How to filter a list with a condition that depends on more than one element - scala

Given a list L I want to keep an element L(i) if it exists at least one value j > i such that L(j) is a multiple of L(i), otherwise L(i) should be discarded.
It is quite simple to do that by means of imperative programming paradigms, but I would like to do that using functional programming.
Is that possible to use the filter method? If so, how to write the condition (i.e. the parameter of the filter function) ? Otherwise, what can I do?

For example:
val l = (1 to 100)
l.tails.collect { case (head +: tail) if tail.exists(_ % head == 0) => head } .toList
tail produces an iterator that returns in each step the input minus one element, e.g.
(1 to 10).tails.foreach(println)
Vector(1, 2, 3, 4)
Vector(2, 3, 4)
Vector(3, 4)
You can view these 'tails' as a head element to which you want to apply a filter and a tail in itself that is used to find out whether to keep the head.
The collect method is useful here, because it takes a partial function, so you only need to specify the cases where you actually retain a value—like filter—, while at the same time it acts like a map by letting you specify how the filtered value is to be collected.
So we can match on tails that have at least one head element and a tail of any size, and then see if in that tail there exists an element that is a multiple of the head. I use a guard here for the match case, so the match is a double filter. First, the tail must be non-empty, second there must be multiple. A multiple means that the modulus is zero. If the case matches, just return the verified head element.
Finally, since without specific type annotations the collect will just return another iterator, we turn the result into a list with toList.

A more "explicit" one - you accumulate elements in a case if tail has a multiple of head:
(1 to 10).tails.foldLeft(List[Int]())((acc, tl) => tl match {
case h +: t if (t.exists(_ % h == 0)) => h :: acc
case _ => acc


Second Element of a List

From the Book programming in Scala I got the following line of code:
val second: List[ Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y }
//warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It states that this function will return the second element of a list of integers if the list is not empty or nil. Stil this part is a bit awkward to me:
case x :: y :: _
How does this ecxactly work? Does this mathches any list with at least 2 Elements and than return the second? If so can somebody still explain the syntax? I understood that :: is invoked on the right operand. So it could be written as
Still I than don't get why this would return 2
val second: List[ Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y }
var x = List(1,2)
second(x) //returns 2
In the REPL, you can type:
scala> val list = "a" :: "b" :: Nil
list: List[String] = List(a, b)
which is to be read from right to left, and means take the end of a List (Nil), prepend String "b" and to this List ("b" :: Nil) prepend String a, a :: ("b" :: Nil) but you don't need the parens, so it can be written "a" :: "b" :: Nil.
In pattern matching you will more often see:
... list match {
case Nil => // ...
case x :: xs => // ...
to distinguish between empty list, and nonempty, where xs might be a rest of list, but matches Nil too, if the whole list is ("b" :: Nil) for example, then x="b" and xs=Nil.
But if list= "a" :: "b" :: Nil, then x="a" and xs=(b :: Nil).
In your example, the deconstruction is just one more step, and instead of a name like xs, the joker sign _ is used, indicating, that the name is probably not used and doesn't play a role.
The value second is of function type, it takes List[Int] and returns Int.
If the list has first element ("x"), and a second element ("y"), and whatever comes next (we don't care about it), we simply return the element "y" (which is the second element of the list).
In any other case, the function is not defined. You can check that:
scala> val second: PartialFunction[List[Int], Int] = {
| case x :: y :: _ => y
| }
second: PartialFunction[List[Int],Int] = <function1>
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(1,2,3))
res18: Boolean = true
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(1,2))
res19: Boolean = true
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(0))
res20: Boolean = false
First of all. When you think about pattern matching you should think about matching a structure.
The first part of the case statement describes a structure. This structure may describe one or more things (variables) which are useful to deriving your result.
In your example, you are interested in deriving the second element of a list. A shorthand to build a list in Scala is to use :: method (also called cons). :: can also be used to describe a structure in case statement. At this time, you shouldn't think about evaluation of the :: method in first part of case. May be that's why you are saying about evaluation of _.::(y).::(x). The :: cons operator help us describe the structure of the list in terms of its elements. In this case, the first element (x) , the second element (y) and the rest of it (_ wildcard). We are interested in a structure that is a list with at least 2 elements and the third can be anything - a Nil to indicate end of list or another element - hence the wildcard.
The second part of the case statement, uses the second element to derive the result (y).
More on List and Consing
List in Scala is similar to a LinkedList. You know about the first element called head and start of the rest of the list. When traversing the linked list you stop if the rest of the list is Nil. This :: cons operator helps us visualise the structure of the linked list. Although Scala compile would actually be calling :: methods evaluating from right to left as you described _.::(y).::(x)
As an aside, you might have already noticed that the Scala compiler might be complain that your match isn't exhaustive. This means that this second method would work for list of any size. Because there isn't any case statement to describe list with zero or one element. Also, as mentioned in comments of previous answers, if you aren't interested in first element you can describe it as a wildcard _.
case _ :: y :: _ => y
I hope this helped.
If you see the structure of list in scala its head::tail, first element is treated as head and all remaining ones as tail(Nil will be the last element of tail). whenever you do x::y::_, x will match the head of the list and remaining will be tail and again y will match the head of the next list(tail of first list)
val l = List(1,2,3,4,5)
you can see this list in differnt ways:
and so on
So try matching the pattern. In your question y will give the second element

Logic on a recursive method

One of my exercises requires me to write a recursive method in which a list is given, and it returns the same list with only every other element on it.
for example : List {"a", "b", "c"} would return
I am writing in scala, and I understand that it has built in library but I am not supposed to use those. I can only use if/else, helper methods,and patterns.
How could I parse thru a list using head and tail only?
so far I have this:
def removeLetter(list:List[String]):List[String]=list match{
case Nil => Nil
case n::rest=>
if (n == rest){ // I understand that this doesn't quite work.
I am looking for the logic and not code.
Using pattern matching, you can also deconstruct a list on it's first two elements in the same way you're doing with your n::rest construction. Just remember to also take lists with uneven length into account.
You correctly stated one base-case to the recursion: In case of an empty list, the result is again the empty list. case Nil => Nil
There is a second base-case: A list containing a single element is again the list itself. case x :: Nil => x :: Nil
You can formulate the recursive step as follows: Given a list with at least two elements, the result is a list containing the first element, followed by every other element of the list after the second element. case x :: y :: z => x :: removeLetter(z) (Note that here, x and y are both of type String while z is of type List[String])
Remark: If you wanted to, you could also combine both base-cases, as in both cases, the input to the function is its output.

Scala Use :: to removeDuplicates

I am reading the book programming in Scala from Martin O. and there is one example there to remove duplicates totally confused me:
def removeDuplicates[A](xs: List[A]): List[A] = {
if (xs.isEmpty) xs
xs.head :: removeDuplicates(
xs.tail filter (x => x != xs.head)
println(removeDuplicates[String](List("a", "a", "b", "a", "c")))
gives me:
I know that .head will give you the very first element of the List while .tail give you the rest of the List. And I can understand that xs.tail filter (x => x != xs.head) will return a list containing the elements which don't equal to the head.
My Google search leads me to this cons operator however, I am still having a hard time mapping Martin's words to this example. And anyone help me understand how this :: works in this function?
A peculiarity in Scala is that operators ending in : (colon) are right-associative, and they are dispatched to the object on the right, with the parameter being on the left. For example: a :: list (infix notation) is equivalent to list.::(a) (method notation).
Have a look at the documentation for :: (cons). It constructs a linked list from an element and another list. Note that a :: b :: c :: Nil is equivalent to List(a, b, c), but note that the construction is happening from right to left, as Nil.::(c).::(b).::(a).
The example you gave uses recursion, which is based on a base case and an inductive case. The base case says that an empty list has no duplicates. The inductive case says that, assuming you have a removeDuplicates method which can remove all duplicates from a list, you can construct a new (sometimes larger) duplicate-free list by adding a value to the beginning, as long as you've remove that value from the remainder of the list first.
This is a very common pattern in functional programming.
Realize that removeDuplicates evaluates to a list, which the cons operator takes on its right side. The end result is a list where it's tail doesn't contain its head.
Every recurse, we add the head of the remaining list to the new list that we're constructing using the cons operator. We see if the current head exists in the rest of the list, and filter them out.
Look up what a the map method is. If you get how it works, this should click. They aren't exactly the same, but it involves building a list using the cons operator.

Explain some scala code - beginner

I've encountered this scala code and I'm trying to work out what its doing except the fact it returns an int. I'm unsure of these three lines :
l match {
case h :: t =>
case _ => 0
Function :
def iterate(l: List[Int]): Int =
l match {
case h :: t =>
if (h > n) 0
case _ => 0
First, you define a function called iterate and you specified the return type as Int. It has arity 1, parameter l of type List[Int].
The List type is prominent throughout functional programming, and it's main characteristics being that it has efficient prepend and that it is easy to decompose any List into a head and tail. The head would be the first element of the list (if non-empty) and the tail would be the rest of the List(which itself is a List) - this becomes useful for recursive functions that operate on List.
The match is called pattern matching.. it's essentially a switch statement in the C-ish languages, but much more powerful - the switch restricts you to constants (at least in C it does), but there is no such restriction with match.
Now, your first case you have h :: t - the :: is called a "cons", another term from functional programming. When you create a new List from another List via a prepend, you can use the :: operator to do it.
val oldList = List(1, 2, 3)
val newList = 0 :: oldList // newList == List(0, 1, 2, 3)
In Scala, operators that end with a : are really a method of the right hand side, so 0 :: oldList is the equivalent of oldList.::(0) - the 0 :: oldList is syntactic sugar that makes it easier to read.
We could've defined oldList like
val oldList = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
where Nil represents an empty List. Breaking this down into steps:
3 :: Nil is evaluated first, creating the equivalent of a List(3) which has head 3 and empty tail.
2 is prepended to the above list, creative a new list with head 2 and tail List(3).
1 is prepended, creating a new list with head 1 and tail List(2, 3).
The resulting List of List(1, 2, 3) is assigned to the val oldList.
Now when you use :: to pattern match you essentially decompose a List into a head and tail, like the reverse of how we created the List above. Here when you do
l match {
case h :: t => ...
you are saying decompose l into a head and tail if possible. If you decompose successfully, you can then use these h and t variables to do whatever you want.. typically you would do something like act on h and call the recursive function on t.
One thing to note here is that your code will not compile.. you do an if (h > n) 0 but there is no explicit else so what happens is your code looks like this to the compiler:
if (h > n) 0
else { }
which has type AnyVal (the common supertype of 0 and "nothing"), a violation of your Int guarentee - you're going to have to add an else branch with some failure value or something.
The second case _ => is like a default in the switch, it catches anything that failed the head/tail decomposition in your first case.
Your code essentially does this:
Take the l List parameter and see if it can be decomposed into a head and tail.
If it can be, compare the head against (what I assume to be) a variable in the outer scope called n. If it is greater than n, the function returns 0. (You need to add what happens if it's not greater)
If it cannot be decomposed, the function returns 0.
This is called pattern matching. It's like a switch statement, but more powerful.
Some useful resources:

Off by one with sliding?

One of the advantages of not handling collections through indices is to avoid off-by-one errors. That's certainly not the only advantage, but it is one of them.
Now, I often use sliding in some algorithms in Scala, but I feel that it usually results in something very similar to the off-by-one errors, because a sliding of m elements in a collection of size n has size n - m + 1 elements. Or, more trivially, list sliding 2 is one element shorter than list.
The feeling I get is that there's a missing abstraction in this pattern, something that would be part sliding, part something more -- like foldLeft is to reduceLeft. I can't think of what that might be, however. Can anyone help me find enlightenment here?
Since people are not clear one what I'm talking, let's consider this case. I want to capitalize a string. Basically, every letter that is not preceded by a letter should be upper case, and all other letters should be lower case. Using sliding, I have to special case either the first or the last letter. For example:
def capitalize(s: String) = s(0).toUpper +: s.toSeq.sliding(2).map {
case Seq(c1, c2) if c2.isLetter => if (c1.isLetter) c2.toLower else c2.toUpper
case Seq(_, x) => x
I’m taking Owen’s answer as an inspiration to this.
When you want to apply a simple diff() to a list, this can be seen as equivalent to the following matrix multiplication.
a = (0 1 4 3).T
M = ( 1 -1 0 0)
( 0 1 -1 0)
( 0 0 1 -1)
diff(a) = M * a = (1 3 1).T
We may now use the same scheme for general list operations, if we replace addition and multiplication (and if we generalise the numbers in our matrix M).
So, with plus being a list append operation (with flatten afterwards – or simply a collect operation), and the multiplicative equivalent being either Some(_) or None, a slide with a window size of two becomes:
M = (Some(_) Some(_) None None)
(None Some(_) Some(_) None)
(None None Some(_) Some(_))
slide(a) = M “*” a = ((0 1) (1 4) (4 3)).T
Not sure, if this is the kind of abstraction you’re looking for, but it would be a generalisation on a class of operations which change the number of items.
diff or slide operations of order m for an input of length n will need to use Matrixes of size n-m+1 × n.
Edit: A solution could be to transform List[A] to List[Some[A]] and then to prepend or append (slideLeft or slideRight) these with None. That way you could handle all the magic inside the map method.
list.slideLeft(2) {
case Seq(Some(c1), Some(c2)) if c2.isLetter => if (c1.isLetter) c2.toLower else c2.toUpper
case Seq(_, Some(x)) => x
I run into this problem all the time in python/R/Matlab where you diff() a vector and then can't line it up with the original one! It is very frustrating.
I think what's really missing is that the vector only hold the dependent variables, and assumes that you, the programmer, are keeping track of the independent variables, ie the dimension that the collection ranges over.
I think the way to solve this is to have the language to some degree keep track of independent variables; perhaps statically through types, or dynamically by storing them along with the vector. Then it can check the independent axes, make sure they line up, or, I don't know if this is possible, shuffle things around to make them line up.
That's the best I've thought of so far.
Another way of thinking about this is, why does your collection have order? Why is it not just a Set? The order means something, but the collection doesn't keep track of that -- it's basically using sequential position (which is about as informative as numerical indices) to proxy for the real meaning.
Another consequence would be that transformations like sliding actually represent two transformations, one for the dependent variables, and one for their axis.
In your example, I think the code is made more complex because, you basically want to do a map but working with sliding which introduces edge conditions in a way that doesn't work nicely. I think a fold left with an accumulator that remembers the relevant state may be easier conceptually:
def capitalize2(s: String) = (("", true) /: s){ case ((res, notLetter), c) =>
(res + (if (notLetter) c.toUpper else c.toLower), !c.isLetter)
I think this could be generalized so that notLetter could remember n elements where n is the size of the sliding window.
The transformation you're asking for inherently reduces the size of the data. Sorry--there's no other way to look at it. tail also gives you off-by-one errors.
Now, you might say--well, fine, but I want a convenience method to maintain the original size.
In that case, you might want these methods on List:
initializedSliding(init: List[A]) = (init ::: this).sliding(1 + init.length)
finalizedSliding(tail: List[A]) = (this ::: tail).sliding(1 + tail.length)
which will maintain your list length. (You can envision how to generalize to non-lists, I'm sure.)
This is the analog to fold left/right in that you supply the missing data in order to perform a pairwise (or more) operation on every element of the list.
The off by one problem you describe reminds me in the boundary condition issue in digital signal processing. The problem occurs since the data (list) is finite. It doesn't occur for infinite data (stream). In digital signal processing the issues is remedied by extending the finite signal to an infinite one. This can be done in various ways like repeating the data or repeating the data and reversing it on every repetition (like it is done for the discrete cosine transform).
Borrowing from these approached for sliding would lead to an abstraction which does not exhibit the off by one problem:
would yield
(1,2), (2,3), (3,1)
for circular boundary conditions and
(1,2), (2,3), (3,2)
for circular boundary conditions with reversal.
Off-by-one errors suggest that you are trying to put the original list in one-to-one correspondence with the sliding list, but something strange is going on, since the sliding list has fewer elements.
The problem statement for your example can be roughly phrased as: "Uppercase every character if it (a) is the first character, or (b) follows a letter character". As Owen points, the first character is a special case, and any abstraction should respect this. Here's a possibility,
def slidingPairMap[A, B](s: List[A], f1: A => B, f2: (A, A) => B): List[B] = s match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: _ => f1(x) +: s.sliding(2) { case List(x, y) => f2(x, y) }
(not the best implementation, but you get the idea). This generalizes to sliding triples, with off-by-two errors, and so on. The type of slidingPairMap makes it clear that special casing is being done.
An equivalent signature could be
def slidingPairMap[A, B](s: List[A], f: Either[A, (A, A)] => B): List[B]
Then f could use pattern matching to figure out if it's working with the first element, or with a subsequent one.
Or, as Owen says in the comments, why not make a modified sliding method that gives information about whether the element is first or not,
def slidingPairs[A](s: List[A]): List[Either[A, (A, A)]]
I guess this last idea is isomorphic to what Debilski suggests in the comments: pad the beginning of the list with None, wrap all the existing elements with Some, and then call sliding.
I realize this is an old question but I just had a similar problem and I wanted to solve it without having to append or prepend anything, and where it would handle the last elements of the sequence in a seamless manner. The approach I came up with is a slidingFoldLeft. You have to handle the first element as a special case (like some others mentioned, for capitalize, it is a special case), but for the end of the sequence you can just handle it like other cases. Here is the implementation and some silly examples:
def slidingFoldLeft[A, B] (seq: Seq[A], window: Int)(acc: B)(
f: (B, Seq[A]) => B): B = {
if (window > 0) {
val iter = seq.sliding(window)
// Operate normally
case (acc, next) if iter.hasNext => f(acc, next)
// It's at the last <window> elements of the seq, handle current case and
// call recursively with smaller window
case (acc, next) =>
slidingFoldLeft(next.tail, window - 1)(f(acc, next))(f)
} else acc
def capitalizeAndQuestionIncredulously(s: String) =
slidingFoldLeft(s.toSeq, 2)("" + s(0).toUpper) {
// Normal iteration
case (acc, Seq(c1, c2)) if c1.isLetter && c2.isLetter => acc + c2.toLower
case (acc, Seq(_, c2)) if c2.isLetter => acc + c2.toUpper
case (acc, Seq(_, c2)) => acc + c2
// Last element of string
case (acc, Seq(c)) => acc + "?!"
def capitalizeAndInterruptAndQuestionIncredulously(s: String) =
slidingFoldLeft(s.toSeq, 3)("" + s(0).toUpper) {
// Normal iteration
case (acc, Seq(c1, c2, _)) if c1.isLetter && c2.isLetter => acc + c2.toLower
case (acc, Seq(_, c2, _)) if c2.isLetter => acc + c2.toUpper
case (acc, Seq(_, c2, _)) => acc + c2
// Last two elements of string
case (acc, Seq(c1, c2)) => acc + " (commercial break) " + c2
// Last element of string
case (acc, Seq(c)) => acc + "?!"
println(capitalizeAndQuestionIncredulously("hello my name is mAtthew"))
println(capitalizeAndInterruptAndQuestionIncredulously("hello my name is mAtthew"))
And the output:
Hello My Name Is Matthew?!
Hello My Name Is Matthe (commercial break) w?!
I would prepend None after mapping with Some(_) the elements; note that the obvious way of doing it (matching for two Some in the default case, as done in the edit by Debilski) is wrong, as we must be able to modify even the first letter. This way, the abstraction respects the fact that simply sometimes there is no predecessor. Using getOrElse(false) ensures that a missing predecessor is treated as having failed the test.
((None +: "foo1bar" sliding 2).map {
case Seq(c1Opt, Some(c2)) if c2.isLetter => if ( c2.toLower else c2.toUpper
case Seq(_, Some(x)) => x
res13: String = "Foo1Bar"
Acknowledgments: the idea of mapping the elements with Some(_) did come to me through Debilski's post.
I'm not sure if this solves your concrete problem, but we could easily imagine a pair of methods e.g. slidingFromLeft(z: A, size: Int) and slidingToRight(z: A, size: Int) (where A is collection's element type) which, when called on e.g.
List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
with arguments e.g. (0, 3), should produce respectively
List(0, 0, 1), List(0, 1, 2), List(1, 2, 3), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4, 5)
List(1, 2, 3), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4, 5), List(4, 5, 0), List(5, 0, 0)
This is the sort of problem nicely-suited to an array-oriented functional language like J. Basically, we generate a boolean with a one corresponding to the first letter of each word. To do this, we start with a boolean marking the spaces in a string. For example (lines indented three spaces are inputs; results are flush with left margin; "NB." starts a comment):
str=. 'now is the time' NB. Example w/extra spaces for interest
]whspc=. ' '=str NB. Mark where spaces are=1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Verify that (*.-.) ("and not") returns one only for "1 0":
]tt=. #:i.4 NB. Truth table
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
(*.-.)/"1 tt NB. Apply to 1-D sub-arrays (rows)
0 0 1 0 NB. As hoped.
Slide our tacit function across pairs in the boolean:
2(*.-.)/\whspc NB. Apply to 2-ples
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
But this doesn't handle the edge condition of the initial letter, so force a one into the first position. This actually helps as the reduction of 2-ples left us one short. Here we compare lengths of the original boolean and the target boolean:
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
We get uppercase by using the index into the lowercase vector to select from the uppercase vector (after defining these two vectors):
'lc uc'=. 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
(uc,' '){~lc i. str
Check that insertion by boolean gives correct result:
(1,2(*.-.)/\whspc) } str,:(uc,' '){~lc i. str
Now Is The Time
Now is the time to combine all this into one statement:
(1,2(*.-.)/\' '=str) } str,:(uc,' '){~lc i. str
Now Is The Time