Scala Process - Capture Standard Out and Exit Code - scala

I'm working with the Scala scala.sys.process library.
I know that I can capture the exit code with ! and the output with !! but what if I want to capture both?
I've seen this answer which looks promising, but I'm wondering if there is a one liner and I'm missing something.

I have the following utility method for running commands:
import sys.process._
def runCommand(cmd: Seq[String]): (Int, String, String) = {
val stdoutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val stderrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val stdoutWriter = new PrintWriter(stdoutStream)
val stderrWriter = new PrintWriter(stderrStream)
val exitValue = cmd.!(ProcessLogger(stdoutWriter.println, stderrWriter.println))
(exitValue, stdoutStream.toString, stderrStream.toString)
As you can see, it captures stdout, stderr and result code.

You can use ProcessIO. I needed something like that in a Specs2 Test, where I had to check the exit value as well as the output of a process depending on the input on stdin (in and out are of type String):
"the operation" should {
f"return '$out' on input '$in'" in {
var res = ""
val io = new ProcessIO(
stdin => { stdin.write(in.getBytes)
stdin.close() },
stdout => { res = convertStreamToString(stdout)
stdout.close() },
stderr => { stderr.close() })
val proc = f"$operation $file".run(io)
proc.exitValue() must be_==(0)
res must be_==(out)
I figured that might help you. In the example I am ignoring what ever comes from stderr.

You can specify an output stream that catches the text:
import sys.process._
val os = new
val code = ("volname" #> os).!
val opt = if (code == 0) Some(os.toString("UTF-8")) else None

The one-line-ish use of BasicIO or ProcessLogger is appealing.
scala> val sb = new StringBuffer
sb: StringBuffer =
scala> ("/bin/ls /tmp" run BasicIO(false, sb, None)).exitValue
res0: Int = 0
scala> sb
res1: StringBuffer = ...
scala> import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> val b = ListBuffer[String]()
b: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
scala> ("/bin/ls /tmp" run ProcessLogger(b append _)).exitValue
res4: Int = 0
scala> b mkString "\n"
res5: String = ...
Depending on what you mean by capture, perhaps you're interested in output unless the exit code is nonzero. In that case, handle the exception.
scala> val re = "Nonzero exit value: (\\d+)".r.unanchored
re: scala.util.matching.UnanchoredRegex = Nonzero exit value: (\d+)
scala> Try ("./" !!) match {
| case Failure(f) => f.getMessage match {
| case re(x) => println(s"Bad exit $x")
| }
| case Success(s) => println(s)
| }
warning: there were 1 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details
Bad exit 3

The response provided by 'Alex Cruise' in your link is fairly concise, barring poorer performance.
You could extend sys.process.ProcessLogger to manage the
var out = List[String]()
var err = List[String]()
internally, with getters for the out.reverse and err.reverse results.

Here's a really simple Scala wrapper that allows you to retrieve stdout, stderr and exit code.
import scala.sys.process._
case class ProcessInfo(stdout: String, stderr: String, exitCode: Int)
object CommandRunner {
def runCommandAndGetOutput(command: String): ProcessInfo = {
val stdout = new StringBuilder
val stderr = new StringBuilder
val status = command ! ProcessLogger(stdout append _, stderr append _)
ProcessInfo(stdout.toString(), stderr.toString(), status)

I combined these and came up with this. The expected RC is there because I have a program I need to run in one project that returns 1 when it works. This does depend on the text of the Exception, but it will still do something reasonable it that doesn't match.
private val ProcessErrorP: Regex = "(.*): error=(\\d+),(.*)".r.unanchored
case class ProcessInfo(stdout: String, stderr: String, exitCode: Int, private val expectedRd: Int) {
def succeeded: Boolean = exitCode == expectedRd
def failed: Boolean = !succeeded
def asOpt: Option[String] = if (succeeded) None else Some(stderr)
* Run a simple command
* #param command -- what to run
* #return -- what happened
def run(command: String, expectedRc: Int = 0): ProcessInfo = {
try {
val stdout = new StringBuilder
val stderr = new StringBuilder
val status = command ! ProcessLogger(stdout append _, stderr append _)
ProcessInfo(stdout.toString(), stderr.toString(), status, expectedRc)
} catch {
case io: IOException =>
val dm = io.getMessage
dm match {
case ProcessErrorP(message, code, reason) =>
ProcessInfo("", s"$message, $reason", code.toInt, expectedRc)
case m: String =>
ProcessInfo("", m, 999, expectedRc)


Process Interaction through stdin/stdout

I am trying to build a class that starts a system process which waits for stdin. The class should have another method which takes a string, inputs that into the system process, and return the process' output.
The reason is that starting the process involves loading a lot of data and hence takes a while.
I am trying to dummy-test this with bc, so that bc is started and waits for input. I would envision an interface like this:
case class BcWrapper(executable: File) {
var bc: Option[???] = None
def startBc(): Unit = bc = Some(???)
def calc(input: String): String = bc.get.???
def stopBc(): Unit = bc.get.???
I would like to be able to use it like this:
val wrapper = BcWrapper(new File("/usr/bin/bc"))
val result1 = wrapper.calc("1 + 1") // should be "2"
val result2 = wrapper.calc(???)
This topic has been touched in multiple questions, but never fully answered for a use case like this one. This question or this one seems to come close. However, I am not sure how to implement the ProcessLogger, nor whether to use one in the first place.
Unfortunately, the Scala documentation is not very elaborate either.
Note that I do not want to read from stdin, but want to call a function.
The background is that I want to read a large file, read it line by line, preprocess the lines, pass them to the external process, and post-process the output.
You can get something similar, but simpler, like so.
import sys.process._
import util.Try
class StdInReader(val reader :String) {
def send(input :String) :Try[String] =
Try(s"/bin/echo $input".#|(reader).!!.trim)
val bc = new StdInReader("/usr/bin/bc")
bc.send("2 * 8") //res0: scala.util.Try[String] = Success(16)
bc.send("12 + 8") //res1: scala.util.Try[String] = Success(20)
bc.send("22 - 8") //res2: scala.util.Try[String] = Success(14)
Programs that send a non-zero exit-code (bc doesn't) will result with a Failure().
If you need more fine-grained control you might start with something like this and expand on it.
import sys.process._
class ProcHandler(val cmnd :String) {
private val resbuf = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
def run(data :Seq[String]) :Unit = { ProcessIO(
in => {
val writer = new
out => {
val src = io.Source.fromInputStream(out)
src.getLines().foreach(resbuf += _)
_.close() //maybe create separate buffer for stderr?
def results() :Seq[String] = {
val rs = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
val bc = new ProcHandler("/usr/bin/bc")"4+5","6-2","2*5"))"99/3","11*77"))
bc.results() //res0: Seq[String] = ArrayBuffer(9, 4, 10, 33, 847)
OK, I did some more research and found this. It appears to get at what you want but there are limitations. In particular, the process stays open for input until you want to get output. At that point IO streams are closed to insure all buffers are flushed.
import sys.process._
import util.Try
class ProcHandler(val cmnd :String) {
private val procInput = new
private val procOutput = new
private val proc = new ProcessIO(
{ in => // attach to the process's internal input stream
val istream = new
val buf = Array.fill(100)(0.toByte)
Iterator.iterate({ br =>
in.write(buf, 0, br)
{ out => // attach to the process's internal output stream
val ostream = new
val buf = Array.fill(100)(0.toByte)
Iterator.iterate({ br =>
ostream.write(buf, 0, br)
_ => () // ignore stderr
private val procO = new
private val procI = new, true)
def feed(str :String) :Unit = procI.println(str)
def feed(ss :Seq[String]) :Unit = ss.foreach(procI.println)
def read() :List[String] = {
procI.close() //close input before reading output
val lines = Stream.iterate(Try(procO.readLine)){_ =>
val bc = new ProcHandler("/usr/bin/bc")
bc.feed(List("9*3","4+11")) //res0: Unit = ()
bc.feed("4*13") //res1: Unit = () //res2: List[String] = List(27, 15, 52) //res3: List[String] = List()
OK, this is my final word on the subject. I think this ticks every item on your wish list: start the process only once, it stays alive until actively closed, allows alternating the writing and reading.
import sys.process._
class ProcHandler(val cmnd :Seq[String]) {
private var os: = null
private var is: = null
private val pio = new ProcessIO(os = _, is = _, _.close())
private val proc =
def feed(ss :String*) :Unit = {
def ready :Boolean = is.available() > 0
def read() :String = {
def close() :Unit = {
There are still issues and much room for improvement. IO is handled at a basic level (streams) and I'm not sure what I'm doing here is completely safe and correct. The input, feed(), is required to supply the necessary NewLine terminations, and the output, read(), is just a raw String and not separated into a nice collection of string results.
Note that this will bleed system resources if the client code fails to close() all processes.
Note also that reading doesn't wait for content (i.e. no blocking). After writing the response might not be immediately available.
val bc = new ProcHandler(Seq("/usr/bin/bc","-q"))
bc.feed("44-21\n", "21*4\n")
if (bc.ready) else "not ready" // "23\n84\n78\n"
if (bc.ready) else "not ready" // "56\n"
bc.feed("67*11\n", "1+2\n")
if (bc.ready) else "not ready" // "737\n3\n"
if (bc.ready) else "not ready" // "not ready"

File Upload and processing using akka-http websockets

I'm using some sample Scala code to make a server that receives a file over websocket, stores the file temporarily, runs a bash script on it, and then returns stdout by TextMessage.
Sample code was taken from this github project.
I edited the code slightly within echoService so that it runs another function that processes the temporary file.
object WebServer {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("akka-system")
implicit val flowMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
val interface = "localhost"
val port = 3000
import Directives._
val route = get {
pathEndOrSingleSlash {
complete("Welcome to websocket server")
} ~
path("upload") {
val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(route, interface, port)
println(s"Server is now online at http://$interface:$port\nPress RETURN to stop...")
binding.flatMap(_.unbind()).onComplete(_ => actorSystem.shutdown())
println("Server is down...")
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("akka-system")
implicit val flowMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
val echoService: Flow[Message, Message, _] = Flow[Message].mapConcat {
case BinaryMessage.Strict(msg) => {
val decoded: Array[Byte] = msg.toArray
val imgOutFile = new File("/tmp/" + "filename")
val fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream(imgOutFile)
case BinaryMessage.Streamed(stream) => {
.limit(Int.MaxValue) // Max frames we are willing to wait for
.completionTimeout(50 seconds) // Max time until last frame
.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _) // Merges the frames
.flatMap { (msg: ByteString) =>
val decoded: Array[Byte] = msg.toArray
val imgOutFile = new File("/tmp/" + "filename")
val fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream(imgOutFile)
private def analyze(imgfile: File): String = {
val p = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(Array("./", imgfile.toString))
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
try {
val result = Stream
.takeWhile(_ ne null)
} finally {
During testing using Dark WebSocket Terminal, case BinaryMessage.Strict works fine.
Problem: However, case BinaryMessage.Streaming doesn't finish writing the file before running the analyze function, resulting in a blank response from the server.
I'm trying to wrap my head around how Futures are being used here with the Flows in Akka-HTTP, but I'm not having much luck outside trying to get through all the official documentation.
Currently, .mapAsync seems promising, or basically finding a way to chain futures.
I'd really appreciate some insight.
Yes, mapAsync will help you in this occasion. It is a combinator to execute Futures (potentially in parallel) in your stream, and present their results on the output side.
In your case to make things homogenous and make the type checker happy, you'll need to wrap the result of the Strict case into a Future.successful.
A quick fix for your code could be:
val echoService: Flow[Message, Message, _] = Flow[Message].mapAsync(parallelism = 5) {
case BinaryMessage.Strict(msg) => {
val decoded: Array[Byte] = msg.toArray
val imgOutFile = new File("/tmp/" + "filename")
val fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream(imgOutFile)
case BinaryMessage.Streamed(stream) =>
.limit(Int.MaxValue) // Max frames we are willing to wait for
.completionTimeout(50 seconds) // Max time until last frame
.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _) // Merges the frames
.flatMap { (msg: ByteString) =>
val decoded: Array[Byte] = msg.toArray
val imgOutFile = new File("/tmp/" + "filename")
val fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream(imgOutFile)

How to use Akka HTTP to generate contents via an output stream

I'm quite newbie to Akka Streams and Akka HTTP.
I'd like to generate a simple HTTP server that can generate a zip file from the contents of a folder and send it to the client.
The makes the task of creating a zip file very easy, but it needs an outputStream.
Here is my solution (written in Scala language):
val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
ZipUtil.pack(myFolder, os)
HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(
This solution works, but keeps all the contents to memory, so it isn't scalable.
I think the key for solving this is to use this:
val source = StreamConverters.asOutputStream()
but don't know how to use it. :-(
Any help please?
Try this
val byteSource: Source[ByteString, Unit] = StreamConverters.asOutputStream()
.mapMaterializedValue(os => ZipUtil.pack(myFolder, os))
HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(
You only get access to the OutputStream once the source gets materialized,
which might not happen immediately. In theory the source could also materialized multiple times, so you should be able to deal with this.
I had same problem. In order to make it backpressure-compatible I had to write artificial InputStream which is later converted to Source via StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => input) which in turn you return from your Akka-Http DSL complete directive.
Here is what I wrote.
import{File, IOException, InputStream}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.{SevenZArchiveEntry, SevenZFile}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
class DownloadStatsZipReader(path: String, password: String) extends InputStream {
private val (archive, targetDate) = {
val inputFile = new SevenZFile(new File(path), password.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE.displayName()))
def findValidEntry(): Option[(LocalDate, SevenZArchiveEntry)] =
Option(inputFile.getNextEntry) match {
case Some(entry) =>
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
val parts = entry.getName.toLowerCase.split("\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)")
if (parts(1) == "tab" && entry.getSize > 0)
Try(LocalDate.parse(parts(0), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE)) match {
case Success(localDate) =>
Some(localDate -> entry)
case Failure(_) =>
} else
case None => None
val (date, _) = findValidEntry().getOrElse {
throw new RuntimeException(s"$path has no files named as ``")
inputFile -> date
private val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024)
private var offsetBuffer: Int = 0
private var sizeBuffer: Int = 0
def getTargetDate: LocalDate = targetDate
override def read(): Int =
sizeBuffer match {
case -1 =>
case 0 =>
case _ =>
if (offsetBuffer < sizeBuffer) {
val result = buffer(offsetBuffer)
offsetBuffer += 1
} else {
sizeBuffer = 0
override def close(): Unit = {
private def loadNextChunk(): Unit = try {
val bytesRead =
if (bytesRead >= 0) {
offsetBuffer = 0
sizeBuffer = bytesRead
} else {
offsetBuffer = -1
sizeBuffer = -1
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
throw ex
If you find bugs in my code please let me know.

Interaction with spawned process in Scala

I can use Python to control gnuplot to print out plots in an interactive way as follows:
p = Popen(["/usr/local/bin/gnuplot"], shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p.stdin.write(r'set terminal gif;')
out, err = p.communicate()
How can I do the same thing with Scala? I have some skeleton code, but I'm not sure exactly how to fill in the missing gaps.
val gnuplot = "/usr/local/bin/gnuplot"
val pb = Process(gnuplot)
val pio = new ProcessIO(_ => (),
stdout => ...,
_ => ())
This code works fine, get the inputStream, and write gnuplot commands with the stream:
def plot(): Unit = {
val inputStream = new SyncVar[OutputStream];
val gnuplot = "/usr/local/bin/gnuplot"
val pb = Process(gnuplot)
val pio = new ProcessIO(stdin => inputStream.put(stdin),
stdout => Source.fromInputStream(stdout).getLines.foreach(println),
stderr => Source.fromInputStream(stderr).getLines.foreach(println));
val a = Array("set terminal gif", "set output \"hello.gif\"", "plot [-3.14:3.14] sin(x)").foreach { s =>
inputStream.get.write((s + "\n").getBytes)
It was non-trivial to rejigger your example:
def plot2(): Unit = {
val done = new CountDownLatch(1)
val cmds = List(
"set terminal gif",
"""set output "hello2.gif"""",
"plot [-3.14:3.14] sin(x)",
val gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot"
val pb = Process(gnuplot)
val pio = BasicIO standard { out =>
for (c <- cmds) {
Console println s">$c"
try out.close()
finally done.countDown()
val p = pb run pio
if (done.await(10, Seconds)) Console println s"Exited ${p.exitValue}"
else {
Console println "Stuck..."
I don't know why this API feels so complicated.
It seems they'll want to add p.waitFor with timeout from Java 8.

Creating serializable objects from Scala source code at runtime

To embed Scala as a "scripting language", I need to be able to compile text fragments to simple objects, such as Function0[Unit] that can be serialised to and deserialised from disk and which can be loaded into the current runtime and executed.
How would I go about this?
Say for example, my text fragment is (purely hypothetical):
This might be wrapped into the following complete text:
package myapp.userscripts
import myapp.DSL._
object UserFunction1234 extends Function0[Unit] {
def apply(): Unit = {
What comes next? Should I use IMain to compile this code? I don't want to use the normal interpreter mode, because the compilation should be "context-free" and not accumulate requests.
What I need to get hold off from the compilation is I guess the binary class file? In that case, serialisation is straight forward (byte array). How would I then load that class into the runtime and invoke the apply method?
What happens if the code compiles to multiple auxiliary classes? The example above contains a closure How do I make sure I "package" all those auxiliary things into one object to serialize and class-load?
Note: Given that Scala 2.11 is imminent and the compiler API probably changed, I am happy to receive hints as how to approach this problem on Scala 2.11
Here is one idea: use a regular Scala compiler instance. Unfortunately it seems to require the use of hard disk files both for input and output. So we use temporary files for that. The output will be zipped up in a JAR which will be stored as a byte array (that would go into the hypothetical serialization process). We need a special class loader to retrieve the class again from the extracted JAR.
The following assumes Scala 2.10.3 with the scala-compiler library on the class path:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
Wrapping user provided code in a function class with a synthetic name that will be incremented for each new fragment:
val packageName = "myapp"
var userCount = 0
def mkFunName(): String = {
val c = userCount
userCount += 1
def wrapSource(source: String): (String, String) = {
val fun = mkFunName()
val code = s"""package $packageName
|class $fun extends Function0[Unit] {
| def apply(): Unit = {
| $source
| }
(fun, code)
A function to compile a source fragment and return the byte array of the resulting jar:
/** Compiles a source code consisting of a body which is wrapped in a `Function0`
* apply method, and returns the function's class name (without package) and the
* raw jar file produced in the compilation.
def compile(source: String): (String, Array[Byte]) = {
val set = new nsc.Settings
val d = File.createTempFile("temp", ".out")
d.delete(); d.mkdir()
set.d.value = d.getPath
set.usejavacp.value = true
val compiler = new nsc.Global(set)
val f = File.createTempFile("temp", ".scala")
val out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))
val (fun, code) = wrapSource(source)
out.flush(); out.close()
val run = new compiler.Run()
val bytes = packJar(d)
(fun, bytes)
def deleteDir(base: File): Unit = {
base.listFiles().foreach { f =>
if (f.isFile) f.delete()
else deleteDir(f)
Note: Doesn't handle compiler errors yet!
The packJar method uses the compiler output directory and produces an in-memory jar file from it:
// cf.
def packJar(base: File): Array[Byte] = {
import java.util.jar._
val mf = new Manifest
mf.getMainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0")
val bs = new
val out = new JarOutputStream(bs, mf)
def add(prefix: String, f: File): Unit = {
val name0 = prefix + f.getName
val name = if (f.isDirectory) name0 + "/" else name0
val entry = new JarEntry(name)
if (f.isFile) {
val in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))
try {
val buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
#tailrec def loop(): Unit = {
val count =
if (count >= 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, count)
} finally {
if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles.foreach(add(name, _))
base.listFiles().foreach(add("", _))
A utility function that takes the byte array found in deserialization and creates a map from class names to class byte code:
def unpackJar(bytes: Array[Byte]): Map[String, Array[Byte]] = {
import java.util.jar._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val in = new JarInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
val b = Map.newBuilder[String, Array[Byte]]
#tailrec def loop(): Unit = {
val entry = in.getNextJarEntry
if (entry != null) {
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
val name = entry.getName
// cf.
val bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream
var i = 0
while (i >= 0) {
i =
if (i >= 0) bs.write(i)
val bytes = bs.toByteArray
b += mkClassName(name) -> bytes
def mkClassName(path: String): String = {
path.substring(0, path.length - 6).replace("/", ".")
A suitable class loader:
class MemoryClassLoader(map: Map[String, Array[Byte]]) extends ClassLoader {
override protected def findClass(name: String): Class[_] =
map.get(name).map { bytes =>
println(s"defineClass($name, ...)")
defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length)
} .getOrElse(super.findClass(name)) // throws exception
And a test case which contains additional classes (closures):
val exampleSource =
"""val xs = List("hello", "world")
|println(" "))
def test(fun: String, cl: ClassLoader): Unit = {
val clName = s"$packageName.$fun"
println(s"Resolving class '$clName'...")
val clazz = Class.forName(clName, true, cl)
val x = clazz.newInstance().asInstanceOf[() => Unit]
println("Invoking 'apply':")
locally {
val (fun, bytes) = compile(exampleSource)
val map = unpackJar(bytes)
println("Classes found:")
map.keys.foreach(k => println(s" '$k'"))
val cl = new MemoryClassLoader(map)
test(fun, cl) // should call `defineClass`
test(fun, cl) // should find cached class