Use rebar in emacs? - emacs

There is a defun in .emacs to get erlang project path, how can I execute a shell-command to do the following:
cd *~/erlang-project-folder*
I'm using rebar to build my project, and there is a Makefile to do everything.
I can compile by overriding erlang-compile-function, but I'm not familiar with Emacs Lisp, please help.
Here is my .emacs:
(defun erlang-project-dir ()
(let* ((src-path (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
(pos (string-match "/src/" src-path)))
(if pos (substring src-path 0 (+ 1 pos)) src-path)))
;; there is an error: wrong type argument: commandp
(defun my-inferior-erlang-compile ()
(concat (concat (concat "cd" erlang-project-dir) "; make"))))
(defvar erlang-compile-function 'my-inferior-erlang-compile)

Instead of relying on directory structure, it's better to try to locate the rebar.config file that is in the root of your project. This could be achieved with following code:
(defun my-find-rebar-root ()
(let ((dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory "rebar.config")))
(or dir default-directory)))
and after that you can use this function for compilation:
(defun my-inferior-erlang-compile ()
(let ((default-directory (my-find-rebar-root)))
(compile "make")))
Although, I'm not sure that the make is right command here - maybe it's better to use rebar compile instead?
P.S. I hope, that I'll find some free time, and will finish rebar support in EDE - in this case, it will be the same unified interface for work with projects.


elisp - Get path to file relative to script

Say I am writing an emacs lisp function that interfaces with a file located relative to the file in which the function is defined.
- bin/executable
- foo.el
(defun foo ()
(format "echo '%s' | ./bin/executable"
If I run this from foo.el then it works great. If I invoke the function while editing any other file it doesn't work because the path ain't right.
How can I reliably reference ./bin/executable from within foo.el no matter where the function is invoked?
Use load-file-name variable.
(defconst directory-of-foo (file-name-directory load-file-name))
(defun foo ()
(format "echo '%s' | %s"
(expand-file-name "./bin/executable" directory-of-foo))))
You can use a combination of load-file-name and default-directory. If you only check the former, the file will work if you explicitly load it, but it will not work if you eval it in a buffer.
For example:
(defvar my-directory (if load-file-name
;; File is being loaded.
(file-name-directory load-file-name)
;; File is being evaluated using, for example, `eval-buffer'.
In addition, it might be a good idea to convert the path to an absolute path using expand-file-name.

Waiting on compilation to finish

I am using compile to pull new files from source tree using mercurial "hg pull".
I am performing a save of all buffers before the pull and would like to "refresh all opened buffers" after the compilation "pulling" finishes.
I tried experimenting with compilation-finish-functions but found out that the functions added to the list will be executed after "every" compilation. Since I use compile to search IDs "gid" I don't want to refresh opened files on every search.
How can I wait on compilation to finish before refreshing opened files "only" while inside a command and not on every compile outside of the command.
Here is the code:
; From
(defun compile-pkg (&optional command startdir)
"Compile a package, moving up to the parent directory
containing, if it exists. Start in startdir if defined,
else start in the current directory."
(let ((dirname) (dir-buffer nil))
(setq startdir (expand-file-name (if startdir startdir ".")))
(setq command (if command command compile-command))
(setq dirname (upward-find-file "Makefile" startdir))
; (setq dirname (if dirname dirname (upward-find-file "Makefile" startdir)))
; (setq dirname (if dirname dirname (expand-file-name ".")))
; We've now worked out where to start. Now we need to worry about
; calling compile in the right directory
(setq dir-buffer (find-file-noselect dirname))
(set-buffer dir-buffer)
(compile command)
(kill-buffer dir-buffer)
(defun upward-find-file (filename &optional startdir)
"Move up directories until we find a certain filename. If we
manage to find it, return the containing directory. Else if we
get to the toplevel directory and still can't find it, return
nil. Start at startdir or . if startdir not given"
(let ((dirname (expand-file-name
(if startdir startdir ".")))
(found nil) ; found is set as a flag to leave loop if we find it
(top nil)) ; top is set when we get
; to / so that we only check it once
; While we've neither been at the top last time nor have we found
; the file.
(while (not (or found top))
; If we're at / set top flag.
(if (string= (expand-file-name dirname) "/")
(setq top t))
; Check for the file
(if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name filename dirname))
(setq found t)
; If not, move up a directory
(setq dirname (expand-file-name ".." dirname))))
; return statement
(if found (concat dirname "/") nil)))
(defun compile-hgpull ()
(compile-pkg "hg pull -u")
; if (compile finished) -> (revert-all-buffers)
(global-set-key [f1] 'compile-hgpull)
compile is async. So, you have two choices.
One, don't use compile. Instead use one of the other ways to invoke a shell command, like shell-command or start-process or call-process. I think this is probably preferred; I don't see why you'd need to use compile here.
Two, set compilation-finish-function.
If you want to run a shell-command synchronously, and then see its output, it might be easier to use shell-command-to-string than compile.

Erlang flymake with nested folders in src cannot find includes folder

Sorry for my poor English.
I'm configuring my emacs with erlang flymake. Source files in src's nested folders report 'can't find include file', but files in src/folder can find the include file.
My emacs settings for erlang:
;; erlang-mode
(setq load-path (cons "/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/R15B02/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.6.8/emacs" load-path))
(setq erlang-root-dir "/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/R15B02/lib/erlang")
(setq exec-path (cons "/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/R15B02/lib/erlang/bin" exec-path))
(require 'erlang-start)
;; distel
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/distel/elisp/")
(require 'distel)
;; erlang-flymake
(require 'erlang-flymake)
My erlang application folder is like following:
app/src/ (source code)
app/include/ (hrls)
app/ebin/ (compiled code)
In erlang-flymake there are 2 variables (erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs-function and erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs-function), that specify functions to search include & ebin directories. Right now, they're pointing to the functions erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs and erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs that simply return current dir + include and ebin correspondingly. For example, you can use following code to do this:
(defun get-erlang-app-dir ()
(let* ((src-path (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
(pos (string-match "/src/" src-path)))
(if pos
(substring src-path 0 (+ 1 pos))
(setq erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs-function
(lambda ()
(concat (get-erlang-app-dir) "ebin")))
(setq erlang-flymake-get-code-include-dirs-function
(lambda ()
(concat (get-erlang-app-dir) "include")))
P.S. Are you using rebar to maintain your project?
If you use erlang-flymake you might want to look at It's a syntax checker for Erlang. It uses erlang-flymake under the hood, but instead of `erlc' it uses a custom syntax checker that can evaluate .erl, .hrl, .config, .rel, .app, .app.src, .escript files. The syntax checker is rebar aware, but also works with standard Erlang/OTP directory structure. Emacs's setup is also there.

Using Emacs, is it possible to pin the compilation command to a specific buffer/directory?

Right now I am using the following to compile, when I'm in for example main.cpp
C-x b Makefile RET M-x compile RET RET
I actually have M-x compile as a keyboard shortcut, but the problem is I would really like not having to go through all that trouble to simply run my Makefile.
I need to visit Makefile to make sure the compile command is executed using the same directory. Is there any way to pin the directory so I can simply go M-x compile RET RET?
Best regards
Use recompile instead. C-u M-x recompile will let you edit the compile command first. Either way the compile will work out of the directory the last compile was done in.
See my answer here
Directory local variables provide an easy way to trigger the compile from a parent directory of any source file in a subdirectory.
I run emacs primarily on windows.
When I have a makefile that is in a parent directory of a C module, I use this as the compile command:
cd .. && nmake <arguments here>
for example:
cd .. && nmake CONFIG=Debug PLATFORM=x64 target
Beyond that, I find that specifying the make command line that I want to run for various modules is sort of a pain. I wanted a way to attach the default compile command to the buffer being edited. So I wrote a little elisp to handle that job. I figured to insert into the header comments of each buffer a line that would stipulate my preferred compile command, like this:
compile: cd .. && nmake CONFIG=Debug PLATFORM=x64 target
And then have a piece of elisp run, before I invoke M-x compile that grabs the line and proposes it as the compile command I would like to run.
This defun pulls a line out of the header comments:
(defun cheeso-c-get-value-from-comments (marker-string line-limit)
"gets a string from the header comments in the current buffer.
This is used to extract the compile command from the comments. It
could be used for other purposes too.
It looks for \"marker-string:\" and returns the string that
follows it, or returns nil if that string is not found.
eg, when marker-string is \"compile\", and the following
string is found at the top of the buffer:
compile: cl.exe /I uthash
...then this command will return the string
\"cl.exe /I uthash\"
It's ok to have whitespace between the marker and the following
(let (start search-limit found)
;; determine what lines to look in
(cond ((> line-limit 0)
(goto-char (setq start (point-min)))
(forward-line line-limit)
(setq search-limit (point)))
((< line-limit 0)
(goto-char (setq search-limit (point-max)))
(forward-line line-limit)
(setq start (point)))
(t ;0 => no limit (use with care!)
(setq start (point-min))
(setq search-limit (point-max))))))
;; look in those lines
(let ((re-string
(concat "\\b" marker-string "[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\(.+\\)$")))
(if (and start
(< (goto-char start) search-limit)
(re-search-forward re-string search-limit 'move))
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))))
Ok, now I need something to invoke that before I invoke compile.
(defun cheeso-invoke-compile-interactively ()
"fn to wrap the `compile' function. This simply
checks to see if `compile-command' has been previously set, and
if not, invokes `cheeso-guess-compile-command' to set the value.
Then it invokes the `compile' function, interactively."
((not (boundp 'cheeso-local-compile-command-has-been-set))
(set (make-local-variable 'cheeso-local-compile-command-has-been-set) t)))
;; local compile command has now been set
(call-interactively 'compile))
Then of course, the defun that guesses the compile command:
(defun cheeso-guess-compile-command ()
"set `compile-command' intelligently depending on the
current buffer, or the contents of the current directory."
(set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
;; editing a C-language source file - check for an
;; explicitly-specified command
((string-equal (substring buffer-file-name -2) ".c")
(let ((explicit-compile-command
(cheeso-c-get-value-from-comments "compile" 34)))
(or explicit-compile-command
(concat "nmake " ;; assume a makefile exists
(file-name-sans-extension filename)
;; editing a makefile - just run nmake
((string-equal (substring buffer-file-name -8) "makefile")
"nmake ")
;; something else - do a typical .exe build
(concat "nmake "
(file-name-sans-extension filename)
;; punt
"nmake "))))
The final bit is to bind C-x C-e , normally bound to compile, to the wrapper defun:
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-e" 'cheeso-invoke-compile-interactively)
Now, when I do C-x C-e in the buffer, it searches for the compile command, and proposes to me the command that it finds. I can edit the proposed compile command, then press ENTER and run it.

How can I specify a custom path to the annotation files in tuareg-mode emacs?

Is there anyway to specify the path to the annot files when using tuareg-mode in emacs?
I am trying to find out the type for my functions and the mode complains with
"not annotation file".
My build structure is:
I don't think you can easily configure this: have a look at the caml-types-locate-type-file function in the caml-types.el file in your ocaml installation.
This is the function that searches for .annot files. You can probably edit it to replace the "_build" (which is where ocamlbuild puts the generated files) with obj and be done with that.
A much better option is to define a variable in your .emacs.el, and use it in the caml-types.el file. this way, you could even propose the patch to the ocaml people.
The following code suffices for me: it creates a new customization variable (which I haven't bound to a customization group, but you can if you want), then uses that variable as a list of directories to search.
(defcustom caml-types-annot-directories-search
'("_build" "obj" "../obj")
"List of directories to search for .annot files"
:type '(repeat string)
(defun or-list (f lst)
(if (null lst) nil
(if (apply f (car lst) nil)
(car lst)
(or-list f (cdr lst)))))
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(defun caml-types-locate-type-file (target-path)
(let ((sibling (concat (file-name-sans-extension target-path) ".annot")))
(if (file-exists-p sibling)
(let ((project-dir (file-name-directory sibling))
(test-dir (lambda (prefix)
(message "Prefix is %s" prefix)
(setq type-path
(file-relative-name sibling project-dir)
(expand-file-name prefix project-dir)))
(message "Testing %s" type-path)
(file-exists-p type-path)))
(while (not (or-list test-dir caml-types-annot-directories-search))
(if (equal project-dir (caml-types-parent-dir project-dir))
(error (concat "No annotation file. "
"You should compile with option \"-annot\".")))
(setq project-dir (caml-types-parent-dir project-dir)))
# soft link .annot files so that Emacs' tuareg-mode can find them
mkdir -p _build
for f in `find lib/obj -name *.annot` ; do ln -s ../$f _build/ ; done