get syntax error.
I've tried with . notation as:
'[Page ID]/feed.insights/post_impressions/lifetime'
But stil no luck!
I know I can do it post by post (separate calls to API), but that is what I'm trying to avoid.
Anyone know what the correct syntax is for nested insights?
This bug report was able to shed some light: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1755454881375647/
You can use the metric keyword to specify the metrics you want, like so:
Name the metrics you are interested in there, and separate them with a comma.
Specifying the period (where applicable) seems to work by the same kind of syntax,
(Although it might not work to request different periods for different metrics in one go.)

How to get Facebook page total likes number with the new Graph API (v2.4)

So recently there was a update to the Facebook Graph API and now pretty much everything requires a access_token to retrieve any type of data.
Previously you could get the number of page likes by accessing the graph like so:
But now if you try it says you need to have a access token because of a recent update to the API. Now the issue i am having is i cant access the likes even with an access token this is the response i am getting:
array(2) {
["name"] "Page Name"
["id"] "Page Id"
Now at first i thought the access token wasn't being generated with the correct scopes but i am 99% sure you only need read_stream to pull that type of data.
Second thought is that they have removed the ability to acces likes of any page and you need a page token to receive that type of data or finally i am missing something incredibly small here and its still achievable?
So my question is can you still get the number of likes of any page using the Facebook Graph API and if the answer is yes how do you do it?
any help appreciated
This can help you! Just add ?fields=likes after the page name/id. You can use any access token for fetching data!
The Graph API v2.4 reduces the number of fields in default responses.
Fewer default fields for faster performance: To help improve performance on mobile network connections, we've reduced the number of fields that the API returns by default. You should now use the ?fields=field1,field2 syntax to declare all the fields you want the API to return.
If you do ?fields=likes it should show up.
You can do like this:

How to get facebook share, like, comment count for a url with graph api only (in a non-deprecated way)

The problem is that after v2.1 of graph api fql will be deprecated.
Can someone tell me how to get separate likes, share count for given url using only graph api? I was looking for some documentation, but there isn't any, i can get only total "shares" which is likes + shares + comments.
Yes i know there is immortal http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls, but what if facebook shuts it down at last?
The REST API (with calls like http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls) was announced as deprecated with the introduction of the Graph API v2.1: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog#v2_1_deprecations but also already in 2011: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/616/
So, from my understanding, this will yield in the inoperability of this feature at two years after the introduction of v2.1 on 7th August 2016:
The closest you can get to the "old" REST of FQL API call results with the Graph API is this afaik:
but it omits the like_count metric (don't ask me why...).
My personal opinion is that you should continue to use the FQL calls to the link_stat (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/link_stat/) table, because this will be available for nearly the next 2 years. This is only possible if you have a v2.0 app. Maybe there'll be some additional endpoints for the Graph API until then.
I suggest using a tool like SharedCount, it offers a lot more platforms too. Here is how they get the data: http://www.sharedcount.com/documentation.php (Scroll down to "Sources")
So for Facebook it would be like this:
You get a JSON object like this one:
Edit: This is deprecated now, but there is another possibility, explained in this thread: Get FB likes, shares and comments for a URL using PHP - with no limit
You can use facebook graph api like https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://mycodingtricks.com and it will return a json code like
I have developed my own php script on which you can all social count using that api.
http://mycodingtricks.com/share/social.php?url=YOUR-URL-HERE and it will return data like:
"reddit":"<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden<\/h1>\nRequest forbidden by administrative rules.\n<\/body><\/html>\n",
But if you wants to use on your own Here is a complete article about how to count facebook share,like and all.
actually the correct way for getting the like number is this:
the brackets after the og_object is the second level of og_object.
see documentation here:
you might need to encode the url and brackets so it will look something like:
see a working example in
graph explorer (hit the submit button)
All answers are wrong or incomplete since latest shut down of API 2.1!
I am the author of the social media plugin MashShare and i recently had to do exact observations for this issue as it seriously affected the share count of our plugin.
Verified data by observations:
https://graph.facebook.com/v2.7/?id=https://www.mashshare.net contains shares and likes.
As far as i found out the only way to get a number near the real share count of a post is to get first the likes of a url. Than take this number and subtract it from the total number of shares and likes.
To get the like count you need to take the object id of the url and create another API request:
If you know how to merge both requests into one please let me know.
As of August 19th 2016 facebook completely shutdown their rest API.
The only alternative is to use the graph API as suggested above.

Facebook FQL posts limit issue

Currently i am using following FQL query :-
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select post_id,likes FROM stream WHERE source_id=XXXXXXXX LIMIT 0,10000&access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&format=json
I have two Facebook Accounts / pages & able to download data using above API. Able to retrieve posts & post likes count.
But, from last three days, for one Facebook account above FQL query is not working. it is returning message :- "error": "Request failed" . For other account it is working fine.
For each facebook Account / pages i have generated separate Access Tokens.
But, if i update limit from : -
Limit 0,50
Limit 50,100
then it is working & returning posts from page but not returning all post which i have previously getting from Limit 0,10000
Please help me, if any one have idea about this issue ?
Facebook will cancel queries which take too long or too many resources to execute. In general, I would never use LIMITs which are that high. There's a high probability that they will fail, and you can't really incfuence the query execution "load" other than setting the LIMIT to a reasonable number (which means implementing a paging mechanism).

Getting facebook like source information

Looking at the bottom of this page it would appear that it is possible to get facebook data on where likes are coming from for a particular page. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to do this.
Ideally I would like a method that doesn't use fql something like:
But if that's not possible I would at least think it is possible to do through fql using something like:
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=PAGE_ID AND metric='SOURCE_NAME' AND period = period('month')&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
but this just returns the xml with the error message Invalid metric name: SOURCE_NAME for whatever source name I'm trying to use.
What is the proper way to access this data? Or is facebook just trying to tease me?
The query I was looking for was something like
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID AND metric='page_fans_by_like_source' AND end_time=end_time_date('YYYY-MM-DD') AND period=period('month')&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
You can try this graph API as below: