Why natural order is speedy? - mongodb

In this slides, the author said that capped collection is perfect for logging because it is speedy by natural ordering. Could you please explain for me why it is speedy?

Natural order means "return the data in the same order it is stored on disk, no sorting necessary". This is fast. Unfortunately, it usually is no "meaningful" order at all. To get a meaningful order, you have to sort by data in a field, and this implies either in-memory sorting, or random access through an index (which is slower than sequential access).
In a capped collection, natural order happens to be the same order as document creation.
So if you want log entries in chronological order, a capped collection can provide that cheaply.

(Unless explicitly created) there is no index on the collection, which means insertion is very quick. Think of it as appending to a list, as opposed to inserting an element to a sorted data structure.


MongoDB documents order shuffled [duplicate]

When we run a Mongo find() query without any sort order specified, what does the database internally use to sort the results?
According to the documentation on the mongo website:
When executing a find() with no parameters, the database returns
objects in forward natural order.
For standard tables, natural order is not particularly useful because,
although the order is often close to insertion order, it is not
guaranteed to be. However, for Capped Collections, natural order is
guaranteed to be the insertion order. This can be very useful.
However for standard collections (non capped collections), what field is used to sort the results?
Is it the _id field or something else?
Basically, I guess what I am trying to get at is that if I execute the following search query:
At two different points in time: t1 and t2, will I get different result sets:
When there have been no additional writes between t1 & t2?
When there have been new writes between t1 & t2?
There are new indexes that have been added between t1 & t2?
I have run some tests on a temp database and the results I have gotten are the same (Yes) for all the 3 cases - but I wanted to be sure and I am certain that my test cases weren't very thorough.
What is the default sort order when none is specified?
The default internal sort order (or natural order) is an undefined implementation detail. Maintaining order is extra overhead for storage engines and MongoDB's API does not mandate predictability outside of an explicit sort() or the special case of fixed-sized capped collections which have associated usage restrictions. For typical workloads it is desirable for the storage engine to try to reuse available preallocated space and make decisions about how to most efficiently store data on disk and in memory.
Without any query criteria, results will be returned by the storage engine in natural order (aka in the order they are found). Result order may coincide with insertion order but this behaviour is not guaranteed and cannot be relied on (aside from capped collections).
Some examples that may affect storage (natural) order:
WiredTiger uses a different representation of documents on disk versus the in-memory cache, so natural ordering may change based on internal data structures.
The original MMAPv1 storage engine (removed in MongoDB 4.2) allocates record space for documents based on padding rules. If a document outgrows the currently allocated record space, the document location (and natural ordering) will be affected. New documents can also be inserted in storage marked available for reuse due to deleted or moved documents.
Replication uses an idempotent oplog format to apply write operations consistently across replica set members. Each replica set member maintains local data files that can vary in natural order, but will have the same data outcome when oplog updates are applied.
What if an index is used?
If an index is used, documents will be returned in the order they are found (which does necessarily match insertion order or I/O order). If more than one index is used then the order depends internally on which index first identified the document during the de-duplication process.
If you want a predictable sort order you must include an explicit sort() with your query and have unique values for your sort key.
How do capped collections maintain insertion order?
The implementation exception noted for natural order in capped collections is enforced by their special usage restrictions: documents are stored in insertion order but existing document size cannot be increased and documents cannot be explicitly deleted. Ordering is part of the capped collection design that ensures the oldest documents "age out" first.
It is returned in the stored order (order in the file), but it is not guaranteed to be that they are in the inserted order. They are not sorted by the _id field. Sometimes it can be look like it is sorted by the insertion order but it can change in another request. It is not reliable.

Mongodb performance of paging without sort vs. with sort? [duplicate]

When we run a Mongo find() query without any sort order specified, what does the database internally use to sort the results?
According to the documentation on the mongo website:
When executing a find() with no parameters, the database returns
objects in forward natural order.
For standard tables, natural order is not particularly useful because,
although the order is often close to insertion order, it is not
guaranteed to be. However, for Capped Collections, natural order is
guaranteed to be the insertion order. This can be very useful.
However for standard collections (non capped collections), what field is used to sort the results?
Is it the _id field or something else?
Basically, I guess what I am trying to get at is that if I execute the following search query:
At two different points in time: t1 and t2, will I get different result sets:
When there have been no additional writes between t1 & t2?
When there have been new writes between t1 & t2?
There are new indexes that have been added between t1 & t2?
I have run some tests on a temp database and the results I have gotten are the same (Yes) for all the 3 cases - but I wanted to be sure and I am certain that my test cases weren't very thorough.
What is the default sort order when none is specified?
The default internal sort order (or natural order) is an undefined implementation detail. Maintaining order is extra overhead for storage engines and MongoDB's API does not mandate predictability outside of an explicit sort() or the special case of fixed-sized capped collections which have associated usage restrictions. For typical workloads it is desirable for the storage engine to try to reuse available preallocated space and make decisions about how to most efficiently store data on disk and in memory.
Without any query criteria, results will be returned by the storage engine in natural order (aka in the order they are found). Result order may coincide with insertion order but this behaviour is not guaranteed and cannot be relied on (aside from capped collections).
Some examples that may affect storage (natural) order:
WiredTiger uses a different representation of documents on disk versus the in-memory cache, so natural ordering may change based on internal data structures.
The original MMAPv1 storage engine (removed in MongoDB 4.2) allocates record space for documents based on padding rules. If a document outgrows the currently allocated record space, the document location (and natural ordering) will be affected. New documents can also be inserted in storage marked available for reuse due to deleted or moved documents.
Replication uses an idempotent oplog format to apply write operations consistently across replica set members. Each replica set member maintains local data files that can vary in natural order, but will have the same data outcome when oplog updates are applied.
What if an index is used?
If an index is used, documents will be returned in the order they are found (which does necessarily match insertion order or I/O order). If more than one index is used then the order depends internally on which index first identified the document during the de-duplication process.
If you want a predictable sort order you must include an explicit sort() with your query and have unique values for your sort key.
How do capped collections maintain insertion order?
The implementation exception noted for natural order in capped collections is enforced by their special usage restrictions: documents are stored in insertion order but existing document size cannot be increased and documents cannot be explicitly deleted. Ordering is part of the capped collection design that ensures the oldest documents "age out" first.
It is returned in the stored order (order in the file), but it is not guaranteed to be that they are in the inserted order. They are not sorted by the _id field. Sometimes it can be look like it is sorted by the insertion order but it can change in another request. It is not reliable.

How do I sort a MongoDB collection in MeteorJS permanently?

From the tutorials out there I know that I can sort a MongoDB collection in meteor on request like this:
// Sorted by createdAt descending
Users.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}})
But I feel like this solution is not optimal in the view of performance.
Because if I understand it right, every time there is a request for Users, the raw collection is requested and then sorted over and over again.
So wouldn't it be better to sort the whole collection once and for all and then access the already sorted collection with Users.find()?
The question is: How do I sort the whole collection permanently not just the found results?
This is a known limitation of MiniMongo, Meteor's client-side implementation of (a subset of) the MongoDB functionality.
"Sorting" a MongoDB collection does not really have a coherent meaning. It does not translate into a concrete set of operations. What would you sort it by? Is there a "natural" way to sort a set of documents which structure may vary?
The mechanism that is used for making data retrieval more efficient is an index. On the server, indices are used to assist sorting, if possible:
In MongoDB, sort operations can obtain the sort order by retrieving documents based on the ordering in an index. If the query planner cannot obtain the sort order from an index, it will sort the results in memory. Sort operations that use an index often have better performance than those that do not use an index. In addition, sort operations that do not use an index will abort when they use 32 megabytes of memory.
(Source: MongoDB documentation)
As a collection does not have an inherent order to it, the entity that holds information about the order requirements in MongoDB is a Cursor. A cursor can be fetched multiple times, and in theory could be made into an efficient ordered data fetcher.
Unfortunately, this is not the case at the moment. The way it is currently implemented, MiniMongo does not have indices and does not cache the documents by order. They are re-sorted every time the cursor is fetched.
The sorting is reasonably efficient (as much as sorting can be efficient, O(n*logn) sort function invocations), but for a large data set, it could be fairly lengthy and degrade the user experience.
At the moment, if you have a special use case that requires repeated access to a large data-set that is ordered the same way, you could try to keep a cache of ordered documents if you need to, by observing the cursor and updating the cache when there are changes.

What does nscannedObjects = 0 actually mean?

As far as I understood, nscannedObjects entry in the explain() method means the number of documents that MongoDB needed to go to find in the disk.
My question is: when this value is 0, what this actually mean besides the explanation above? Does MongoDB keep a cache with some documents stored there?
nscannedObjects=0 means that there was no fetching or filtering to satisfy your query, the query was resolved solely based on indexes. So for example if you were to query for {_id:10} and there were no matching documents you would get nscannedObjects=0.
It has nothing to do with the data being in memory, there is no such distinction with the query plan.
Note that in MongoDB 3.0 and later nscanned and nscannedObjects are now called totalKeysExamined and totalDocsExamined, which is a little more self-explanatory.
Mongo is a document database, which means that it can interpret the structure of the stored documents (unlike for example key-value stores).
One particular advantage of that approach is that you can build indices on the documents in the database.
Index is a data structure (usually a variant of b-tree), which allows for fast searching of documents basing on some of their attributes (for example id (!= _id) or some other distinctive feature). These are usually stored in memory, allowing very fast access to them.
When you search for documents basing on indexed attributes (let's say id > 50), then mongo doesn't need to fetch the document from memory/disk/whatever - it can see which documents match the criteria basing solely on the index (note that fetching something from disk is several orders of magnitude slower than memory lookup, even with no cache). The only time it actually goes to the disk is when you need to fetch the document for further processing (and which is not covered by the statistic you cited).
Indices are crucial to achieve high performance, but also have drawbacks (for example rarely used index can slow down inserts and not be worth it - after each insertion the index has to be updated).

How does MongoDB sort records when no sort order is specified?

When we run a Mongo find() query without any sort order specified, what does the database internally use to sort the results?
According to the documentation on the mongo website:
When executing a find() with no parameters, the database returns
objects in forward natural order.
For standard tables, natural order is not particularly useful because,
although the order is often close to insertion order, it is not
guaranteed to be. However, for Capped Collections, natural order is
guaranteed to be the insertion order. This can be very useful.
However for standard collections (non capped collections), what field is used to sort the results?
Is it the _id field or something else?
Basically, I guess what I am trying to get at is that if I execute the following search query:
At two different points in time: t1 and t2, will I get different result sets:
When there have been no additional writes between t1 & t2?
When there have been new writes between t1 & t2?
There are new indexes that have been added between t1 & t2?
I have run some tests on a temp database and the results I have gotten are the same (Yes) for all the 3 cases - but I wanted to be sure and I am certain that my test cases weren't very thorough.
What is the default sort order when none is specified?
The default internal sort order (or natural order) is an undefined implementation detail. Maintaining order is extra overhead for storage engines and MongoDB's API does not mandate predictability outside of an explicit sort() or the special case of fixed-sized capped collections which have associated usage restrictions. For typical workloads it is desirable for the storage engine to try to reuse available preallocated space and make decisions about how to most efficiently store data on disk and in memory.
Without any query criteria, results will be returned by the storage engine in natural order (aka in the order they are found). Result order may coincide with insertion order but this behaviour is not guaranteed and cannot be relied on (aside from capped collections).
Some examples that may affect storage (natural) order:
WiredTiger uses a different representation of documents on disk versus the in-memory cache, so natural ordering may change based on internal data structures.
The original MMAPv1 storage engine (removed in MongoDB 4.2) allocates record space for documents based on padding rules. If a document outgrows the currently allocated record space, the document location (and natural ordering) will be affected. New documents can also be inserted in storage marked available for reuse due to deleted or moved documents.
Replication uses an idempotent oplog format to apply write operations consistently across replica set members. Each replica set member maintains local data files that can vary in natural order, but will have the same data outcome when oplog updates are applied.
What if an index is used?
If an index is used, documents will be returned in the order they are found (which does necessarily match insertion order or I/O order). If more than one index is used then the order depends internally on which index first identified the document during the de-duplication process.
If you want a predictable sort order you must include an explicit sort() with your query and have unique values for your sort key.
How do capped collections maintain insertion order?
The implementation exception noted for natural order in capped collections is enforced by their special usage restrictions: documents are stored in insertion order but existing document size cannot be increased and documents cannot be explicitly deleted. Ordering is part of the capped collection design that ensures the oldest documents "age out" first.
It is returned in the stored order (order in the file), but it is not guaranteed to be that they are in the inserted order. They are not sorted by the _id field. Sometimes it can be look like it is sorted by the insertion order but it can change in another request. It is not reliable.