VDM++ language semicolon - vdm++

I am reading a manual of VDM++ language. My question is this in some cases he use ";" at the end of statement and somewhere in the same statement he is not using ";".
Below is the example
public Top : () ==> Elem
Top() ==
return (hd stack);
if test
then OpCall()
else return FunCall()

Semi-colons are separators in VDM, rather than terminators as they are in Java and C. So you need the semi-colon where two things are in sequence, such as two definitions or two statements. But you do not need the separator if there is only one thing in the "block".
So your first example may need the trailing semi-colon if another definition follows, but not if "Top" is the last definition in the class/module.
Your second example does not need a semi-colon after OpCall() because it is a single statement in a "then" clause. You might need a semi-colon after the FunCall() if this if/then/else was followed by another statement, but not otherwise.
Having said this, the VDMJ parser is forgiving and will allow spurious semi-colons in some places, even though they are strictly not required.


What characters are allowed in the name of a rule in Drools?

I haven't been able to find in Drools documentation, which characters (beyond alphabet letters) are allowed/disallowed in a rule name in Drools - does anyone know or have a reference?
The only relevant section of Drools doc I've found so far does not specify:
Each rule must have a unique name within the rule package. If you use the same rule name more than once in any DRL file in the package, the rules fail to compile. Always enclose rule names with double quotation marks (rule "rule name") to prevent possible compilation errors, especially if you use spaces in rule names.
I think I have discovered, anecdotally, that some "grouping" characters do not work in rule names (seems rules named with can't be found or aren't included) - or at least, in extension rules (the extended rule seems to work with grouping chars, but not its extension; example below): The grouping chars include parentheses "()", square brackets "[]", and "curly braces" "{}". Although less than & greater than "<>" work, so I'm so far replacing the former with the latter.
Or are there escape chars for the problematic grouping chars?
rule "(grouping chars, and commas, work here)"
// conditions LHS
// removing parentheses, or replacing with < >,
// from below line works
rule "(grouping chars DON'T work here)"
extends "(grouping chars, and commas, work here)"
// consequences RHS
I haven't discovered either way yet with all other characters (for example, other punctuation; except I have discovered commas "," work). But it would be nice to know ahead of time what characters are allowed.
Theoretically every identifier inside a string should work, but you might have empirically found some combination that is breaking the grammar somehow.
Thanks for the investigation, I've filled a Jira, please take a look at it

Flex: easy way to see if a line has any content?

Among many rules in my Altair BASIC Flex file is this one:
return '\n';
++statements; is not actually correct - in theory the line might be empty (due to bad data in the .BAS file for instance) and thus not have any statements on that line. So is there any way to know if there's any tokens in front of the \n since the last \n? I know you can do this with the BEGIN() et all, but that seems like a LOT of work for a simple problem! Is there an easier way?
It's easy to match a blank line, although I'm not sure that's really what you're looking for.
The first pattern matches a line which only contains space and tab characters (adjust as necessary to match other whitespace). The second pattern matches the same whitespace when it's not at the beginning of a line. (Actually, it would match the whitespace anywhere, but at the beginning of a line, the first pattern wins.)
^[ \t]*\n ;
[ \t]*\n { ++num_statements; return '\n'; }
Instead of counting lines yourself, I suggest you use %option yylineno so flex will count them for you. (In yylineno.)

How to escape string while matching pattern in PostgreSQL

I want to find rows where a text column begins with a user given string, e.g. SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'rob%' but "rob" is unvalidated user input. If the user writes a string containing a special pattern character like "rob_", it will match both "robert42" and "rob_the_man". I need to be sure that the string is matched literally, how would I do that? Do I need to handle the escaping on an application level or is it a more beautiful way?
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1 and go-pgsql for Go.
The _ and % characters have to be quoted to be matched literally in a LIKE statement, there's no way around it. The choice is about doing it client-side, or server-side (typically by using the SQL replace(), see below). Also to get it 100% right in the general case, there are a few things to consider.
By default, the quote character to use before _ or % is the backslash (\), but it can be changed with an ESCAPE clause immediately following the LIKE clause.
In any case, the quote character has to be repeated twice in the pattern to be matched literally as one character.
Example: ... WHERE field like 'john^%node1^^node2.uucp#%' ESCAPE '^' would match john%node1^node2.uccp# followed by anything.
There's a problem with the default choice of backslash: it's already used for other purposes when standard_conforming_strings is OFF (PG 9.1 has it ON by default, but previous versions being still in wide use, this is a point to consider).
Also if the quoting for LIKE wildcard is done client-side in a user input injection scenario, it comes in addition to to the normal string-quoting already necessary on user input.
A glance at a go-pgsql example tells that it uses $N-style placeholders for variables... So here's an attempt to write it in a somehow generic way: it works with standard_conforming_strings both ON or OFF, uses server-side replacement of [%_], an alternative quote character, quoting of the quote character, and avoids sql injection:
db.Query("SELECT * from USERS where name like replace(replace(replace($1,'^','^^'),'%','^%'),'_','^_') ||'%' ESCAPE '^'",
To escape the underscore and the percent to be used in a pattern in like expressions use the escape character:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE replace(replace(user_input, '_', '\\_'), '%', '\\%');
As far as I can tell the only special characters with the LIKE operator is percent and underscore, and these can easily be escaped manually using backslash. It's not very beautiful but it works.
regexp_replace('rob', '(%|_)', '\\\1', 'g') || '%';
I find it strange that there is no such functions shipped with PostgreSQL. Who wants their users to write their own patterns?
The best answer is that you shouldn't be interpolating user input into your sql at all. Even escaping the sql is still dangerous.
The following which uses go's db/sql library illustrates a much safer way. Substitute the Prepare and Exec calls with whatever your go postgresql library's equivalents are.
// The question mark tells the database server that we will provide
// the LIKE parameter later in the Exec call
sql := "SELECT * FROM users where name LIKE ?"
// no need to escape since this won't be interpolated into the sql string.
value := "%" + user_input
// prepare the completely safe sql string.
stmt, err := db.Prepare(sql)
// Now execute that sql with the values for every occurence of the question mark.
result, err := stmt.Exec(value)
The benefits of this are that user input can safely be used without fear of it injecting sql into the statements you run. You also get the benefit of reusing the prepared sql for multiple queries which can be more efficient in certain cases.

Force CL-Lex to read whole word

I'm using CL-Lex to implement a lexer (as input for CL-YACC) and my language has several keywords such as "let" and "in". However, while the lexer recognizes such keywords, it does too much. When it finds words such as "init", it returns the first token as IN, while it should return a "CONST" token for the "init" word.
This is a simple version of the lexer:
(define-string-lexer lexer
("in" (return (values :in $#)))
("[a-z]([a-z]|[A-Z]|\_)" (return (values :const $#))))
How do I force the lexer to fully read the whole word until some whitespace appears?
This is both a correction of Kaz's errors, and a vote of confidence for the OP.
In his original response, Kaz states the order of Unix lex precedence exactly backward. From the lex documentation:
Lex can handle ambiguous specifications. When more than one expression can
match the current input, Lex chooses as follows:
The longest match is preferred.
Among rules which matched the same number of characters, the rule given
first is preferred.
In addition, Kaz is wrong to criticize the OP's solution of using Perl-regex word-boundary matching. As it happens, you are allowed (free of tormenting guilt) to match words in any way that your lexer generator will support. CL-LEX uses Perl regexes, which use \b as a convenient syntax for the more cumbersome lex approximate of :
#include <stdio.h>
WC [A-Za-z']
NW [^A-Za-z']
%start INW NIW
<INW>a { printf("'a' in wordn"); }
<NIW>a { printf("'a' not in wordn"); }
All things being equal, finding a way to unambiguously match his words is probably better than the alternative.
Despite Kaz wanting to slap him, the OP has answered his own question correctly, coming up with a solution that takes advantage of the flexibility of his chosen lexer generator.
Your example lexer above has two rules, both of which match a sequence of exactly two characters. Moreover, they have common matches (the language matched by the second is a strict superset of the first).
In the classic Unix lex, if two rules both match the same length of input, precedence is given to the rule which occurs first in the specification. Otherwise, the longest possible match dominates.
(Although without RTFM, I can't say that that is what happens in CL-LEX, it does make a plausible hypothesis of what is happening in this case.)
It looks like you're missing a regex Kleene operator to match a longer token in the second rule.

In emacs, how do I force certain characters to act as end of statement delineators?

I've created a new major mode derived from cc-mode, because I'm using a meta-language that is mostly C-like, but is parsed to generate code automatically.
Say I have something like this:
struct MyNewStruct
int newInt = 32;
[flag, different-flag]
string newString = "foo";
I need the ']' character to effectively be equivalent to the ; or the next line, declaring the string, doesn't indent properly.
I've tried using M-x modify-syntax-entry for ']' and making it both a closing character as well as a punctuation character (according to the GNU manual on syntax tables), but it doesn't look like it's allowed to belong to two character classes simultaneously (unless one of those character classes is a comment). (And if it's just a punctuation character, that causes other problems.)
I can't change the grammar of the meta-language, so adding a semicolon after the close bracket isn't possible.
In this case, the real answer was to pick something that was syntactically closer to my meta-language. csharp-mode already parses the brackets correctly and marks sections enclosed in brackets as statements, not statement-cont.