Google Static Maps only shows map briefly after viewing it in a different browser tab - google-maps-static-api

I'm building a rails app, and attempting to put multiple Google Static Maps into the view. These maps will always display broken-image placeholders, except it works when I:
-Use firebug to grab the src URL for the map image
-Paste the URL into another browser tab
-Refresh my apps page with the Google static maps
-I can then view a static map for the URL I pasted, but no others, and only for about 1 min.
Any map on the page I repeat this procedure for will then be viewable, for about 1 minute. Then after about 1 min, that map will revert to a broken image placeholder if I refresh the page.
An example URL from my app (without my API Key) is:|label:A|Paris%2C+France
Paste (or click) this into your browser, and you see it works. I paste this URL WITH my API key in it into my browser, it works & and my app will show the static map for a limited time, and then after that it will be broken again. If I paste a URL without my API key, this procedure doesn't work. It's like viewing the map in another browser tab somehow caches it momentarily in my browser, and it will then work in my app... but then it will break in a minute. Haven't found any other way to make map images viewable.
Any ideas why this would happen?
This is extremely strange. In an attempt to diagnose this, I did a copy/paste/save of the apps page source containing the broken map images, and put it on a remote server out in the World. In this new totally static page, I got the same result: I see broken placeholder images where the google map pic should be. But after I copy the src URL of the image & paste it in another browser tab, I can go back to the static page, refresh & only that map image appears.
Stranger still (maybe?), it shows up on my localhost app too. It also shows up on a static local copy/paste of the app page source I save as an HTML file.
So, not saying this must be it, but it seems to be a browser caching issue. No matter where the view page is represented, whether local or remote, and no whether it is dynamically generated or static HTML, the original behavior remains the same.

Maybe you are not considering that the referrer is the one who shows the static map. Check these examples:
Static map shown in the referrer is
You grab this link (that is already in the url of the URL on bullet 1) and you paste it in your browser: the referrer is YOUR PUBLIC IP.
So it's normal if the link does not work in any browser but it works in a determined web page. This happens when the authorized referrer is only the host of the web.
Consider also that you may be hitting the free limits of displays per day.


Flutter web url query parameters removed on initial load

I am hosting a flutter web app, which involves the initial url having query parameters (e.g. I use the url_strategy package to get rid of the #, however when the site loads, the query params are stripped off, leaving the bare-boned "". I have got around the functionality aspect by storing the param as a cookie variable, however it is not ideal.
Is there any way to re-instate the params programmatically in the url bar of the browser? The reason for this is for both (i) giving the user the option to share the original URL, and (ii) allow them to add the app to their mobile device screen as a PWA (with the original full url).
Any suggestions welcomed.
I resolved this via the implementation of go_router. With the combination of state.queryParams and Router.neglect(context, () => context.go('/?k=$myOriginalParam')) (from any pages that wanted to go back to the original route with no browser back button history), I can retain the query parameter in the browser bar successfully.

TWA bases app sometime showing URL and sometime working, even Assetlink.json uploaded properly

I have website ( I created PWA of that after that I uploaded it on Play store by using TWA(Trusted Web Activities), App URL is
The URL of website always show in app, So I uploaded the assetlink.json (URL:
After uploading the assetlinks.json, When I run my app, the website URL disappeared but when I switched on other link in the app then the URL shows again.
I don,t know what is happening. Please help me if anybody has idea to resolve this issue.
enter image description here
enter image description here
The problem is that, when navigating to a product detail page, you are using a different origin than the one used to open the Trusted Web Activity and that doesn't have Digital Asset Links setup:
When the application is started, it opens, which is correctly validated.
When clicking on a product, the user is take to (without www), which is a different origin, and is not validated in the Android app.
It is possible to get the Trusted Web Activity to work with multiple origins but, in this case, I'd recommend using a single origin for the initial URL and the navigations, as you will be able to take advantage of using the same service worker, browser storage, etc.

URLs redirect to spyware site

We are developing an app that makes posts on behalf of our users to Facebook. Within those posts, we want to put links to external (non-Facebook) websites.
Looking at the links in the status bar of the browser (usually Chrome), the correct URL is displayed. However, Facebook seems to wrap the actually-clicked link into some extra bells-and-whistles. Usually, this works correctly.
Sometimes, however, this URL wrapping ends up sending the click to a URL like:
http: //
(added space to make it non-browsable!) which generates Chromes severe warning message:
This happens very occasionally on Chrome, but very much more often in the iOS browser on the iPhone.
Does anyone have any pointers as to how to deal with this?
For example, the URLs we put in the link is
but the URL that actually gets clicked is:
There seems to be some JavaScript goodness in the page that unscrambles that and usually redirects correctly.
The links above are put on the image and the blue text to the right of the image in the screenshot below.
Mousing over the links (or the image) in the browser shows the correct link. Right-clicking on the link and selecting "Copy Link Address" gets the link above (or one like it). Actually clicking on the link seems to set off some JavaScript processing of the link into the right one... but sometimes that processing fails.
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking here, but i'll tell you what I know:- are you referring to this screen on Facebook?
(or rather, the variation of that screen which doesn't allow clickthrough?)
If you manually send a user to they'll always see that message - it's a measure to prevent an open redirector
if your users are submitting such links, including the l.php link, you'll need to extract the destination URL (in the 'u' parameter)
If you're seeing the l.php URLs come back from the API this is probably a bug.
If links clicked on end up on the screen it's because facebook have detected the link as suspicious (e.g. for URL redirector sites - the screen will allow clickthrough but warn the user first) or malicious/spammy (will not allow clickthrough)
In your app you won't be able to post links to the latter (an error will come back saying the URL is blocked), and the former may throw a captcha sometimes (if you're using the Feed dialog, this should be transparent to the app code, the user will enter the captcha and the dialog will return as normal)
If this isn't exactly what you were asking about please clarify and i'll update my answer
Rather than add to the question, I thought I'd put more details here.
It looks like the Facebook mention in the original title was mis-directed, so I've removed it.
We still haven't got to the bottom of the issue.
However, we used both Wireshark and Fiddler to look at the HTTP traffic between the Chrome browser (on the PC) and Facebook. Both showed that Facebook was returning the correct URL refresh.
Here's what Wireshark showed:
What we saw on Fiddler was that our server is issuing a redirect to the site:
We are working with our ISP to figure out what is happening here.

problem getting my domain redirect to update .html files in dropbox after used iweb SEO TOOL

So I created a nice 6 page website using via dropbox public folder. Everything was working and updating properly until i updated with iwebs SEO TOOL. I added meta and title tags as well as description etc... PROBLEM is that even though my .html files in dropbox are correct and show all new code and tags. when i open up my domain it doesnt show any of my recent seo tool updates.
im thinking that the cheap domainname from is the problem? Is it possible that the default tags and titles and keywords entered into the website creation boxs are overwriting the newer ones in the html within my dropbox?
But still doesnt explain why a stat counter code and google analytics code in the footer and header respectively still do not show up when i view source in browser.
It's because the page at uses a frame to show the content from another location. The meta information comes from the page with the frame, not the page in the frame. You should be able to see the content of the frame using an inspector (comes with all browsers these days) or "View frame source", if your browser does that.
Note that any search engine hits to your pages will link to the dropbox URL, not the frame page (that has essentially no content from the viewpoint of a search engine). If you want search engine results to show up under that domain, you'll have to get hosting that lets you point a domain directly to it.

Link directly to Google Maps transit directions mobile site

If you visit on a mobile device, then press 'Menu', 'Get Directions', and select the 'transit' option, you are taken to a page where you can enter two locations and a date/time, and get directions on public transit. However, the URL is still
Is there any way to link directly to this page so that I can load it in a UIWebView in my iOS app? Would 'clicking' the buttons in Javascript be (the only/a good) solution?
Even clicking the buttons in javascript doesn't seem to be working. The Google Maps code is a little strange- the event listeners aren't assigned directly and I can't get a .click() to work. So what I'll do is have the user enter the two locations in boxes in the app, then load something like in the UIWebView, except I'll add some more specific location information before building the URL, since this is a city-specific app. Not a perfect solution but it gets the job done.
You could create a URL that links to the transit directions with the "dirflg=r" paramater.
Find the other URL parameters here: