SSRS divide sum by a field - ssrs-2008

I'm trying to build a report which basically reports the number of closed incidents that a property has done in a given month then divide it by the number of beds in that property.
The number of incidents is calculated from the incidents table based on the month and the property then the number of rooms is obviously static per property.
The tables that I have a:
Incident: No_ which is the ID, PropertyID, Created_DateTime, Closed_DateTime, Status.
Property: ID, Name, No_of_Rooms
I tried this code in a calculated field but it errors saying that you can't use an aggregated column, which I thought it might:
=Sum(Fields!No_.Value, "Incidents")/Fields!No_of_Rooms.Value
I'm sure this will be simple but I can't find what to search to find the answer.

If this on the 'Details' level of the report and is commonly the lowest level. You may want this instead:
=(Fields!No_.Value / Fields!No_of_Rooms.Value)
If it is on a parent group I am guessing you just are listing a single instance and it wants an aggregate. In that case:
= (Sum(fields!No_.Value) / Sum(Fields!No_of_Rooms.Value))
This would perform aggregation on an aggregation. You do not need to do this (Fields!(thing).Value, "DataSet") if everything is in the same Dataset, if not then you do. Generally if are in the table or object that your dataset is referencing it knows that part implicitly without being listed.

Your formula will work but only if placed in the tablix but for performance this should be calculated in the query if possible.


Tableau KPI prev value depending on variable

am trying to get Previous Sum(of someField) based on a variable value which is an Id.
This is not a table, Im doing a KPI
On Qlik you would do something like:
SUM({<Id={"$(=Max(vVariable),-1))"}>} someField)
But I can not achieve it on Tableau, off course is due to my lack of knowledge, unfortunatelly time is tinking at work and wanted to see if anyone has any input!
Assuming you may use a sample input like the Superstore (using sales as metric), this could be what you're looking for:
In red you can see your "variable" which allows you to select a value and in blue you'll find the unique row for the previous value (Order ID sorted).
The first thing you need to to do is creating a parameter based on all the Order ID values:
Then things start to get a bit complicated if you're not familiar with LOD (Level of details) and the order of execution in Tableau, especially for filters.
Assuming that you can get some information on your own (otherwise, feel free to ask), the first thing you nee to to do is to "pre-calculate" the equivalent of a table having a rowe for each Order ID, in which you also have the previous Order ID value.
You can achive this combining Fixed (LOD) and Lookup function, creating this Calculated Field "Lookup Order ID":
LOOKUP( max({ FIXED [Order ID] : MAX([Order ID])}),1)
This is actually just a calculated field that you want to "fix" because you need the filter to act after you have made that previous calculus, and then you shift your data by 1 row backward.
Once you've done that, you just nee to create another calculated field in order to test your parametric value, and it could be something like this "check param":
[Lookup Order ID] = [Order ID param]
Moving this calculated field in the filter section and selecting just "true" values, you'll get that unique rows like in the initial image, showing the previous value (blue) related to the one you select in the parameter drop-down menu (red).

Crystal reports - Can't filter on custom formula number field

Crystal reports don't let me use a custom count formula field to filter which transactions to show in a manager report.
I'm creating a Crystal report that team leaders are supposed to take out to see on how many occasions their employees have reported in sick. A record is only supposed to show if that person has reported in sick 6 or more times the last 12 months.
The report shows a record (a page) for each employee belonging to the managers organisational unit. Below the employee information is a subreport where I show the transactions from the salary/time system. Using select expert, I have filtered out the transactions that is supposed to show. I have then created a database field that count which day was 12 months back from today, and filtered so that only the transactions falling into this period shows.
My last problem is that I only want to show the record that has a minimum of 6 such transactions during the period. I created a formula field named #Antal ("amount" in Swedish) that simply counts the distinct number of dates in the "from"-date for the salary transactions I'm showing (since a change of law 2019-01-01 we needed to create a new transaction type, so some of the occasions after 2019 may have two transactions referring to one sick leave, thus I'm counting the first day of the period instead), DistinctCount ({P_LSTAT.P_SXXX06})
Now, the subreport has a new column with Antal (amount) that counts the amount of the desired salary transaction. I then try to use the selection formula to only show records where {#Antal} >= 6 but I get the following error:
This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later
Is there any other (better) way of doing this, or am I simply missing something?
For your selection based on {#Antal} >= 6 you need to use the group selection formula, not the record selection formula. Record selection is used to select records which meet the criteria before reading in the data. Group selection is used to filter out entire groups of records based on summarised values, after the records have been read in and the summaries calculated - which sounds like exactly what you need here.
The value of a Formula Field is out of scope when the Select Expert is evaluated.
There is no process for calculating the value of a Formula Field before it is printed within the section of the report it is placed. The Select Expert is evaluated prior to any section of the report being printed, so at this time all Formula Fields are effectively Nothing.

Crystal Reports: Accessing printed records

I've been working on a report that uses subreports to print records.
The problem is: for the same information, there may be several records - i.e.:
There may be several records for the same product if those records differ in one single column. My goal here is to make a Record Selection Formula that says: "if that item is already shown, then don't show it once again."
I've tried to use (shared) variables for this, but can't seem to find the way, because of the evaluation time.
Selection formulas are already being used to apply some filtering criteria. The column that may differ between two ocurrences of the same record is not always the same, so using a simple Selection Formula is not likely to work...
Any suggestions?
I used the record selection to tell the report:
"Show me all the products according to these criteria (warehouse=parameter1 and category=parameter2 for example)".
But there may be more than one record for the same product of the same category and inside the same warehouse, if one or more fields are different (for example, different price, different lot)
I want not to display those repetitions.
Your approach is wrong... Record Selection Forumula is something that is applied at report level not on the row level or column level.
If you requirement is not to show the records that duplicates then you need to write the supress condition for those, As per your requirement apply supress condition to the rows or columns.

SSRS 2008 limiting scope based on expression

I have a fairly simple problem, but I don't think I understand SSRS and scopes well enough to figure this out.
What I have is a case (one entity) that can have multiple appointments (another entity). Appointments have a date and a status. I want to display the next soonest appointment date and its status. To display the date I'm using
=Min(IIf(Fields!appt_start.Value > Globals!ExecutionTime, Fields!appt_start.Value, Nothing))
The idea is that I first pick only those appointments that occur in the future, and then grab the soonest one. It seems to work great.
Now, I need to apply the same filtering logic, but display the appointment status rather than the date. From my understanding, this is where scopes would come in. I could limit my scope to just the appointment I want, and then show its status. But I don't understand how to do that.
One way to go about this particular problem would be to use a filter in combination with the First function. Add a filter to the table to only show dates greater than the current day. Use a table row with no grouping and use expressions like this:
Another option would be to add calculated fields to the dataset to only populate values such as status when the date is greater than the current day. This is useful if you need to show more information later on.
Edit: Yes, you would want to sort the data by date for the First function to work right. You can actually filter at 3 different levels in SSRS. Right-click on your dataset and go to Dataset Properties. Click on Filters. Click Add. Fill in the expression, operator, and value to meet your need. You can also do this in the group properties or the table properties.

add extra column value to a column sum

I have the following issue: I have a report that uses a Dataset as its datasource. The dataset has two tables, one would be the main table, say Employee, and the second table is EmployeePaycheck, so an employee can have several paychecks. I can compute the sum of a column in the second table, say paycheckValue, but what I can't seem to do is also add to this computed field the value of some additional fields in the Employee table, such as ChristmasBonus or YearlyBonus, to see how much the employee was paid at the end of the year.
Without knowing more information on this it will be difficult to answer, but I'll give you a couple things to look for.
First, I would make sure that the fields are of a similar type that will allow for a summary. For example, if one is a string then a summary wouldn't be able to be done without casting or convertingthe value to a number. I'm assuming that the fields are probably number or decimal columns so that is probably not the case.
I'd also check to make sure that none of the values that you are trying to sum are null. I haven't tested this, but I believe that it will not sum correctly if one of the rows has a null value. In this scenario you should just be able to use a formula field to check for the null and if the field is null return 0 instead. Then you can use the formula field in your calculations instead of the field itself.
If neither of these are the case please provide a little more info how you are computing the fields and what is happening when you do it.
Hope this helps.