Strange icon behavior - iphone

I'm having a problem with a new App that I'm developing. I have a App with no main icon/logo for the application running, the problem is that everytime I run the App on the device an icon from another App appears on my application, tests that i have made:
I made sure my app certificate was unique and it is.
I checked the app folder for icon images and found nothing.
I cleaned xcode and restarded my mac.

This could happen in the case of not-unique bundle identifier. Your Bundle ID should follow this format:


Application not running in apple watch simulator due to bundle identifier issue

I'm building an apple watch application for which i created a AppGroup and also setting the provisioning profile and the certificate.
Now the issue is while building/running the "watchkit app" xcode is throwing an error saying,
warning: Capabilities that require entitlements from “appname WatchKit Extension/appname WatchKit Extension.entitlements" may not function in the Simulator because the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“WatchKitProfile”) has an AppID of “” which does not match your bundle identifier “”.
and nothing is showing in the applewatch simulator.But application is working fine in iPhone simulator.
Even the applewatch methods are not calling WKInterfaceController.openParentApplication
One more doubt, I'm using the appgroup which already used by other members.Will this create any problem or is this the issue for this warning.
Can anyone please help me on this.
When you create an App ID, you need to regenerate your provisioning profiles because they will not have the newly created App ID listed. Xcode can do this for you automatically as a "Fix Issue" prompt.
Ensure once you have created your App ID, you add it both the main app and the watch kit app extension via the capabilities tab and click on Fix Issues until it is all ok.

Getting Mulitiple App Icons on ios7 device

Im getting a strange bug on ios7 (iPhone5 device). I installed iPhone app using xcode5 on ios7
my problem is whenever I install my app on the device, I'm getting my app icons multiple
times with same name, I also tried for different apps through my system. I'm getting the same problem, even duplicate icon image not deleting from my device.
Any help will be appreciated.
I also have similar issue. the installation icon with a "download circle" is left behind. I have a workaround to delete this extra icon. Try to install the app again and when device is downloading the app, delete the icon!
I also observed that when I upload the same ipa on testflight, or use itune directly, it work without leaving another icon behind.
Any help?
I had a similar problem when downloading the app from server. The issue occurs when there is a conflict with the bundle identifier in your info.plist in your app bundle and the bundle identifier in the plist file on the server from which you download your ipa. If both the bundle identifier are of exact match, you will not run into this issue.
Have you made sure all the app icon dimensions are correct? I don't know if that would help at all. Another thing you should try is loading the app onto another iPhone that isn't yours to see if it is on your Computers side or just your phones problem.

Xcode wont allow 2 projects on my phone at a time.?

I've been working on a few apps and now when I run them on my iPhone, Xcode will only let one app be on my phone at a time, and if I load up another app in xcode, and try to run it, it kind of over writes the first app instead of haveing two apps on.
Have I done something wrong or is this the new Xcode and iOS6 to stop piracy?
No, the apps probably have the same bundle identifier. I'd check your project settings to make sure each app has a unique bundle identifier.

iphone/ios adHoc distribution crashing (shut down only in case of adHoc distribution)

I've made an app using the Facebook API. I completed it, and there's no problem at all when I run my app on my device with development code signing.
So, I tried making it with adHoc distribution code signing and building was succeeded. There's also no problem when it goes through any other functions.
But when I try to share something to Facebook (using Facebook dialog API), this app shut down even though it worked well in case of development code sign on my device.
I can't debug cause this is adHoc version, so I don't know what the problem is. Can you let me know what the problem is?
When does this happen in what case?
What's the problem? Delete the app from your device, then install the ipa with itunes to your device. Then, while your device is still connected, go to Xcode => Organizer => Devices => your device => Console and start your app on your device. Then you should see the reason for the crash.
I checked the Device logs via Xcode > Window > Devices > View Device Logs.
The problem for me was that I am using a custom font which is integrated into my project via CocoaPods. During development time, the app runs smoothly because my computer can see where the font files are. However, Xcode doesn't bundle the font files (.ttf) from the pod into the project, so I had to either:
Add the font files into Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources and adding the font files into my main project folder (without copying them; only as references).
Or, remove the custom font as a CocoaPods dependency and copy-paste the font files to my project instead.
I went with the second one since I might accidentally delete one of the references to the font files and encounter the problem again.

project always running with old code

I was trying to try out and create a .app file for my application and so I followed a tutorial.
After doing this and running the app again on the simulator it always runs with the old code that I have. Why is this? I tried reverting everything back again, but it just won't.
I tried printing something when the app loads, but the app that runs didn't print anything
I found a fix which is to revert back my bundle identifier to the old one. Why does this work? What if I want to create a binary again to be distributed in the app store, what should I do from this point?
You probably have two apps with the same bundle identifier on the simulator, and Xcode starts the wrong one.
Try to delete everything from the simulator.
Open the iOS Simulator menu in the main menu and select Reset Content and Settings...
I've had the same problem before and for some reason it just didn't update all the files in the bundle that it deployed to the device/simulator. Just delete the app from the device/simulator and redeploy. When it happened to me it didn't create a second app it just didn't completely update the bundle.