Tomcat Server not starting with in 45 seconds - eclipse

Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 101 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor.
This is my error. I changed time from 45 secs to 101 secs, but the problem remains. I removed eclipse and tomcat and I re-installed again but the same problem occurs; how can I fix this?

Try remove all breakpoints.Also you can increase start up time.
Open the Servers view -> double click tomcat -> drop down the Timeouts section

I got the solution for your requirement.
I'm also getting the same error in my eclipse Luna.
Go to Window -> Preferences.
Then General -> Network Connections.
Then select the Active Provider as Manual.
Then restart the tomcat and run. It will work.
Hope it will help you.

Open servers view, open Timeouts and set up Start

Open the Servers view -> double click tomcat -> drop down the Timeouts section
you can increase the startup time for each particular server. like 45 to 450

I know it's a bit late, but I've tried everything above and nothing worked. The real problem was that I'm using hibernate, so it was trying to connect to mysql but was not able, thats why it showed time out.
Just to let u guys know, I'm using RDS(Amazon), so just to make a test I changed to my local mysql and it worked perfectly.
Hope that this answer helps somebody.

In my case I was using spring+hibernate and forgot to run my MYSQL server due to which hibernate was not getting loaded and thus was throwing error

Disabling my antivirus does the trick for me ...

I also had the issue of the Eclipse Tomcat Server timing out and tried every suggestion including:
increasing timeout seconds
deleting various .metadata files in workspace directory
deleting the server instance in Eclipse along with the Run Config
Nothing worked until I read a comment on a related issue and realized that I had added a breakpoint in an interceptor class after a big code change and had forgotten to toggle it off. I removed it and all other breakpoints and Tomcat started right up as it usually did.

Just go with below points.
Open Eclipse Windows -> show View -> server -> double click tomcat/press Fn + F3 -> Timeouts -> increase start time
Save setting and Restart eclipse also delete .metadata folder from work space if you don't need
Check Now... All The Best

Folks, I had this same problem and tried raising the timeout, deleting the server and creating again and did not work. I was running Eclipse Kepler in Linux. The solution proposed by #Phoenix is what worked for me:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections
Set Active Providers in manual and then configure or not the proxy. I had this option in "Native".
Then I realized I had the variable http_proxy set. It was set in the ~/.bashrc file. This environment variable is the culprit of many problems.
Once I set http_proxy to empty
export http_proxy=
to check it:
echo $http_proxy
I was able to leave option "Active Provider" in "Native" and solve the timeout problem. This is useful because Eclipse adopts the native configuration, in case you change it often.
In my case, where I had configured http_proxy in ~./bashrc, I had to close Eclipse and even log out and log in again.

Below worked for me.
Removed all Breakpoints. Then did a clean on server as below.
Right click on server-->Click clean.

I had tried increasing the Server Start up time for tomcat server, removed server and created new server, removed server and changed run-time environment configurations. Those thing didn't work for me. At last, i found deployment descriptor(url pattern of servlet-mapping) is the one that making the trouble.

Just remove or delete the server from eclipse and reconfigure it or add it again to Eclipse.

I had the same problem I deleted the server from the server tab, and also the server folder under your eclipse workspace, restarted eclipse, set up a new server, and it appears to be running OK now.

Just for knowledge..
Also had the same issue and solved it stopping and starting again the mysql service... I think that was some conflict between mysql-service and tomcat.
Good Luck

If some one had the same issue like me about the timeout of the server where you can found it. This response can help you.
Click on window > Show View > Server.
When you are on the server, you will see the server that you have configured before.
After that, right click on your server configuration, go to Properties > General and click on Switch Location.
After you clicking on "Switch Location", the server configuration will be appear on the Package Explorer of eclipse.
Then Double click on the server file in the package explorer you will see where the timeout located.
Thank you.

None of the above worked for me but this -
1. Remove any project if configured already while installing Tomcat.
2. Right click on configured server -> clean and -> Clean tomcat working directory
Did couple of times and the issue resolved.

In my case tomcat was configured to start not on localhost(guess it came from servers.xml connector entry) so Eclipse fails to find it running after start. Changed Host name on Servers tab to my ip.
Had the same error message, though tomcat did start sucessfully, but then Eclipse shuts it down.

try clean Tomcat working directory,it works for me

Well, I tried all the solutions:
increasing timeout seconds;
deleting the server instance in Eclipse along with the Run Config.
None of them worked.
there was no breakpoint in my code;
I don't use any antivirus.
I realized that some people - who had the same problem - were using Eclipse Helios (so was I).
I switched to Eclipse Kepler and it worked perfectly.
Maybe it can be a solution. I wanted to use Helios, but Kepler is okay.

I was too facing similar issue and here I found another solution for it.
I have just started Eclipse Luna and not developed/deployed any project yet. I tried adding Tomcat v7.0 Server and got same error.
In order to resolve the issue I went to Server Perspective (it's actually server tab next to the console tab located below Project code). Double click on Server which is added to Eclipse. It will open up Overview page. Look for Server Location and select Use workspace metadata(does not modify Tomcat location). Now restart the Server and error will go away.
Server > (double click) Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost > (Overview page) Server Location > Select -- Use workspace metadata(does not modify Tomcat location).

URL pattern of <servlet-mapping>:
Check project explorer → Deployment descriptor → Servlet Mapping → check that all mapping present in controller package. ref. image as below:
if there is any mapping not available, Then remove that <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> tag in web.xml.

Is your browser making calls to the server while it is starting? if yes, you probably should close it
e.g. if your browser is currently set to http://localhost, close it before attempting to start the server.

If you are trying to debug the application on server, just check out the breakpoints. You might had include the whole class as breakpoint. So remove that breakpoint.
This thing worked in my case when i was trying to debug.

Nothing of the above helped me but setting:
as VM Argument in the VM Arguments tab of the Tomcat Server Debug Configuration Settings
solved the problem.
(Tomcat 8, Windows 10, Eclipse Mars)

Tomcat Server not starting with in 45 seconds
right click on the configured server go to properties->select monitoring -> Add ->HTTP protocol 8080
after run server it will deploy.

I stoped the tomcat on the computer and started the service (tomcat) using the eclipse IDE.

Turns out that MySQL wasn't running in my case. I've started MySQL service, and it worked.

Start: 200
Stop: 45
..and then Window → Preferences → General → Network Connection.
Set "Active Provider" = Manual (to mark all the checkboxes).

If you are running into this on Mac and you installed Tomcat using brew, one good way to get round that is to install Tomcat using a zip file instead.
Go here, download a zip file, unzip it, and in Eclipse, create a new server and specify "Tomcat installation directory" as the unzipped file.


Need help setting up a (Tomcat) web app in Eclipse for debugging

I've been using both eclipse and tomcat for years but have always deployed my web apps externally and never had a problem. Now I'd like to use eclipse to debug my web app and I can't figure out how to make it work. I started by trying to get my existing web app to deploy through eclipse but after hours of trying different things I decided to start fresh. Unfortunately, I didn't get much further. I'm hoping if I can figure out how things work with a fresh webapp I can get things to work on my existing. Sorry, this will be long, but here are the steps I tried on the latest eclipse (Juno):
Installed new version of tomcat 7.0.34 at /usr/java.
In eclipse, used "servers" view to add server, pointing to the new install (I didn't add any resources because there weren't any available yet). Starting the server worked and got a 404 as expected at http://localhost:8080/ ... then I stopped it.
Created a new "dynamic web project", named it TomcatDebug, set the location to ~/tomcat-debug, chose the server just created above (the only one), chose default config, tomcat-debug is empty so chose defaults for build paths, defaults for module settings and had it generate web.xml.
In the "tomcat-debug" folder it creates WebContent, build, and src. I throw a sample "hello, world" index.html into WebContent.
Now the project TomcatDebug is created so I try to run it, tell it to "run on server", and it goes to http://localhost:8080/TomcatDebug/ but gives a 404. I even try to add index.html but it still gives a 404.
This is about as basic as it can possibly get so what did I do wrong?
Continuing to try and figure this out I stop the server, change the server setting to "use tomcat installation", but still get a 404 in the same way when I restart. I tried changing my module context path and still 404.
I'm completely stumped. I believe I followed all the wizards as basically as possible. Where did I go wrong?
Thanks for taking a look.
I haven't run tomcat through eclipse in a while, so can't answer that aspect of the question. But, to get at the heart of what you're trying to do (debug a webapp in eclipse through tomcat), you shouldn't necessarily need to. This may serve you instead:
EDIT: Eh, look here for instructions ("Debugging" section). The below is how I did it (JUNO and TC 7) and has an annoying quirk in point #1.
edit the (assuming *NIX/OS X) - the last line will probably be
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$#"
change this to
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" jpda start "$#"
to activate debugging. (there are other ways to do this that may be better - i think tomcat/the VM may pause for listeners before proceeding, so when you aren't debugging this is not ideal)
Create a Debug Configuration in eclipse, under the "Remote Java Application" set. Default port should be fine, and presumably host. Choose your project.
Add sources of relevance to your debugging in the Source tab.
Start server and run your new debug configuration. App should stop at breakpoints you've set.
Right Click your index.html Run As -> Run On Server you will see Tomcat will automatically run the page.

Getting Websphere v7.0 Running with eclipse seems to not see the server start

So I created a Websphere Application Server in Eclipse and pointed it at my WAS_HOME and the profile I created. Whenever I try to start the server, it starts fine and according to the log I see...
[2/22/12 14:16:25:037 EST] 00000000 WsServerImpl A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business
However, Eclipse says it is still waiting to start, typically it sticks at 23%. Eventually it times out saying it couldn't start, however, the instance is still up and running fine.
How do I get it to recognize the running instance?
Your workspace folder/name could be the issue.
or for me it was the WAS installation itself. When I moved it to C:\was8 everything started to work properly. The default puts it into c:\Program Files... and that was hanging at 23%
a. Please use websphere jre to replace sun hotspot vm to launch the eclipse, like below setting in the eclipse.ini
b. Please make sure there is not a specail character (like 23%) in the websphere path or eclipse workpsace.
Recently, I've got the same problem with Eclipse Luna and Websphere Developer Tools... The problem was the eclipse proxy configuration
Increase the initial and max heap sizes of the VM that is loading Eclipse.

Eclipse Indigo is unable to read repository (update sites)

First of all this question has been asked at least twice.
I tried several approaches with no effect.
Here's the problem:
When I try to download/update plugins like EclEmma, Eclipse starts to communicate with the repository and that takes about 5 minutes. After that I get an error:
"An error occured while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(...)
Unable to read repository at http: (...)
Read time out
(... for every *.jar)"
What I was trying to fix the problem was running eclipse as an admin (got vista x86 running) and changing the connection properties from native to direct and back. I also tried deleting saved repositories and adding again. No effect at all.
I have no proxy configured and don't need one.
This is getting kind of personal between me and my IDE :D
So I hope you guys can help me out.
Thanks Zoltán (köszi :D), but i found the error last night.
After hours of debugging I figured out that AVG Anti-Virus Software blocks the request. After deactivating it for temporarily, Eclipse installed the new software.
In my case timeout was caused by definition of SOCKS proxy... we have and I incorrectly provided that proxy to all three (HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS) connection schemas. Removal of proxy from SOCKS resolved the problem
Try to open the internal web browser of Eclipse (Window menu/Show view/Other...), and navigate to the 1) update site url, and 2) to any webpage.
If the latter one is not working, then Eclipse does not have connection to the internet, and you should try to open a new workspace, and try installing from there (possibly something wrong in the workspace settings).
If the second one works, but the first one does not, that suggests that the update site is not working. In this case report to the developers.
I also had this problem (my system: Win7, jdk7, Eclipse Indigo).
I installed jre6, changed my JAVA_HOME, ran eclipse with the following:
eclipse -debug -consolelog -vm 'c:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe'
Install the plugins/updates, then switch back to using jdk7.
Worked for me!
Temporarily disabling AVG firewall fixed the issue for me.
Eclipse then installed the Android plugin.
In my case, adding these lines to eclipse.ini solved the problem
-vmargs (this one was alreayd there)

Timeout with GWT

I received a new computer at work today and for some reason all of my GWT programs are timing out when I try to build them in eclipse.
Specifically I am seeing this message:
INFO: Unable to access['1.0'] Connection timed out: connect
I tried to build just the basic sample project and it does the same thing. I am behind a proxy, but I have set up all the correct information in eclipse (i think). I don't understand what else it could be though.
Any suggestions?
Try this:
Right click your GAE project, Debug As>Debug Configurations...
In the dialog window, select (x)= Arguments tab
In the VM Arguments part, add in the end
-Dhttp.proxyHost=<your proxy server> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<Proxy port>
try to debug application, it should work now.
Looks like it's a firewall issue - check that your firewall allows java to connect to the network, or that the proxy settings are correct.
It actually ended up being a jar file that was not included in my classpath for some reason. Like I said I was building these projects from scratch again so I must have forgot that one. Thanks to all who answered.

ColdFusion debugging problem in Eclipse (Break points not hit)

I am trying to get the debugger (CF extension for Eclipse) working for last few hours. And struck in strange situation.
My settings are listed below
ColdFusion 8
Eclipse 3.4
I set up the RDS & modified the JVM.config settings and verified the connection & debugger, both returns successful in test run. But When i attach a debugger to the site, breakpoints are not hit.
My Eclipse workbench & site virtual directory pointing to the same path. It is in a remote server.
I left Eclipse-CF mapping blank since both pointing the same remote path.
And i am using WYSE thin client emulator.. does it anything to do with this..?
Can someone help me to resolve this problem?
If your eclipse configuration is ok, could be that something is not confgured right on server side. Check if Line Debugger Settings > Allow Line Debugging feature is enabled and that Debugger Port (5005) is opened and accessible form client machine.
Articles that should walk you through proper setup:
Also you could try using CF Builder and/or FusionDebug .
You do need to specify at least one mapping. Eclipse needs to know what folder in your project maps to the http root. Even if the mapping is / -> /, you need to specify that. The only time you can leave mapping blank is when the CF server is on the same machine as Eclipse.