"Navigation Bar" SWT control - swt

Does already someone has written an SWT control like the "Navigation Bar" in IDEA? For those who don't know what I mean: it looks like
path1 > path2 > path3 >
where each "path" is a part of a full path simulating a button which can be clicked and shows a popup, e.g. to easily switch to a different parallel directory of the currently opened file.

Have you checked the following links:
swtbreadcrumb and


Is there a way to highlight the file I'm currently working on in the vscode explorer sidebar?

I have a lot of files in my root folder, and I'd like to be able to easily pinpoint where the current file is located in the VScode Explorer sidebar.
The "File: Reveal Active File in Side Bar" command is almost what I need: it opens the Explorer sidebar and highlights the current root folder with a blue box. However, the entire root folder is highlighted, not the specific file, so I still have to hunt for it amid all the other subdirectories and files in that tree.
Is there a command or set of commands I could use to achieve this? Alternately, is there a setting I could change that keeps the active file highlighted in the sidebar all the time? I'd just like some sort of indicator to see exactly where in the tree my active file is located.
add in settings.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#fffb17",
A small tip: in this picture:
please click "1" once, and then click "2" twice.
try it!
is there a setting I could change that keeps the active file highlighted in the sidebar all the time? I'd just like some sort of indicator to see exactly where in the tree my active file is located.
Was searching for this myself when I discovered the solution.
It sounds like what OP is looking for is Auto Reveal. Open your Settings: File > Preferences > Settings (or for a pc shortcut hold ctrl and press ,) and search for "explorer". Then under Explorer: Auto Reveal, select True or focusNoScroll.
With this option on, when you have multiple files open, each from different folders or projects, clicking on each tab (thereby making it the "active" file, which is what OP wanted) will automatically highlight the file in the Explorer column to the left of the editor.

How to Display VS Code output window to side rather than below

In my VS Code set up I see the output/FSI frame below the main text editor pane like this:
whereas I would love it to appear to the right in the side-by-side view like it does on the images in this link: http://www.wintellect.com/devcenter/jwood/a-quick-look-at-f-in-visual-studio-code
Is there a config option I cannot find somewhere?
I tried Googling but drew a blank and cannot see anything obvious in the config options mentioned on the vs code site page describing the config options
as of version 1.51.1 right click in the right corner on the output panel. then select option 'move panel right'
I don't believe you can detach/move the output windows in Visual Studio Code. You can move the side bar to the left/right side, but that's it. There is no config option, sorry.
You could try posting a feature request on the GitHub page: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode
EDIT: This was changed in VS Code 0.10.8, it was once on the side but was moved to the bottom. See this GitHub issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/2806
This feature is not available yet in VS Code. However as of today (March 30, 2017) it's on 6 months roadmap so it should be done in a near feature.
This feature is available from version 1.18.0+
Simply click this icon to dock to the right:
Just follow the steps mentioned:
In Visual Studio Code -
View Tab > Appearance > Toggle Panel Position
That's it.
Your original link to the view your desire is obsolete, so it is a guess as to what you wanted. But here is a demo of setting up a terminal/output look side-by-side. It is a little tricky - you drag your Outline header over the Terminal header which will then allow you the option of putting it to the left or right of the Terminal:
its easy. just right-click on the terminal, select 'move panel right' like in the image below and voila
the image can be found here
Vertical Split:
From VS Code Menu bar:
View >> Appearance >> Move Panel Right
Version 1.47.0 of VS Code (at the moment of posting this, the latest one) allows you to drag output (or any other panel tab, e.g. terminal) to the activity bar. This way you can obtain output to the side of the editor.
Just right click on the panel of output section then select "Move panel left or right" as per your wish.
here your can see the move panel left option.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + P
Select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
Insert (or change if it is there --search for it) the following config line:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
Save file.
That will work for new workspaces. VS-Code saves your preferences for each folder you start it in. So, if you navigate to a folder you previously called VS-Code in (I mean, from the terminal), it will open the output panel in the same location it was the last time you have used VS-Code from the same location.
After making the change above, go to a new place, like /opt and start VS-Code there to make a test.

How to remove eclipse project explorer above the editor?

When I was working on a project for my program fundimentals class I somehow got this miniature project explorer above the editor in eclipse, I have tried to look for a solution on google but I don't think i'm asking the right question so this was my final place to go.
Here is a screenshot of my eclipse:
That is the breadcrumb view.
To toggle it on/off:
Shift+Alt+B (by default on Linux)
Right click in editor and choose Show in breadcrumb
Ctrl+3 to open up quick access (or click in quick access) and type breadcrumb and select the toggle command as in this screenshot:
Click this icon in the tool bar
Yeah that is annoying, the workspace is cluttered enough. I was trying to simply minimize the explorer area so I could see the whole line of code and I eneded up activating this breadcrumb mode. Looks like:

How to Reveal in Project Navigator automatically

I want to reveal the currently edited file in the project navigator in xcode
I know about the right-click and Reveal in Project Navigator
How to highlight opened file in XCode 4 on the "Project Navigator" panel?
But it's a manual task
I want it to show EVERY TIME I switch files - like the 2 yellow arrows on top of the Eclipse IDE
I want the project navigator to always highlight the currently edited file.
Hum... I don't have the answer of your question and I really would like to know it.
But I know something better than right clicking, that is called : ⌘-shift-J
Your hands are on the keyboard, at least you won't have to get the mouse...
At the bottom of project navigator panel "Show only recent file" filter option is given select it to view only recent files edited

Eclipse: Get location of the current file?

If I've got a file open in Eclipse, how can I figure out where it is on the filesystem?
For example, in Vim I would use :pwd.
Use the Eclipse menu:
or the shortcut:
You should be able to see the Location associated with the Resource
Just hit Alt-Enter.
The other solution ("File-->Properties" or "Alt+Enter") didn't work for me.
I use:
Right Click (in current editor) --> Show In (shortcut: Alt+Shift+W) --> Project Explorer
This shows in Project Explorer the location of the file. If the file is a class in a referenced library, the dependency tree is automatically opened.
What you're looking for is the 'Properties' dialogue for the current file. This can be activated in two ways:
Selecting from the menu: File -> Properties
Using the shortcut: Alt + Enter
This gives you a dialogue which contains both the full path of the document, as well as the relative path from the workspace root.
The dialogue can be quite handy: it allows you to highlight and copy the file path.
Linking to Project Explorer won't work if you have many files - it will select the right file in the list, but it won't "scroll" to that portion so it is visible.
You'd have to manual scroll the Project Explorer view to see where the file is. It could also be nested so deeply that the full location will be obscured by truncation.
Another way to quickly (keyboard-free) see the path is to hover over the file type icon (on top of the open editor window).
Eclipse also has the ability to link the explorer view with the current file, so that whenever you change a file, it is expanded and selected in the explorer view.
Just look for the following image at the top of the view: