GXT ScrollBar overlapping content - gwt

I'm using setScrollMode(ScrollMode.AUTOY) to enable vertical scrolling when necessary on a VerticalLayoutContainer. However, the scrollbar overlaps the content of the container. The only way around this that I've seen is to call setAdjustForScroll(true). The problem with this is that The panel will then always reserve space for a scrollbar even when one is not present.
Is there a way to tell GXT to only adjust for a scrollbar when one is present? Or perhaps use an event handler (eg ResizeHandler) and check if the scrollbar is currently visible?

Instead of trying to check in a handler if the scrollbar is visible, isn't it just easier to not have the content in the VerticalLayoutContainer?
For example I have:
VerticalLayoutContainer vp = new VerticalLayoutContainer();
vp.add(layer1, new VerticalLayoutData(1, -1));
vp.add(layer2, new VerticalLayoutData(1, -1));
vp.add(layer3, new VerticalLayoutData(1, -1));
the layers(1-3) contain the actual content and are different types Ex. VBoxLayoutContainer, Container, VerticalLayoutContainer.
It works for me. I don't think it is relevant but I am adding the vp to a CenterLayoutContainer that is added to the root panel.


Content width is increasing for every new change

I have a project where one of it's windows is a ScrollPane that has a GridPane as a content. when I click on a new node, or I start typing on the text fields. the width of a GridPane's column increases unintentionally. can anyone explain why would that be happening.
I tried to get rid of ScrollPane on the window but it's still going on. My window's width is bind to the window's width also.
Thank you so much for your support on this problem. Turns out the issue was something completely unrelated to anything I wrote down. The problem was on a TableView I set to increase its columns' width based on the content.
ingredientTable = new TableView<Ingredient>();
ingAmount = new TableColumn<Ingredient, Integer>("amount");
ingUnit = new TableColumn<Ingredient, String>("unit");
ingName = new TableColumn<Ingredient, String>("item");
ingredientTable.getColumns().addAll(ingAmount, ingUnit, ingName);
For some reason, whenever I changed content anywhere (clicked on a new node or type on TextField) the tableview would increase it's width. I just reduced the multiply parameter of one of the TableColumn to 0.01 and that seemed to solve the problem.
I'm sorry for my lack of information and expect more details in future posts

GWT SimplePager - not displaying buttons

I have a DataGrid that I want to add pagination to. Following the example from the docs, I have:
// Create a Pager to control the table.
SimplePager.Resources pagerResources = GWT.create(SimplePager.Resources.class);
pager = new SimplePager(TextLocation.CENTER, pagerResources,true, 50, true);
However, I get neither the 'forward' nor 'fast forward' buttons:
Is there something I"m missing? Do I need to do something when the DataProvider changes?
Judging by your previous question and screenshot, the remaining pager buttons on the right are simply hidden under the west pane.

GXT add doesn't seem to work after LayoutContainer.removeAll()

GXT 2.25.
I have a screen with a layout container with a TableLayout with two columns. The left column has a tree grid. The right column is a layout container with table layout, one column.
When I click on various items on the tree grid, I want to display editable fields in the layout container on the right that match to the item clicked on.
When I first start the form and am loading the data from the server, I add text to the layout container and it seems to be fine.
After the text is loaded, I call secondLayout.removeAll() to remove all items. Then I click on an item in the tree. The selection method calls secondLayout.removeAll() and then adds a new text item "Loaded..." for testing.
private LayoutContainer secondaryLayout;
And then...
secondaryLayout.add(new Text("Loaded..."));
After making structural changes to a container, be sure to invoke (in GXT 2) the layout method to re-run the layout routines. The alternative is to configure the LayoutContainer to re-run layouts on each modification (using setLayoutOnChange), but that would in this case be at least two re-layouts - one for removeAll, and another for each new object added. Could be needlessly expensive, so better to run once and for all when you are finished making changes.
(Worth pointing out perhaps that GXT 2.2.5 is just over two years old, 2.2.6, 2.3.0 have gone out since then, and it is being superseded by GXT 3. In GXT 3, the method here would be forceLayout.)

GWT 2.4 DataGrid automatic scrolling when selecting an item

I am using GWT 2.4's new DataGrid in a project. I configured the DataGrid with a pagesize of 50.
The available screen is not big enough to display all items and thus a vertical scrollbar is shown (this is actually the main purpose for using a DataGrid in the first place).
I attached a SingleSelectionModel to the DataGrid in order to be able to select items.
This works fine so far.
However I also have another widget with which the user can interact. Based on that user action a item from the DataGrid should be selected.
Sometimes the selected item is not in the visible screen region and the user has to scroll down in the DataGrid to see it.
Is there any way to automatically or manually scroll down, so that the selected item is visible?
I checked the JavaDocs of the DataGrid and found no appropriate method or function for doing that.
Don't know if this works, but you could try to get the row element for the selection and use the scrollIntoView Method.
Example Code:
The answer above works pretty well, though if the grid is wider than your window and has a horizontal scroll bar, it also scrolls all the way to the right which is pretty annoying. I was able to get it to scroll down and stay scrolled left by getting the first cell in the selected row and then having it scroll that into view.
Don't have time to try it out, but DataGrid implements the interface HasRows, and HasRows has, among other things, a method called setVisibleRange. You just need to figure out the row number of the item that you want to focus on, and then set the visible range from that number n to n+50. That way the DataGrid will reset to put that item at the top (or near the top if it is in the last 50 elements of the list backing the DataGrid). Don't forget to redraw your DataGrid.
Have you already looked at this? If so, I'd be surprised that it didn't work.
Oh, and since this is one widget talking to another, you probably have some messaging set up and some message handlers so that when the user interacts with that second widget and "selects" the item, the message fires on the EventBus and a handler for that message fixes up the DataGrid along the lines I've described. I think you'll have to do this wiring yourself.
My solution, a little better:
I got a Out of bounds exception doing the above.
I solved it getting the ScrollPanel in the DataGrid and used .scrollToTop() and so on on the ScrollPanel. However, to access the ScrollPanel in the DataGrid I had to use this comment:
As Kem pointed out, it's annoying the "scrollToRight" effect after the scrollIntoView. After me, Kem's solution gives a better behaviour than the base one as usually the first columns in a table are the more meaningful.
I improved a bit his approach, which scrolls horizontally to the first column of the row we want to be visible, by calculating the first visible column on the left before applying the scroll and then scrolling to it.
A final note: Columns absolute left is tested against "51". This is a value I found "experimentally" by looking the JS values in the browser's developer tool, I think it depends on the table's style, you may need to change/calculate it.
Below the code:
public void scrollIntoView(T next) {
int index = datagrid.getVisibleItems().indexOf(next);
NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = datagrid.getRowElement(index).getCells();
int firstVisibleIndex = -1;
for(int i=0; i<cells.getLength() && firstVisibleIndex<0;i++)
if(UIObject.isVisible(cells.getItem(i)) && (cells.getItem(i).getAbsoluteLeft() > 51) && (cells.getItem(i).getAbsoluteTop() > 0))
firstVisibleIndex = i;
cells.getItem(firstVisibleIndex>=0? firstVisibleIndex : 0).scrollIntoView();

ScrolledComposite splits the screen vertically and content is displayed in the right half

I am using the ScrolledComposite for a existing control(with many children) based on the method2 mentioned here :http://www.placelab.org/toolkit/doc/javadoc/org/placelab/util/swt/SwtScrolledComposite.html
The only change is instead of creating a new shell & display I am using the existing control's parent.
I am seeing the scroll bars as expected but the existing control/content is displayed form the centre & not from the start. The first half(vertically split) of the layout is empty & the actual control/content gets displayed in the right-half.
I checked bounds, Origin, size etc. they seem to be fine.
screenshot putup here :http://img818.imageshack.us/i/contentstartsfrommiddle.jpg
Any clues
Thanks in advance
Did you delete the Composite c1? maybe that is in the left side.
You could also provide what is exactly your change to the code.