Missing thumbnail image in share of Page Tab App url - facebook

I have a Page Tab app on Facebook currently and want to promote it in the timeline, but when I do I'm not getting a thumbnail.
I've added in the thumbnail meta tag:
<meta property="og:image" content="MY_IMAGE"/>
but it's still not showing - am I missing something? The link to the image is actually in the app code itself and points to an image 111 x 74px in the images folder of the app, so it's not on a different site or anything - and it's an absolute link.
The app link is here FYI: https://www.facebook.com/ValerieCafe/app_451324494932654
Any suggestions appreciated.

I didn't know there was a debugger for Facebook apps online:
I'd missed the meta tags out, and actually the way the app was built was not letting Facebook crawl it properly so once I figured out all those problems it works fine. Although, Facebook does seem very slow if you want to change the image used as a thumbnail - it needs at least 24hrs to catch up.


Facebook's debugger shows a preview image, yet on Facebook it doesn't pull in that same preview image?

Facebook will randomly take posts I have shared on a company page and make the preview image blank/white. It is maddening.
Here's what I do to replicate:
Copy URL that I want to share
Go to Facebook's debug and check URL to confirm a preview image shows
Go to Facebook and share the URL in a post
Preview image is blank/white
Example URL: https://hoist.digital/content/blog/know-the-value-of-phone-calls-and-grow-your-business-with-call-tracking
Open graph code in on that URL
<meta property="og:image" content="https://hoist.digital/images/3/1/d/5/1/31d518d87ae71ad5bb2acc907b3ad304b99971e1-graphicstock-beautiful-young-mother-with-her-newbornsoeul9rzz.jpg" />
<meta property="og:image:secure" content="https://hoist.digital/images/3/1/d/5/1/31d518d87ae71ad5bb2acc907b3ad304b99971e1-graphicstock-beautiful-young-mother-with-her-newbornsoeul9rzz.jpg" />
Video of me replicating this: https://hoist.digital/facebookattempt.webm
If the open graph code is there, it's secure, what else could be causing Facebook to occasionally flake out and make some of the preview images white/blank? Here's a strange kicker too... sometimes I can edit/refresh the preview image within Facebook, and the preview image will show again... but in a few days it goes back to white/blank.
Unfortunately, it is well-known problem on Facebook that has not been fixed for years and there is no canonical answer to your question.
The main problem is URIs using HTTP works just fine and URIs using HTTPS do not. So first of all, you should try to change your og:image:secure property to og:image:secure_url, because due to documentation there is no og:image:secure property.
If it does not help, you can explore this thread and you gonna try different options unless, of course, you have tried it yet.
Please pay attention to such methods:
Try to add og:image:url (yes, it is similar to og:image but sometimes it can help).
Try to remove og:image:secure_url property (yes, it is looking strange, but it is Facebook, and it also might work).
Try to add other og properties such as og:image:type, og:image:width, og:image:height

Facebook not shows a thumbnails images when sharing a Drupal Site

It is the kind of problem when yesterday everything worked fine and today it's not. Nobody changed anything.
I have this website made with Drupal engine. When I am sharing an article on facebook, the title and the short text from it is visible, but there is no photo.
Open Graphs are configured properly, as the developer debugger of FB is getting the meta tag with an image:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://mysite/page/tolia_74548279.jpg" />
When I am sharing a whole articles catalogue, images are there.
Do you have any idea where to start searching for a solution?
Maybe there is some fb servers problem I don't know about?
The problem was with the facebook. It requires pictures at least 200x200px. Mine were smaller.

Facebook create ad page doesn't show my og images, What did I wrong?

I created a github page and I have a custom domain for it. I used og meta tags in the head like:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/images/myfacebook.png"/>
Facebook debugger tool usualy returns response code 302, but on the fourth, fifth time it gets through with code 200, and recognizes everything fine. (don't know why)
But when I try to create a facebook ad here: https://www.facebook.com/ads/create/ my image never loads, I always get a small picture with a facebook camera icon. I know I could upload an image manually, but when I upload the png transparency turns to white. Anyway it should work, and it really annoys me.
I set up my domain records by the github pages help.

Setting blank thumbnail while sharing links on Facebook or Linkedin

One of the problems I face while sharing a link of my blogger post on facebook or linkedin is that the thumbnail shared is my picture (which is the only picture on the page). I would prefer no thumbnail being shared.I tried using
<meta property="og:image" content=""
I.e the content is kept as blank, yet it shows a thumbnail. How do i set it to no picture?
You can't. Facebook/Linkedin will crawl your site and decide on it's own what images to offer the user. The og:image meta tag is just a suggestion and not a directive.
The only way to share without image is for the user to remove it.
Update: there is another way. You could detect (on the server) FB/LinkedIns crawler and serve them HTML that does not contain any images. That way they wouldn't have anything to display (just text). I don't know if that's possible on blogger. And if you go down this path, check FB/LinkedIn's TOS if this is allowed (doing this with google, for instance, will get you banned).

Preview of website - error - when clicking "Like" on my website

I have added a Facebook Like-Button to my website, which works perfectly. It shows the perfect link to my website on the wall of the persons who click it.
There's only one problem and I can't seem to solve it in any way.
The link also includes a preview of my website, but instead of a complete preview or a preview of my header it shows a picture of one of the link-buttons of my website!
The script itself doesn't contain anything to change or set a preview picture and changing names of pictures, links and header doesn't solve it either. No matter what I do, it still keeps on showing the button...
What can I do bout it?
I've contacted my serverhost but they don't know it either?
You can set the image that shows on Facebook with the following og tag in the head of your page:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/image.jpg" />
Facebook requires some more open graph tags. (Formerly known as meta tags.)
You have to make sure the facebook linter correctly interprets your page. Use the Facebook debugger to check and fix all issues.
try to refresh facebook catch by submitting link here . If you still have problem , you can provide custom images by with open facebook graph . Refer