Entity Framework and calling context.dispose() - entity-framework

When should one call DbContext.dispose() with entity framework?
Is this imaginary method bad?
public static string GetName(string userId)
var context = new DomainDbContext();
var userName = context.UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
return userName;
Is this better?
public static string GetName(string userId)
string userName;
using(var context = new DomainDbContext()) {
userName = context.UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
return userName;
Is this even better, that is, should one NOT call context.Dispose() when using using()?
public static string GetName(string userId)
string userName;
using(var context = new DomainDbContext()) {
userName = context.UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
return userName;

In fact this is two questions in one:
When should I Dispose() of a context?
What should be the lifespan of my context?
Never 1. using is an implicit Dispose() in a try-finally block. A separate Dispose statement can be missed when an exception occurs earlier. Also, in most common cases, not calling Dispose at all (either implicitly or explicitly) isn't harmful.
See e.g. Entity Framework 4 - lifespan/scope of context in a winform application. In short: lifespan should be "short", static context is bad.
1 As some people commented, an exception to this rule is when a context is part of a component that implements IDisposable itself and shares its life cycle. In that case you'd call context.Dispose() in the Dispose method of the component.

I followed some good tutorials to use EF and they don't dispose the context.
I was a bit curious about that and I noticed that even the well respected Microsoft VIP don't dispose the context. I found that you don't have to dispose the dbContext in normal situation.
If you want more information, you can read this blog post that summarizes why.

Better still:
public static string GetName(string userId)
using (var context = new DomainDbContext()) {
return context.UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
No need to return the result from outside the using scope; just return it immediately and you'll still get the desired disposal behavior.

You can define your database context as a class field, and implement IDisposable. Something like below:
public class MyCoolDBManager : IDisposable
// Define the context here.
private DomainDbContext _db;
// Constructor.
public MyCoolDBManager()
// Create a new instance of the context.
_db = new DomainDbContext();
// Your method.
public string GetName(string userId)
string userName = _db.UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
return userName;
// Implement dispose method.
// NOTE: It is better to follow the Dispose pattern.
public void Dispose()
_db = null;

As Daniel mentioned, you don't have to dispose the dbContext.
From the article:
Even though it does implement IDisposable, it only implements it so you can call Dispose as a safeguard in some special cases. By default DbContext automatically manages the connection for you.
public static string GetName(string userId) =>
new DomainDbContext().UserNameItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);

One might want to dispose of the context in some cases.
On the simplistic terms of the OP example, the using keyword is enough.
So when do we need to use dispose?
Look at this scenario: you need to process a big file or communication or web-service-contract that will generate hundreds or thousands of BD records.
Adding (+400) thousands or hundreds of entities in EF is a pain for performance: Entity framework performance issue, saveChanges is very slow
The solution is described very well on this site: https://entityframework.net/improve-ef-add-performance
TL;DR - I implemented this and so I ended up with something like this:
/// <summary>
/// Convert some object contract to DB records
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objs"></param>
public void SaveMyList(WCF.MyContract[] objs)
if (objs != null && objs.Any())
var context = new DomainDbContext();
int count = 0;
foreach (var obj in objs)
// Create\Populate your object here....
UserNameItems myEntity = new UserNameItems();
///bla bla bla
// https://entityframework.net/improve-ef-add-performance
if (count % 400 == 0)
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0); // let the system breathe, other processes might be waiting, this one is a big one, so dont use up 1 core for too long like a scumbag :D
context = new DomainDbContext();
context = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(string.Format("{0}-{1}", "Ups! something went wrong :( ", ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.ToString() : ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;


AspNet Boilerplate Parallel DB Access through Entity Framework from an AppService

We are using ASP.NET Zero and are running into issues with parallel processing from an AppService. We know requests must be transactional, but unfortunately we need to break out to slow running APIs for numerous calls, so we have to do parallel processing.
As expected, we are running into a DbContext contingency issue on the second database call we make:
System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context
before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different
threads using the same instance of DbContext, however instance members are
not guaranteed to be thread safe. This could also be caused by a nested query
being evaluated on the client, if this is the case rewrite the query avoiding
nested invocations.
We read that a new UOW is required, so we tried using both the method attribute and the explicit UowManager, but neither of the two worked.
We also tried creating instances of the referenced AppServices using the IocResolver, but we are still not able to get a unique DbContext per thread (please see below).
public List<InvoiceDto> CreateInvoices(List<InvoiceTemplateLineItemDto> templateLineItems)
List<InvoiceDto> invoices = new InvoiceDto[templateLineItems.Count].ToList();
ConcurrentQueue<Exception> exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();
Parallel.ForEach(templateLineItems, async (templateLineItem) =>
XAppService xAppService = _iocResolver.Resolve<XAppService>();
InvoiceDto invoice = await xAppService
invoices.Insert(templateLineItems.IndexOf(templateLineItem), invoice);
catch (Exception e)
if (exceptions.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
return invoices;
How can we ensure that a new DbContext is availble per thread?
I was able to replicate and resolve the problem with a generic version of ABP. I'm still experiencing the problem in my original solution, which is far more complex. I'll have to do some more digging to determine why it is failing there.
For others that come across this problem, which is exactly the same issue as reference here, you can simply disable the UnitOfWork through an attribute as illustrated in the code below.
public class InvoiceAppService : ApplicationService
private readonly InvoiceItemAppService _invoiceItemAppService;
public InvoiceAppService(InvoiceItemAppService invoiceItemAppService)
_invoiceItemAppService = invoiceItemAppService;
// Just add this attribute
[UnitOfWork(IsDisabled = true)]
public InvoiceDto GetInvoice(List<int> invoiceItemIds)
ConcurrentQueue<InvoiceItemDto> invoiceItems =
new ConcurrentQueue<InvoiceItemDto>();
ConcurrentQueue<Exception> exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();
Parallel.ForEach(invoiceItemIds, (invoiceItemId) =>
InvoiceItemDto invoiceItemDto =
catch (Exception e)
if (exceptions.Count > 0) {
AggregateException ex = new AggregateException(exceptions);
Logger.Error("Unable to get invoice", ex);
throw ex;
return new InvoiceDto {
Date = DateTime.Now,
InvoiceItems = invoiceItems.ToArray()
public class InvoiceItemAppService : ApplicationService
private readonly IRepository<InvoiceItem> _invoiceItemRepository;
private readonly IRepository<Token> _tokenRepository;
private readonly IRepository<Credential> _credentialRepository;
private Token _token;
private Credential _credential;
public InvoiceItemAppService(IRepository<InvoiceItem> invoiceItemRepository,
IRepository<Token> tokenRepository,
IRepository<Credential> credentialRepository)
_invoiceItemRepository = invoiceItemRepository;
_tokenRepository = tokenRepository;
_credentialRepository = credentialRepository;
public void Initialize()
_token = _tokenRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
_credential = _credentialRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
// Create an invoice item using info from an external API and some db records
public async Task<InvoiceItemDto> CreateAsync(int id)
// Get db record
InvoiceItem invoiceItem = await _invoiceItemRepository.GetAsync(id);
// Get price
decimal price = await GetPriceAsync(invoiceItem.Description);
return new InvoiceItemDto {
Id = id,
Description = invoiceItem.Description,
Amount = price
private async Task<decimal> GetPriceAsync(string description)
// Simulate a slow API call to get price using description
// We use the token and credentials here in the real deal
await Task.Delay(5000);
return 100.00M;

How to ensure proxies are created when using the repository pattern with entity framework?

I have this method in my SurveyController class:
public ActionResult AddProperties(int id, int[] propertyids, int page = 1)
var survey = _uow.SurveyRepository.Find(id);
if (propertyids == null)
return GetPropertiesTable(survey, page);
var repo = _uow.PropertySurveyRepository;
propertyids.Select(propertyid => new PropertySurvey
//Setting the Property rather than the PropertyID
//prevents the error occurring later
//Property = _uow.PropertyRepository.Find(propertyid),
PropertyID = propertyid,
SurveyID = id
.ForEach(x => repo.InsertOrUpdate(x));
return GetPropertiesTable(survey, page);
The GetPropertiesTable redisplays Properties but PropertySurvey.Property is marked virtual and I have created the entity using the new operator, so a proxy to support lazy loading was never created and it is null when I access it. When we have access direct to the DbContext we can use the Create method to explicitly create the proxy. But I have a unit of work and repository pattern here. I guess I could expose the context.Create method via a repository.Create method and then I need to remember to use that instead of the new operator when I add an entity . But wouldn't it be better to encapsulate the problem in my InsertOrUpdate method? Is there some way to detect that the entity being added is not a proxy when it should be and substitute a proxy? This is my InsertOrUpdate method in my base repository class:
protected virtual void InsertOrUpdate(T e, int id)
if (id == default(int))
// New entity
// Existing entity
context.Entry(e).State = EntityState.Modified;
Based on the answer supplied by qujck. Here is how you can do it without having to employ automapper:
Edited to always check for proxy - not just during insert - as suggested in comments
Edited again to use a different way of checking whether a proxy was passed in to the method. The reason for changing the technique is that I ran into a problem when I introduced an entity that inherited from another. In that case an inherited entity can fail the entity.e.GetType().Equals(instance.GetType() check even if it is a proxy. I got the new technique from this answer
public virtual T InsertOrUpdate(T e)
DbSet<T> dbSet = Context.Set<T>();
DbEntityEntry<T> entry;
if (e.GetType().BaseType != null
&& e.GetType().Namespace == "System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies")
//The entity being added is already a proxy type that supports lazy
//loading - just get the context entry
entry = Context.Entry(e);
//The entity being added has been created using the "new" operator.
//Generate a proxy type to support lazy loading and attach it
T instance = dbSet.Create();
instance.ID = e.ID;
entry = Context.Entry(instance);
//and set it's values to those of the entity
e = instance;
entry.State = e.ID == default(int) ?
EntityState.Added :
return e;
public abstract class ModelBase
public int ID { get; set; }
I agree with you that this should be handled in one place and the best place to catch all looks to be your repository. You can compare the type of T with an instance created by the context and use something like Automapper to quickly transfer all of the values if the types do not match.
private bool mapCreated = false;
protected virtual void InsertOrUpdate(T e, int id)
T instance = context.Set<T>().Create();
if (e.GetType().Equals(instance.GetType()))
instance = e;
//this bit should really be managed somewhere else
if (!mapCreated)
Mapper.CreateMap(e.GetType(), instance.GetType());
mapCreated = true;
instance = Mapper.Map(e, instance);
if (id == default(int))
context.Entry(instance).State = EntityState.Modified;

EF: How to enclose context object in a using statement?

Let's say I have the following classes Customer.cs, a context OfficeContext.cs, and a repository OfficeRepository.cs. Knowing that the context use a connection object, so it's advised to enclose it in a using statement:
public List<Customer> GetAllCustomersWithOrders()
using(var oContext = new OfficeContext())
//Code here....
My question is what if I want to re-use some of the code already in the repository? For instance, what if I want to display all the customers that ordered products but didn't receive them yet, do I need to duplicate the code?
public List<Customer> GetCustomersNotReceiveProducts()
using(var oContext = new OfficeContext())
//Re-use GetAllCustomersWithOrders() here???...
But as you can see, each time access a method, I also open instantiate a new context object. Is there any way to deal with that?
What I do is have my repositories implement IDisposable.
Then have two constructors (one default) that instaniates a new context that holds it as a class level variable. And another constructor that takes a context and uses that internally.
The on the dispose of the class the context is disposed (if the current repository instatiated it).
This removes the context out of the method level and moves it to the class level. My functions keep everything in IQueryable so one function can call another function and perform additional refinements before the database it hit.
public class MemberRepository : IDisposable
OfficeContext db;
bool isExternalDb = false;
public MemberRepository()
db = new OfficeContext();
isExternalDb = false;
public MemberRepository(OfficeContext db)
this.db = db;
isExternalDb = true;
public IQueryable<Member> GetAllMembers()
var members= db.Members
return members;
public IQueryable<Member> GetActiveMembers()
var members = GetAllMembers();
var activeMembers = members.Where(m => m.isActive == true);
return activeMembers;
public void Dispose()
if (isExternalDb == false)
Then where I use the repository, I do a using at that level:
using(var memberRepository = new MemberRepository())
var members = memberRepository.GetActiveMembers();

Entity Framework as DAL how to implement Update and Delete correctly

I'm writing a DAL class using EF4.0, I've read
But when I test their code, I meet some problem with the Update and Delete method.
The DAL class all code is below:
public class FriendlinkDA : IDisposable
private EdiBlogEntities context;
public FriendlinkDA()
context = new EdiBlogEntities();
public void Dispose()
public FriendLink GetFriendLink(Guid id)
return context.FriendLink.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);
public void Update(FriendLink model)
// Way 1: (throw exception)
// Way 2:
EntityKey key;
object originalItem;
key = context.CreateEntityKey("FriendLink", model);
if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))
context.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, model);
//context.ApplyPropertyChanges(key.EntitySetName, model);
public void Delete(FriendLink model)
// Way 1:
// Way 2:
//var item = context.FriendLink.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == model.Id);
The extension method is:
public static void SetAllModified<T>(this T entity, ObjectContext context) where T : IEntityWithKey
var stateEntry = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entity.EntityKey);
var propertyNameList = stateEntry.CurrentValues.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata.Select
(pn => pn.FieldType.Name);
foreach (var propName in propertyNameList)
In the application, I am use the DAL like this:
// Delete
using (var optFriendlink = new FriendlinkDA())
var test = optFriendlink.GetFriendLink(new Guid("81F58198-D396-41DE-A240-FC306C7343E8"));
// Update
using (var optFriendlink = new FriendlinkDA())
var testLink = optFriendlink.GetFriendLink(new Guid("62FD0ACF-40C3-4BAD-B438-38BB540A6080"));
testLink.Title = "ABC";
Question 1:
In Delete(), both way 1 and way 2 can work. Which one is better?
Question 2:
In Update(), way 1 give me an exception: The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in an unchanged state.
on this statment: context.Attach(model);
but way 2 is fine.
why is this happening? I also attach the model in Delete(), why Delete() is working fine? how I can write the update correctly?
The exception says it all:
An object can only be reattached when it is in an unchanged state.
You change the object in the code snippet under // Update, so that's why it cannot be re-attached.
As to which method is better. Normally you would get an object from a context, dispose of the context, do something with the object and then use a new context to save the object. In that case using Attach is much more comfortable then getting an object by Id first.

How to manage ObjectContext lifetime correctly in multi-tier application using Entity Framework?

I have seen many examples using Entity Framework in MVC3 applications, they are very simple demos which only have one mvc3 web project with edmx inside it.
So, they can use the best practice for open and close connection by "using" statement:
using(var context = new SchoolEntities())
// do some query and return View with result.
And, It can use lazy load (navigation properties) inside the "using" statment correctly, because the context is not yet
foreach(var item in student.Course)
// do something with the navigation property Course
All things seems to be perfect until it becomes an n-tier application.
I created DAL, BLL, and a MVC3 UI.
The DAL have edmx inside it, and operator classes like SchoolDA.cs:
public class StudentDA()
public Student FindStudent(int studentId)
using(var context = new SchoolContext())
// do query, return a student object.
Then, in the BLL, if I use:
var student = studentDa.FindStudent(103);
then invoke it's navigation property:
I will get an error (of course):
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.
So, I have to change StudentDA.cs like this:
public class StudentDA() : IDisposable
private SchoolEntites context;
public StudentDA()
context = new SchoolEntities();
public void Dispose()
public Student FindStudent(int studentId)
// do query, return a student object.
Then, the BLL will change like this:
public Student FindStudent(int id)
using(var studentDa = new StudentDA())
// this can access navigation properties without error, and close the connection correctly.
return studentDa.FindStudent(id);
All things seem to be perfect again until it meet Update() method.
Now, if I want to update a student object which is taken from BLL.FindStudent(), the context.SaveChanges() will return 0, because the context is already disposed in the BLL.FindStudent(), and nothing will be updated to database.
var optStudent = new StudentBO();
var student = optStudent.FindStudent(103);
student.Name = "NewValue";
Does anyone have idea on how to use EntityFramework in 3 tire application? or how can I manage the context correctly. I will use navigation propertites very often in the web layer, but I can't always remain connection open to consume the server memory.
There are multiple ways to handle EF context's lifetime. In web apps, usually context is unique for an HttpRequest. For example, if you want to handle this manually in a web application and have a per Thread/HttpRequest EF context, you can do so with the following (Code copied from http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/2008/Feb/05/Linq-to-SQL-DataContext-Lifetime-Management):
internal static class DbContextManager
public static DbContext Current
var key = "MyDb_" + HttpContext.Current.GetHashCode().ToString("x")
+ Thread.CurrentContext.ContextID.ToString();
var context = HttpContext.Current.Items[key] as MyDbContext;
if (context == null)
context = new MyDbContext();
HttpContext.Current.Items[key] = context;
return context;
And then you can easily use:
var ctx = DbContextManager.Current
But I suggest you leave the lifetime management to an IoC framework like Autofac, Castle Windsor, or Ninject which automatically handle the creation/disposal of your registered obejcts along with many other features.
Thanks for your answer Kamyar. I came across this whilst looking for a simple strategy to manage the ObjectContext lifetime without having to use an IoC framework, which seems a bit overkill for my needs.
I also came across your other post here, for disposing of the context at the end of the request.
Thought this might be useful for others coming across this, so just posting my implementation of your code here:
Context manager class -
internal static class MyDBContextManager
//Unique context key per request and thread
private static string Key
return string.Format("MyDb_{0}{1}", arg0: HttpContext.Current.GetHashCode().ToString("x"),
arg1: Thread.CurrentContext.ContextID);
//Get and set request context
private static MyDBContext Context
get { return HttpContext.Current.Items[Key] as MyDBContext; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Items[Key] = value; }
//Context per request
public static MyDBContext Current
//if null, create new context
if (Context == null)
Context = new MyDBContext();
HttpContext.Current.Items[Key] = Context;
return Context;
//Dispose any created context at the end of a request - called from Global.asax
public static void Dispose()
if (Context != null)
Global.asax (MVC) -
public override void Init()
EndRequest +=MvcApplication_EndRequest;
private void MvcApplication_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)