samsung smart tv upload file - samsung-smart-tv

On the samsung dforum I found the URL which explains a function startUpload().
but also in forums i found people saying that uploading files by any means is not possible. If so why samsung provide the startUpload() function?
Did anybody tried file upload? please help

Documentation is incorrect. I tested it on UE46ES8000 and successfully uploaded file from USB flash drive connected to TV.
OnComplete callback called instead of OnUploadComplete.
To the end of uploaded data appended string --END_OF_PART--. If you strip it from file, you get your original file.
function OnUploadComplete (msg) {
alert('***OnUploadComplete***' + msg );
function OnUploadProgress (msg) {
alert('***OnUploadProgress***' + msg );
function fnDnStatus (msg) {
alert('fnCallback' + msg );
var tArrResult = msg.split("?");
for (var i=0; i < tArrResult.length; i++) {
alert("tArrResult[" + i + "] = " + tArrResult[i]);
// DownResult: If res=1 success, otherwise ERROR (see end of this file)
var DownloadPlugin = document.getElementById("pluginObjectDownload");
DownloadPlugin.OnUploadComplete = OnUploadComplete;
DownloadPlugin.OnUploadProgress = OnUploadProgress;
DownloadPlugin.OnComplete = fnDnStatus;
var sever = '',
port = 80,
header = 'Header-name: Header value',
body = '[[[FILE_BINARY]]]',
filePath = '$USB_DIR/sda1/textfile.txt',
uploadRatio = '10',
serverType = 1;
DownloadPlugin.StartUpload(sever, port, header, body, filePath, uploadRatio, serverType);
I don't know meaning of header parameter. And I don't know how to specify url other than server root. Data was sent by POST request to
At server side I saved it with simple script (
$t = file_get_contents('php://input');
if(strlen($t) > 1){
echo 'some data arrived';
file_put_contents('input.txt', $t);

I just uploaded a video file to my Samsung uhd, through smartthings. Hold-Click on video. Tap share. Send to device. When it's done you will see video just shared in upper right corner. Click on watch video. I'm watching it now but cant figure out where its stored on the tv


How to upload image file in Xamarin forms using rest api . Have issues with large images

I tried and I face a problem when uploading images greater than 570 kb. This issue is in Xamarin Forms for android and PHP rest api. I tested the rest api separately and I have no issues there uploading 2mb files using postman.
Tried various ways also by giving some delay. I am capturing image using plugin. Then navigating to another page to upload. I wait for sometime and then click the button to upload. I am not able ascertain where the issue is.
System.IO.Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.Open(file, FileMode.Open);
byte[] data = ReadFully(fileStream);
MultipartFormDataContent multi = new MultipartFormDataContent();
ByteArrayContent imageStream = new ByteArrayContent(data);
StringContent SequenceID = new StringContent(osequence);
imageStream.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/jpg");
imageStream.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
FileName = osequence, // "screenshot.jpg", // generate this and send
Name = "avatar",
alertLabel.Text = "Uploading Now";
var response = await App.client.PostAsync(url, multi);
string responsestr = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var retresponse = new retResponse();
bool uploadSuccess = false;
I have made the rest api to send response on error and showing the same in an alert box as below
if (responsestr != "") alertLabel.Text = responsestr.ToString();
else alertLabel.Text = alertLabel.Text + " After Upload Command ";
catch (Exception e)
} // private void upload(MediaFile mediaFile)
The error I get is no file sent
Please ignore the above question. The problem was solved by changing the PHP.ini max upload file size. The file size in the device was around 500 - 700 KB . don't know how it comes to 1.99 and 2 mb when uploaded. Increasing max file size solved it.

Using Sailsjs Skipper file uploading with Flowjs

I'm trying to use skipper and flowjs with ng-flow together for big file uploading.
Based on sample for Nodejs located in flowjs repository, I've created my sails controller and service to handle file uploads. When I uploading a small file it's works fine, but if I try to upload bigger file (e.g. video of 200 Mb) I'm receiving errors (listed below) and array req.file('file')._files is empty. Intersting fact that it happening only few times during uploading. For example, if flowjs cut the file for 150 chunks, in sails console these errors will appear only 3-5 times. So, almost all chunks will uploaded to the server, but a few are lost and in result file is corrupted.
verbose: Unable to expose body parameter `flowChunkNumber` in streaming upload! Client tried to send a text parameter (flowChunkNumber) after one or more files had already been sent. Make sure you always send text params first, then your files.
These errors appears for all flowjs parameters.
I know about that text parameters must be sent first for correct work with skipper. And in chrome network console I've checked that flowjs sends this data in a correct order.
Any suggestions?
Controller method
upload: function (req, res) {, function (status, filename, original_filename, identifier) {
sails.log.debug('Flow: POST', status, original_filename, identifier);
Service post method
$.post = function(req, callback) {
var fields = req.body;
var file = req.file($.fileParameterName);
if (!file || !file._files.length) {
console.log('no file', req);
file.upload(function() {});
var stream = file._files[0].stream;
var chunkNumber = fields.flowChunkNumber;
var chunkSize = fields.flowChunkSize;
var totalSize = fields.flowTotalSize;
var identifier = cleanIdentifier(fields.flowIdentifier);
var filename = fields.flowFilename;
if (file._files.length === 0 || !stream.byteCount)
callback('invalid_flow_request', null, null, null);
var original_filename = stream.filename;
var validation = validateRequest(chunkNumber, chunkSize, totalSize, identifier, filename, stream.byteCount);
if (validation == 'valid')
var chunkFilename = getChunkFilename(chunkNumber, identifier);
// Save the chunk by skipper file upload api
file.upload({saveAs:chunkFilename},function(err, uploadedFiles){
// Do we have all the chunks?
var currentTestChunk = 1;
var numberOfChunks = Math.max(Math.floor(totalSize / (chunkSize * 1.0)), 1);
var testChunkExists = function()
fs.exists(getChunkFilename(currentTestChunk, identifier), function(exists)
if (exists)
if (currentTestChunk > numberOfChunks)
callback('done', filename, original_filename, identifier);
} else {
// Recursion
} else {
callback('partly_done', filename, original_filename, identifier);
} else {
callback(validation, filename, original_filename, identifier);
Found solution to set flowjs property maxChunkRetries: 5, because by default it's 0.
On the server side, if req.file('file')._files is empty I'm throwing not permanent(in context of flowjs) error.
So, it's solves my problem, but question why it behave like this is still open. Sample code for flowjs and Nodejs uses connect-multiparty and has no any additional error handling code, so it's most likely skipper bodyparser bug.

convert mp4 video to bytearray as3

I am trying to upload a video to Facebook from an air for android app. the as3 facebook api has the following method for uploading videos
facebookMobile.uploadVideo(method:String, callback:Function = null, params:* = null)
params:* (default = null) — An object containing the title, description, fileName (including extension), and video (FileReference or ByteArray)
i am recording the video using cameraUi and am getting back the location of the file. according to the api i need to pass in this file using either fileReferance or a byteArray as i already have the location of the file i don't want any sort of browse functionality. I am having trouble creating the byteArray (never used it before). i am getting a 353 error from facebook: you must select a video file.
Bellow is my attempt at creating the bytearray
public function UICompleteHandler(event:MediaEvent):void
trace("Welcome back from the camera");
var media:MediaPromise =;
trace("file info "+media.file.url + " - " + media.relativePath + " - " + media.mediaType);
filePath = media.file.url;
trace("Object encoding is: " + inBytes.objectEncoding + "\n\n" + "order file: \n\n");
readFileIntoByteArray(filePath, inBytes);
trace("length 1: "+inBytes.length);
trace("position 1: "+inBytes.position);
inBytes.position = 0; // reset position to beginning
//trace("position 2: "+inBytes.position);
//inBytes.position = 0; //reset position to beginning
trace (inBytes);
private function readFileIntoByteArray(fileName:String, data:ByteArray):void
var inFile:File = new File(fileName);
trace ("file to byte array "+ inFile.url);
trace ("file name var : "+fileName); , FileMode.READ);
and video upload code:
public function handleUpload(ev:TouchEvent)
trace ("posting to facebook - FileName: "+ accessCamera.fileName + " - FilePath: " + accessCamera.filePath);
var params:Object ={
title:'test upload on FB api',
description:'test upload on FB api',
fileName: accessCamera.fileName,
video: accessCamera.inBytes
//trace (" = ";
FacebookMobile.uploadVideo('me/videos', onComplete, params);
private function onComplete( result:Object, fail:Object ):void {
trace("facebook post onComplete called" );
if (result)
// is id of post that was just posted
trace ("great");
else if (fail)
trace("post Failed");
trace('code: '+fail.error.code);
trace('message: '+fail.error.message);
trace('type: '+fail.error.type);
No need to convert it to a ByteArray. File is an AIR-only class meant to allow you to access the file system directly (as you already are doing). As File extends FileReference, you can simply pass the File object you already have instead.

error accessing a file for Facebook upload

i am trying to upload a video to the users Facebook wall i have the FacebookMobile.uploadVideo in place and appears to to be fine but am getting the following error from facebook:
(#353) You must select a video file to upload.
i think the problem is in accessing the video file for some reason.
public function handleUpload(ev:TouchEvent)
trace ("posting to facebook"+ accessCamera.filePath);
var videoInfo:Object = new Object;
videoInfo.title = "test upload on FB api",
videoInfo.description = accessCamera.filePath,
videoInfo.fileName = accessCamera.filePath; = accessCamera.filePath;
FacebookMobile.uploadVideo('me/videos', onComplete, videoInfo);
private function onComplete( result:Object, fail:Object ):void
trace("facebook post onComplete called" );
if (result)
// is id of post that was just posted
trace ("great");
else if (fail)
trace("post Failed");
trace('code: '+fail.error.code);
trace('message: '+fail.error.message);
trace('type: '+fail.error.type);
accessCamera.filepath is the var where the video file is located on the device and looks like this when traced : file:///mnt/sdcard2/DCIM/Camera/VID_20140304_105813.mp4
Am I accessing the file correctly, does it need to be loaded by the app or is a path fine.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
the issue is i was passing a string variable containing the file location into the params object and the FacebookMobile.uploadVideo requires either a fileReferance or byteArray.

How to play secure streamed url of asset fetched dynamically through code( In Azure media services)

I am using Azure Media Services and a Silverlight Player to play the streamed url
I am able to ingest, encode the video file as an asset file but when I go play the streamed url I am facing problem.
I use following code to fetch the url...
context = new CloudMediaContext(_accountName, _accountKey);
IAsset myAsset = GetAsset("UUID:7a32b941-30bd-4c96-bf4e-26df5022eec5");
var theManifest = from f in myAsset.AssetFiles
where f.Name.EndsWith(".ism")
select f;
var manifestFile = theManifest.First();
IAccessPolicy streamingPolicy = _context.AccessPolicies.Create("Streaming policy",
ILocator originLocator = _context.Locators.CreateSasLocator(myAsset, streamingPolicy, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-500));
GetAssetSasUrlList(myAsset, originLocator);
string urlForClientStreaming = originLocator.Path + manifestFile.Name + "/manifest";
Console.WriteLine("URL to manifest for client streaming: ");
this url comes like --
Its not working .
When I paste this url on browser directly ,I get following error
AuthenticationFailedServer failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:154422cf-822e-4bbc-af2a-fa69273dfb89 Time:2012-12-27T08:57:30.9509847ZSignature fields not well formed.
But if I go and publish asset from portal( )--
I get like following url on protal..
And it works with my silverlight player..
Now problem is that I am not getting url which starts with http from code and the url starting with https is not working with my player.
I guessed that its security issue and tried to host my player in winows azure and tried to player there but no success.
No, not a security issue. You are requesting a SAS url for a Smooth asset, you need an Origin URL. The correct code snippet is here, on my blog:
private static string GetStreamingUrl(CloudMediaContext context, string outputAssetId)
var daysForWhichStreamingUrlIsActive = 365;
var outputAsset = context.Assets.Where(a => a.Id == outputAssetId).FirstOrDefault();
var accessPolicy = context.AccessPolicies.Create(outputAsset.Name, TimeSpan.FromDays(daysForWhichStreamingUrlIsActive), AccessPermissions.Read | AccessPermissions.List);
var assetFiles = outputAsset.AssetFiles.ToList();
var assetFile = assetFiles.Where(f => f.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("m3u8-aapl.ism")).FirstOrDefault();
if (assetFile != null)
var locator = context.Locators.CreateLocator(LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin, outputAsset, accessPolicy);
Uri hlsUri = new Uri(locator.Path + assetFile.Name + "/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)");
return hlsUri.ToString();
assetFile = assetFiles.Where(f => f.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".ism")).FirstOrDefault();
if (assetFile != null)
var locator = context.Locators.CreateLocator(LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin, outputAsset, accessPolicy);
Uri smoothUri = new Uri(locator.Path + assetFile.Name + "/manifest");
return smoothUri.ToString();
assetFile = assetFiles.Where(f => f.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".mp4")).FirstOrDefault();
if (assetFile != null)
var locator = context.Locators.CreateLocator(LocatorType.Sas, outputAsset, accessPolicy);
var mp4Uri = new UriBuilder(locator.Path);
mp4Uri.Path += "/" + assetFile.Name;
return mp4Uri.ToString();
return string.Empty;