Selective installation by using NuGet Package - nuget

I have created versions of NuGet packages,uploaded and it is working fine.
I have set of libraries in my package which has been populated in different directories inside the package.
Some users might require a particular directory of my NuGet package, and some of the libraries might not be needed. While installation I should prompt users that which part they need to install.
One Solution:Logical seperation of packages may be one solution. Like packing libraries in separate packages, and required packages can be installed.
But If it has been made selective installation, then it would be more easier. I have no idea whether NuGet have such an option. Any help would be appreciated.

NuGet has support for framework versions and platforms using conventions, you can read up on them in the docs. You can group them by target framework version or by target framework profile.
If you want to selectively install libraries, you are saying you want to selectively install dependencies: you should split them up in separate NuGet packages and declare your dependencies. These dependencies also can be grouped.
If your condition cannot be defined using framework version or profile, you should come up with your own entry-level NuGet packages and bring down the proper dependency chain (or use PowerShell hooks for this).


What is the most standard way to get the latest version of an assembly solution-wide using NuGet?

My company is moving to using NuGet for our internal dependencies for desktop applications. This works fine for versioned imports, but in some cases (like during pre-Beta on a product) we'd like to grab the latest version of the dependency on our build servers and have the csproj files find it without issue.
We'd like to use automatic package restore, but that seems to be constrained by a specific version (as noted in this question). Using nuget restore followed by nuget update is also a possibility, but it doesn't seem to work solution-wide the way that restore does (and we have a couple dozen projects that have to share the same version of the same dependency).
Our best solution so far has been to add a hint path to the dependency binary in a non-versioned manner, i.e.,
<Reference Include="Dependency">
And use the pre-build event to run
nuget.exe install Dependency -NoCache -ExcludeVersion
Is there a better way to do this? It would be nice to do it the most standard way possible so that we can get tooling support and new developers to the project can more easily know how to add their own dependencies via NuGet.
As of Nuget.exe v2.8.3, there isn't any way to do a solution-wide restore and update (at least when not all the projects in a given folder hierarchy are part of a solution). We ended up using the workflow described in How do I update a single nuget package in a project from the command line?.

How do I correctly install nuget packages outside of VS and keep track of them?

I'm trying to use nuget.exe outside of Visual Studio as part of our build infrastructure. The idea is that the various build tools are fetched by a bootstrapper script that initializes a working copy. The bootstrapper does this by using a file that specifies the required tools and their version.
Broken approach 1 - use manually edited packages.config
At first, it seemed like a good idea to keep a manually edited packages.config file and use nuget restore to install them during bootstrapping. However, this does not work for tools that have dependencies, unless I list every single dependency in the packages.config as well, a much to arduous approach to be feasible, because I found no easy way to recursively find all dependencies of a package.
See also using nuget.exe commandline to install dependency .
Broken approach 2 - use nuget install to update packages.config
The second idea was then to use nuget install to install the packages, and let that command update the packages.config, very similar to the Install-Package cmdlet in the package manager console. But, surprisingly, nuget install does not support this! It either takes a packages.config or a package ID as parameter, but I found no way to update the packages.config with the new package and its dependencies.
This problem can also be found in another (two year old) SO question, see nuget.exe install not updating packages.config (or .csproj)?.
Is there a working (and non-hacky) approach at all?
This must be a problem that many people face when using nuget outside of VS, so what is the best approach in that case?
Of course, I could just parse the packages.config and emit a nuget install for each package, but I really don't want to re-invent the dependency management part of nuget, this is what I'm using nuget for in the first place. So I'm left with the feeling that either an -WithDependencies switch on nuget restore or an -UpdatePackagesConfig switch on nuget install is missing...
Note that there are other SO questions regarding the broken approaches described above. What I'd like to know it what the best approach is to solve the root problem, i.e. manage packages with dependencies outside of VS.
nuget install does not currently make changes to the project file.
nuget install can be used to either restore the NuGet packages listed in a packages.config file or download and extract them.
If you do not need the project being modified then your solution of reading the packages in the packages.config file and calling nuget install seems like a reasonable approach.
If you need the project to be modified then you could look at one of the following:
Ripple - a command line tool that adds extra features to NuGet. It has a ripple install command line which is similar to nuget install but it also updates the project file. It has a lot of other features for supporting build servers so this might be a good fit.
NuGet packages outside of Visual Studio with SharpDevelop - this was an experiment I put together to see whether full NuGet support could be achieved, including PowerShell scripts, from the command line without using Visual Studio. It uses PowerShell and quite a bit of SharpDevelop.
Customise NuGet.exe to do what you need. nuget update, for example, does modify the project file, at least for file references, but will not run PowerShell scripts. So you could take the NuGet.exe source code and extend it.
Of the above only 3) would give you exactly what you need. The other two would require a bit of work to read the packages from the packages.config file or some other list and then install them.
See my answer to Why does the nuget command line tool not follow dependencies?
nuget install My.Package.Id will follow dependencies. However, if you want to install multiple packages, you will need to create a batch file with a separate nuget install command for each package. These are top-level packages. You don't need to "install" the dependencies, as they will get downloaded automatically.
If you ultimately want a packages.config file, I imagine you can generate one by enumerating all the packages that were downloaded. However, you would have to take care not to include multiple versions of the same package.
I believe that how nuget 3 works with project.json files may do what you are looking for. Essentially my understanding is that the unit of dependency becomes the package and not necessarily individual assemblies. From what I recall, the idea is the have only one place to manage these types of package references which the project (IDE/Editor), package manager, and other command line tools can use.
What I don't understand and feel somewhat frustrated about is that it appears that the project.json concept is being canceled. I don't know if plans are to reintroduce it at anytime in the future. In the mean time I keep on hearing updated info on tooling that takes advantage of project.json such as nuget so where you can actually rely on this is something that is unclear to me at this point.

Get current version of package outside of Visual Studio

We are migrating over to using packages and NuGet for managing our dependencies on 3rd party components. This works well when referencing packages from within Visual Studio or building on the build server via msbuild.
However there are a number of files that we would like to access in our build scripts and installers. Previously these would be in source control with a well known path, now as the version of the package that we are consuming changes so the path to the package and hence the files is changing.
Is there a simple way I can get the path to a given package? The best solution I currently have is to search for all packages.config files and extract the package version from them.
Examples of the files that we need to access are
The NUnit console executable from the NUnit.Runners package for running unit tests.
License files from various packages that we redistribute with our installer.
Using the packages.config file is a pretty good solution. NuGet itself uses two approaches:
Reading the package information from the packages.config and using that to resolve to the packages path.
Enumerating all the directories in the packages directory.
You could use NuGet.Core to do either of the above if you do not want to write the code yourself. The classes that can be used are the DefaultPackagePathResolver, the PackageReferenceFile and LocalPackageRepository or SharedPackageRepository.
One problem with the second approach is that sometimes NuGet may occasionally leave behind NuGet packages that are not necessarily referenced by a project. In that case looking at the package directories may give you the incorrect information.
The only other approach I can think of might be to read the project files looking for the assembly references. Although that would not work for a solution level package such as NUnit.Runners.

Varying dependencies depending on target project type

I have a package Ninject.Extensisons.Wcf which shall be installed differently depending on the type of the project to which it is installed. In the case where WCF is hosted in IIS (any project containing global.asax) a second package Ninject.Web.Common needs to be installed together with the package. For all other project types such as libraries, Console, WinForms, WPF applications this package should not be installed.
Is it somehow possible to achieve this e.g., using a powershell script? Or do I have to deploy two different packages in this case?
Unfortunately the current nuspec file does not provide for managing dependencies based on project type. We currently support targeting different framework versions, but that doesn't apply in your situation.
It is recommended that all dependencies are handled using package references. Although it would be technically possible to download and install a package using a PowerShell script, this is not supported and will most likely break in future versions.
First determine if it would actually be a problem to reference a web package in a non-web project. Just because assemblies are referenced, if they are not used, it should not have an impact.
If it turns out that having the web dependency causes undesirable side-effects, then you'll need to create separate packages.
I would split up your package into logical pieces. As you state, you have a package that is used by non-web projects. Web projects require a dependency on a different package.
So now you have 2 logical packages:
MyProject (dependencies)
So a user would Install-Package MyProject for non-web projects, and Install-Package MyProject.Web for web projects.
At this point you would be done and everything would be fine. But I think you should consider another step. One of the issues I see with these split packages is that I have to figure out which particular package I need to install. I have to know that I need the "Web" version.
At this point, determine the typical use case for your package. If 90% of your users will be installing the Web version, then I would make a "meta" package that simply has dependencies for your common packages.
In your case I would make 3 packages:
MyProject (meta package)
MyProject.Core (common non-web package)
By creating the "meta" package, you can reserve the "short" package name for the most common case. This meta package only has dependencies to other packages.
A good example of this is the SignalR package.
Hope this was helpful.

Should I add the dll of my third libraries in the version control repository?

Version control Best practices.
When developing a program, I use third party libraries, NUnit and others.
I want to share the sources of this program hosted on or
What are good practices as regards third libraries?
Should I add the dll of my third libraries in the version control ?
Thank you,
With the introduction of NuGet you have a different way to do this.
See this post by David Ebbo: Using NuGet without committing packages.
Basically you use NuGet to download and add package references to the libraries you want (assuming there's NuGet packages for the libraries you need), but do not add the Packages folder to your repository.
Instead you modify your pre-build step of the projects that require packages so that they automatically download the packages required if they're not present.
Testing has shown that this adds a minor delay to the build process when checking if the libraries are present, so this may or may not be good enough for you.
We always do especially if we are linking against a specific version, we have an NUnit folder for example and then a version folder within it.