This is about the 5th time I have deleted all certificates, made new ones, republished, and tried to load. I seem to get the same errors every time. I am sure the provisioning and certificate are for distribution and not development.
It seems only one little section of the adobe help mentions the zipping and unzipping. Is this hackish method really working for people? Is the ipa the only file including in the zipped folder?
When I do this, unzip it, and go into the payload folder I see the file, but it looks like a piece of paper with a big white circle with a line through it. When I try to click on it the mac says, “can’t open this file”
Is this normal? I zipped it and tried uploading but I am still getting these errors:
Unable to extract codesigning entitlements from your application. Please make sure rufood8 is a valid Mach executable that’s properly codesigned.
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an Iphone distribution certificate.
I just compile the IPJSUA and build using xCode 4.3.2, and also run on simulator. But still can't call/send IM.
I'm thinking about limitation for simulator, now I want to deploy into .IPA file and test it using my phone. But I got an error.
If I'm using iPhone Developer Certificate, I got a lot of error like this pic.
If I'm using iPhone Distribution Certificates, I got a error message like this.
No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
Anybody ever try how to make IPJSUA into .IPA files?
What different between iPhone Developer Certificate and iPhone Distribution Certificate?
Here is the picture, I already linked the library, the architectures, and the search path.
I already can make the .IPA file, but still can't make a call or send IM. can you make a call with IPJSUA using your devices/simulator?
UPDATE: Already can call/send IM/add buddy. I will Refer to the new question that I will answer by myself. The step by step of using PJSIP on xCode. Thanks.
If you're just testing it on your own phone, and your phone is registered in the developer portal then there is no need to generate a .IPA file. You can just plug your device into the computer and build it directly onto the device. If however you want to distribute to multiple devices that aren't registered yet(such as friend's devices), i would suggest looking into testflight which simplifies this process, and gives a step by step instruction here on how to create and upload your IPA.
It took me days to get ipjsua running on devices. A couple things I ran into:
Are you linking to all the proper binaries? There's about 20 or so you need to link to, you can check their ipjsua sample app for reference.
Did you add the armv7 and armv6 architectures in your build settings? We had to add both (this was probably back in September of last year when we were building it, for reference)
Are your Library Search Paths and Header Search Paths in build settings correct? For headers we have pjsip/include, pjlib/include, pjlib-util/include, pjnath/include, and pjmedia/include. For Library paths we have all the same (with /lib instead of /include of course)
I'm in the progress of writing a web server script that lets you create custom iOS apps (basically exchanging logos and a few other things). The web server customizes a previously uploaded "shell" .ipa and re-zips the whole container to send it to the user's browser. That is: we customize a previously uploaded .ipa on the web server and let the user download it for submission to the App Store.
The next step would be to re-codesign the whole .ipa - because we changed the .IPA contents and the user must use his own signing identity - so that he can actually upload it to the App Store.
From what I understand, there is a "CodeResources" file which contains some kind of hash for each resource file in the bundle, and the executable contains some kind of embedded signature as well. To generate these, you'd have to use the "codesign" utility on the user's computer, then use Application Loader to submit it to the App Store. Correct so far?
What I'm trying to find out is:
Is there a way to codesign the .ipa on the server (with having the user upload his certificate beforehand), so that he does not have any extra work to do?
If 1) is not possible, is there some kind of tool that allows to re-codesign the .ipa without much hassle? Xcode seems to require some project setup work to do just a bit of code signing - if possible at all.
Are there any alternative ways to codesign the .ipa files for the user - possibly without having to manually do it by hand?
Thanks in advance!
Xcode uses the codesign command line utility to create the CodeResources folder and the digital signature, you can invoke it yourself to sign an app bundle outside of Xcode. You could probably automate this on a server if the server was running Mac OS X; if you're really clever you might be able to figure out how to create the signature yourself using openssl (the signing certificates, etc. are all standard stuff). Or, if you can count on the user having the dev tools installed, provide them with an app that automates the signing for them.
Here's a blog entry describing some of the process (though the use case is a little different).
I don't like to answer my own question, but I want to close this after so long.
We ended up using Xcode's targets and schemes to ease up the generation of many different apps. Since we have a reasonable number of app variants, this seems to be OK for now.
Code signing is a mess and Apple constantly changes the technical process behind it - so it's a moving target and requires a lot of hacking and trial-and-error work.
i developed an app which is meant to read books(pdf book reader).i loaded 25 books(total size of 320MB) into the app using absolute path.all the books are been seen in the simulator and also i can load all the books into my device through xcode(build and run).
my requirement:
when i loaded the above obtained ipa file into the same device or other device which are in ad-hoc distribution using itunes , it is strange that only few books are being seen in the device.
note: i made sure that all the books are present in the .ipa file,i deleted old app in the device which i run via xcode. the device is in ad-hoc distribution.
while code signing i used the iphone developer certificate.
is it necessary to use distribution certificate instead iphone developer certificate which i feel that might be one reason for my problem?
plz anyone suggest me with exact solution to the scenario.
tnx in advance
I know I have seen problems going from simulator to live device. The simulator is not case sensitive, but the device is. Recheck all your actual files in bundle vs what you are requesting when you open the file. They need to match exactly for device, but not so much for simulator.
I would also try seting the apps-Info.plst to have "Application supports iTunes file sharing" on so you could see what is in the documents folder (this is if your moving files in that area).
One problem might be as RAZ suggested that iPhone is case sensitive, but there could be other problems.
For starters I would check the that ipa does contain everything you think should be there. Take the ipa, change the extension to zip and open it. You'll get a folder containing you're app. Right click the .app and choose show package. You'll now see all the files/resources included in your app. If the files that won't load in the app are there then you'll need to provide more information about the problem.
If they're not you need to make sure xCode knows to copy them to the app resources.
You might have resources that you haven't copied into the project, and you're only referencing the files on your hard disk. Then when you make the .ipa file it's not included. Try re-importing all your resources and select "copy to project".
I am trying to upload my first iOS app to iTunes Connect, but I am unable to do this because every time I try to upload it, I receive the following error from Application Loader:
The binary you uploaded was invalid.
The signature was invalid, or it was
not signed with an Apple submission
I have followed the instructions on the Apple website to the best of my ability. I have noticed that the .mobileprovision file that should be in my built .app file is missing - does anyone know what would cause this particular part of the problem to happen? I suspect it could be the root cause.
Moreover, does anyone have any other suggestions as to how I might correct this issue?
on the agent account in
You must create a distribution certificate
You must also create a Distribution Provisioning Profile.
Download both of these and drag them onto xcode.
In the target info for your project you need to go to the code signing section and make sure you have selected your distribution profile.
Another thing you may need to do is create an entitlements file, declare this under 'code signing entitlements' as described on the apple page here
I tried to upload my iPhone application to the App store, but received the following error: The binary you uploaded was invalid. The icon file must be in .png format.
The icon file IS in .png format, size 57x57, so assumed it is a bug and tried to upload with Application Uploader, when I got another error:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.
I followed every single step, and it is not working... it is driving me crazy! Please advise what should I do!
First, check that the icon file is in .png format, rather than .PNG format.
Second, take some deep breaths, look out a window for a few minutes, and then go back over the steps to upload your iPhone application.
Many people were confusing (like me) modifying the code signing property of XCode.
You must ensure that your code signing identity property start with
iPhone Distribution : Developer Name
instead of
iPhone Developer : Developer Name
PS : If you have no option start with iPhone distribution, you didn't get production certificate yet.
Since you haven't mentioned anything regarding the fact that you did sign the code, I'm going to assume you didn't.
You'll need to get your application code signed in order for it to be accepted, so that the phone knows it's from a trusted developer, and not just a virus someone has uploaded.
Do you have a code signing certificate?