I have 2 entities. One describes the Section of the TableView (A Month its name, etc.) This entity is related with a one to many relationship to another entity which should describe the rows of the TableView.
I'm a bit confused how to get those entites by an NSFetchedResultController. As far as I now I can only fetch one relationship at the time. So which one should I get to fill the table properly?
If you're using NSFetchedResultsController, you fetch the objects you want to display in the table view.
To get sections, you use NSFetchedResultsController's sectionNameKeyPath property to indicate how to find a section name from one of the fetched objects. This key path is something you could pass to one of the fetched objects via valueForKeyPath: to get the section name. In your case it would require traversing a relationship back to the month entity (or whatever it really is) to get its name. For example if the relationship is called month and the Month entity has a name attribute, you would pass something like #"month.name" as the sectionNameKeyPath argument when you create the fetched results controller.
You can also use the excellent Sensible TableView framework to automatically fetch the Core Data objects and display them in a table view. The framework will also detect if the entities have any relationships and will automatically manage the detail view controllers between them.
Problem: When adding an object "Order" to my dbcontext, all nested objects of the order gets "readded" to the database, though the nested objects is static data and only a reference shoudl be added in the database.
The database holds 0 orders, and 3 items.
I add one order with 2 items.
Now the database hold 1 order, and 5 items. The two items in the order has been "readded" to the database, even though the items had the right primary keys before db.SaveChanges().
I realize that i may be able to attach the existing items to the dbcontext before saving changes, but is that really the only way to go? Can't EF figure out that to item already exists when the primary key matches an existing item?
Does anyone know if this is different in the new version of EF CodeFirst?
No EF cannot figure if entities are existing one or new one - both Add and Attach commands are graph oriented operations. You call them on one entity in the graph and they traverse all relations (and their relations and so on) and perform the operation for them as well.
You must figure correct state of each entity in the graph for example by using:
foreach(var item in newOrder.Items) {
dbContext.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
You can use the reverse operation by calling Attach(newOrder) and set the order to Added state. The main difference will come with independent associations (for example many-to-many relations). The first approach will correctly add new relation between order and each item whereas second will not unless you manually set each relation to Added state (and changing state for relations is more complex).
I have 2 entries
1. category (main one)
2. info
the relationship is 1 to many , for every category there is several info's
after i added the several info classes to each categoty
i want to get each category relationship list in the detailsviewcontroller
I created a temp class in the details view the contain the selected category
how do i get access to the list of INFO'S ??
Without seeing your code or model classes, I can't give you the exact answer. But when you made your model, you probably named your relationship something like "infosForCategory". When you generated the model it made a NSMutableSet for that 1-to-many relationship. In that case, you can access the list of infos with:
NSMutableSet *myInfos = myCategory.infosForCategory;
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but it sounds like you already have an instance of Category and you want to retrieve all the related instances of Info. In that case, Category should have an automatically generated info property that is of the NSSet type. That set will contain all of the related Info objects.
What is the difference between
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> query =
Contact contact =
Any advantage of using one over the other?
My main confusion is for the using 2 Include in first one and using 2 tables in second Include.
Thanks in advance.
On entity framework you have something called navigation properties (Named on your .edmx model) so you can access related entities based on them, in other words, you can use your navigation properties to eager load (include) related data..
I'm guessing you have this relationship: One Contact can have many SalesOrderHeaders and one SalesOrderHeader can have many SalesOrderDetails, so if you start loading from contacts entity and want to have both relations loaded you should do:
Contact contact = context.Contacts.Include("SalesOrderHeaders").Include("SalesOrderHeaders.SalesOrderDetails").FirstOrDefault();
as you can see, we're using first include to bring SalesOrderHeaders from DB and the secound one to bring SalesOrderDetails through SalesOrderHeaders navigation property as we're starting from Contacts
I've got a problem with UITableViews and many-to-many relationships.
I have two classes, A and B, that both extend NSManagedObject and live in Core Data. Each has a to-many relationship to the other:
I would like to use objects of class A as the sections of a UITableView, and it's set of B objects as "data rows" in the TableView. Is this possible, and what would be the best approach to achieve this? Preferably I would like to use a NSFetchedResultsController to manage the data presented by the UITableView, but so far I have not been able to come up with a predicate and section name key path that works.
You can't use a fetched results controller to do this.
If the A objects are the section names and each B objects has many A relationships then each B can show up in the table multiple times in different sections. Core Data is really set up around the idea of unique objects and all the boilerplate code for tableviews assumes that each row represents a single unique object. In this circumstance, even counting the number of rows would be difficult and the sectionNameKeyPath would be impossible to set because it could have multiple values at any one time.
You need to configure all this by hand. You'll have to fetch the A objects and then set the section titles, then you will have to get each A.bObjs and count and sort them for the rows in each section completely individually. Deleting an exist B object might prove difficult because it could trigger the removal of multiple rows at the same time.
I would urge you to rethink your design. Sections and section titles are not supposed to represent managed objects but rather a grouping of the managed objects represented by the rows based on one of the row object's attributes. What you really want here is a master-detail view hierarchy. The top tableview will show all the A objects. When a row is selected, it loads the second tableview that shows all the B objects related to the selected A object.
I would use NSFetchedResultsController to watch over the A objects. Use your fetched results to populate the section titles. Then when you are looking to populate your "data rows", you can find your current A object (by using [[fetchedResultsController fetchedResults] objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] or something similar) and extract the B objects from it with A.BOjbects, which returns the NSSet of all B objects associated with the A object. After doing that, you can filter or sort the list as you please before placing them in the rows
I want to have an ObjectQuery that returns tracked entities (not static data), but I don't want it to load all the columns, I want some columns to load as null, I don't want to use select, since this will return an IEnumerable of the values, not tracked objects.
Is there a way to do it?
If yes, how do I then complete reloading those columns on demand?
Have you tried creating a view and then mapping the view?
By creating a view you can select the columns that you really want and only those will show up on the Entity Model.
I think the only way is to create new entity type which will not contain columns you don't need. You will map this entity type to the same table. On demand (lazy) loading works only for navigation properties.
My previous idea doesn't work but in some special cases you can use idea from this article. Instead of modeling single entity from single table you will model multiple entities related with 1:1 relations. Entities will not overlap in properties (except the primary key) as my previous idea assumed because it doesn't work. You will than have main entity with fields you want to load immediately and related entities which will be lazy loaded when needed.