Install Multiple Blackberry WebWorks SDK's With Signing - blackberry-webworks

I am trying to install the Blackberry 10 SDK as well as the PlayBook SDK for Blackberry and can't get the signing to work. I set up the signing and registered the keys for the Blackberry 10 SDK no problem. I then installed the Blackberry PlayBook SDK and then tried to register the keys for it also. I tried to register the same keys as for the BB10 SDK and new keys just for the PB SDK and in both cases I get the error "Error: Already registered with RDK". When I build the BB10 app it works okay and builds the app with signing. When I try to build the PB app I get the message "Cannon sign the application - failed to find signing keys".
I have read through the documentation and I can't see anywhere on how to set up signing with multiple SDK's on one machine. I am sure this can be done, but can't seem to figure out how it should be done to get the singing working.
OS: Windows 8

You do not need to register code signing keys more than once.
When you were emailed the *.csj files from BlackBerry, you installed them on your machine using these instructions:
Doing so generates *.p12 and *.db and *.csk files in the following folder:
%HOMEPATH%\Local Settings\Application Data\Research In Motion
Both the BB10 and PlayBook WebWorks SDK should be able to re-use these files for signing. If they cannot find the signing keys, I suspect your system has the %HOMEPATH% variable set to the wrong location.
Try installing both SDKs to the same /Program Files folder and make sure that %HOMEPATH% is correct.


Iphone apps using Windows [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
(42 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am new to mobile development and I have a question concerning developing an app for iPhone. Is there a way to develop an app for iPhone using Windows?
No. xcode, which you need to develop iphone apps, only runs on mac. There are ways to get a mac program running on windows probably, but developing for ios on windows just isn't worth the trouble.
Yes it is possible but tricky. One way to do it is to use forge. The following is extracted from an article showing how to use forge to create iOS apps:
Developing iOS apps on Windows
Forge allows the development of iOS apps on Windows without the use of an OS X machine. To do this you will need a development-enabled physical iOS device and an iOS developer account. In order to sign your application (which is required to install it onto the device, even for testing), we provide a remote signing service, which your app will be sent to, signed and returned as part of the forge run ios and forge package ios command.
Note: Your iOS device must be enabled for development before our Windows tools can view logging output. This means attaching it to an OS X machine and selecting "Enable for development" in the Xcode organizer. If you're not able to do this, you can still install apps onto the device, and use the iPhone Configuration Utility to view log output (
Setting up Forge to run iOS apps
Apple iOS developer account.
iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility installed on the machine you are going to develop on
An iOS device connected via USB to the machine you wish to develop on
In order to sign your application you need to provide us with the following:
A signing certificate and password
A provisioning profile
Both of these can be created and managed from the Apple iOS provisioning portal, which should be accessible from the iOS developer center: The instructions on that site are for OS X, more detailed instructions for creating a developer certificate on Windows are included below.
Once these are setup you should be able to use forge run ios to install the app on your device and see log output in the terminal on your computer.
Creating a signing certificate
To create a certificate you need to generate a certificate signing request, in Windows this can be done by following these steps:
Create a file request.txt with the following content, replacing Connor Dunn with the name registered to your Apple Developer account:
Run the following command in the same directory as request.txt: certreq -new request.txt
On the iOS provisioning portal site choose to create a new certificate and upload the file you just created
Your certificate request should be approved shortly: when it is, download and open the certificate file. Windows should prompt you to install the certificate.
Once installed, run the command certmgr.msc: this should open a certificate management tool. In this tool browse to Personal certificates, you should see the iPhone Developer certificate you just installed.
You should be able to right click on the certificate and choose All tasks -> Export. Make sure you export the private key as part of the certificate when following the wizard. The password you supply will be the one you need to provide to Forge, and prevents unauthorized users from using the certificate if they were to come into possession of the certificate file.
You should now be able to configure the developer certificate and developer certificate password in your Tools config.
See configuration for the tools for more information on the Tools config.
Creating a provisioning profile
Once you have created a certificate you need to create a provisioning profile, this is also done via the iOS provisioning portal website:
First make sure your device has been added to the provisioning portal, to do this you will need the device identifier (UDID), this can be found by clicking on the device's serial number in iTunes.
Next create an app id, for development entering * as a Bundle Identifier is recommended, as it means multiple apps can be signed with a single provisioning profile.
Finally create a development provisioning profile, making sure you choose the correct app id and enable any devices you wish to be able to test with.
You can now download and configure the location of your provisioning profile in your Tools config.
Note: Provisioning profiles must be recreated if certificates or devices are changed.
Here is the link to the site that has much more info on this matter. But all in all, I'll advice you to invest in an apple machine and save yourself tons of time and hassle.

Is it necessary to sign every blackberry application even if i have to just test it on blackberry real device?

I had only packaged my application for Blackberry using ripple, but didn't sign that. But when I tried to run the application on my device, it is throwing an error message like Module Mybbapp attempts to access a secure API and the application terminates.
I am using Ripple version 0.9.16 and Blackberry SDK using Eclipse.
If you are using signed API in your code, then you need to sign your application, before installing it on an actual device. Unsigned app that uses signed API will work only on simulator, but won't work on an actual device.
Apply for signing keys here:
You will receive an email with attached signing keys. Follow the instructions in the received email to install these keys and use them to sign your application.

Signing .apk to BlackBerry App World

I run my .apk file from eclipse to BlackBerry Playbook. It runs successfully. After that, when I sign my application for BlackBerry App World from Eclipse, it successfully signs it and gives me bar file in dist folder. However that file is marked crossed which indicates that the bar file contains an error. I don't know how to debug the error. I have made 2 layouts: one layout for Playbook and the other for BlackBerry Alpha 10. Is this causing an error or is it something else?
This APK was already packaged and signed, please update the APK’s version number to package again
This error means you are signing the same build again, with the same version no. Blackberry signer identifies the debug build and release build both as same, as they have same version no. So to overcome this, just change the version no. of the release build. It'll work without any problem.

MonoTouch deploy to iPhone

I have developed a number of apps using MonoTouch, and been using the emulator for the iPhone, now I need to deploy me application to my iPhone for further testing.
I have purchased the iPhone SDK from Apple, but I can't find how to deploy and activate the MonoTouch application to my iPhone.
Any pointers please?
As has been already stated you obviously need the paid version of MonoTouch and the iPhone SDK. Once you have those sorted you need to create a developer certificate in the iPhone developer portal, download it to your dev machine and add it into your keychain.
Once you have done that you must create a provisioning profile for your physical device, which again you do through the developer portal. Once you have the provisioning profile, download that to your machine, and add it to the iPhone via the Organiser app in XCode.
Then fire up MonoDevelop, and if it's all gone to plan then you should have the option of deploying the build to your iPhone. You can check that MonoDevelop has correctly detected your certs by opening up the Project Options window and under the Build section and under iPhone Bundle Signing, you should see your developer cert and provisioning profile.
Full details of the steps required on the Apple iPhone Dev Site
Here are the MonoTouch docs on building for distribution
It is my understanding that you have to have the Monotouch deployment license from Novell to deploy to a device.
According to your statement:
When I compile I get: "No Valid iPhone code signing keys found in
This is actually a Xcode question more then a Monotouch one;
The message indicates that your keychain does not provide the signing keys used to generate the certificates and provisioning profiles.
If you follow apple's steps on generating certificate(request), followed by profiles they will also state you might want to export your private key (p13 file) and keep it somewhere safe.
If you move to another laptop for instance, you will need to import that key again to make the machine a valid one.
If something went wrong (ie: you accidentally removed your private key, ..) this message will be shown since there is no way for Xcode to verify that the profiles are being used on a valid machine.
Go to this instruction page (apple account credentials needed) to check if the steps have been followed and check in the Keychain access app on your mac if under My Certificates you see a developer certificate and - if you unfold it - you can see the private key as a child node.

Code sign Error

I have created a new iPhone application.I have two mach machines. I have created the certificate for running application in iPhone in one mac. Can I use the other mac for running the application in iPhone. But when I try to do so I get an error "Codesign error:Code signing is required for product type "Application" in SDK Device iPhone OS 3.1.2. Please some one help me.
Have you transferred your credentials to the second Mac? They are stored in your keychain.
You may need to read up on how Code-signing works:
Here's an overview:
Developer creates a Certificate via a Certificate Authority (CA)
This certificate is used to 'sign' the binary, providing 'proof' of who created it
Developer then uses the Certificate to sign the binary (this is the step you're missing on the second MAC)
This is handled via xcode, assuming you've followed the detailed steps on
Clients using the binary can now verify the Certificate against a known CA to ensure the integrity of the build.
Also check that you are code signing on the target as well when you do the Archive build
Spent hours to figure this out. Actually you need to click on Project --> Build Settings --> click target --> code sign..
THIS IS not apparent