Scala actors & Ambient Reference - scala

In Phillip Haller's PhD thesis he mentioned in section (5.1 Future Work) that one of the interesting areas of research would be to extend the framework with ambient references and he cited Van Cutsen's paper.
The Scala Actors library includes a runtime system that provides basic
support for remote (i.e., inter-VM) actor communication. To provide
support for fault tolerancy (for instance, in mobile ad-hoc networks),
it would be interesting to extend the framework with remote actor
references that support volatile connections, similar to ambient
references [36]. Integrating transactional abstractions for
fault-tolerant distributed programming (e.g., [52, 142]) into Scala
Actors is another interesting area for future work.
And citated paper is:
[36] Tom Van Cutsem, Jessie Dedecker, Stijn Mostinckx, Elisa Gonzalez
Boix, Theo D’Hondt, and Wolfgang De Meuter. Ambient references:
addressing objects in mobile networks. [...] pages 986–997. ACM, October
Is this what Akka did? If not, do you think it is still relevant to research this area given the fact that Akka exists today?

Yes, this is possible with Akka.
There are 2 ways to achieve this as far as I know:
akka-remote - Provides remote actor ref, but you need to decide where each actor should exsist.
akka-cluster - Provides cluster sharding. Automatically manages actor physical location and ensures that given shard (Actor) is present on at most one node in the cluster.


hexagonal architecture and transactions concept

I'm trying to get used to hexagonal architecture and can't get how to implement common practical problems, already realized with different approaches. I think my core problem is to understand level of responsibility extracted to adapter and ports.
Reading articles on the web it is ok with primitive examples like:
we have RepositoryInterface which can be implemented in
mysql/txt/s3/nosql storage
we have NotificationSendingInterface and have email/sms/web push realizations
but those are very refined examples and simply interface/realization details separation.
In practice, however, coding service in domain model we usually know interface+realization guarantees more deeply.
For illustration purpose example I decided to ask about storage+transaction pair.
How transaction conception for storage should be implemented in hex architecture?
Assume we have simple crud service interface inside domain level
and we want some kind of transaction guarantee while working with those methods, e.g. delete+save in one transaction.
How it should be designed and implemented according to hex conception?
Is it should be implemented with some external coordination interface of TransactionalOperation? If yes, then in general, TransactionalOperation must know how to implement transaction guaranty working with all implementations of StorageRepoInterface(mb within additional transaction-oriented operation interface)
If no, then seems there should be explicit transaction guarantees from StorageRepoInterface in the domain level(inside hex) with additional methods?
Either way it is no look so "isolated and interfaced based" as stated.
Can someone point me how to change mindset correctly for such situations or where to read?
Thanks in advance.
In Hex Arch, driver ports are the API of the application, the use case boundary. Use cases are transactional. So you have to control the transactionality at the driver ports methods. You enclose every method in a transaction.
If you use Spring you could use declarative transaction (#Transactional annotation).
Another way is to explicity open a db transaction before the execution of the method, and to close (commit / rollback) it after the method.
A useful pattern for applying transactionality is the command bus, wrapping it with a decorator which enclose the command in a transaction.
Transactions are infraestructure, so you should have a driven port and an adapter implementing the port.
The implementation must use the same db context (entity manager) used by persistence adapters (repositories).
Vaughn Vernon talks about this topic in the "Managing transactions" section (pages 432-437) of his book "Implementing DDD".
Instead of using command bus pattern, you could simply inject a TransactionPort to your command handler (defined at domain level).
The TransactionPort would have two methods (start and commit).
The TransactionAdapter would be your custom implementation (defined at infrastructure level).
Then you could do somethig like:
# Do you stuff

What is a node in OPC-UA?

I have been reading around the internet for a good explanation of what a node is in OPC-UA. It seems there are libraries out there for it, but none actually explain nodes. What is the purpose of nodes in OPC-UA?
Note: OPC and OPC-UA noob here
I think you are talking about 2 different stuff here.
the node concept of OPC UA: An OPC UA node is like an entity representing information. Some Nodes are Variables, DataType, References, Object, Methods... depending of what they are used for.
By reading the OPC UA Specification you will get a good overview here - Specially Part 1: Overview and Concepts and Part 3: Address Space Model (you need to create a free account first)
NodeOPCUA, which is a Node.js implementation of OPC UA.
Node is a basic conception of OPC UA protocol. It has some unique identifier and represents types, relationships, objects, classes, variables and etc.
If you are a programmer, a good analogy would be an object model in high level program languages (Java, Ruby etc) where types and methods are also instances.

Is the actor model not an anti-pattern, as the fire-and-forget style forces actors to remember a state?

When learning Scala, one of the first things I learned was that every function returns something. There is no "void"-function/method as there is, for instance in Java. Thus many Scala-functions are true functions, in a mathematic way, and objects can remain largely stateless.
Now I learned that the actor model is a very popular model among functional languages like Scala. However, actors promote a fire-and-forget style of programming, and callers usually don't expect callees to directly reply to messages (except when using the "ask"/"?"-method). Therefore, actors need to remember some sort of state.
Am I right assuming that the actor model is more like a trade-off between scalability and maintainability (due to its statefulness), and could sometimes even be considered an anti-pattern?
Yes you're essentially right (I'm not quite sure what you have in mind when you say scalability vs maintainability).
Actors are popular in Scala because of Akka (which presumably is in turn popular because of the support it gets from Lightbend). It is, not however, the case that actors are overwhelmingly popular in general in the functional programming world (although implementations exist for all the languages I'm thinking of). Below are my vastly simplified impressions (so take them with the requisite amount of salt) of two other FP language communities, both of which use actors (far?) less frequently than Scala does.
The Haskell community tends to use either STM/channels (often in an STM context). Straight up MVars also get used surprisingly often.
The Clojure community sometimes touts its own built-in version of STM, but its flagship concurrency model is really core.async, which is at its heart again channels.
As an aside STM, channels, and actors can all be layered upon one another; its sort of weird to compare them as if they were mutually exclusive approaches. In practice though it's rare to see them all used in tandem.
Actors do indeed involve state (and in the case of Akka skirt type safety) and as a result are very expressive and can pretty much do anything concurrency-wise. In this way they're similar to side-effectful functions, which are more expressive than pure functions. Indeed actors in a way are the pure essence of OO, with all its pros and cons.
As such there is a sizable chunk of the Scala community that would say yes, if most of the time when you face concurrency issues, you're using actors, that's probably an anti-pattern.
If you can, try to get away with just using Futures or scalaz.concurrent.Tasks. In return for less expressiveness you get more composability.
If your problem naturally lends itself to a single, global state (e.g. in the form of global invariants that you want to enforce), think about STM. In the Scala community, although an STM library exists, my impression is that STM is usually emulated by using actors.
If your concurrency problems mainly revolves around streaming multiple sources of data, think about using one of Scala's streaming libraries.
Actors are specifically a tool in the toolbox for handling and distributing state. So yes, they should have state - if they don't then you just could use Futures.
Please note however that Actors (at least Akka Actors) handle distribution (running location-transparently on multiple nodes) which neither functions of Futures are able to do. The concurrency aspects of Actors are a result of them handling the more complex case - networking. In that sense, Actors unify the remote case with the local case, by making the remote case be first-class. And as it turns out, on networks messaging is exactly what you can both count and build on if you want reliable, resilient and also fast systems.
Hope this answers the "big picture" part of your question.

Why did Scala SIP-21 authors choose the name Spores?

After reading through Scala SIP-21, a proposal to add a new construct to increase the safety of closures in concurrent and distributed environments, I am curious as to why the authors chose the name Spores in particular for this concept. I haven't found any other references to this name in other Computer Science literature, so it appears novel to this SIP.
I can loosely see the how the dispersal of many small, simple structures and perhaps the capability for dormancy could be evocative of distributed closures. But is there some stronger connection here, a more involved metaphor?

Is the actor model limited to specific languages?

I was reading an interesting blog post about Erlang/OTP and the actor model. I also hear that Scala supports the actor model. From the little I gathered so far, the actor model breaks down processing into components that communicate with each other by passing messages. Typically, those processes are immutable.
Are those features language-specific though or more at the architecture level? more specifically, can't you just implement the same actor model in almost any language, and just use some form of message-queue to pass messages between worker processes? (for example, use something like celery). Or is it that those languages like Erlang and Scala simply do this transparently and much faster?
Certainly you can define an "Actor Library" in virtually any language, but in Erlang the model is baked-in to the language, and is really the only concurrency model available.
While Scala's actors system is well implemented, at the end of the day, it still vulnerable to some hazards that Erlang is immune from. I'll draw your attention to this paper.
This would be the case for any Actor library implemented in any imperative language that supports shared mutable state.
An interesting exception to this is Nodes.js. Some work is being done with actors between Nodes that probably exhibit the same isolation properties as Erlang, simply because there is no shared mutable state.
Actor model is not limited to any specific platform or programming language, it's just a model after all.
Erlang and Scala have really good and useful implementations of this model, which fits nicely in typical technology stack of these platforms and helps to effectively solve certain kinds of tasks.
To add to the points mentioned above, the fact that in Erlang actor model is the only way you can program, makes your code scalable from the get-go. Erlang processes are lightweight, and you can spawn 10-100K on one machine (I don't think you can do it with python), this changes the way you approach problems. For example, in our product we parse web server logs with Erlang and spawn an Erlang process to handle each line. That way, if one log line is corrupted, or the process that handles it crashes, nothing happens to the other ones.
Another difference is when you start using OTP you get processes supervisors and you can make processes connected so if one terminates all the others do.
Other than that, Erlang has some other nice feature (which can be found in other languages through libraries, but again here it's baked in) like pattern matching and hot deploy.
No, there is nothing language-specific about the Actor Model. In fact, you already mention Scala in your question, where actors are not part of the language but are instead implemented as a library. (Three competing libraries, actually.)
However, just like Functional Programming or Object-Oriented Programming, having direct support for Actor Programming, or at least support for some abstractions that make it easier to implement, in the language will lead to a very different programming experience. Anyone who has ever done Functional Programming or Object-Oriented Programming in C will probably understand this.