"object github is not a member of package com" for a new Lift project - scala

I'm starting my first Lift project using the documentation here:
I've created my build.sbt as instructed. The walkthrough then says:
Now that you have a the basics of an SBT project, you can launch the sbt console. It should load all the necessary dependencies, including the proper Scala version, and bring you to a prompt.
However, when I do that, I get the following error:
/Users/craig/myprojectdir/scala/build.sbt:9: error: object github is not a member of package com
seq(com.github.siasia.WebPlugin.webSettings :_*)
[error] Type error in expression
Project loading failed: (r)etry, (q)uit, (l)ast, or (i)gnore?
What's causing this, and how do I fix it?

Turns out I has the wrong path/filename for project/plugins.sbt. Presumably that's what was loading the "com.github" plugin to load; since the file was misnamed SBT couldn't find it.


I have installed sbt, but still I do not get the REPL

I need to install the scala interpreter (aka repl). The official website https://scala-lang.org/download/ gives me instructions on how to install sbt. I have installed sbt, but still do not have the interpreter. What am I missing here? I am supposed to type scala followed by the Enter key.
[Edit] Someone suggested me to type "console" after sbt is running, but I got an error message
sbt:slides> console
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/zell/slides/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[error] /Users/zell/slides/examFakeSolution.scala:108:10: not found: value fpinscala
[error] import fpinscala.monoids.Monoid
[error] ^
[error] /Users/zell/slides/examFakeSolution.scala:128:45: not found: type Monoid
[error] def foldBack[A] (l :List[A]) (implicit M :Monoid[A]) :A =
If you have sbt, you have the REPL. You are doing it right, you can run sbt and then console or directly run sbt console
The error is a compilation error. Fix it first and then you'll be able to run the REPL in that folder.
When you run the REPL, sbt tries to compile the project first. So you can also run it in any folder other than the one from the project and it will work fine.
If you want start scala REPL inside SBT, type sbt firstly, then console
To start REPL without installing SBT, download the Scala from official site, add %SCALA_HOME%/bin to PATH and type scala in the terminal.

sbt new scala/scalatest.g8 fails on TransportException

When I try to create the ScalaTest example with this command:
sbt new scala/scalatest-example.g8 fails on TransportException
I get the following:
[info] Set current project to scala (in build file:/Users/chasrmartin/Dropbox/Etudes/Scala/)
[error] org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: git#github.com:scala/scalatest-example.g8.git: Auth fail
[error] at org.eclipse.jgit.api.FetchCommand.call(FetchCommand.java:139)
[error] at org.eclipse.jgit.api.CloneCommand.fetch(CloneCommand.java:193)
I've tried several workarounds from around the next (eg this SO question) to no avail. It would seem this has to be a simple problem, I got this command from a beginners tutorial.
I got this command from https://www.scala-lang.org/documentation/getting-started-sbt-track/testing-scala-with-sbt-on-the-command-line.html
This project doesn't seems to exists anymore.
Instead I would prefer to run with the normal scala-seed.g8
> sbt new scala/scala-seed.g8
And add the test classes manually.
This is an equivalent tutorial with the same classes and tests.
The scala seed template already comes with the structure you want, with the test dependency. You can run sbt test normally.

Intellij 15.0.5 issue with SBT and Scala project

I am trying to set up IntelliJ for my Scala development after hearing how much better it is compared to alternatives. But I can't seem to run anything. The problems I'm facing are as follows:
As soon as the project is created, the console shows SBT failures
My build.sbt file shows red wiggles (compile time errors)
The confusing part is that opening the "SBT Console" view from within the IDE works fine.
The error trace is something along the lines of:
[info] Loading project definition from D:\workspaces\intellij\scala\untitled\project
java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect
[error] (*:update) java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect
Would anyone please know what can cause this? I have tried deleting the project and creating a new one but the problem still persists.
Just had a look at .sbt\boot\update.log and something seems fishy. Is it just me or the sbt.ivy.home is completely borked?
impossible to define new type: class not found: org.apache.ivy.osgi.obr.OBRResolver in [] nor Ivy classloader
impossible to define glob matcher: org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.GlobPatternMatcher was not found.
setting 'jline.esc.timeout' to '0'
setting 'sbt.ivy.home' to 'D:\software\installed\sbt\.ivy2 -Divy.home=D:\software\installed\sbt\.ivy2'
setting 'java.runtime.name' to 'Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment'
I have finally managed to hunt down the root cause. The errors were due to rogue environment variables set in my profile related to SBT (specifically SBT_OPTS). Once I deleted all of them and started with a clean slate, things started working on expected.

"Cannot be resolved to a type" after upgrading to GWT 2.7. and trying to compile a multi-project module

I´ve been having trouble getting the Super-Dev-Mode to work with GWT 2.7. and GXT 3.1.x The classical Dev-Mode starts without trouble, but the Super-Dev-Mode and GWT-compile the project won`t work.
I am currently working with Eclipse 4.4.2 with Java 1.7_2 on Windows.
So let´s pretend we have 2 GWT/GXT projects (no Maven) with GWT 2.6 and GXT 3.1.x (Projects are backuped on a repository).
One is called A and the other project is called B. Project A has many packages and no entrypoint (to just work as a library/framework), just an abstract entrypoint every other project has to extend. The other one is called B and inherits from A, the entrypoint extends the entrypoint of A.
When starting the project under GWT 2.6 in classical Dev-Mode the project works fine. When upgrading to GWT 2.7. it will work fine with the classical Dev-Mode, an even in Super-Dev-Mode the Codeserver starts to run, but when compiling the module i get an error that some code seems not to live under a package 'client' so i migrated it into a own package and added the sourcepath to the A.gwt.xml.
After fixing this error and starting the Super-Dev-Mode again (and when trying to GWT-compile) I get errors like this:
Ignored 15 units with compilation errors in first pass.
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
Finding entry point classes
Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.example.b.client.B'
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Workspace/ProjectB/src/com/example/b/client/B.java'
[ERROR] com.example.a.client.A cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Workspace/ProjectA/src/com/example/a/view/ExampleLayout.java'
[ERROR] com.example.a.view.ILayout cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Workspace/ProjectA/src/com/example/a/client/service/ExampleServiceAsync.java'
[ERROR] com.example.a.model.Examplemodel cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Workspace/ProjectA/src/com/example/a/model/OtherExampleModel.java'
[ERROR] com.example.a.hibernate.model.ComOtherExampleModel cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Workspace/ProjectB/src/com/example/b/client/service/OtherExampleServiceAsync.java'
[ERROR] com.example.a.model.NewExampleModel cannot be resolved to a type
(and many more)
Project A is included in the buildpath of the project B, when creating a custom run configuration where the project is added to "user entries" and adding source folders to "user" entries wont work. For the custom run configuration i used something like the following arguments:
"-src src/ -src ${workspace_loc:ProjectA} com.example.b.B"
And even:
"-src src/ -src ${workspace_loc:ProjectA} com.example.b.B com.example.a.A"
I widely searched for solutions and even tried to set up the workspace again, checkout the projects from the repository again, organize imports and even adding every package to the buildpath of A.
I also tried to add this to the .gwt.xml files didn´t work:
<add-linker name="xsiframe"/>
How can I solve the "cannot be resolved to a type" error?
I would really appreciate every form of help to get this problem done! Thanks!
One possible problem could be your version of GXT. If you are using GXT 3.1.1 (which was the latest GPL-release), then you can not use GWT 2.7.0.
Take a look at the version table:
GXT versions
As you can see, Sencha GXT 3.1.1 does not support GWT 2.7.0. The first GXT release which will support GWT 2.7.0 is GXT 3.1.2.

Installing Play framework on Mavericks, java 1.8.0_05

I am new to Scala/Java/Play Framework.
I followed the instructions at http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.0/Installing to install Java 8 (along with Netbeans) and play framework for OSX.
I created a new Scala Application using "play new myappname" and all the template files have been created.
When I try to run the application using the command "play" from inside the project directory I see the following error:
error: error while loading AnnotatedElement, class file '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar(java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement.class)' is broken
(bad constant pool tag 18 at byte 76)
[error] Type error in expression
Project loading failed: (r)etry, (q)uit, (l)ast, or (i)gnore? i
[warn] Ignoring load failure: no project loaded.
[error] Not a valid command: play (similar: last, alias, loadp)
[error] play
[error] ^
How can I resolve this?
I fixed this by uninstalling JDK 8 and installing JDK 6 from the Apple Developer site at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?viewlocale=en_US
(Side note: First I tried JDK 7 which failed with a similar yet different error).
Did you have a chance to look at this: