Images are not displaying in Facebook Share - facebook

I am using facebook sharer.php, to share a link from my site to the facebook wall. Following is the url, I am using to get this done.[title]=title_to_be_shared&p[url]=link_to_be_shared&p[images][0]=image_path
I am aware that sharer.php is deprecated. But I have searched a lot to implement this share feature. I found only this. But in this, the images are not rendered properly in all cases. In some cases the images are not loading while sharing.
Please help me to overcome this. Or if there is another API to get this done please let me know...
Thanks in advance!

The sharer.php method is deprecated and no longer supported. As far as I can tell, the best replacement for sharing a page of your site is the Feed Dialog.


Facebook sharer.php not deprecated anymore?

I read a while ago that the sharer.php script was being deprecated in favour of the "like" button. I just headed over to and found an article explaining how to use the sharer.php. Does this mean it's back?
Yes the sharer.php is back and here are official examples on how to use it:
One main advantages of using the sharer.php is that you can have big images in your posts.
If you follow the guide at and use the javascript FB.ui dialog, you will never get big images.
The only way to get big images in your post is to use the sharer.php.
Does this mean its back?
Yes, it is.
The re-introduced it together with the new native share dialogs for iOS/Android apps:

How to change Facebook's shared title and message?

I'm new to Facebook Sharing API. When I put the Facebook Share button in my website, both the message and the title are the URL. Here's the screenshot:
There's even no thumbnails even though there's plenty of pictures in the page.
I have seen other pages that automatically use the first paragraph as the Facebook's message
Is there any specific site layout that I must follow?
Note: I'm using AddThis, so I don't think I can change the code
The problem solved when I uploaded the site on Online server. Maybe the API has problem retrieving data from Localhost.
Cheers :)

Facebook not fetching all images?

I have wordpress blog with twentyeleven theme setup. I have facebook button and I beleive all facebook garph api codes are exist in head part. Now the problem is there are more than 4 images exist on the page, but facebook like button only fetching one image everytime. And trust me that is a huge problem for me.
Can someone help me fix the issue.
here is the link if you wanna take a look at:
While I can't confirm this is how Facebook approaches it, the og: meta tags only appear to work for actual like buttons, not Facebook sharing buttons (which are depreciated anyway).
According to this question you can try and put in a link tag and that may work for the share button you have. Facebook Post Link Image

Facebook share URL code not working

I realize Share has been deprecated by Facebook, but this is still posted on their documentation:[url to share]&t=[title of content]
However, the title won't change no matter what I do -- including adding the "og:title" meta and changing the actual title of the page.
Any suggestions on how I can make it possible for people to share my page with a suggested message? thanks.
I would encourage you to use the Facebook Javascript SDK, this will give you much more flexibility with what you share.

On a quest for the super ultimate facebook share link

Facebook offers two simple methods for pre-poulating someones status for posting.
1) For sharing a LINK:
2) For sharing a message: rocks!
My question: is it possible to combine these. So if someone clicks your pre-populated link, they get both an attached LINK and a personalized message to go with it?
Facebook moved to Open Graph and realized it by introducing the Like Plugin. They removed the share documentation for a reason!
For you to use the Like plugin.