Formula help needed - crystal-reports

I am trying to write a report that is looking for someone that HAS NOT had a certain immunization. The problem is what ever I try for a formula it is saying they have had it or have not had the immunization. When I go to validate it is not always correct
if ({table.column} in (ID#) to (ID#)) then
"Has had Immunization"
else if ({table.column} <> (ID#) to (ID#))
then "Has not had Immunization"
ID# was the same number for all.

Record-selection formula:
// list desired immunization values; remove quotes if IDs are numeric
{table.field} IN [


If the hour is >=19 or <=8 then return a value "OOH" if its not within that range return "OPEN"

I have the formula
=IF(AND(HOUR(D2)<=8,HOUR(D2)>=19), "OPEN", "OOH")
This should return the required text values "OPEN" or "OOH" depending if the hour falls within the noted range.
When trying in cell E2 of this sheet it returns a text value but not always the correct one. What could be missing from this formula?
I have also tried swapping the range around without success
=IF(AND(HOUR(D2)>=19),HOUR(D2)<=8, "OPEN", "OOH")
Update: also tried with OR instead of AND but it does no better
=IF(OR(HOUR(C3) >=19, HOUR(C3) <=8), "OPEN", "OOH")
if from 8 to 19 = OPEN then use this in E2:
=INDEX(IF((HOUR(C2:C)>=8)*(HOUR(C2:C)<19), "OPEN", "OOH"))
Your conditions are a bit wrong. The IF form is:
=IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)
In your question, you say hour >=19 OR hour <= 8, so you should be using OR, as you do in your update. However, you switched the true and false values in your updated statement. Try:
=IF(OR(HOUR(C3) >=19, HOUR(C3) <=8), "OOH", "OPEN")
With 8:01, this returns "OOH"
With 9:01, this returns "OPEN"
With 18:01, this returns "OPEN"
With 19:01, this returns "OOH"
Logic error. The thing can't be <=8 and >=19 at the same time.
If you reverse the signs to >8 and <19, you might get closer to what you want.

i can't show space in formula in Crystal Report

I use this code to show the sum of my bank
if {?Bank} = {Bank.sum} then {#1} else 0
I have 6 bank accounts and when the bank = Bank has operations, then I show the sumand else I do not show anything.
I do not want to show "0" in my report.
I want to show " "(space), but when I change it to " ".
When I do it, I get the error
A number is required here
How can I fix it?
In that case, use:
if {?Bank} = {Bank.sum} then ToText({#1},0) else ""
The 2nd arg indicates zero decimal points. See online documentation of the ToText() function.
One option:
if {?Bank} = {Bank.sum} then ToText({#1}) else ""
Another option is to use formatting.

crystal report formula Search * 'Like'

{Detail A } Like '%*%'
{Detail A } Like '***'
Can I find it?
AFAIK theres no possibility to check for an asterisk * using the Like operator in Crystal Reports.
But you can user the InStr-function instead:
Instr({#Detail A}, "*") > 0
The InStr-function will return the position of the first occurrence of the character "*" in the Detail A-formula.
Means, if the character is being found, the return value is > 0.

Crystal Reports -- How to show after decimal value differentnly in formula

I want to show after decimal 2 value in report but there a condition if value meet that condition then need to show full value. formula is given below but it is giving error
if trim({As400InTemp.PARTYCODE})='006883' then
you can use MID like this:
MID({yourstringhere}, 4)
MID(CSTR({yourstringhere}), 4)
it will return a value of 09789;

Summing Only Visible Rows in SSRS

I'm trying to sum only the visible rows for a report and I know the format is:
=Sum( iif( <use the condition of the Visibility.Hidden expression>, 0, Fields!A.Value))
In my report, I've set row visbility to:
=IIF(CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value)=1 Or CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value)= 2,True,False)
Not exactly sure what I'm missing, but when I use this as an expression:
=Sum(IIF(CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value)=1 Or CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value)= 2,True,False),0,Fields!EM_ET.Value)
I get this following error: Value expression for textrun'FTD1.Paragraph[0].TextRuns[0]' has a scope argument that is not valid for aggregate function.
You are giving the True/False as output to the SUM() from your expression.You need to change your expression as,
=Sum(IIF(CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value) = 1 Or CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value)= 2,0,Fields!EM_ET.Value))
Thanks coder of code.
I am getting some error message if i am using '0', so i replaced with nothing it's working. I thought it would be helpful.
=SUM(IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!value1.Value) OR ISNOTHING(Fields!value2.Value),NOTHING,Fields!value1.Value))
I was having similar issues. I know this question has a marked answer, however it isn't entirely correct.
The following contains the code from the "marked correct" answer:
=Sum(IIF(CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value) = 1 Or CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value) = 2,0,Fields!EM_ET.Value))
The following snipit of code contains the code from above, with a slight tweak:
=Sum(IIF(CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value) = 1 Or CInt(Fields!EM_ET.Value) = 2,NOTHING,Fields!EM_ET.Value))
By changing the "0" to "NOTHING" this will resolve any lingering issues with your formula. The formula I was having issues with was returning "#Error" in the cell that was supposed to return the sum of the visible cells in the column within the row group.
My formula originally looked like this:
=IIF(Sum(Fields!VCBitType.Value) <> 0 OR (Parameters!Details.Value = "Detail"), Sum(IIF((Fields!VCBitType.Value = 0) and (Parameters!Details.Value = "Dangerous"),0,Fields!VC.Value)), "")
I altered my formula after seeing Hari's comment above:
=IIF(SUM(Fields!VCBitType.Value) <> 0 OR (Parameters!Details.Value = "Detail"), SUM(IIF((Fields!VCBitType.Value = 0) and (Parameters!Details.Value = "Dangerous"),NOTHING, Fields!VC.Value)), "")
I wanted to set the cells value to "" (empty) rather than hide the cell entirely or set that cell's value to "0" in my report (due to the fact that not displaying the cell entirely made the report look really funky). Because I did this, using a "0" in my formula conflicted with the value of the cell which was "" (empty), causing the formula to break. The only change I made was to alter "0" to "Nothing", this resolved the issue I was having with the cell's formula.