Clarification on Bing Maps API locationCode field - bing-maps

I'm working on learning the Bing Maps API for my current project at work. In various locations in route and traffic data output, there is a field called locationCode (or locationCodes). The documentation provides no clarification on what this field is, except to state: "A subscription is typically required to be able to interpret these codes for a geographical area or country."
Nothing I've been able to find yet defines this further or clarifies what data that code can be translated into by these subscription services. So, what are some of the services available to translate this code and what data can be obtained via these services?

Those information are related to traffic for specific roads, see the details for the API:
Also the description of each field included in the result:
You are referring to the locationCode. Those are related to the Traffic Message Channel information where the included information are the event id, the location code, expected incident duration, affected extent and other details.
Those TMC are managed in different ways depending on the country you are interested in and specialised mapping data provider can give you access to those kind of information and that's what the subscription is about. It is also related to the way you can use the TMC depending on the concerned area to get or give information from there.
For more information about TMC:


Google Geocode/Places API: search zip code - get addresses connected to it, possible?

So, another Google API question but I didn't find any threads for my needs.
I'm trying to implement a basic zip code search with Google API in plain Javascript (tested both Geocode and Places with Autocomplete).
User should be able to search on a specific zip code and get street names returned which are connected to that zip code (and simply choose the correct address).
I have no problems getting results back using either one of the APIs but I can't wrap my head around Googles documentation for it since nothing tells you if this is possible or not.
I've tested a couple of different types to send in the options setting but none actually returns an array of addresses.
Been thinking if reverse geocoding would be a solution but seems a bit hacky and also would require multiple requests..
Simply out of ideas, any help appreciated.
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'SE' }
let autocomplete;
function initialize() {
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
document.getElementById('postalCode'), options);
autocomplete.setComponentRestrictions({'country': ['SE']})
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', fillInAddress);
Please note that it is currently not supported for the Geocoding or Places API to show a list of addresses by zip code.
Places Autocomplete is designed to return place predictions based on the user input and perceived relevance. While the Geocoding API is designed to convert a single string address to coordinates and vice versa.
You can use this Geocoder tool to test this.
There is also a related feature request for this functionality, it's marked as Infeasible/Intended behavior but you can still star it to receive updates:
Starring the issue also provides valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to customers, and increases the issue's priority with the product engineering team.

OSM place name translations

I use osm in my application to determine the name of the rental from a given longitude and latittude, however I sometimes do not have an answer from the OSM server (network is unreachable). I want to know the number of requests allowed, and the restrictions of the OSM.
You can find the full list of policy rules here.
Among others here is a list of rules:
The requirements:
No heavy uses (an absolute maximum of 1 request per second).
Provide a valid HTTP Referer or User-Agent identifying the application (stock User-Agents as set by http libraries will not do).
Clearly display attribution as suitable for your medium.
Data is provided under the ODbL license which requires to share alike (although small extractions are likely to be covered by fair
usage / fair dealing).
And there is also a set of "Unacceptable usage" rules:
Auto-complete search This is not yet supported by Nominatim and you
must not implement such a service on the client side using the API.
Systematic queries This includes reverse queries in a grid, searching for complete lists of postcodes, towns etc. and
downloading all POIs in an area. If you need complete sets of data,
get it from the OSM planet or an extract.
Scraping of details The details page is there for debugging only and may not be downloaded automatically.

Trying to create a schema in IBM Watson IoT gives me 'Internal Error' - why..?

I'm trying to follow this guide:
But as soon as I hit "Manage Schemas" in the device type section I get an "Internal Error", saying I should contact the Admin... I'm not able to create schemas. What's going wrong?
Thanks in advance!
It is not entirely clear what you are trying to achieve. If you are simply trying to retrieve the raw events that have been published by your device, then you need to use a URL for the form:
This is documented in the Watson IoT Platform API reference.
It is worth noting that, if this is all you are trying to achieve, you do not need to follow the guide that you referenced. It is possible to retrieve the raw events using the REST API simply by defining the Device Type and registering your device.
The guide that you referenced describes the Data Management capabilities of the Watson IoT Platform. These capabilities allow you to process the raw events in order to generate/compute state for the device. This is more involved than simply retrieving the raw events because you need to configure schemas for the events and the state and then define the mappings that tell the platform how to compute the properties on the state when an event is received. The computed state for a device is a different resource and needs to be retrieved using a different URL:
GET /api/v0002/device/types/{typeId}/devices/{deviceId}/state/{logicalInterfaceId}
This is documented here
It's a little confusing, but that Manage Schemas section of the UI is not related to the feature you're looking at as part of the guide you referred to.
The guide you're looking at outlines how to configure event schemas and logical interface schemas for a Device Type using REST API calls. If you wish to create this configuration using the web UI, this is possible too but you need to get to the Interfaces section from the Device Types view: see this image
In this case, I clicked on the Humidity Sensor Device Type and then, in the expanded view, clicked on the Interface tab. From there you can use the Simple or Advanced flows to create the configuration.
The reason for the error is because the component that provides the function on that page (Real time insights) is not present in the eu-de region. The page should not be present but for some reason is.
If you are planning on following that guide then this is a different part of the UI from the “manage schemas” page, and is located under the “interfaces” section in “device types”. The function defined in that guide is available in eu-de.

async autocomplete service

Call me crazy, but I'm looking for a service that will deliver autocomplete functionality similar to Google, Twitter, etc. After searching around for 20 min I thought to ask the geniuses here. Ideas?
I don't mind paying, but it would great if free.. Also is there a top notch NLP service that I can submit strings to and get back states, cities, currencies, company names, establishments, etc. Basically I need to take unstructured data (generic search string) and pull out key information with relevant meta-data.
Big challenge, I know.
Sharing solutions I found after further research.
If you dont want to implement it yourself, you can use this service called 'Autocomplete as a Service' which is specifically written for these purposes. You can access it here -
you can add metadata with each record and it returns metadata along with the matching results. Do check out demo put up on the home page. It has got a very simple API specifically written for autocomplete search
It does support large datasets and you can apply filters as well while searching.
Its usage is simple - Add your data and use the API URL as autocomplete data source.
Disclaimer: I am founder of it. I will be happy to provide this service to you.

Bing search API with DisableLocationDetection not working

The Bing search API is using my (or my server's) location even when I set the appropriate option. I would like it to provide a location agnostic response.
Am I misunderstanding the documentation? Is this syntax right?<XXX>&query=microsoft&sources=news&options=DisableLocationDetection
Thanks in advance
The syntax is right. According to the doc, the DisableLocationDetection option prevents Bing from inferring location from the query itself ("microsoft" in your example), but not from the properties of the request, such as server's IP.
News requests can specify LocationOverride parameter to get news from a particular US state. Also, if you're having troubles with automatic market detection (if your server is in another country, for example), you can specify Market parameter to override the market detection.
If this still doesn't help you, can you update the question to provide an example of a query which gives you the bad result?