Elimination rule for finitely-bounded quantifiers - theorem-proving

I have the following goal:
∀x ∈ {0,1,2,3,4,5}. P x
I want to break this goal down into the six subgoals P 0, P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4 and P 5. This is easily done by apply auto. But what is the relevant rule that auto is using to do this? I ask because my actual goal looks more like this:
∀x ∈ {0..<6}. P x
and apply auto doesn't break that goal down in the same way (it gives me
⋀x. 0 ≤ x ⟹ x < 6 ⟹ P x

The rule that auto is using is ballI (bounded all introduction). This transforms ∀x ∈ S. P x into x ∈ S ==> P x.
The issue of transforming x ∈ {0,1,2,3,4,5} into 6 separate subgoals is a separate one. Basically, auto transforms the explicit enumeration into a disjunction and then splits that.

You could use a lemma such as the following to split out a single goal:
lemma expand_ballI: "⟦ (n :: nat) > 0; ∀x ∈ {0..< (n - 1)}. P x; P (n - 1) ⟧ ⟹ ∀x ∈ {0..< n}. P x"
by (induct n, auto simp: less_Suc_eq)
which could then be repeatedly applied to your rule as follows:
lemma "∀x ∈ {0..< 6 :: nat}. P x"
apply (rule expand_ballI, fastforce)+
apply simp_all
resulting in the goals split out as follows:
goal (6 subgoals):
1. P 0
2. P (Suc 0)
3. P 2
4. P 3
5. P 4
6. P 5

Using a [simp] lemma to transform sets into more convenient versions of the set is very convenient. E.g. {0..<6} = {0,1,2,3,4,5}


COQ: How to use "<=" for Z and R in the same lemma?

Suppose I already defined floor (from R to Z). Now I want to prove that n <= x implies n <= floor(x), where n : Z, x : R.
I tried:
Lemma l: forall (n:Z) (x:R), (IZR n) <= x -> n <= (floor x).
but I'm getting the error The term n has type Z while it is expected to have type R.
How should I write this? Is there a way that I can use <= for Z and R simultaneously?
In order to override the default interpretation of a notation, you can open a notation scope locally using %key:
Lemma l : forall n x, (IZR n <= x)%R -> (n <= floor x)%Z.

Partial differentiation using Coqelicot on Coq

I want to partially differentiate functions which expects n arguments for arbitrary natural number n. I hope to differentiate arbitrary an argument only once and not the others.
Require Import Reals.
Open Scope R_scope.
Definition myFunc (x y z:R) :R:=
x^2 + y^3 + z^4.
I expect function 3*(y^2) when I differentiate myFunc with y.
I know partial_derive in Coquelicot.
Definition partial_derive (m k : nat) (f : R → R → R) : R → R → R :=
fun x y ⇒ Derive_n (fun t ⇒ Derive_n (fun z ⇒ f t z) k y) m x.
partial_derive can partially differentiate f:R → R → R, but not possible for arbitrary number of arguments.
I thought about using dependent type listR.
Inductive listR :nat -> Type:=
|RO : Euc 0
|Rn : forall {n}, R -> listR n -> listR (S n).
Notation "[ ]" := RO.
Notation "[ r1 , .. , r2 ]" := (Rn r1 .. ( Rn r2 RO ) .. ).
Infix ":::" := Rn (at level 60, right associativity).
Fixpoint partial_derive_nth {n} (k:nat) (f : listR n -> R) (e:listR n): listR n -> R:=
k specifies argument number to differentiate.
We can not define partial_derive_nth like partial_derive because we can not specify the name of arguments of fun in recursion.
Please tell me how to partially differentiate functions which has arbitrary number of arguments.
For your function myFunc, you can write the partial derivative like so:
Definition pdiv2_myFunc (x y z : R) :=
Derive (fun y => myFunc x y z) y.
You can then prove that it has the value you expect for any choice of x, y, and z. Most of the proof can be done automatically, thanks to the tactics provided in Coquelicot.
Lemma pdiv2_myFunc_value (x y z : R) :
pdiv2_myFunc x y z = 3 * y ^ 2.
unfold pdiv2_myFunc, myFunc.
apply is_derive_unique.
auto_derive; auto; ring.
I am a bit surprised that the automatic tactic auto_derive does not handle a goal of the form Derive _ _ = _, so I have to apply theorem is_derive_unique myself.

Equality of proof-carrying dependent functions in Coq

Suppose we have:
Require Import ZArith Program Omega.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Definition Z_to_nat (z : Z) (p : 0 <= z) : nat.
dependent destruction z.
- exact (0%nat).
- exact (Pos.to_nat p).
- assert (Z.neg p < 0) by apply Zlt_neg_0.
Now I would like to formulate something like this:
Lemma Z_to_nat_pred : forall x y p p', (Z_to_nat x p <= Z_to_nat y p')%nat <-> x <= y.
This doesn't seem quite right to me, because in x <= y, I can have negative x, y, and then I won't have proofs about their positivity. All in all, the dependent Z_to_nat seems extremely difficult to use. How does one formulate that it suffices to show x <= y to conclude (Z_to_nat x p <= Z_to_nat y p')%nat and the other way around?
I've given it a bash to inspect the way I could formulate the proof (although I am fairly sure it can't be proven with this formulation).
I've tried:
Lemma Z_to_nat_pred : forall x y p p',
(Z_to_nat x p <= Z_to_nat y p')%nat <-> x <= y.
split; intros.
- dependent destruction x;
dependent destruction y; try easy; try omega.
Which leads me to the following goal:
p : positive
p0 : 0 <= Z.pos p
p' : 0 <= 0
H : (Z_to_nat (Z.pos p) p0 <= Z_to_nat 0 p')%nat
Z.pos p <= 0
Could I here, for example, solve the goal by deriving contradiction from H, as Z.pos p cannot be <= 0? I can't really do much with the Z_to_nat definition.
here are several remarks that are related to your question:
In Coq when one defines functions using tactics and especially when we want to compute with, it is preferable to end the corresponding proof script with Defined., not Qed. (the notion at stake is "transparent definition" vs. "opaque definition", cf. the Coq ref man)
so if you replace Qed with Defined, the tactic simpl in H. will be applicable in your proof of Z_to_nat_pred
EDIT: another tactic that would have been useful in your goal is exfalso.
your function Z_to_nat is a partial function that takes a proof as argument. But in many practical cases, it is simpler to avoid dependent types, and just use a default value (making thus the function "total")
this latter strategy is already that of the two functions below that are available in the the standard library (that you have already imported with Require Import ZArith). These two functions can be viewed as two ways to define your function Z_to_nat in a non-dependently-typed way:
Print Z.abs_nat.
Z.abs_nat =
fun z : Z => match z with
| 0 => 0%nat
| Z.pos p => Pos.to_nat p
| Z.neg p => Pos.to_nat p
: Z -> nat
Print Z.to_nat.
Z.to_nat =
fun z : Z => match z with
| 0 => 0%nat
| Z.pos p => Pos.to_nat p
| Z.neg _ => 0%nat
: Z -> nat
Finally it appears that for each of these two functions, lemmas similar to yours are available in ZArith:
SearchAbout Z.abs_nat Z.le iff.
Zabs2Nat.inj_le: forall n m : Z, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> n <= m <-> (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat m)%nat
Zabs2Nat.inj_lt: forall n m : Z, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> n < m <-> (Z.abs_nat n < Z.abs_nat m)%nat
SearchAbout Z.to_nat Z.le iff.
Z2Nat.inj_iff: forall n m : Z, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> Z.to_nat n = Z.to_nat m <-> n = m
Z2Nat.inj_le: forall n m : Z, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> n <= m <-> (Z.to_nat n <= Z.to_nat m)%nat
Z2Nat.inj_lt: forall n m : Z, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> n < m <-> (Z.to_nat n < Z.to_nat m)%nat
Best regards

Coq - Proving condition about elements of sequence in Ssreflect

I have a goal that looks like this:
x \in [seq (f v j) | j <- enum 'I_m & P v j] -> 0 < x
In the above, f is a definition generating a solution of an inequality depending on v, j and P v j is a predicate restricting j to indices which satisfy another inequality.
I have already proven that Goal : P v j -> (f v j > 0), but how can I use this to prove that it holds for any x in the sequence? I have found just a few relevant lemmas like nthP which introduce sequence manipulation, which I'm very unfamiliar with.
Thanks in advance!
You need to use the mapP lemma (that characterizes membership wrt map):
Lemma U m (P : rel 'I_m) f v x (hp : forall j, P v j -> f v j > 0) :
x \in [seq f v j | j <- enum 'I_m & P v j] -> 0 < x.
Proof. by case/mapP=> [y]; rewrite mem_filter; case/andP=> /hp ? _ ->. Qed.

What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?

From the Coq reference manual (8.5p1), my impression is that revert is the inverse of intro, but so is generalize to a certain extent. For example, revert and generalize dependent below seem to be the same.
Goal forall x y: nat, 1 + x = 2 + y -> 1 + x + 5 = 7 + y.
intros x y. revert x y.
intros x y. generalize dependent y. generalize dependent x.
Is it just that generalize is more powerful than revert?
Also, the documentation is a bit circular in explaining things about generalize:
This tactic applies to any goal. It generalizes the conclusion with
respect to some term.
Is generalize similar to the abstraction operator in lambda calculus?
Yes, generalize is more powerful. You've demonstrated it has at least the same power as revert by simulating revert with generalize.
Notice that generalize works on any terms, revert -- only on identifiers.
For example, revert cannot do the example from the manual:
x, y : nat
0 <= x + y + y
Coq < generalize (x + y + y).
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
forall n : nat, 0 <= n
As for "circularity" of the definition, the real explanation is right below the example:
If the goal is G and t is a subterm of type T in the goal, then generalize t replaces the goal by forall x:T, G0 where G0 is obtained from G by replacing all occurrences of t by x.
Essentially, this says generalize wraps your goal in forall, replacing some term with a fresh variable (x).
Of course, generalize should be used with some thought and caution, since one can get a false statement to prove after using it:
Goal forall x y, x > 0 -> 0 < x + y + y.
intros x y H.
generalize dependent (x + y + y).
(* results in this proof state: *)
x, y : nat
H : x > 0
forall n : nat, 0 < n
From what I recall, revert is just a simpler form of generalize, which is usually easier to use for newcomers: it is the opposite of intro. Using a flavor of generalize, you can do much more (especially with dependency between terms and types).