OpenOffice Calc chart not showing my datapoints? - charts

OK, I have searched for an answer to this for ages, so please don't give me minus points :)
I want to make a simple XY scatter graph in OpenOffice Calc, however when I have selected the X and Y columns and chosen the XY scatter, no data points show up in the graph.
My sheet has like 400 rows with the A column, X axis, containing numbers between 1 and 400, in order, and the B column, Y axis, with values between -2 and +2 not in order. This is driving me crazy!
I have made sure that the min. is not 0 but -5, so that cannot be it.
Anyone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong?

I had this problem -- Check the data you're using for the chart.
If you've done a cut-and-paste, you may have brought in some non-numeric characters.
First look at the numbers. They should automatically line up on the right side of the cell, unless you've changed the alignment.
Next, click a cell and look at the value displayed in the formula bar. Remove spaces or other non-numeric characters and hit enter.
Repeat for all cells in the data series.


Tableau Control Chart - Attribute measure incorrect

I have a control chart, with on the X-axis a time period, and the Y-axis the value of the measure (I'd like to plot all the points in a control chart).
However, I have 2 different values as a measure, which have the exact same date (up to a second match) but different measure values.
When I plot this on a control chart, instead of having 2 points in the control chart with value 500 and 550 for example - it gives me one point with a value of about 200.
It also gives a notification that there is a NULL value in this axis, which points to the X-axis where 2 records have the exact same date.
Any idea what I can do to make this correct - or make tableau draw the measure points correctly?
Thanks in advance!
It's difficult to answer without seeing more detail about your problem, but this sounds like a good candidate for a blended axis. (multiple measures sharing a single axis)
The easiest way to do this is to put your (probably continuous) datetime field on the row axis and one of your measures on the row axis to see one of then control plots. Then drag the second measure to the Y-axis until you see a little translucent two bar icon to indicate that you are adding a second measure to that axis, at which point you can release the pointer and you should see a two plots on the same axis.
If the scales for the two measures are radically different, you can instead drag the second measure to the right side instead to get a dual axis.

Show ony positive axis ColumnChart Google

I read now this tutorial fo developers:
Using object hAxis and parametr direction i try to show only positive axis of my chart.
Also i wanna, that my axis be only integer numbers, now it is 0.5, 1, 1.5
vAxis: {viewWindowMode: "explicit", viewWindow:{ min: 0 }}
The direction option only controls the direction of the axis (left-to-right, or right-to-left), not what values are shown. Use the hAxis.viewWindow.min and hAxis.viewWindow.max options to control the range of values displayed on the axis. Setting hAxis.viewWindow.min to 0 will prevent any negative numbers from showing up.
Keep in mind that the columns are centered on their axis values, so if you have any columns at 0, you have to give them a bit of space to the left of 0 to draw all of the columns. Similarly, they need a bit of space to the right of the max value to fit all of the columns.
By default, the ColumnChart will try to place 5 axis tick marks (which you can change by setting the hAxis.gridlines.count option), evenly spaced throughout your data. This can end up with some rather odd results. Sometimes you end up with decimals in the labels that can be safely ignored (this is especially true when your axis spans a large numeric distance); in this case, you can set the hAxis.format option to drop decimals (eg, '#,###'). If your data spans a smaller range, you might be better served specifying the hAxis.ticks option, which takes an array of values to place tick marks at.

In Matlab: How to keep all xTicks but xTicklabels just on every 6 xTicks?

I have created a graph with data from an Excel file. I need to keep all the xticks but the xticklabels to appear just on every 6 ticks. I have tried doing this:
Unfortunately it does not work as all the xticks are plotted, but the xticklabels appear upon each xtick instead of every 6th like I was trying to achieve. I have spent quite a long time thinking about the solution:-(. I need help. Thanks.
edit: I've included an image to help answer questions below:
In relation to this post, would it also be possible that the xticks appear every 4 xticks instead of keeping all of them, at the same time that the xticklabels are plotted every 6 xticks?, not sure about this.
You still need to enter an empty string (or empty cell) for the ticks that will have no label. You can do this by replacing the last line with these three lines:
xTickLabels = cell(1,numel(xAxis)); % Empty cell array the same length as xAxis
xTickLabels(1:tickStep:numel(xAxis)) = xAxis(1:tickStep:numel(xAxis));
% Fills in only the values you want
set(gca,'XTickLabel',xTickLabels); % Update the tick labels
Edit in response to questions below...
The reason your labels appear to be offset from the ticks is because the bottom of the letters appears to be getting lined up with the tick mark. I'm guessing you want the text justified such that the center of each letter lines up with the tick mark. There's no way to do this with the standard MATLAB axes, but there are some submissions on the MathWorks File Exchange that convert the tick labels to text objects and thus give you more options for customizing the text properties:
Format Tick Labels by Alexander Hayes
Once you convert the labels to text objects, you can then adjust the rotation or vertical justification by modifying the 'Rotation' and 'VerticalAlignment' properties, respectively.

Label names to each data points in Matlab

I have a set of data I am analyzing and I would like some help if you can. My data consist of two columns but my X column is only one point and my Y column is about 50 points . So when I plot it of course it's just just diff points along the Y axis versus one single point on the x axis.
Now those points are really closed to each other and what I would like to do is to label each point to their actual Channel name. But so far I tried to use the text() function an it gives me an error saying that my x and y value should be the same. I'm not sure which way to do this anymore. Keep in mind that I have the names of each data points in a file also. Can you help? Keep in mind using one x value and 50 Y values. Lets say I fix it and now the names are on top of each other. Is there a way I am space them out without affecting the location of the points.

Core Plot - get data to fill up x axis screen space

My Core Plot is almost finished up but I've noticed an unusual thing I need to change before calling it done. The x axis is scaled properly along the bottom, and the left and right edges indicate the range that I've set. The data, however, is all crushed together on the left side, almost as if the y values are not corresponding to their proper x values.
This image should demonstrate what I mean. You'll notice that the dates run along the bottom, but the actual values don't go past the 6/3/11 mark. They should be all the way to the right.
Link to image
Check the values returned by your datasource. Make sure the x-values are calculated from the same starting date and intervals that you used for the x-axis range and labels.