Pass a vector/inputstream to a clojure function via java/scala - scala

I need to call a clojure-function from java/scala which expects a vector or an inputstream as its first argument.
Doing so always yields the following exception:
Execution exception[[UnsupportedOperationException: pdf (clj-pdf.main/-pdf not defined?)]]
I am using clj-pdf and need to call the pdf-function
(defn pdf
in can be either a vector containing the document or an input stream. If in is an input stream then the forms will be read sequentially from it.
out can be either a string, in which case it's treated as a file name, or an output stream.
NOTE: using the :pages option will cause the complete document to reside in memory as it will need to be post processed."
[in out]
(if (instance? InputStream in)
(stream-doc in out)
(write-doc in out)))
I have modified the source, built a jar via
leiningen uberjar
The modifications to cjl-pdf's project.clj can be seen in the last 2 lines:
(defproject clj-pdf
:description "PDF generation library"
:url ""
:license {:name "GNU Lesser General Public License - v 3"
:url ""
:distribution :repo
:comments "same as iText and JFreeChart"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]
[jfree/jfreechart "1.0.13"]
[itext-min "0.2"]]
:aot [clj-pdf.main]
:main clj-pdf.main)
and in my added main.clj:
(ns clj-pdf.main
;; neither nor ArrayList work:
:methods [#^{:static true} [pdf [java.util.ArrayList,] void]])
(:use clj-pdf.core))
(defn -main [& args])
I am using the lib from my scala code as follows:
val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val list = new java.util.ArrayList[String]
list.add( """[:list {:roman true}
[:chunk {:style :bold} "a bold item"] "another item" "yet another item"]
[:phrase "some text"]
[:paragraph "yet more text"]]""")
clj_pdf.main.pdf(list, output)
Is there any way to get around this?

It works from Java:
java.util.ArrayList a = new java.util.ArrayList(); b = new;
clj_pdf.main.pdf (a, b);
if I add to main.clj:
(defn -pdf [in out] (pdf in out))
And use the lein uberjar to build the project.
Another alternative is to use the clojure.lang.RT as per


How to pass the variable name as a string to a function? (ClojureScript)

Description of the situation
I want to make a form template for an element, but they must be dynamically created. The meta data involved in the Component should use the variable-name passed as it's meta-data.
For example,
In the view,
(:require [ :as template])
(defn view-component [nOperacaoExtrato]
(template/temp-form nOperacaoExtrato)])
The templating function,
(defn temp-form
"Template input"
#_(js/console.log (str "meta-data: " (meta #'dado)))
(let [nome-var (:name (meta #'dado))]
{:for (str "form1_" nome-var)}
"Natureza do Dispendio"]
{:class "form-control",
:id (str "form1_" nome-var)
:name (str "form1" nome-var)}
The result should be, something like this (because the variable passed is nOperacaoExtrato):
{:for "form1_re-fin-n-operacao-extrato-prop"}
"Nº da Operação no Extrato"]
{:class "form-control",
:id "form1_re-fin-n-operacao-extrato-prop",
:name "form1_re-fin-n-operacao-extrato-prop"}
(h/preencher-str nOperacaoExtrato)]]
The issue:
Both of these return null.
(meta #'data)
(meta data)
You should probably convert this function to a macro. Let me show you fellow Portuguese speaker:
(ns cljs.user)
(defn temp-form-fn
"Template input"
[dado nome-var]
{:for (str "form1_" nome-var)}
"Natureza do Dispendio"]
{:class "form-control",
:id (str "form1_" nome-var)
:name (str "form1" nome-var)}
(defmacro temp-form
`(temp-form-fn ~dado ~(name dado))))
Then in the repl:
cljs.user> (require '[cljs.user :refer-macros [temp-form]])
cljs.user> (let [nOperacaoExtrato 1234]
(temp-form nOperacaoExtrato))
[:label {:for "form1_nOperacaoExtrato"} "Natureza do Dispendio"]
{:class "form-control",
:id "form1_nOperacaoExtrato",
:name "form1nOperacaoExtrato"}

Generating inline javascript with cl-who, parenscript and hunchentoot

I'm trying to generate inline javascript, but I have to put the parenscript code inside (:script) and (str) tags using cl-who. ps, ps*, ps-inline and ps-inline* don't seem to make much difference to the generated js.
Is the usual way to write a macro to avoid code duplication, or is there a better way?
Here's my program:
(in-package #:ps-test)
(defmacro standard-page ((&key title) &body body)
`(with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t)
:lang "en"
(:meta :http-equiv "Content-Type"
:content "text/html;charset=utf-8")
(:title ,title)
(:link :type "text/css"
:rel "stylesheet"
:href "/style.css"))
(defun main ()
(with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :indent t :prologue nil)
(standard-page (:title "Parenscript test")
(:div (str "Hello worldzors"))
(:script :type "text/javascript"
(str (ps (alert "Hello world as well")))))))
(define-easy-handler (docroot :uri "/") ()
(defun start-ps-test ()
(setf (html-mode) :html5)
(setf *js-string-delimiter* #\")
(start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 8080)))
(defun stop-ps-test ()
(stop *server*))
(defvar *server* (start-ps-test))
Macros are fine in this use case.
The trick is that macros are expanded in a specific order. Say
you define a js macro: when macroexpansion encounters
with-html-output, the inner call to your macros (js (alert "Ho Ho Ho")) looks like a function call, and is left as-is in the generated
code. If your js macro then expands into (:script ...), then the system will complain that :script is an unknown function (assuming you
didn't actually name a function like that). You should emit an
enclosing (who:htm ...) expression to interpret the code using
CL-WHO's code walker.
(defmacro js (code)
(:script :type "text/javascript" (who:str (ps:ps ,code)))))
This only works in the context of an enclosing with-html-output.
For inline Javascript, you don't want to have a <script> tag around it,
and you can generally simply use ps-inline:
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
(:a :href (ps:ps-inline (void 0))
"A link where the usual HREF behavior is canceled."))
;; prints:
;; <a href='javascript:void(0)'>A link where the usual HREF behavior is canceled.</a>
But feel free to use a macro if you often do the same thing:
(defmacro link (&body body)
`(who:htm (:a :href #.(ps:ps-inline (void 0)) ,#body)))
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*) (link "Link"))
;; prints:
;; <a href='javascript:void(0)'>Link</a> and parsing jdbc xml object

I'm attempting to read xml (actual xml type) from a postgres database in clojure, however i'm not sure how to cast the org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4SQLXML object to something can make sense of.
When running (xml/parse ...) on this object i'm getting the following error:
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: createXMLStreamReader for class clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (
code below:
(ns clj-xml-dbms.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :as j]
[ :as xml]
[clj-xml-dbms.core :refer :all])
(:use [clojure.pprint ] ))
(def db-spec {
:classname "org.postgres.Driver"
:subprotocol "postgres"
:subname "//localhost:5432/mydb"
:user "me"
:password "secret"
;; get the results of a query
(def results
(let [
sql "select row_id, xml_col from stg.some_table limit 1 "
db-connection (j/get-connection db-spec )
statement (j/prepare-statement db-connection sql)
query-results (j/query db-connection [statement]) ]
(first query-results)))
(pprint results)
;; {:row_id 18627,
;; :xml_col #object[org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4SQLXML 0x6897f635 "org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4SQLXML#6897f635"]}
;; obviously isn't going to work on that:
(xml/parse (:xml_col results))
;; IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: createXMLStreamReader for class clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (
I guess i could cast the xml type in the db to a string, but there has to be something cleaner that that i would think. Any tips appreciated, thanks.

Receiving data through LISP USOCKET

I'm trying to send data over USOCKET. When the data reaches the server, the server should reply back. However, stream-read (as defined below) only returns the data when it's echoed back with the original data it sent. For example, if I send hello and the server replies with the same data, hello, then stream-read returns, but if the server replies with hi, stream-read doesn't return until the server sends the exact buffer it received.
Here's the code: (I've found most of it online.)
;; Load USocket
(load #P"/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-asdf/asdf.lisp")
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :usocket)
(defun stream-read (stream)
(socket-listen (usocket:socket-stream stream)))
(defun stream-print (string stream)
(write-line string (usocket:socket-stream stream))
(force-output (usocket:socket-stream stream)))
;; Define a stream
(defparameter my-stream
(usocket:socket-connect "" 6003))
;; Use the stream
(stream-print "random" my-stream)
(print (stream-read my-stream))
As for the server, I'm using a slightly modified version of the boost blocking server example. (c++) The full code can be found here:
void session(socket_ptr sock)
for (;;)
char data[max_length];
boost::system::error_code error;
size_t length = sock->read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data), error);
if (error == boost::asio::error::eof)
break; // Connection closed cleanly by peer.
else if (error)
throw boost::system::system_error(error); // Some other error.
std::vector<char> v(data,data+length);
std::string theStr;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
if(v[i]<32 || v[i]>=0x7f);//Remove non-ascii char
else theStr.insert(theStr.end(),v[i]);
boost::asio::write(*sock, boost::asio::buffer(data, length)); //works
boost::asio::write(*sock, boost::asio::buffer("some", 4)); //doesn't work
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "Exception in thread: " << e.what() << "\n";
Without seeing the code for your server it's hard to answer without a bit of speculation. But:
You use the same socket for each call from the client to the server. If the server isn't expecting that, it won't behave as you want it to.
Your definition of stream-read calls socket-listen. Did you mean usocket:socket-listen? This is a server-side function (and takes different arguments). I'm probably not looking at the exact code you were running.
Advisory notes: (a) my-stream is actually a socket, not a stream; (b) I encourage you to manage external libraries using Quicklisp.
Here's a full working example. This is on LispWorks; I've used LW internals for the server to make it utterly clear which is server and which is client.
CL-USER 1 > (ql:quickload :usocket)
To load "usocket":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "usocket"
CL-USER 2 > (comm:start-up-server
:service 6003
:function (lambda (handle)
(let* ((stream (make-instance 'comm:socket-stream
:socket handle
:direction :io
:element-type 'base-char))
(line (read-line stream)))
(format stream "Hello: ~a~%" line)
(force-output stream))))
#<MP:PROCESS Name "6003 server" Priority 85000000 State "Running">
CL-USER 3 > (defun socket-read (socket)
(read-line (usocket:socket-stream socket)))
CL-USER 4 > (defun socket-print (string socket)
(write-line string (usocket:socket-stream socket))
(force-output (usocket:socket-stream socket)))
CL-USER 5 > (defun test (thing)
(let ((socket (usocket:socket-connect "" 6003)))
(socket-print thing socket)
(socket-read socket)))
CL-USER 6 > (test "Buttered toast")
"Hello: Buttered toast"
CL-USER 7 > (test "A nice cup of tea")
"Hello: A nice cup of tea"
If you're still having difficulties, post again with source for your server and your actual stream-read.

Scala command line parser using Scallop

I'm fairly new to Scala and need to build a really simple command line parser which provides something like the following which I created using JRuby in a few minutes:-
java -jar demo.jar --help
Command Line Example Application
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn "CN=Test" --nde-url "" --password "password"
For usage see below:
-p, --password set the password
-c, --capi set add to Windows key-store
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Print version
Scallop looks like it will do the trick, but I can't seem to find a simple example that works! All of the examples I've found seem to be fragmented and don't work for some reason or other.
I found this example which works, but I'm not sure how to bind it into the actual args within the main method.
import org.rogach.scallop._;
object cmdlinetest {
def main(args: Array[String])
val opts = Scallop(List("-d","--num-limbs","1"))
.version("test 1.2.3 (c) 2012 Mr Placeholder")
.banner("""Usage: test [OPTION]... [pet-name]
|test is an awesome program, which does something funny
.footer("\nFor all other tricks, consult the documentation!")
.opt[Boolean]("donkey", descr = "use donkey mode")
.opt("monkeys", default = Some(2), short = 'm')
.opt[Int]("num-limbs", 'k',
"number of libms", required = true)
.opt[String]("debug", hidden = true)
.props[String]('D',"some key-value pairs")
// you can add parameters a bit later
.args(List("-Dalpha=1","-D","betta=2","gamma=3", "Pigeon"))
.trailArg[String]("pet name")
Well, I'll try to add more examples :)
In this case, it would be much better to use ScallopConf:
import org.rogach.scallop._
object Main extends App {
val opts = new ScallopConf(args) {
NDE/SCEP Certificate enrollment prototype
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn CN=Test --nde-url --password password
For usage see below:
val ndeUrl = opt[String]("nde-url")
val password = opt[String]("password", descr = "set the password")
val capi = toggle("capi", prefix = "no-", descrYes = "enable adding to Windows key-store", descrNo = "disable adding to Windows key-store")
val version = opt[Boolean]("version", noshort = true, descr = "Print version")
val help = opt[Boolean]("help", noshort = true, descr = "Show this message")
It prints:
$ java -jar demo.jar --help
NDE/SCEP Certificate enrollment prototype
Example: java -jar demo.jar --dn CN=Test --nde-url --password password
For usage see below:
-c, --capi enable adding to Windows key-store
--no-capi disable adding to Windows key-store
--help Show this message
-n, --nde-url <arg>
-p, --password <arg> set the password
--version Print version
Did you read the documentation? It looks like all you have to do is call get for each option you want:
def get [A] (name: String)(implicit m: Manifest[A]): Option[A]
It looks like you might need to provide the expected return type in the method call. Try something like this:
val donkey = opts.get[Boolean]("donkey")
val numLimbs = opts.get[Int]("num-limbs")
If you're just looking for a quick and dirty way to parse command line arguments, you can use pirate, an extremely barebones way to parse arguments. Here is what it would look like to handle the usage you describe above:
import com.mosesn.pirate.Pirate
object Main {
def main(commandLineArgs: Array[String]) {
val args = Pirate("[ -n string ] [ -p string ] [ -chv ]")("-n whatever -c".split(" "))
val c = args.flags.contains('c')
val v = args.flags.contains('v')
val h = args.flags.contains('h')
val n = args.strings.get("n")
val p = args.strings.get("p")
println(Seq(c, v, h, n, p))
Of course, for your program, you would pass commandLineArgs instead of "-n whatever -c".
Unfortunately, pirate does not yet support GNU style arguments, nor the version or help text options.