Using Turbolinks with Selenium IDE - selenium-ide

When I run my selenium test without the turbolinks gem installed in my Ruby on Rails app, the tests pass. When I include turbolinks, the tests fail. For example if the test starts off
Open /
clickAndWait link=Sign in
type id=session_email
Then I will get an error
"[error]Element id=session_email not found.
When I look at the page source, the session_email id is still there with turbolinks installed. I found this page,, which seems to indicate there could be a problem with detecting the page has fully loaded.
Is there away to fix this without changing hundreds of lines in my test suites? If not, is there a reliable selenium method that can test that a turbolinked page has fully loaded?

After some help with the github turbolinks-compatability project, I am able to provide a partial answer to this question.
If the turbolinks gem is being used, then you will need to modify your selenium test cases in order to make sure the page is really loaded. For example, if your test has the following code in it
Open /
clickAndWait link=Sign in
type id=session_email
then it needs to be modified to
Open /
click link=Sign in
waitForElementPresent id=session_email
type id=session_email
There are a number of "waitFor" modifiers you can used, depending on what is the feature on the page you want to test next.
However, if the test involves a javascript pop up, then you should not add a waitFor command. So for example if you have at test like
clickAndWait link=Delete
assertConfirmation Are you Sure?
you should not modify the code. Indeed adding a waitFor test hangs execution in the case of javascript popups.
This solution involves line-by-line manual modification of the code. I have opened up an issue on the Selenium Users group to see if there is some better way to handle this problem.


Use openapi service in Flutter Drive integration test, but run into dart:ui problem

The app I am trying to test makes use of feature toggles to enable/disable certain parts of the app. However, the tests I've written are for all the features. When a user logs in, this will fetch the feature toggles from a REST service (using a class which uses the generated openapi) so the app knows what to show and what not to show.
Now I want to include those feature toggles in my tests, so that the corresponding tests are skipped and don't just fail if some parts aren't enabled. However, when I try to include the class that does the call, I get problems with dart:ui in the console, and the test no longer runs. When I (recursively) check the imports on those service classes, there are some imports to widgets.dart, so I guess that's the problem. I tried removing most of it, but since we're using Localized strings for error messages etc. it's getting to be a very cumbersome job to remove all of that from those files.
So before I continue doing that, I was wondering if there is any easy way to include a call to a REST service in an integration test?
I checked the Flutter drive documentation, and searched for some similar questions online but haven't really found anything similar.

Get WebdriverIO multi-remote to work with Cucumber BDD

I am able to start multiple browser sessions in a single test using WebDriverIO's multiremote with mocha.
Next I'm trying to get WebDriverIO multiremote work with Cucumber BDD. My feature definition is simply to open a browser session and navigate to a url.
Here's my simple WDIO
Problem - the browser opens up but navigation does not occur. I have tried to enable the debugger and observe node-inspector but hasn't helped. What am I missing? Thanks for all the help.
My goal was to conduct multi-user scenario based testing through BDD. Although I haven't been able to resolve this directly via WebDriverIO I found Chimp (which uses WebDriverIO underneath) has its own flavour of session based automation.
Chimp's multi-browser testing does exactly what I wanted. Problem solved!
I'm able to write scenarios such as this without explicitly switching the user context.
Scenario: Able to browse independently
Given Alice goes to "/features"
And Bob go to "/bugs"
Then Alice sees "10" features
And Bob sees "1" bugs

unable to locate element with Watir webdriver, Firefox, PayPal sandbox pay with PayPal

I am getting the error
Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: unable to locate element, using
{:id=>"submitLogin", :tag_name=>"input"}
from /Users/ktobo/.rbenv/versions/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/
when running an Rspec test using Watir webdriver with Firefox.
# select "Pay with my PayPal account"
#browser.span(:class, 'buttonAsLink')
#browser.text_field(:id, 'login_email').when_present(15).set(hsh[:email])
#browser.text_field(:id, 'login_password').when_present(15).set(hsh[:password])
#browser.input(:id, 'submitLogin')
#browser.input(:id, 'continue')
If I execute these steps one-by-one in a console, everything's great. When running the test with run.rb, the first click action seems to fail to select the "Pay with my PayPal account" span. I'm not sure why it doesn't fail on that step. If I manually click that link after the failure, I see that the password field is not populated, so something seems to be going awry before the fourth line.
Even with the when_present calls, this is most likely a race condition if it works step by step in irb, but not when run together directly. When debugging it is often useful to put a (long-ish) sleep before the problem step just to see if you are hitting a race condition. If the sleep fixes it, then you know what the problem is and just need to figure out the right thing to wait for before clicking.
Another possibility is that this could be an issue where the browser being in the "active window" in the operating system matters. (Commands should work the same way, regardless, but this isn't always the case).
Additionally, running the test with Chrome to see if you have the same issues is also helpful in troubleshooting.
If none of this works, please update your question with an url or the html you are interacting with.
On a side note, I'm surprised that nesting when_present & when_enabled works. when enabled probably should include present? as a precondition, I'll look into doing that.

Handling pop ups using selenium with perl

I want a solution for the following scenario:
In a page I am uploading an xml and while clicking on the upload button I am going to recieve an pop up for confirmation (I am able to detect this), after this again I am recieving an pop up which I am not able to detect (The page is still getting loaded in the browser ). Kindly help me to sort this out .
I have tried with many solutions for this like: get window ids,titles .
You can you use -
This retrieves the message of a JavaScript confirmation dialog generated duringthe previous action. By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effectas manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of thechooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command. If an confirmation is generatedbut you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript confirmations will NOT pop up a visibledialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript confirmations that aregenerated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visibledialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually clickOK.
Returns the message of the most recent JavaScript confirmation dialog.
You should always refer to WWW::Selenium - Perl Client while working with perl and RC.
I have found what is the problem #amey ...I am tring to upload an file which is not actually not permitted due to some security issues with firefox... There was actually an work around for this
.....Which will not work with latest Selenium RC with Firefox since firefox have removed the support for enablePrivilege
So it is a mandate to shift to WEBDRIVER it seems.............
Thanks for your support....
my solution was using the function:
$driver->execute_script("Events.invokeEvent('UserDetailPage:UserDetailScreen:UserDetailToolbarButtonSet:UserDetailToolbarButtons_DeleteUserButton_act', true);");
analyzing what the javascript code does when the Accept button was pressed. and executing that code in the function.

jUnit testing with Google Web Toolkit

I would like to be able to run a set of unit tests by linking to them in my application (e.g. I want to be able to click on a link and have it run a set of jUnit tests). The problem is that GWT and jUnit don't seem to be designed for this capability -- only at build time can you run the tests it seems.
I would like to be able to include my test code in my application and, from onModuleLoad for example, run a set of tests.
I tried to just instantiate a test object:
StockWatcherTest tester = new StockWatcherTest();
but I get:
No source code is available for type;
even though I include the module specifically.
Would anyone know a way to do this? I just want to be able to display the test results within the browser.
If you are trying to test UI elements in GWT using JUnit, unfortunately you may not do so. JUnit testing is limited to RPC and non-UI client-side testing. See this thread for a great discussion on what you can and cannot do with GWT jUnit testing.
If you are not trying to test UI elements, but are instead trying to inject your RPC code or client-side logic with test values (hence why you want to be able to click on a link and run a set of JUnit tests), then you should follow the following guide from Testing GWT with JUnit. In short, you should make sure that the method you are testing does not include any UI elements and if the method you are testing is asynchronous in nature, you must add a timer.
In 2.0, HTMLUnit was added. You may wish to use this instead of firing up a browser each time you wish to test.