Is it possible to combine group files and group directories? - stringtemplate-4

I am using StringTemplate to generate HTML and I would like to be able to combine STGroupFile and STGroupDir such that I have a directory of group files. This way I can include multiple templates in one file but also combine templates from multiple files. It doesn't appear that there is support for this but I thought I would see if maybe I'm overlooking something.
In case you are wondering why I would want to do this, lets look at an example from the StringTemplate docs:
test(name) ::= "$name:bracket()$" // apply bracket template to each name
bracket(x) ::= "[$x$]" // surround parameter with square brackets
Assume the above is all in one file ( and we are using STGroupDir, it will be unable to resolve the "bracket(x)" template unless it is in a separate file ( In this particular instance, bracket is like a local helper which is useful for cleaning up the main template. In this case, you probably don't want bracket to be visible outside of
However, if you wanted to create a library of simple helper templates, you might want to locate them all in one file and have each of them accessible to templates in other files.

Disclaimer: I'm using StringTemplate in C#
You need to use .stg files with groups of templates. StringTemplate groups can import other templates or groups of templates, and you can create those groups from a file or a directory.


Generating a global include graph in Doxygen

Doxygen can generate graphs showing which files in a project include which others, as a directed graph. This is a nice tool, but it only comes in two flavors, namely showing all the files that include (directly or indirectly) a given file, or all the files that are included (again directly or indirectly) by a given file.
I would like to generate a global include graph, containing all the files that Doxygen knows about, and showing the include structure. Is that possible?
One trick that kind of works but feels extremely dirty: add some dummy.h header somewhere, and include it from every other file, or alternatively (a bit cleaner since it doesn't need to touch the other files) have dummy.h manually include everything else. And then manually remove useless includes (which are implied by others as indirect dependencies). That is not the right way to do it...

Grouping two files into one custom file-type

I am currently working on a simple tower defense game for iOS (using objective-c), which contains several maps/levels. However, as it is now, each map consists of an image file and a .plist file with information. My question is: is there any way I could create a custom file type (for example, *.map) that contains both the image and the information from the plist?
If this is possible, how do I implement this?
Thanks in advance!
You have several good choices for that:
The simplest solution would be grouping the related files in subfolders: rather than having file, you could have an xyz sub-folder, and reference the files out of it. You would not need to use any additional libraries for this, and you would be able to use the same name for all your image files and all your level files, because they would be in separate folders.
You can make a zip archive with the files that you would like to combine, and unzip it before use. Here is a link to an answer referencing a library to do it.
You can use a tar format - here is a list to an answer referencing a library that supports it. You would be able to use tar utility on OS-X to group images with plists on your workstation.
Finally, you can define a format of your own: store the length of the first file in the first four bytes, then store the content of the first file, and then the second. You would need to write a utility for combining the two files into one. This sounds like the hardest choice to implement.

eclipse doxygen excluding part of the path name

I'm using Eclipse and Doxygen on a Linux platform. My teams code is controlled with Clearcase. My question is can I use an environment variable as part of the path to excluded?
example: every one on the project has a custom view as part of their path. And I don't want to see that in the documentation.
in each developers view their is an environment variable defined with their view name. ex: $CLEARCASE_ROOT = /view/me
So I'm trying to setup a single Doxygen file for whole team to use..
So I want to do something like EXCLUDE ${CLEARCASE_ROOT}/a/b
Then everybody that generates docs will get the same paths.. Can I do this??
Yes, doxygen supports environment variable expansion in its configuration files, see
The EXCLUDE option controls which files are parsed by doxygen. It sounds like you want the files to be included, but you want them to be displayed with a relative include path, in that case you probably want to use the STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH option. If there are other absolute paths in the documentation you're attempting to make relative, the STRIP_FROM_PATH option may also come into play.
The syntax is a little different than what you proposed, $() vs. ${}, so you'll want to specify something like:

Repeating elements/links in org pages to be published as html?

Is there a simple way to add something like the {Back to Worg's index} to every .org page in a directory which I plan to publish with org-publish-project-alist? Is this accomplished with a #+ tag, or some definition in the .css file?
I looked at how they did it on Worg, and it doesn't look like CSS.
There are a few ways you might be able to do so.
Create a generic file that only includes the details you want in each file. For example:
[[./][Back to index]]
Then use #+include: <filename> at the location in your file where you want the line. (See Include Files)
Alternately you could define a macro in a setupfile (See In-Buffer Settings) that is the definition of the link (or multiple link choices)
#+macro: toIndex [[./][Back to index]]
In both cases it is worth noting that the relative paths are based on the exported file. So a [[../]] will always point to the file in the parent directory, no matter where the setupfile is.

Combine and minify templates with CoffeeScript / Cake

I have a src/templates/ directory full of mustache templates. How would I combine and minify the contents of those, so they're available for use in my CoffeeScript app?
I'm already following the directions at for combining and minifying my CoffeeScript src into js.
First off, I'll assume that your templates are being exported to the global object (e.g. each one does window.userpane = rather than just userpane =). That's the most important thing. If you're doing that, and you're concatenating and compiling successfully, then the only thing left is to have automatic minification after each concatenation.
Short answer: There's no good tool for this yet. Your best option is to extend your existing Cakefile with a line like
fs.watchFile 'concatenated.js', ->
exec 'uglifyjs concatenated.js'
(To install UglifyJS, run npm install uglify-js.)
Now, this won't solve the problem of ensuring that your scripts are concatenated in a sensible order. (For instance, if you have window.templates = {} in file A and templates.userpane = in file B, then it's very important that file A be concatenated before file B.) For that, you should keep an eye on Sprockets, which lets you indicate at the top of each JS file what its dependencies are, then combine them in an order that respects those dependencies. The creator of Sprockets, Sam Stephenson, is an active member of the CoffeeScript community, and first-class support for CoffeeScript in Sprockets is coming in Sprockets 2 (repo here).
Update: Here's a Cake task to do the actual reading and concatenating of everything in the template directory:
templateJs = ''
files = fs.readdirSync 'template'
for file in files
contents = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf8'
name = file.replace /\..*/, '' # remove extension
templateJs += "window.#{name} = '#{contents}';"
Then prepend your concatenated JS with templateJs. Note that this assumes that there are no single quotes (') in the template. Either put backslashes in front of them or consistently use double quotes.