Laravel 4 using vendor classes - class

I have installed Laravel 4 after using 3, love it.
I used to be able to use the Zend framework as such:
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
for instance
I have used composer to install Zend and everything is installed in the Vendor folder..
How to address the individual classes i.e. Zend Gdata etc.
I can't find any documentation on calling classes from a vendor in L4.
Any help is appreciated.

Take a look at your vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php file. In there you will find a list of all vendor classes that are being autoloaded. I think all classes will have to be called using their full namespaced name.
I'm using Zizaco's Entrust package. This is what it looks like in the vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php file.
'Zizaco\\Entrust\\Entrust' => $vendorDir . /zizaco/entrust/src/Zizaco/Entrust/Entrust.php',
If I wanted to access the Entrust.php class I have to call
$en = new Zizaco\Entrust\Entrust();
Alternatively you could alias certain classes in your app\config\app.php file.
'Ent' => 'Zizaco\Entrust\Entrust'
In your case you'll need to do something like this:
$yt = new Zend\namespace\Zend_Gdata_YouTube();


Typo3: Put modules of different extensions in one Module group in the typo3 backend module list

Currently I'm trying to create a module group in the typo3 backend module list on the left hand side. My group works fine for modules within the same extension. But when I try to add modules from other extensions to it, it simply doesn't work.
I have created this Module group (mainmodule) in the ext_tables.php file in one of my other extensions like this:
* Creates a Backend Module Category
$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES'] = array_slice($GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES'], 0, 1, true) +
['mainmodule' => ''] +
array_slice($GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES'], 1, count($GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']) - 1, true);
$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['_configuration']['mainmodule'] = [
'iconIdentifier' => 'module',
'labels' => 'LLL:EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_myExt.xlf:mlang_key',
'name' => 'mainmodule',
I'm trying to use the mainmodule in a different extension as follows:
'VEN.' . $extKey,
'mainmodule', // Make module a submodule of 'mainmodule'
'randomkey', // Submodule key
The module is always created inside its "own" mainmodule.
I have tried all of the solutions given here on stackoverflow and spent hours of trying to solve this issue. I just can't get it to work..
It seems other extensions are loaded before this extensions which defines the new backend module category. So \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::registerModule will fail because of the missing category. To check this have a look at the loading order of the extensions in typo3conf/PackageStates.php.
To resolve the issue, add this extension to the constraint in ext_em.conf and require in composer.json to force it's loaded before the other extensions with the dependency to the new backend module category. See and
Other solution could be adding the new category in each extension if it does not already exist.

TYPO3 - includelibs security

I need to include a PHP script in my TS template :
page {
10.includeLibs = lib_confidential.php
10.userFunc = MyClass->ConfidentialRequest
It works perfectly but I would like to locate the lib_confidential.php outside of my website root directory (and make something like 10.includeLibs = ../lib_confidential.php). Is it possible to secure my PHP script and how to ? I thought about creating a symlink but that doesn't give any solution.
As your installation needs an update you will have to change the mechanism for including php-functions for the future.
since TYPO3 8 you need to have a class for your php functions. So the autoloader can identify the class and execute the function you need to place the class inside of an extension or declare the class to the autoloader.
Best practice would be site extension where you configure your installation, there you can havea class with all the functions you need.
examples can be found in the manual.

Zend Framework 2 Override an existing Service?

I am using a zf2 module called GoalioRememberMe and now I want to override its service by my customized service. Or if it is not possible, I want to override the Module.php with my config. Is it possible?
In the Application module. I wrote this line in module.config.php:
'GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
Thanks in advance!
This is exactly the reason it is recommended to name the service as the type of the object that is returned. The object GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe is named goaliorememberme_rememberme_service in the service manager. You can check that here.
So the solution is simple, instead of this:
'GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
Write this
'goaliorememberme_rememberme_service' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
As Jurian said, the service name is goaliorememberme_rememberme_service and it has been set in the getServiceConfig() method. So I wrote this code in the Module.php file in the Application Module:
setInvokableClass('goaliorememberme_rememberme_service', 'Application\Service\CustomRememberMe')->
And it replaced successfully with my customized service!
Thanks very much to Jurian for the big help!
Actually the service manager first runs a method "canonicalizeName()" which "normalizes" the names as follows:
All _ / \ and - are stripped out
The key is made lowercase
Thus both "GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe" and "goaliorememberme_rememberme_service" become "goalioremembermeremembermeservice" (i.e. they're both the same), thus the error message.
The quickest way to override an existing service is to create a *local.php or *global.php file in the /config/autoload folder. (That folder is identified in config/application.config.php.) Any override files in this folder are process after modules are loaded. If you have duplicate service manager keys, the last one wins.

Doctrine 2 Autloading

How do set up autoloading with Doctrine 2 and Zend to load entities in the following directory structure:
I want to be able to load classes using {ModuleName}\Entities{EntityName}. For example, I'd like to be able to do this to load a 'User' entity:
or something like this for a 'Pages' entity:
I can set it up to load 'CMS\Models\Entities\Pages' but I'd like to be able to know how to do it without having to map directly to the directory structure. Is this possible?
I don't how you glue Zend Framework and Doctrine2 together but if you are using the popular Bisna glue (which is pretty cool) you can set-up more than one mapping directory in your application.ini. Take a closer look to the following ini settings:
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.0.adapterClass = "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.0.mappingNamespace = "Core\Entities"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.0.mappingDirs[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules/Core/Entities"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.0.annotationReaderClass = "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.0.annotationReaderCache = default
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.1.adapterClass = "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.1.mappingNamespace = "CMS\Entities"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.1.mappingDirs[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules/CMS/Entities"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.1.annotationReaderClass = "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader"
resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.default.metadataDrivers.drivers.1.annotationReaderCache = default
Something like the above would be accomplish what you want. If want to be able to do this fully automatically I think you have to patch the Bisna\Doctrine\Container class. Which for instance looks to the modules defined check if there is a entities directory and add's this to the doctrine entity manager.
If you don't have a clue what Bisna is, this is a small library which allows you to easily 'glue' Doctrine2 and Zend Framework 1 together.
By watching this video it should be easy for you to understand how to integrate Doctrine2.
Please be aware that the Bisna version used in the video only supports Doctrine 2.0 and not 2.1 in that case you should use this one:

zend + doctrine 2 doctrine manager, where is it?

i see everyone using this:
when i do this, its error is:
Class 'Doctrine_Manager' not found
how do i load this ?so that i can start get instances from doctrine manager?
i want to load this:
$con = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->connection();
$st = $con->execute("...............");
$result = $st->fetchAll();
where can autoload this , so i can call the getInstance() function from anywhere?
Doctrine_Manager is part of version 1.2, not 2. If you are actually using 1.2, you need to let the autoloader know to load classes under the Doctrine_ prefix.
To do so, add this to your application configuration file...
autoloaderNamespaces.Doctrine = "Doctrine_"
You also need to ensure the doctrine classes can be found on the include path. If they aren't in your "library" folder or otherwise part of the include_path directive, add this...
includePaths.Doctrine = "/path/to/Doctrine-1.2/lib"
I think you might be looking for the EntityManager?
If so, here you can find a tutorial how to configure.
Also there is a library call Bisna for integrating ZF+Doctrine2, here is a good tutorial video for configuring it