Perl sftp downloads with Net::SFTP::Foreign - perl

Im a beginner. I have written a perl script which does the following
-Create a directory under “/x01/abcd/abc_logs/abcd_Logs” by the current date, in the format of “YYYYMMDD” if it has not already been created.
i.e: if the script is run on “01st of jan 2013”, the directory “20130101” will be created under the said path. So whenever there is a need to inspect the logs always look for a directory by the current date.
-Check if the log file(s) have already been downloaded earlier within the same day, and if not log(s) will be downloaded to the TODAY’s directory.
Im having a hard time, coming up with a solution to print a message when there are no files in the share. This is of course when the user specify 2 or more files that are not there in the share. I know that this happens because there is a "die" statement in the "sub get_LOGS". I just cannot seem to understand how to return a message when all the files I specify do not happen to be in the share.
usage of this script is as follows
./abc_logs ....<file(n)>
following is the script.
my $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH = "/x02/abc/abcba2/";
my $LOGS_REM_PATH = "/x01/INT/abc/vabc2/";
my $TODAY = `date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $TODAY;
unless ($#ARGV >= 0) {
print "\nUsage: <file1> <file2> <file3>.....<file(n)>\n\n";
unless ( -d "$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH"."$TODAY") {
print "Directory \"$TODAY\" doesn't exist. So creating the directory..!\n";
print "OK..Done.....!\n\n";
system("mkdir $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH/$TODAY");
else {
print "Directory already exists. Logs will be downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\".....!\n\n";
chdir("$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH"."$TODAY") || die "cannot cd to ($!)";
foreach my $GETL (#GETLOOP) {
my $is_downloaded = if_DOWNLOADED($LOGS_LOCAL_PATH,$TODAY,$GETL);
print "File \"$GETL\" downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\"\n\n";
print "File \"$GETL\" has already been Downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\"\n\n";
sub get_LOGS {
my $LOG_HOST = shift;
my $REM_USER = shift;
my $REM_PASSW = shift;
my $REM_PATH = shift;
my $REM_FILE = shift;
print "Connecting to the sftp share! Please wait....!\n";
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new($LOG_HOST, user => $REM_USER, password => $REM_PASSW);
$sftp->setcwd($REM_PATH) or die "unable to change cwd: " . $sftp->error;
print "OK. On the share! Downloading the file \"$REM_FILE\"...................!\n\n\n\n";
$sftp->error and die "Problem connecting to the share...!!!! " . $sftp->error;
$sftp->get($REM_FILE) or die "File does not seem to be present on the remote share. Please re-request..!!!" . $sftp->error;
return $REM_FILE;
my $DWD_FILE_PATH = shift;
my $DWD_DIR = shift;
my $DWD_FILE = shift;
return 1;
return 0;
Please can someone help me finding a solution to this matter? Please try to use the same script and modify.

Some comments to your code:
Use strict and warnings in order to catch lots of errors early.
Read some book on style (i.e. Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices). But in any case try to be consistent when naming variables, subroutines, and everything and also with their case.
When you have to use some calculated value in several places, try to calculate it once and save it in a variable.
Don't use subroutines for trivial things.
You don't need to call chomp on variables you have defined and that don't have a "\n" character at the end.
Opening a new SFTP connection for every file transfer is very inefficient. You can open just one at the beginning and use it for all the transfers.
And now, a simplified version of your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $host = "";
my $user = "abc";
my $password = "abc1234321";
my $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH = "/x02/ABC/abc2";
my $LOGS_REM_PATH = "/x01/INT/abc/vim";
my $TODAY = `date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $TODAY;
my #files = #ARGV;
#files or die "\nUsage: <file1> <file2> <file3>.....<file(n)>\n\n";
if ( -d $TODAY_LOCAL_PATH) {
print "Directory already exists. Logs will be downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\".....!\n\n";
else {
print "Directory \"$TODAY\" doesn't exist. So creating the directory..!\n";
mkdir "$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH" or die "unable to create directory: $!\n";
print "OK..Done.....!\n\n";
chdir $TODAY_LOCAL_PATH or die "cannot cd to ($!)\n";
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new($host, user => $user, password => $password);
and die "Problem connecting to the share...!!!! " . $sftp->error;
my $ok = 0;
my $failed = 0;
foreach my $file (#files) {
if (-e "$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH/$file") {
print "File \"$file\" has already been Downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\"\n";
else {
if ($sftp->get("$LOGS_REM_PATH/$file")) {
print "File \"$file\" downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\"\n";
else {
print "Unable to download file \"$file\" : " . $sftp->error . "\n";
print "$ok files have been downloaded, $failed files failed!\n\n";


file watching in a directory using perl

i need to watch files that fall under a directory.I have coded the below script in perl . but it is not doing what i want .
whenever a file or files arrives , it has to do a movement .
And then it has to keep watching files again.
the script should be running in background.
use warnings;
use File::Copy qw(move);
$src_dir = '/root/prasanna/dir';
$tgt_dir = '/root/prasanna/dir/dir1';
while (true) {
opendir( DIR, "/root/prasanna/dir" )
or die "Cannot open /root/prasanna/dir: $!\n";
my #Dircontent = readdir DIR;
close DIR;
my $items = #Dircontent;
if ( $items > 2 ) {
print "files available";
while ($items) {
print $items;
move $src_dir. '/' . $items, $tgt_dir . '/' . $items;
unlink $items;
else { sleep 50; }
The problem with the above code is
1. the if statement keeps on printing the 'files available' . goes on infinite loop , it doesnt watch for files again .even if i do operations on file, i dont knw how to make it look for files again.
2. the script doesnt run in background .
any help is highly appreciated . thanks beforehand.!
presuming you are running under Linux, use Linux::Inotify2...
use Linux::Inotify2;
# create an Inotify object
my $Inotify = Linux::Inotify2->new() or die "Fail: $!";
# choose which operations for which you wish to be notified
my $watchme = IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_CREATE | IN_MOVED_TO; # defined and exported
$Inotify->watch('/root/prasanna/dir', $watchme, \&watcher) or die "Fail: $!";
while (1) {
sub watcher
# do something here
Note it can only monitor local filesystems (i.e. no NFS mounts)

Perl script writing output twice; second time in reverse order

I'm trying to figure out why a script is writing output twice. The first time in proper order, the second time in reverse order. It should only be writing it once.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use File::Find;
no warnings 'File::Find';
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $dir = "/var/log/tivoli/";
my $mtab = "/etc/mtab";
my $permFile = "world_writable_files.txt";
my $tmpFile = "world_writable_files.tmp";
my $exclude = "/usr/local/etc/world_writable_excludes.txt";
my $mask = S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH;
my (%excludes, %devNums);
my $errHeader;
# Compile a list of mountpoints that need to be scanned
my #mounts;
open MT, "<${mtab}" or die "Cannot open ${mtab}, $!";
# We only want the local mountpoints
while (<MT>) {
if ($_ =~ /ext[34]/) {
my #line = split;
push(#mounts, $line[1]);
my #stats = stat($line[1]);
$devNums{$stats[0]} = undef;
close MT;
# Build a hash from /usr/local/etc/world_writables_excludes.txt
if ((! -e $exclude) || (-z $exclude)) {
$errHeader = <<HEADER;
!! !!
!! /usr/local/etc/world_writable_excludes.txt is !!
!! is missing or empty. This report includes !!
!! every world-writable file including those which !!
!! are expected and should be excluded. !!
!! !!
} else {
open XCLD, "<${exclude}" or die "Cannot open ${exclude}, $!\n";
while (<XCLD>) {
$excludes{$_} = 1;
sub wanted {
my #dirStats = stat($File::Find::name);
# Is it excluded from the report...
return if exists $excludes{$File::Find::name};
# the Tivoli installation directory or a special directory...
if ($File::Find::name =~ m{^/sys|^/proc|^/dev|^/opt/IBM/ITM}) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
# ...a regular file, ...
return unless -f;
# ...local, ...
return unless (exists $devNums{$dirStats[0]});
# ...and world writable?
return unless ($dirStats[2] & $mask) == $mask;
# If so, add the file to the list of world writable files
print(WWFILE "$File::Find::name\n");
# Create the output file path if it doesn't already exist.
mkdir($dir or die "Cannot execute mkdir on ${dir}, $!") unless (-d $dir);
# Create our filehandle for writing our findings
open WWFILE, ">${dir}${tmpFile}" or die "Cannot open ${dir}${tmpFile}, $!";
print(WWFILE "${errHeader}") if ($errHeader);
find(\&wanted, #mounts);
close WWFILE;
# If no world-writable files have been found ${tmpFile} should be zero-size;
# Delete it so Tivoli won't alert
if (-z "${dir}${tmpFile}") {
unlink "${dir}${tmpFile}";
} else {
rename("${dir}${tmpFile}","${dir}${permFile}") or die "Cannot rename file ${dir}${tmpFile}, $!";
Example output:
# cat world_writable_files.txt
Each file is being written only once in the script so I am wondering if the filesystem is being scanned twice. Once in each direction. I don't see where that would be happening, but I don't know.
Excludes file:
# cat /usr/local/etc/world_writable_excludes.txt
Any thoughts on this conundrum?
It's because #mounts has / in addition to /home and /var. So you're asking it to scan everything at and below / (including /home and /var), then to scan everything at and below /home, then to scan everything at and below /var.
It's better to identify the places you want to avoid.
while (<MT>) {
my #fields = split;
if ($field[2] !~ /^ext[34]\z/) {
++$excludes{ $fields[1] };
find(\&wanted, '/');
sub wanted {
if ($excludes{$File::Find::name}) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
my #dirStats = stat($File::Find::name);
return if !-f;
return if $dirStats[2] & S_IWOTH;
print(WWFILE "$File::Find::name\n");
You won't need if ($File::Find::name =~ m{^/sys|^/proc|^/dev|^/opt/IBM/ITM}) anymore because they're not ext3 or ext4. Except maybe for /opt/IBM/ITM (since I don't know what that is). If you did have some files or directories you wanted to skip, add them to %excludes rather than making a relatively expensive regex match.
++$excludes{$_} for qw( /foo /bar /opt/IBM/ITM );

What's the best strategy to delete a very huge folder using Perl?

I need to delete all content (files and folders) under a given folder. The problems is the folder has millions of files and folders inside it. So I don't want to load all the file names in one go.
Logic should be like this:
iterate a folder without load everything
get a file or folder
delete it
(verbose that the file or folder "X" was deleted)
go to the next one
I'm trying something like this:
sub main(){
my ($rc, $help, $debug, $root) = ();
$rc = GetOptions ( "HELP" => \$help,
"DEBUG" => \$debug,
"ROOT=s" => \$root);
die "Bad command line options\n$usage\n" unless ($rc);
if ($help) { print $usage; exit (0); }
if ($debug) {
warn "\nProceeding to execution with following parameters: \n";
warn "===============================================================\n";
warn "ROOT = $root\n";
} # write debug information to STDERR
print "\n Starting to delete...\n";
die "usage: $0 dir ..\n" unless $root;
*name = *File::Find::name;
find \&verbose, #ARGV;
sub verbose {
if (!-l && -d _) {
print "rmdir $name\n";
} else {
print "unlink $name\n";
It's working fine, but whenever "find" reads the huge folder, the application gets stuck and I can see the system memory for Perl increasing until timeout. Why? Is it trying to load all the files in one go?
Thanks for your help.
The remove_tree function from File::Path can portably and verbosely remove a directory hierarchy, keeping the top directory, if desired.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
my $dir = '/tmp/dir';
remove_tree($dir, {verbose => 1, keep_root => 1});
Pre-5.10, use the rmtree function from File::Path. If you still want the top directory, you could just mkdir it again.
use File::Path;
my $dir = '/tmp/dir';
rmtree($dir, 1); # 1 means verbose
mkdir $dir;
The perlfaq points out that File::Find does the hard work of traversing a directory, but the work isn't that hard (assuming your directory tree is free of named pipes, block devices, etc.):
sub traverse_directory {
my $dir = shift;
opendir my $dh, $dir;
while (my $file = readdir($dh)) {
next if $file eq "." || $file eq "..";
if (-d "$dir/$file") {
} elsif (-f "$dir/$file") {
# $dir/$file is a regular file
# Do something with it, for example:
print "Removing $dir/$file\n";
unlink "$dir/$file" or warn "unlink $dir/$file failed: $!\n";
} else {
warn "$dir/$file is not a directory or regular file. Ignoring ...\n";
closedir $dh;
# $dir might be empty at this point. If you want to delete it:
if (rmdir $dir) {
print "Removed $dir/\n";
} else {
warn "rmdir $dir failed: $!\n";
Substitute your own code for doing something with a file or (possibly) empty directory, and call this function once on the root of the tree that you want to process. Lookup the meanings of opendir/closedir, readdir, -d, and -f if you haven't encountered them before.
What's wrong with:
`rm -rf $folder`; // ??
You can use File::Find to systematically traverse the directory and delete the files and directories under it.
OK, I gave in and used Perl builtins but you should use File::Path::rmtree which I had totally forgotten about:
use strict; use warnings;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
my ($clean) = #ARGV;
die "specify directory to clean\n" unless defined $clean;
my $current_dir = getcwd;
chdir $clean
or die "Cannot chdir to '$clean': $!\n";
finddepth(\&wanted => '.');
chdir $current_dir
or die "Cannot chdir back to '$current_dir':$!\n";
sub wanted {
return if /^[.][.]?\z/;
warn "$File::Find::name\n";
if ( -f ) {
unlink or die "Cannot delete '$File::Find::name': $!\n";
elsif ( -d _ ) {
rmdir or die "Cannot remove directory '$File::Find::name': $!\n";
Download the unix tools for windows and then you can do rm -rv or whatever.
Perl is a great tool for a lot of purposes, but this one seems better done by a specialised tool.
Here's a cheap "cross-platform" method:
use Carp qw<carp croak>;
use English qw<$OS_NAME>;
use File::Spec;
my %deltree_op = ( nix => 'rm -rf %s', win => 'rmdir /S %s' );
my %group_for
= ( ( map { $_ => 'nix' } qw<linux UNIX SunOS> )
, ( map { $_ => 'win' } qw<MSWin32 WinNT> )
my $group_name = $group_for{$OS_NAME};
sub chop_tree {
my $full_path = shift;
carp( "No directory $full_path exists! We're done." ) unless -e $full_path;
croak( "No implementation for $OS_NAME!" ) unless $group_name;
my $format = $deltree_op{$group_name};
croak( "Could not find command format for group $group_name" ) unless $format;
my $command = sprintf( $format, File::Spec->canonpath( $full_path ));

What's the best way to tell if a file exists in a directory?

I'm trying to move a file but I want to ensure that it exists before I do so. What's the simplest way to do this in Perl?
My code is like this. I looked up the open command, but I am not sure it is the simplest way or not.
if #Parser.exe exist in directory of Debug
move ("bin/Debug/Parser.exe","Parser.exe");
elsif #Parser.exe exist in directory of Release
move ("bin/Release/Parser.exe","Parser.exe");
die "Can't find the Parser.exe.";
Thank you.
What you need is a file test operator to check if the file exists. Specifically, you need the -e operator which checks if a file exists.
if (-e "bin/Debug/Parser.exe")
move ("bin/Debug/Parser.exe","Parser.exe");
elsif (-e "bin/Release/Parser.exe")
move ("bin/Release/Parser.exe","Parser.exe");
die "Can't find the Parser.exe."
You can make use of -e file test to check for file existence:
use File::Copy;
if(-e "bin/Debug/parser.exe") {
copy("bin/Debug/parser.exe","Parser.exe") or die "Copy failed: $!";
} elsif(-e "bin/Release/Parser.exe") {
copy("bin/Release/parser.exe","Parser.exe") or die "Copy failed: $!";
} else {
die "Can't find the Parser.exe.";
Personally I don't like the duplication of the file/ path name in these solutions - speaking for myself I suspect I might change accidently it to
if(-e "pathone....")... { copy("pathtwo...","Parser.exe")
I would do something like
copy("bin/Debug/parser.exe","Parser.exe") or
copy("bin/Release/parser.exe","Parser.exe") or
die "Can't find the Parser.exe.";
Or if that is a bit risque
copy_parser("bin/Debug") or
copy_parser("bin/Release") or
die "Can't find the Parser.exe.";
sub copy_parser {
my $path = shift ;
my $source = File::Spec-> catfile ( $path, 'Parser.exe' ) ;
if ( -e $source ) {
copy( $source, "Parser.exe") or die "Copy or $source failed: $!";
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
justintime is on the right track when he notes the repetition and seeks to eliminate it. I took the minimization a step farther than he did.
Rather than encapsulate only the copy/move portion of the code, though, it makes sense to remove as all the repetition by encapsulating the list iteration.
I put the subroutine in a module so it can be reused later as needed. This also reduces repeated code.
use SearchMove;
my $found = search_and_move(
src => 'Parser.exe',
dest => 'Parser.exe',
dirs => [
die "Can't find the Parser.exe\n"
unless defined $found;
print "Found Parser.exe in $found";
package SearchMove;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our #EXPORT_OK = qw( search_and_move );
sub search_and_move {
my %arg = #_;
croak "No source file" unless exists $args{src};
croak "No dest file" unless exists $args{dest};
croak "No search paths" unless exists $args{dirs};
my $got_file;
for my $dir ( #{$arg{dirs}} ) {
my $source = "$dir/$arg{src}";
if( -e $source ) {
move( $source, $arg{dest} );
$got_file = $dir;
return $got_file;
Now you can use search_and_move in many different projects.

How can I download over FTP all the XML files in a directory?

How do I download all *.xml files from a folder on an FTP server using Net::FTP?
I saw that glob() would be the best way, but I cannot wrap my head around the logic.
I need to check if there are XML files in the folder. If not, wait 5 seconds, and check again. Once the files show up, then I need to download them and run them through a Java application which I already have working.
How can I monitor a folder for a specific filetype, and automatically ftp->get those files when they appear?
When I need to get a filtered listing of files on an ftp site I use grep with the ls method of Net::FTP.
warning, untested code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::FTP;
#give END blocks a chance to run if we are killed
#or control-c'ed
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit };
my $host = shift;
my $wait = 5;
dbmopen my %seen, "files_seen.db", 0600
or die "could not open database: $!";
while (1) {
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0)
or die "Cannot connect to $host: $#";
END { $ftp->quit if $ftp } #close ftp connection when exiting
$ftp->login("ftp",'ftp') #anonymous ftp
or die "Cannot login: ", $ftp->message;
for my $file (grep { /[.]xml$/ and not $seen{$_} } $ftp->ls) {
or die "could not get $file: ", $ftp->message;
#system("/path/to/javaapp", $file) == 0
# or die "java app blew up";
$seen{$file} = 1;
sleep $wait;
What about something like this? This would of course be called every X seconds by your code.
my %downloaded;
sub check_for_new {
# Get all files
my #files = $ftp->ls;
foreach $f (#files) {
# Check if it is an XML file
if($f =~ /\.xml$/) {
# Check if you already fetched it
if(!$downloaded{$f}) {
if($ftp->get($f)) {
$downloaded{$f} = 1;
} else {
# Get failed
If you need to re-download xml files that might have changed then you also need to do a file compare to make sure that your local copy is in sync with the remote copy on the ftp server.
use Cwd;
use Net::FTP;
use File::Compare qw(compare);
my %localf;
my $cdir = cwd;
sub get_xml {
for my $file ($ftp->ls) {
##Skip non-xml files
next if $file !~ m/\.xml$/;
##Simply download if we do not have a local copy
if (!exists $localf{$file}) {
$localf($file) = 1;
##else compare the server version with the local copy
else {
$ftp->get($file, "/tmp/$file");
if (compare("$cdir/$file", "/tmp/$file") == 1) {
copy("/tmp/$file", "$cdir/$file");
unlink "/tmp/$file";
I typed this out straight into the reply box so it might need a few touch-ups and error checking thrown in before being implemented. For the outer logic you could write a loop which establishes the ftp connection, calls this subroutine, closes the connection and sleeps for 'n' seconds.