jqgrid display editform (the entire form) based on dataURL result - forms

I am using form editing but I only want the ADD form to appear if the results from dataURL are correct. I can hide it, but I really don't want it at all on condition. Plus, the hide() only works after the alert is cleared
$("#schedule").jqGrid('editGridRow', "new", {
url: './ar_schedule_update.cgi?',
editData: {visitor:visitor},
beforeInitData: function() {
$('#schedule').setColProp('archiveid',{editable: true,hidden:false, edittype: 'select',
editoptions: {dataUrl: './ar_archiveid_edit_options.cgi?system=' + selected_system,
buildSelect: function(data) {
if (data.match(/^ERROR/)) {
$('#editmodschedule').hide(); //Makes it disappear ok after alert cleared
return false;
return data;
beforeShowForm: function(formid) {
onClose: function() {...............
Thanks in advance,


Mapbox GL JS: Style is not done loading

I have a map wher we can classically switch from one style to another, streets to satellite for example.
I want to be informed that the style is loaded to then add a layer.
According to the doc, I tried to wait that the style being loaded to add a layer based on a GEOJson dataset.
That works perfectly when the page is loaded which fires map.on('load') but I get an error when I just change the style, so when adding layer from map.on('styledataloading'), and I even get memory problems in Firefox.
My code is:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.token';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10',
center: [5,45.5],
zoom: 7
map.on('load', function () {
map.on('styledataloading', function (styledata) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
$('#typeMap').on('click', function switchLayer(layer) {
var layerId = layer.target.control.id;
switch (layerId) {
case 'streets':
map.setStyle('mapbox://styles/mapbox/' + layerId + '-v10');
case 'satellite':
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.open('GET', 'regions.json', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
function loadRegionMask() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
var geoPoints_JSON = JSON.parse(response);
map.addSource("region-boundaries", {
'type': 'geojson',
'data': geoPoints_JSON,
'id': 'region-fill',
'type': 'fill',
'source': "region-boundaries",
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#C4633F',
'fill-opacity': 0.5
"filter": ["==", "$type", "Polygon"]
And the error is:
Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
at t._checkLoaded (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at t.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at e.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:390)
at map.js:92 (map.addSource("region-boundaries",...)
at XMLHttpRequest.xobj.onreadystatechange (map.js:63)
Why do I get this error whereas I call loadRegionMask() after testing that the style is loaded?
1. Listen styledata event to solve your problem
You may need to listen styledata event in your project, since this is the only standard event mentioned in mapbox-gl-js documents, see https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map.event:styledata.
You can use it in this way:
map.on('styledata', function() {
2. Reasons why you shouldn't use other methods mentioned above
setTimeout may work but is not a recommend way to solve the problem, and you would got unexpected result if your render work is heavy;
style.load is a private event in mapbox, as discussed in issue https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/7579, so we shouldn't listen to it apparently;
.isStyleLoaded() works but can't be called all the time until style is full loaded, you need a listener rather than a judgement method;
Ok, this mapbox issue sucks, but I have a solution
myMap.on('styledata', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {
I mix both solutions.
I was facing a similar issue and ended up with this solution:
I created a small function that would check if the style was done loading:
// Check if the Mapbox-GL style is loaded.
function checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
return true; // When it is safe to manipulate layers
} else {
return false; // When it is not safe to manipulate layers
Then whenever I swap or otherwise modify layers in the app I use the function like this:
function swapLayer() {
var check = checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded();
if (!check) {
// It's not safe to manipulate layers yet, so wait 200ms and then check again
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// Whew, now it's safe to manipulate layers!
the rest of the swapLayer logic goes here...
Use the style.load event. It will trigger once each time a new style loads.
map.on('style.load', function() {
My working example:
when I change style
I get error Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
This solved my problem
Do not use map.on("load", loadTiles);
instead use
map.on('styledata', function() {
when you change style, map.setStyle(), you must wait for setStyle() finished, then to add other layers.
so far map.setStyle('xxx', callback) Does not allowed. To wait until callback, work around is use map.on("styledata"
map.on("load" not work, if you change map.setStyle(). you will get error: Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
The current style event structure is broken (at least as of Mapbox GL v1.3.0). If you check map.isStyleLoaded() in the styledata event handler, it always resolves to false:
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()){
// This never happens...
My solution is to create a new event called "style_finally_loaded" that gets fired only once, and only when the style has actually loaded:
var checking_style_status = false;
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (checking_style_status){
// If already checking style status, bail out
// (important because styledata event may fire multiple times)
} else {
checking_style_status = true;
function check_style_status() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
checking_style_status = false;
} else {
// If not yet loaded, repeat check after delay:
setTimeout(function() {check_style_status();}, 200);
I had the same problem, when adding real estate markers to the map. For the first time addding the markers I wait till the map turns idle. After it was added once I save this in realEstateWasInitialLoaded and just add it afterwards without any waiting. But make sure to reset realEstateWasInitialLoaded to false when changing the base map or something similar.
checkIfRealEstateLayerCanBeAddedAndAdd() {
/* The map must exist and real estates must be ready */
if (this.map && this.realEstates) {
this.map.once('idle', () => {
if (!this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded = true
if(this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
I ended up with :
map.once("idle", ()=>{ ... some function here});
In case you have a bunch of stuff you want to do , i would do something like this =>
add them to an array which looks like [{func: function, param: params}], then you have another function which does this:
executeActions(actions) {
actions.forEach((action) => {
And at the end you have
this.map.once("idle", () => {
I have created simple solution. Give 1 second for mapbox to load the style after you set the style and you can draw the layer
reDrawMapSourceAndLayer(); /// your function layer
}, 1000);
when you use map.on('styledataloading') it will trigger couple of time when you changes the style
map.on('styledataloading', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {

Store the user searchword in mysql

I working on a little snippet, a live search with MySQL.
Now i think it could be nice to store/save which searchword the user, did the search on.
User search on
My new book
Then i want to store that to my databse.
The problem is with my script right now, where i trig the ajax on keyup. Then it will store.
M My My N My Ne My New .... and so on..
and so on, how can i come around this and only store the hole line ..?
$(function() {
var text = $(this).val();
if (text != ' ') {
$('#result').html(" ");
type: 'post',
url: 'livesearch.php',
data: { 'search': text },
success: function(dataReturn) {
I've created a storeText(txt,time) function that will take your text as first param and time to wait before sending ajax as second param. You can change the second parameter as per your need. Add your ajax call in the function below my comment and you're good to go.
$(function() {
var text = $(this).val();
if (text != ' ') {
$('#result').html(" ");
type: 'post',
url: 'livesearch.php',
data: { 'search': text },
success: function(dataReturn) {
var timer;
function storeText(txt,time){
timer = setTimeout(function(){
Here's a JSFiddle to see it in action: https://jsfiddle.net/3n2L2v6g/
Try typing anything in the text box, it waits 1000ms before executing the code where your ajax would be.

kendo-ui autocomplete extend

I'm trying to extend the kendo-ui autocomplete control: I want the search start when te user hit enter, so basically I've to check the user input on keydown event.
I've tried to catch the keydown event with this code:
(function($) {
ui = kendo.ui,
Widget = ui.Widget
var ClienteText = ui.AutoComplete.extend({
init: function(element,options) {
var that=this;
ui.AutoComplete.fn.init.call(this, element, options);
$(this).bind('keydown',function(e){ console.log(1,e); });
$(element).bind('keydown',function(e){ console.log(2,e); });
options: {
[...list of my options...]
_keydown: function(e) {
None of the binded events gets called, only the _keydown, and then I'm doing something wrong and cannot call the autocomplete "normal" keydown event.
I've seen a lot of examples that extend the base widget and then create a composite widget, but I'm not interested in doing that, I only want to add a functionality to an existing widget.
Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you!
What about avoiding the extend and take advantage of build in options and methods on the existing control : http://jsfiddle.net/vojtiik/Vttyq/1/
//create AutoComplete UI component
var complete = $("#countries").kendoAutoComplete({
dataSource: data,
filter: "startswith",
placeholder: "Select country...",
separator: ", ",
minLength: 50 // this is to be longer than your longest char
$("#countries").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
complete.options.minLength = 1; // allow search
complete.options.minLength = 50; // stop the search again
This code actually work:
(function($) {
ui = kendo.ui,
ClienteText = ui.AutoComplete.extend({
init: function(element,options) {
ui.AutoComplete.fn.init.call(this, element, options);
var kcontrol=$(this).data('kendoClienteText');
if (e.which === 13) {
} else {
options: {
name: 'ClienteText',
but I don't know if it's the correct way to do it.

Select2 with AJAX and Initial Local Data

So I'm trying to get the select2 plugin to work with a Backbone.js / CakePHP app. The idea is that this select2 holds email addresses for contacting people as tasks become completed, but the form is editable. What I want to do is (1) load / display all the already saved email addresses for the task being edited, and (2) I want to still have the select2 perform AJAX searches to list recognized emails.
I keep having this issue where I can either show initial data, OR have the AJAX search feature.
My current code for my select2 box is a Backbone.View, and it looks like:
function(Backbone, $, select2) {
var notificationSelector = Backbone.View.extend({
notifications: undefined,
events: {
'change' : 'select2ContactsChanged'
initialize: function(attrs) {
this.collection.on('add remove reset', this.render(), this);
render: function() {
var contacts = ["abc#def.com", "joe#banana.com"];
$('.notification-selector').attr('value', contacts);
if(this.select2Control == undefined)
// Do Search() + query here
this.select2Control = this.$el.select2({
width: '200px',
placeholder: '#email',
tags: [],
minimumInputLength: 3,
// initSelection: function(element, callback) {
// return $.ajax({
// type: "GET",
// url: "/notifications/fetch/",
// dataType: 'json',
// data: { id: (element.val()) },
// success: function(data) {
// }
// }).done(function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
// },
// Do Search() + query here
this.select2Control = this.$el.select2({
width: '200px',
placeholder: '#email',
tags: [],
minimumInputLength: 3,
ajax: {
url: '/notifications/search/',
dataType: 'json',
data: function(term, page) {
return {
SearchTerm: term
results: function(data, page) {
return {
results: data
select2ContactsChanged: function() {
var contacts = this.select2Control.val().split(',');
return notificationSelector;
I read a response by the creator of Select2 to someone else (https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/issues/392) in which he says to use a 'custom query' to achieve what seems to be what I want. I'm having trouble finding relevant examples or making enough sense of the docs to figure out what he means.
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong / missing?
Thanks for your time!
I forgot to mention -- the DOM element this is attached to is <input type="hidden" multiple="true" class="notification-selector select2-result-selectable"></input>
Ok, I finally figured out the solution.
I was misunderstanding $.ajax() -- I did not really think about it actually being an asynchronous call. My code to check for the data being returned from the call was running before the AJAX actually finished, so I was always getting undefined.
I assigned a variable to the AJAX call, and set "async: false", and it worked perfectly.
fetchSetNotifications: function() {
var addresses = $.ajax({
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
context: $('#notifications'),
url: '/Notifications/fetch/',
async: false,
The jqXHR object I get in 'addresses' then contains the response data I want in the "responseText" attribute.

Closing only particular FancyBox when having multiple Fancybox

In a given page, I have multiple instances of Fancybox items that will show up an video when clicked on a link.
Apart from those, I have a function running every 5 seconds to get data from a URL and display another fancybox based on the return value.
The problem is that, as the setInterval function runs always, even if the actual video is played, it closes that video as I use $.fancybox.close().
All I wanted is to close only the fanybox identified by myModal.
This is the jQuery that I use.
$(document).ready(function() {
function myplugin() {
$.getJSON("get-status.php", function (data) {
$.each(data, function (key, status) {
if(status > 0) {
$.fancybox.close(); // Works. But closes other open Fancybox if any
//$("#myModal").fancybox().close(); // Does not work
$(function() {
setInterval(function() { myplugin() }, 5000);
Well, I am not completely sure I understood your question, however since it's not very easy to know if #myModal is currently opened in fancybox (outside of the fancybox function itself), I would create a flag or switch that would be enabled from within a fancybox callback IF #myModal is the current element opened.
Then, from myplugin() I would validate if the switch is true (#myModal is the current element) and if so, close fancybox.
The script would look something like this (not tested because I don't really know what myplugin() does) :
// declare a switch to set if #myModal is open in fancybox
var myModal = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
function myplugin() {
$.getJSON("get-status.php", function (data) {
$.each(data, function (key, status) {
if (status > 0) {
// use a callback to set the switch = true
afterShow: function () {
$(this.element).attr("id") == "myModal" ? myModal = true : myModal = false;
} else {
// close fancybox if myModal == true
if (myModal) {
myModal = false; // reset switch ?
// you don't need $(function(){ }); since you have declaread .ready() above
setInterval(function () {
}, 5000);
I tried this below one and it worked.
$("#myModal").parents("div .fancybox-skin").hide();
Please advice if there any other better way to do this.