Add method to string class in node.js express.js coffeescript - coffeescript

I want to add some my methods to generic types like string, int etc. in express.js (coffeescript). I am completely new in node. I want to do just this:
"Hi all !".permalink().myMethod(some).myMethod2();
How to do this ?

You can add a method to the String prototype with:
String::permaLink = ->
String::permalink is shorthand for String.prototype.permaLink
You can then do:
somePermalink = "some-post".permaLink()
console.log somePermalink.toUpperCase()
This will call the the "String.prototype.permaLink" function with "this" set to the "some-post" string. The permaLink function then creates a new string, with the string value of "this" (# in Coffeescript) included at the end. Coffeescript automatically returns the value of the last expression in a function, so the return value of permaLink is the newly created string.
You can then execute any other methods on the string, including others you have defined yourself using the technique above. In this example I call toUpperCase, a built-in String method.

You can use prototype to extend String or int object with new functions
String.prototype.myfunc= function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
var mystring = " hello, world ";
'hello, world'


what does ":" mean in this case in coffee script?

I am new to coffee script. When I am looking at this document
I see a code segment like,
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor',
'user:insert-date': (event) ->
editor = #getModel()
editor.insertText(new Date().toLocaleString())
while the function signature looks,
::add(target, commandName, callback)
So in the code segment, what does : on the second line mean? My understanding is the 'user:insert-date' before : is commandName in the signature. The thing after : is "callback". So : is a argument separator like a ,? I don't find this introduced in the coffee script document
That colon is just part of an object literal. The braces around object literals are optional in CoffeeScript when there's no ambiguity. If we add the optional braces, we get something that looks more like JavaScript:
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', {
'user:insert-date': (event) ->
So atom.commands.add is being called with two arguments. The first is the string 'atom-text-editor' and the second is an object with one key ('user:insert-date') whose value is an anonymous function that takes a single argument.
Appending mu is too short's answer (the user is absolutely correct that the second parameter commandNamecan be an object without the explicit braces {})
Atom's sourcecode:
add: (target, commandName, callback) ->
if typeof commandName is 'object'
commands = commandName
disposable = new CompositeDisposable
for commandName, callback of commands
disposable.add #add(target, commandName, callback)
return disposable

NTriplesParser extract textual value from string

I am using dotnetrdf and trying to parse some triples with NTriplesParser. I have my own handler RobHandler in which I process each triple in turn.
public class RobHandler : BaseRdfHandler
protected override bool HandleTripleInternal(Triple t)
string predicateUrl = ((BaseUriNode)(t.Predicate)).Uri.AbsoluteUri;
string value = t.Object.ToString();
This works fine but I want to get the object minus the language. My objects look like "Lincoln"#en. I could obviously write some code to remove the #en bit, but I'd rather use some library code rather than my own that hard-coded strings like #en. To do this I think I need to create a LiteralNode but there doesn't seem to be a way to get from a string which is what I have (my variable value) to a LiteralNode.
How can I extract just the textual value from an object string?
Actually I think I have the answer myself:
if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
var node = (ILiteralNode)t.Object;

Why must my coffeescript method belong to the class?

I come from a C#/Java background which use a class based OO system and I don't get the JavaScript/CoffeeScript prototype OO system yet. I've written a CoffeeScript class below which allows me to display names for contacts according to a system-side preference. I can only get the class to work by making the joinNonEmpty(stringList, joinText) method belong to the prototype and calling it the way I would call a static method in Java/C# land.
Is there a way I can make this method call using this.joinNonEmpty(...)?
Can you shed some light on why I can reference the firstLastRender, lastFirstRender and firstOrNickThenLast methods in the constructor with this. but it doesn't work from those methods when calling the joinNonEmpty helper?
Does this have something to do with how I'm locating the appropriate method via the preference map?
prefs = displayNameFormat: "FirstOrNickThenLast"
class DisplayNameRenderer
constructor: ->
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstLast: this.firstLastRender
LastFirst: this.lastFirstRender
FirstOrNickThenLast: this.firstOrNickThenLast
# Why does this method have to be static (a class method)?
#joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
nonEmptyStrings = []
for s in stringList
nonEmptyStrings.push(s) if s isnt null and s isnt ""
firstLastRender: (contact) ->
# TypeError: Object expected.
joinNonEmpty([contact.firstName, contact.lastName], ' ')
lastFirstRender: (contact) ->
# TypeError: Object doesn't support this method or property
this.joinNonEmpty([contact.lastName, contact.firstName], ', ')
firstOrNickThenLast: (contact) ->
# Works correctly.
DisplayNameRenderer.joinNonEmpty([(if contact.nickname isnt null and contact.nickname isnt "" then contact.nickname else contact.firstName), contact.lastName], ' ')
render: (contact) ->
contact = firstName: "Jonathan", nickname: "Jonny", lastName: "Appleseed"
dnr = new DisplayNameRenderer()
# => "Jonny Appleseed"
console.log dnr.render(contact)
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
this (AKA #) is determined when the function is called (with exceptions as below). So when you do this:
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstLast: this.firstLastRender
LastFirst: this.lastFirstRender
FirstOrNickThenLast: this.firstOrNickThenLast
You're storing unbound references to the three functions in the #prefToRenderMap instance variable and #prefToRenderMap is itself an object. Then you try to call the methods in your DisplayNameRenderer instance like this:
and everything falls apart because the methods are called in the wrong context and # isn't what they're expecting it to be. If prefs is 'FirstOrNickThenLast' then you're effectively doing this:
and # (AKA this) will be #prefToRenderMap inside the firstOrNickThenLast method. But, of course, #prefToRenderMap doesn't have any of the methods that you're trying to call so you get various errors.
One solution is to use the fat arrow (=>) to define the methods:
The fat arrow => can be used to both define a function, and to bind it to the current value of this, right on the spot.
So you could have things like this:
joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
firstLastRender: (contact) =>
#joinNonEmpty([contact.firstName, contact.lastName], ' ')
and everything will work out. Here's a stripped down demo that will also show you your this problem:
You could also avoid this problem by referring to the methods by their names. Given a method name in a string, m = 'some_method', you can call that method like this o[m]() in both JavaScript and CoffeeScript and the result will be the same as if you said o.some_method(). A better structure would look more like this:
class DisplayNameRenderer
constructor: ->
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstOrNickThenLast: 'firstOrNickThenLast'
joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
firstOrNickThenLast: (contact) ->
#joinNonEmpty([(if contact.nickname isnt null and contact.nickname isnt "" then contact.nickname else contact.firstName), contact.lastName], ' ')
render: (contact) ->
Note the change to the structure of #prefToRenderMap and how it is used in render. And a demo of this approach:
As an aside, instead of saying ClassName.class_method() inside an instance method, you can use the constructor property instead: #constructor.class_method(). Also, you usually say #method() or #property rather than this.method() and in CoffeeScript.

How have you dealt with the lack of constructors in VB6?

VB6 classes have no parameterized constructors. What solution have you chosen for this? Using factory methods seems like the obvious choice, but surprise me!
I usually stick to factory methods, where I put the "constructors" for related classes in the same module (.BAS extension). Sadly, this is far from optimal since you can't really limit access to the normal object creation in VB6 - you just have to make a point of only creating your objects through the factory.
What makes it worse is having to jump between the actual object and your factory method, since organization in the IDE itself is cumbersome at best.
How about using the available class initializer? This behaves like a parameterless constructor:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' do initialization here
End Sub
I use a mix of factory functions (in parent classes) that then create an instance of the object and call a Friend Init() method.
Class CObjects:
Public Function Add(ByVal Param1 As String, ByVal Param2 As Long) As CObject
Dim Obj As CObject
Set Obj = New CObject
Obj.Init Param1, Param2
Set Add = Obj
End Function
Class CObject:
Friend Sub Init(ByVal Param1 As String, ByVal Param2 As Long)
If Param1 = "" Then Err.Raise 123, , "Param1 not set"
If Param2 < 0 Or Param2 > 15 Then Err.Raise 124, , "Param2 out of range"
'Init object state here
End Sub
I know the Friend scope won't have any effect in the project, but it acts as a warning that this is for internal use only.
If these objects are exposed via COM then the Init method can't be called, and setting the class to PublicNotCreatable stops it being created.
This solution is far from perfect, however, this is what I ended up doing for some of my legacy projects. It's somewhat memory-efficient for storage, but just looking up something definitely takes more time than otherwise required, especially for the huge structs.
Suppose you need to implement the following,
type user
id as long
name as String
desc as String
end type
But notice that VB6 natively supports Strings. So Instead of using structs, have "fake-struct" functions such as
Public Function user_raw(ByVal id as Long, ByRef name as String, ByRef desc as String) as String
Const RAW_DELIM as String = "|"
user_raw = cstr(id) & RAW_DELIM & name & RAW_DELIM & desc
End Function
So as a result, you will have passable-by-value (hence stackable into arrays, or multiline Strings), "fake-structs" made of strings such as
1|Foo|The boss of VB
2|Bar|Foo's apprentice
So the construct also counts as a crude way to perform to_string(). On the slightly good side, such storage is almost instantly convertible to the Markdown table syntax.
Later on, you can retrieve data from the struct by doing something like,
Public const RAW_DELIM as String = "|"
Public Const POS_USER_ID = 0
Public Const POS_USER_NAME = 1
Public Const POS_USER_DESC = 2
public function get_raw_variable(byref user as String, byval var as integer) as String
dim buf() as String
buf = SPLIT(user, "|")
Assert ubound(buf) <= var
get_raw_variable = buf(var)
end function
The retrieval is sure inefficient, but is about the best you can have. Good luck

Why is param in this lambda expression?

The MSDN magazine article by Josh Smith on MVVM contains a lambda expression I don't completely understand. What is the purpose of param in this code?
_saveCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.Save(),
param => this.CanSave );
Translated to my preferred language VB it's:
Dim saveAction as New Action(Of Object)(AddressOf Me.Save)
_saveCommand = New RelayCommand(saveAction, Function(param) Me.CanSave)
I would have expected to only see param if it is used within CanSave or Save. I am somewhat new to lambda expressions. It's odd for me to see a variable that is neither declared nor used anywhere as far as I can tell. Any explanation would be appreciated.
To put this in context the constructor for RelayCommand (C#) is:
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
and in VB:
Public Sub New(ByVal execute As Action(Of Object), _
ByVal canExecute As Predicate(Of Object))
The lambda expression is declaring it - the place where it appears is basically a declaration. If it didn't, it wouldn't be compatible with Action(Of Object). That's why it's there - even though you don't actually need the value.
With anonymous methods, if you don't need any parameter values you can omit the parameter list entirely:
_saveCommand = new RelayCommand(delegate { this.Save(); },
delegate { return this.CanSave; });
... but you can't do that with lambda expressions. You have to specify the parameter list - either just as a parameter name for a single parameter, or a full list in brackets. The code you've presented is equivalent to:
_saveCommand = new RelayCommand((Object param) => this.Save(),
(Object param) => this.CanSave);