"Or" statement - ORMLite - ormlite

I'm tring to do this query with ORMLite but I just can't use the or() statement properly.
SELECT DISTINCT x FROM x x INNER JOIN x.w w WHERE :date >= x.startDate
AND w.company.id = :companyId AND w.status = :status AND x.status =
:status AND (x.endDate = NULL OR x.endDate >= :date)
My code:
QueryBuilder<x, Integer> xQB = this.xDao.queryBuilder();
xQB.where().eq("status", StatusEnum.ENABLED).and().le("startDate", date)
.and().ge("endDate", date).or().isNull("endDate");
If date is less than startDate this state stil returning values of endDate equal null. If I remove the or() statement everything works fine.

I have a feeling you are getting confused around the AND and OR grouping. Any and() or or() operation (without args) takes the previous element on the stack and combines it with the next argument and then pushes the result on the stack. So a AND b AND c OR e turns into approximately (((a AND b) AND c) OR e).
The Where class also has and(...) and or(...) method that take arguments which wrap the comparison in parenthesis. This is useful in situations like yours when you need to be explicit about what tow things you are comparing. I'd change your's to be:
QueryBuilder<x, Integer> xQB = this.xDao.queryBuilder();
Where<x, Integer> where = xQB.where();
where.and(where.eq("status", StatusEnum.ENABLED),
where.and(where.le("startDate", date),
where.or(where.ge("endDate", date), where.isNull("endDate"))));
This should generate approximately `(a AND (b AND (c OR d)))' which seems to be what you want.
To see the various ways to construct queries, check out the docs:


Postgresql update column of numeric type with NULL value fails if all value of this column is NULL

I have a database table like this:
In pgadmin4, I tried to update this table with some null values, and I noticed the following queries failed:
UPDATE test as t SET
a = e.a,b = e.b
AS e(idx, a, b)
WHERE t.idx = e.idx
UPDATE test as t SET
a = e.a,b = e.b
AS e(idx, a, b)
WHERE t.idx = e.idx
The error message is like this:
ERROR: column "a" is of type numeric but expression is of type text
LINE 2: a = e.a,b = e.b
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
SQL state: 42804
Character: 43
However, this will be successful:
UPDATE test as t SET
a = e.a,b = e.b
AS e(idx, a, b)
WHERE t.idx = e.idx
It seems like if the new values for one of the columns I am updating are all NULL, then the query fails. However, as long as there is at least one value is numeric but NOT NULL, the query would be successful. Why is this?
I did simplify my real world case here as my actual table has millions of rows and more than 10 columns. Using Python and psycopg2, when I tried to update 50,000 rows in one query, even though there is a value in a column is NOT NULL, the previous error could still show up. I guess that is because the system scans a certain number of rows to decide if the type is correct or not instead of all 50,000 rows.
Therefore, how to avoid this failure in my real world situation? Is there a better query to use instead of UPDATE?
Thank you very much!
Per comments from #Marth and #Gordon Linoff, and as I am using psycopg2, I did the following in my code:
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
sql = """UPDATE test as t SET
a = (e.a::numeric),
b = (e.b::numeric)
AS e(idx, a, b)
WHERE t.idx = e.idx"""
execute_values(cursor, sql, data)
cursor is from the database connection. data is a list of tuples in the form (idx, a, b) of my values.
This is due to the default behavior of how NULL works in these situations. NULL is generally an unknown type, which is then treated as whatever type is necessary.
In a values() statement, Postgres tries to decipher the types. It treats the individual records as it would with a union. But if all are NULL . . . well, then there is no information. And Postgres decides on using text as the universal default.
It is also important to understand that this fails with the same error:
UPDATE test t
SET a = ''
WHERE t.id = 1;
The issue is that Postgres does not convert empty strings to numbers (unlike some other databases).
In any case, this is easily fixed by casting the NULL to an appropriate type:
UPDATE test t
SET a = e.a,b = e.b
FROM (VALUES (1, NULL::numeric, NULL::numeric),
(2, NULL, NULL),
) e(idx, a, b)
WHERE t.idx = e.idx ;
You can be explicit for all occurrences of NULL, but that is not necessary.
Here is a db<>fiddle that illustrates some of this.

EF- two WHERE IN clauses in an INCLUDE table produce two EXISTS in SQL sent to server

I have an INCLUDE table that I want to check a couple of values, in the same row, using an IN clause. The below doesn't return the correct result set because it produces two EXISTS clauses with subqueries. This results in the 2 values being checked independently and not strictly in the same child row. (forgive any typos as I'm typing this in from printed code)
var db = new dbEntities();
IQueryable<dr> query = db.drs;
// filter the parent table
query = query.Where(p => DropDown1.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(p.system_id.ToString()));
// include the child table
query = query.Include(p => p.drs_versions);
// filter the child table using the other two dropdowns
query = query.Where(p => p.drs_versions.Any(c => DropDown2.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.version_id.ToString())) && c => DropDown3.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.status_id.ToString()));
// I tried removing the second c=> but received an error "'c' is inaccessible due to its protection level" error and couldn't find an clear answer to how this related to Entity Framework
// query = query.Where(p => p.drs_versions.Any(c => DropDown2.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.version_id.ToString())) && DropDown3.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.status_id.ToString()));
This is an example of the query the code above produces...
FROM drs d
LEFT OUTER JOIN drs_versions v ON d.dr_id = v.dr_id
WHERE d.system_id IN (9,8,3)
FROM drs_versions sub1
WHERE d.tr_id = sub1.tr_id
AND sub1.version_id IN (9, 4, 1))
FROM drs_versions sub2
WHERE d.tr_id = sub2.tr_id
AND sub2.status_id IN (12, 7))
This is the query I actually want:
FROM drs d
LEFT OUTER JOIN drs_versions v ON d.dr_id = v.dr_id
WHERE d.system_id IN (9, 8, 3)
AND v.version_id IN (9, 4, 1)
AND v.status_id IN (12, 7)
How do I get Entity Framework to create a query that will give me the desired result set?
Thank you for your help
I'd drop all of the .ToString() everywhere and format your values ahead of the query to make it a lot easier to follow.. If EF is generating SQL anything like what you transcribed, you are casting to String just to have EF revert it back to the appropriate type.
From that it just looks like your parenthesis are a bit out of place:
I'm also not sure how something like DropDown2.KeyBalue.ToString() resolves back to what I'd expect to be a collection of numbers based on your SQL examples... I've just substituted this with a method called getSelectedIds().
IEnumerable<int> versions = getSelectedIds(DropDown2);
IEnumerable<int> statuses = getSelectedIds(DropDown3);
query = query
.Where(p => p.drs_versions
.Any(c => versions.Contains(c.version_id)
&& statuses.Contains(c.status_id));
As a general bit of advice I suggest always looking to simplify the variables you want to use in a linq expression as much as possible ahead of time to keep the text inside the expression as simple to read as possible. (avoiding parenthesis as much as possible) Make liberal use of line breaks and indentation to organize what falls under what, and use the code highlighting to double-check your closing parenthesis that they are closing the opening you expect.
I don't think your first example actually was input correctly as it would result in a compile error as you cannot && c => ... within an Any() block. My guess would be that you have:
query = query.Where(p => p.drs_versions.Any(c => DropDown2.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.version_id.ToString())) && p.drs_versions.Any(c => DropDown3.KeyValue.ToString().Contains(c.status_id.ToString()));
Your issue is closing off the inner .Any()
query.Where(p => p.drs_versions.Any(c => DropDown2.KeyValue.Contains(c.version_id))
&& DropDown3.KeyValue.Contains(c.status_id)); //<-- "c" is still outside the single .Any() condition so invalid.
Even then I'm not sure this will fully explain the difference in queries or results. It sounds like you've tried typing across code rather than pasting the actual statements and captured EF queries. It may help to copy the exact statements from the code because it's pretty easy to mistype something when trying to simplify an example only to find out you've accidentally excluded the smoking gun for your issue.

Drupal 8 and PostgreSQL: How can I use the result of an expression inside a WHERE clause?

Hi there!
I construct a database query using Drupal's query interface. With that, I also successfully add an expression that generates a conditional value. The contents of that conditional field is a ISO formatted datestring.
I now would like to use that computed field inside my WHERE clause. In another project using MySQL I was able to just use the name carrying the expression result inside the where-clause, but that does not seem to work in PostgreSQL. I always get the "column does not exist"-error, wheter if I prefix the expression name with the database table alias or not.
The (raw and shortened) query looks like the following (still contains the value placeholders):
base.nid AS nid,
base.type AS type,
date.field_date_value AS start,
date.field_date_end_value AS "end",
CASE WHEN COALESCE(LENGTH(date.field_date_end_value), 0) > 0 THEN date.field_date_end_value ELSE date.field_date_value END AS datefilter
FROM {node} base
LEFT JOIN {node__field_date} date ON base.type = date.bundle AND base.nid = date.entity_id AND base.vid = date.revision_id AND attr.langcode = date.langcode AND date.deleted = 0
WHERE (base.type = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND (datefilter > :db_condition_placeholder_2)
ORDER BY field_date_value ASC NULLS FIRST
As already stated, it does not make any difference if I apply the filter using "date.datefilter" or just "datefilter". The field/expression turns out just fine on the result list if I do not attempt to use it in the WHERE part. So, how can I use the result of the expression to filter the query result?
Any hint is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
You can try to create a derived table that defines the new column "datefilter".
For example instead of coding:
select case when c1 > 0 then c1 else -c1 end as c, c2, c3
from t
where c = 0;
ERROR: column "c" does not exist
LINE 1: ...c1 > 0 then c1 else -c1 end as c, c2, c3 from t where c = 0;
Define a derived table that defines the new column and used it in a outer SELECT:
select c, c2, c3
(select case when c1 > 0 then c1 else -c1 end as c, c2, c3 from t) as t2
where c=0;

updating a table in tsql with multiple conditions

If I have a table MyTable with columns a,b and c, which are ints. Given that I want to update all 'a's based on the values of b and c.
Update MyTable set a = 2 where b = 1 and c = 1
It's far too late, and I cannot for the life of me see why this statement doesn't work, am I missing something silly?
Edit, woops, forgot the error.
"Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."
Edit2: That was the exact query I was using (different column names). Turns out there was a trigger on the table which was broken. I feel a little silly now, but thanks for the help anyway :)
There's nothing wrong with the statement you posted. The error is elsewhere.
Could you have posted the wrong query? Or perhaps you over-simplified it? A subquery looks something like this:
SET a = 2
WHERE b = 1 AND c = (SELECT c FROM MyTable2 WHERE id = 5)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <--- subquery
An invalid query that could give the error message you get could look like this:
SET a = 2
WHERE b = 1 AND c = (SELECT c, d FROM MyTable2 WHERE id = 5)
The second query is invalid because it returns two values but the = operator only allows comparison to a single value.
The solution is to ensure that all subqueries used in equality comparisons only return a single row consisting of a single column.

Lambda expression for Entity Framework query

I'm stuck trying to map this sql:
select dt.Id, dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,dt.CreatedAt),0) as Ct, DId, Amount
from dt, ad
where dt.ADId = ad.ADId and ad.Id = '13B29A01-8BF0-4EC9-80CA-089BA341E93D'
order by dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,dt.CreatedAt),0) desc, DId asc
Into an Entity Framework-compatible lambda query expression. I'd appreciate any help.
I think something like the code below should work.
Guid dtId = new Guid("13B29A01-8BF0-4EC9-80CA-089BA341E93D");
DateTime compareDt = new DateTime(...);
var q = from dt in dts
where dt.id == dtId
orderby dt.Ad.CreatedAt, Did
select new
(dt.CreatedAt - compareDt).Days,
dtId has to be outside of the query, because the entity framework mapper doesn't understand constructors that take parameters, similar for the DateTime. I couldn't completely figure out the datediff/dateadd part, looks like you're determining the total amount of days since a given datetime, which is what I assumed.
It could be that the datetime subtraction followed by TimeSpan.Days doesn't work in the query. If that's the case, pull it outside like so:
var q = from dt in dts
where dt.id == dtId
orderby dt.Ad.CreatedAt, Did
select new
This creates an IEnumerable of objects that have a DateTime CreatedAt property. If you call .ToList() now, the query is executed, and you can calculate stuff that Entity Framework doesn't support. Again, if the first attempt worked, that's the best solution if the number of days since X is what you need.
from item in q.ToList()
select new
(dt.CreatedAt - compareDt).Days,