Use iPhone 5 for Retina 3,5" debugging - iphone

I recently gave my iPhone 4 to a friend so I don't have a Retina 3,5" Device anymore.
I wondered if theres a way without much tweaking the app code to get the 3,5" Version on the iPhone 5(like an App which isn't optimized).

If you do not include (or temporarily remove) Default-568h#2x.png if will run as a 3,5" app.

The simplest way would be to test on the iPhone simulator and change the hardware from retina 4 inch to retina 3.5 inch!
Or ask your friend to borrow their phone and test it on the device which involves certificates so it's slightly more inconvenient.
Either way, it's not too hard to test on multiple devices. Additionally, if you have an iPod touch that is older than the 5th generation, that works too.
Generally you can purchase, cheaply, used iPod touches online to use for development testing. Good luck!


Is it good to buy iPhone Se for App Development?

I m planning to purchase iPhone device for iOS development. And my pocket budget is too less... :(. So if i purchase iPhone SE, then is it work for me. Like, can app developed on iPhone SE will run perfectly on iPhone 6, 6s, 7 etc.
I m really confused so please help me to sort out this issue.
can app developed on iPhone SE will run perfectly on iPhone 6, 6s, 7
Testing whether your interface is laid out correctly on different screen sizes can be done using the Simulator. However, it's best to test also on a device, as a device can do things the Simulator cannot do, and things like memory and speed and energy usage can only be tested on a device.
Most developers have just one device, or perhaps two, an iPhone and an iPad. You should get a device with any features you intend to use in your app and that cannot be tested in the Simulator; for example, if you're going to use 3D touch, or the barometer, an iPhone SE isn't going to do you any good, because it lacks those features. But if you're willing to exclude features you cannot test, you should be fine with an SE.

Is it possible to restrict an application to only run on iPhone 4 and higher?

I have an iPad game and I'm attempting to port it to the iPhone, but it is very graphically heavy and I would rather not have to make an iPhone 4 and a non-Retina (iPhone 3GS, etc.) version for the game.
Is it possible to restrict the download to just the iPhone 4 users? If not does anyone have another suggestion for this?
Take a look at UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities. To limit to just the iPhone 4 and 4S you could ask for the front-facing-camera capability. But have a look through the capabilities as another might suit you better. Maybe opengles-2 capability if your game is using OpenGL then that might be the exact one you want?

Testing for bugs on Apple devices that you do not own

I'm starting to send out a beta version of my app for users to test. One came back and told me that the app crashes on her iPod Touch (2nd Gen). How do I debug for this considering I don't own one. All I have is the iPhone 4, yet there 9 other devices (each generation of iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad) that I would like my app to run on. Any advice?
There is no iPod Touch hardware option in the simulator. Should I just assume that it is treated as an iPhone?
Hoptoad App is great for this. You can sign up for free for up to 1 project, and the implementation is very easy.
For starters get the crash logs from your users' devices and try to debug based on those. Not a big help in testing on devices you don't have, I know, but at least you'll be able to figure out what crashed on each device your beta testers have...
You could try Apple's IOS simulator.
To set the iOS release used in the
simulation environment, choose
Hardware > Version, and choose the
version you want to test on.

Are IPhone apps guaranteed to work on iPod touch?

Since, I don't have the iPod touch simulator in xcode, and I don't have an iPod touch device there's not much of a way for me to test my app on this device. Since it works on iPhone 3gs and iPhone 4 can I safely assume it works on the iPod touch too?
In short, yes, it should work just fine.
You need to think about things that aren't in the iPod touch. You won't be able to send a text from the device so you need to conditionally code for it. As long as you're smart about it, you can easily code for both devices without having to own both. I would suggest getting one though, even last year's model. It's worth the investment and reassurance.
I don't think anyone can give that warranty. It all depends on how the app is implemented. There are certain differences between the iPhone type and the iPod Touch and as long as you code the app defensively (i.e. taking care that features that are not available can be overcome) you'll be ok.
The two most obvious ones are:
not all iPod touches have all features present in the latest incarnation
the iPhones are always connected
the iPhone 4 has a second camera - for example, a mirror-like app won't work on anything else than iPhone 4 and latest iPod touch
The best thing you might want to do in your case is to run the app on an iPhone in Airplane Mode.
Also, might be worth looking around for a previous generation version - you can get good deals in the Apple Refurbished Store.

What should I buy iPad or iPhone 4 for iPhone SDK 4?

Now, I'm developing on iPhone SDK3 and iPodTouch 2G. iPodTouch 2G can't do full function of iOS4. I want to change iPhone SDK4 development.In july, iPhone 4 and iPad will available in singapore. So, What should I buy iPad or iPhone 4 for iPhone SDK 4 ?
What different between iPad API and iPhone 4 API ?
How about market ?
Can I write iPhone app with iPad ?
Each version of the OS has the same API for all devices, but some of them don't support all all features. For example, the UIImagePickerController allows the user to select a photo. On an iPhone, they can take a picture with the camera or pick an existing photo from their Photo Library. With iPad and iPod Touch, there is no camera, so the user could only pick a picture from their Photo Library.
If you are relying on hardware features such as camera, compass, gyroscope, accelerometer for your application, you'd need a device that has this feature as the emulator does not them.
iPhone 4 has all of the hardware features of all iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices. Buying an iPhone 4 with or without contract is going to cost some money, but if you're developing an application you can recover the cost with sales of your app or iAd revenue.
If your application does not need specific hardware, then the best choice for you is going to depend on cost and whether you will use the device each day. A second-hand iPhone 3GS will do almost all iOS 4.0 features except front-facing camera and gyroscope.
The iPad runs iOS 3.2 currently. Apple has said that 4.0 won't be available for the iPad until "Fall" (aka Autumn). So if you want to test 4.0 apps in July on a real device (not just the simulator), you'll need an iPhone 3GS or 4.
I'm not experiences in ObjectiveC but I guess it really depends of what you want to do. You can do everything in the emulator so I guess you want the real devices to do proper testing over your applications. The only difference between both is that iPad doesn't have the new 6 axis acelerometer and doesn't have frontal camera. Apart from that the API should be the same (removing the support for phone calls oviously). I dont know what apple is going to do about games and so on but I guess the solution will be the same than between 3gs Iphone and IPad. Since the Ipad screen resolution is still bigger than the new Iphone one, you should be able to run any iPhone application (even the new ones) in your IPad (unless they use frontal camera or any other functionality not present in the iPad).
In resume, If you only want the device for development I whould buy an IPad since you can develop and test IPad and IPhone applications, so it is much more versatile. If you have an IPhone forget about testing IPad apps since you have not enough resolution.
Hope it helps.