Eclipse Run History - eclipse

Does eclipse remember when a program was executed last time? I know there is run configurations, but that doesn't keep track of past executions and their order of execution.
When a program is executed at the shell, then shell keeps tracks of the order of their executions? I want similar utility in eclipse along with the time of execution.

You can see in the debug view or in the console view (click the arrow near screen icon) the program that have run and the start time.
Edit : In Preferences/(Run/Debug)/Launching uncheck the "Remove termined launches when a new launch is created".
This list is reset if you clear hit or if you close Eclipse.
If you want a more permanent information, I think your programs should log that info in files.

you can execute your previous most recent program with ctrl+f11. For detail you can go to run->run history.

If you need the time when your program was executed, make your program output the time by itself. There is nothing in Eclipse that can do exactly what you need.


Is there a way to launch vscode from a bash shell so that a specific launch profile is active in debug mode?

I've found that debugging some apps in vscode is tedious because the applications I work on have hundreds of command line parameters at times. I have created a script that generates a launch profile for an app, given a command line, and adds it to launch.json. It's relatively straightforward at that point to open the vscode GUI, start debug mode, and select the launch profile I've just added. But it does take time (sometimes more than you'd think-- if there are many such profiles). So I'd like to make the process even more automated--Ideally, I'd like to have the script that generates the launch profile to just go ahead and launch code, already in debug mode with that new profile activated, so that I can start execution with a single click. Might not seem like this would save me much time, but I do this often, and it adds up quickly.
So far, though, I've not found a way to accomplish this. Is this possible?

Is there a way to run an action immediately upon executing the installer?

I have an application whose installer is built with Install4J and when I run the Windows installer exe file the GUI doesn't appear until after about 15 seconds. During this time, there's an empty console visible to the user, and they may get the impression that nothing is happening.
What I'd like to do is simply print a message to the user, so they know the installer is running prior to the GUI appearing (or some other solution with a similar effect).
I added an action to the "Startup" section of the Install4j config that prints a message to the console. As far as I can tell, this is the earliest I can configure Install4J to do an action. It works great except that it doesn't print until after the GUI has already loaded, which defeats the purpose. It's currently the only action in the "Startup" section - moving our other startup actions to happen later didn't have any effect on how soon the message is displayed.
In the i4j_nlog_1 log file, it says what was happening during those 15 seconds before the GUI appears. ~5.5 seconds are verifying integrity, and ~7.2 seconds are extracting/creating. Ideally, I'd be able to print a hello message prior to any of that.
By default, installj4 immediately shows a native progress dialog when the installer is executed.
It is possible to deactivate that progress dialog by deselecting the "Suppress initial progress dialog" property on the "Installer" node in the "Installer->Screens & Actions" step.

Eclipse log debug windows function calls

I was wondering if there's an option where I can print out the entire content of the debug window in Eclipse.
You see, if I pause the MCU, the debug window shows the current functions called on the stack. What I need, is to log into file every function that has been called since system start.
Do you guys have any idea how to make it happen?
when you pause, you may call /jdk1.8/bin/jstack.exe -l 111111 > dump.txt where 111111 is process id of the application (jvm). when you look at dump.txt you will see the thread dump of the jvm, which also contains what you see at eclipse's debug view

Shortcut for selecting run configuration in Eclipse IDE

I have an Eclipse workspace with a bunch of projects. I manually created some run configurations for each project (it's necessary to pass some arguments to VM, so I can't just run it directly, e.g. using shortcut ALT+SHIFT+X, T in the specific file).
Most of the time, I just use one run configuration (whereas for the first time I manually launch it using Run -> Run configurations -> (name) -> Run). Since I configured Eclipse to always run the last run configuration (on F11 or CTRL+F11), it's usually enough.
However, sometimes I need to switch to a different run configuration and then back to previous one and then to a different one etc. Is there a quick way to do it? I'd like to see a shortcut, which would display pop-up window with all existing run configurations. By typing first few letters, I'd find an appropriate one and would be able to immediately run it by pressing ENTER. I mean something similar to what CTRL+SHIFT+T or CTRL+SHIFT+R looks like.
I'm afraid there's not something like that. Nonetheless, any advice on how to get more effective would be greatly appreciated, because I'm bored of switching run configurations via menu (as I described above). I can press ALT+R, N and then select a run configuration using arrow keys, but it's not really that comfortable.
You already gave most of the answer yourself. Start by pressing ALT+R, N and then simply start typing the name of the configuration you want. The cursor should be positioned in the filter field and thus incrementally reduce the list of launch configurations as you type. When you've narrowed it down to 1, complete the selection by ALT+R.
BTW: thanks for the reminder, I, too, was using the mouse way too much in this particular use case. I will stop doing so, now that I gave the answer :)
Since Eclipse 4.12 (June 2019, 4 years later) you can also launch any of the Run or Debug configurations available in your workspace from... the Quick Access menu (Ctrl+3 shortcut)
Note: For performance reasons, the extra Quick Access entries are only visible if the org.eclipse.debug.ui bundle was already activated by some previous action in the workbench such as editing a launch configuration, or expanding the Run As... menus.

Eclipse Run As Groovy Script by Default

I'd like to run my Groovy project in Eclipse using a shortcut (CTRL+F11). The trouble is, every time I do so I get a "Select a way to run " dialog, which gives me the choice between Groovy Console, Groovy Script, Java Application.
I've already set a Run Configuration to use Groovy Script, and if I click that Run Configuration under the Run As menu, it just runs.
How can I get my project to execute from a keyboard shortcut without that dialog popping up? I can't imagine ever selecting one of the other options.
I've never been able to get a satisfactory keyboard shortcut for Groovy script runs out of ctrl-F11. Instead I use alt-shift-X and then press G when the menu appears.
For debugging I use alt-shift-D, then G.
Both are two-stroke, rather than one-stroke, solutions, but neither one forces me to use the mouse or the arrow keys.
Under Project>Properties>Java Build Path and then click on Java SE, what ever it may be, click finish.
On the off chance that you deleted your java system library you can o pick up a new one...