I have a document with email body content. I am using Apps Script to fetch the document from URL and send it as an HTML mail.
var url = "address of the document";
var param = {method : "get",
headers : {"Authorization": "Bearer " +ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}, muteHttpExceptions:true,
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,param).getContentText();
emailId, // recipient
tempSubject, // subject
{ // body
htmlBody: html, // advanced options
However, if my document has text like this for example:
username: rml#gmail.com
password : <aSrD9nn
Happy browsing!
In the resultant email, the text after password: is blank. It does not show in the mail body of the email sent. Apparently, it considers < as an opening tag, I think.
Is there a way to solve this? I tried with other text and it works fine.
How do I overcome this problem? Any help will be much appreciated.
I have a GAS script that sends automated emails and would like to include a couple of emojis. I've tried using shortcodes and copying/pasting, but nothing so far seems to have worked. Just wanted to see if there was anything I was missing.
Edit: Here's the code:
var title = rowData.publicationTitle;
var journal = rowData.journalTitle;
var url = rowData.publicationUrl;
//Emoji goes here in the body:
var body = "Hi " + firstName + "!<br><br>I noticed your article <a href='" + url + "'>“" + title + "”</a> was recently published in <i>" + journal + "</i>. Congratulations! This is just a friendly reminder to please upload your original document and a PDF version to our publications app when you have time.<br><br>To upload your publication, you can <a href='http://support.cpes.vt.edu/publishing'>click here</a>.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>🤖 CB<br><br><hr style='background-color: #d8d8d8; border: 0 none; color: #d8d8d8; height: 1px;'><span style='font-size:12px'><b>CPES Publications Reminders</b> | <a href='mailto:leshutt#vt.edu' style='text-decoration:none'>Feedback</a> | <a href='http://support.cpes.vt.edu/publishing' style='text-decoration:none;'>Publication uploads</a></span>";
var emailSubject = "Just a reminder to upload your article!";
var me = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases();
if (emailStatus == "Pending" && emailData !== "No emails found") {
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, emailSubject, body, {
from: aliases[2],
name: "CPES Bot",
htmlBody: body
I've noticed that sending a star ("⭐") works, but the normal smiley ("😊") shows up as a black-and-white, Unicode-esque icon and everything else I've tried are question marks. Can you only use emojis up to a certain Unicode release?
You want to send an email with HTML body including the emoji. If my understanding is correct, how about this modification?
About GmailApp and MailApp :
Unfortunately, GmailApp cannot use the recent emoji characters. At GmailApp
emoji less than Unicode 5.2 can be used for this situation.
emoji more than Unicode 6.0 can NOT be used for this situation.
MailApp can use all versions of emoji.
"⭐" is Unicode 5.1. But "😊" is Unicode 6.0. By this, in your script using GmailApp, you can see the former, but you cannot see the latter. At a sample script of Michele Pisani, the latter is sent using MailApp. So the character is not broken. "🤖" is Unicode 8.0.
Modification points :
So in the case of your script, the modification points are as follows.
Use MailApp instead of GmailApp.
Use Gmail API.
From your comments to Michele Pisani, I worry about that MailApp might not work for your situation. So I would like to also propose the method using Gmail API.
1. Modified your script
Please modify as follows.
From :
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, emailSubject, body, {
To :
MailApp.sendEmail(email, emailSubject, body, {
2. Using Gmail API
In order to use this, please enable Gmail API at Advanced Google Services and API console as follows.
Enable Gmail API v1 at Advanced Google Services
On script editor
Resources -> Advanced Google Services
Turn on Gmail API v1
Enable Gmail API at API console
On script editor
Resources -> Cloud Platform project
View API console
At Getting started, click Enable APIs and get credentials like keys.
At left side, click Library.
At Search for APIs & services, input "Gmail". And click Gmail API.
Click Enable button.
If API has already been enabled, please don't turn off.
If now you are opening the script editor with the script for using Gmail API, you can enable Gmail API for the project by accessing this URL https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/gmail.googleapis.com/overview
Sample script :
function convert(email, aliase, emailSubject, body) {
body = Utilities.base64Encode(body, Utilities.Charset.UTF_8);
var boundary = "boundaryboundary";
var mailData = [
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"To: " + email,
"From: CPES Bot <" + aliase + ">",
"Subject: " + emailSubject,
"Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=" + boundary,
"--" + boundary,
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
"--" + boundary,
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64",
"--" + boundary,
return Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(mailData);
function myFunction() {
// Please declare email and firstName.
var title = rowData.publicationTitle;
var journal = rowData.journalTitle;
var url = rowData.publicationUrl;
//Emoji goes here in the body:
var body = "Hi " + firstName + "!<br><br>I noticed your article <a href='" + url + "'>“" + title + "”</a> was recently published in <i>" + journal + "</i>. Congratulations! This is just a friendly reminder to please upload your original document and a PDF version to our publications app when you have time.<br><br>To upload your publication, you can <a href='http://support.cpes.vt.edu/publishing'>click here</a>.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>🤖 CB<br><br><hr style='background-color: #d8d8d8; border: 0 none; color: #d8d8d8; height: 1px;'><span style='font-size:12px'><b>CPES Publications Reminders</b> | <a href='mailto:leshutt#vt.edu' style='text-decoration:none'>Feedback</a> | <a href='http://support.cpes.vt.edu/publishing' style='text-decoration:none;'>Publication uploads</a></span>";
var emailSubject = "Just a reminder to upload your article!";
var me = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases();
if (emailStatus == "Pending" && emailData !== "No emails found"){
// Added script
var raw = convert(email, aliases[2], emailSubject, body);
Gmail.Users.Messages.send({raw: raw}, "me");
Note :
When you use this sample, Please declare email and firstName.
Please run myFunction().
References :
Advanced Google Services
Gmail API
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.
I tried to copy the emoji (https://www.emojicopy.com/) and paste it directly into the script editor:
and after sending the email I received it in my mailbox:
Be careful that some emoji are one character length (like the star) but other are 2 characters (like the smile) for those with 2 characters you can think of writing immediately after the smile but instead you are writing inside the smile so you break it therefore turns in question mark.
If you try to run this code, you will see that the first has length 2 and the second one has length 1:
If you try to move the pointer (in the apps script editor) on those 2 emoticons, from before to after the emoticon, you will see that in the case of the star just one step but for the smile you need 2 steps.
The easiest complete answer that also works with SMS recipients is this:
function testNewMail() {
to: "yourphonenumbergoeshere#mymetropcs.com",
subject: "Logos",
htmlBody: "😊 hi todd happy day"
Use code points (💎) in the value of your cell and send your message as HTML:
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var value = sheet.getRange("A1").getValue();
from: "sender#example.com",
htmlBody: value
I am looking to write a script with web driver where I need to wait for the notification email and then need to get the URL from link of that email.
Pattern for recognising a URL (based off RFC 3986)
private static final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile(
+ "(([\\w\\-]+\\.){1,}?([\\w\\-.~]+\\/?)*"
+ "[\\p{Alnum}.,%_=?&#\\-+()\\[\\]\\*$~#!:/{};']*)",
//Usage: email content goes as input here..
Matcher matcher = urlPattern.matcher("foo bar http://example.com baz");
while (matcher.find()) {
int matchOffsetStart = matcher.start(1);
int matchOffsetEnd = matcher.end();
// now you have the offsets of a URL match
If you want to read message header like FROM and so on, I would suggest to use Mime4J
Message msg = new Message(new FileInputStream("mime.msg"));
msg.getFrom() would give you from. Similarly you can extract whatever you want.
Refer for more details here
I am collecting the content of an email from an office 365 account using the REST API, and then using this to display the email in a separate web based platform via an iframe (to avoid css conflicts).
However, the embedded images and emoticons all appear as broken images because they are CID embedded.
Here's what I get back from the API...
<img size="96043" contenttype="image/png" id="img295971" tabindex="0" style="max-width: 99.9%; -webkit-user-select: none;" src="cid:1af2f0cb-83b4-46b7-aad6-8ea69256282c">
And here's how it looks if I view the same email in office 365...
<img originalsrc="cid:1af2f0cb-83b4-46b7-aad6-8ea69256282c" data-custom="EAMkADc2ZjU0ZjU5LTVmOTAtNDZiZC05ZTMyLWFmYTBmNTBkMTc2NQBGAAAAAACbfH93Aq8QSYpfwBCQxPfnBwDmFINdPPDZS5lgCNopiLnYAAAAAAEMAADmFINdPPHZS5lgCNopiLnYAABYntBTAAABEgAQAOVziLpVtbxHtEZu7MUJkA0%3D" src="service.svc/s/GetFileAttachment?id=EAMkADc2ZjU0ZjU5LTVmOTAtNDZiZC05ZTMyLWFmYTBmNTBkMTc2NQBGAAAAAACbfH93Aq8QSYpfwBCQxPfnBwDmFINdPPDZS5lgCNopiLnYAAAAAAEMAADmFINdPPHZS5lgCNopiLnYAABYntBTAAABEgAQAOVziLpVtbxHtEZu7MUJkA0%3D&X-OWA-CANARY=Dg0nza5wGEudJBx_zc2m9bCVF8Ea6dIYZGUuP-qzYHeYA49c7Ddf2wAF8k5zVa6hpRn6AhTjnaE." id="img295971" style="display: inline; max-width: 100%;">
Any ideas about what I need to do to get these images to display?
This may not be a complete answer, but it is how we have handled it. #hom nom is right that each image is attached, with it's CID info. However, this doesn't per se give you a direct way to display it. However, the REST data does contain both the AttachmentContent AND the ContentId (CID). So we saved the content to somewhere we could refer to it, then replaced the CID image URL with our local image URL. Would love to hear if anyone had found a better solution.
Fetch the attachments for a message:
private List<Attachment> GetMessageAttachments(string messageId, string recipientId)
IMessageAttachmentsCollectionPage newAttachments = null;
List<Attachment> returnAttachments = new List<Attachment>();
var nextRequest = graphClient.Users[recipientId].Messages[messageId].Attachments.Request();
while (nextRequest != null)
newAttachments = nextRequest.GetAsync().Result;
nextRequest = newAttachments.NextPageRequest;
return returnAttachments;
Get the content of the attachment:
public byte[] GetAttachmentBody(string userId, string messageId, string attachmentId)
string url = $"Users/{userId}/messages/{messageId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/$value";
RestRequest request = new RestRequest(url, Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = restClient.Execute(request);
if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new HttpRequestValidationException($"Invalid response: {response.Content}");
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(response.Content);
Further detail at the MS Graph documentation:
Get Attachments: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/attachment-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
File Attachment: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/fileattachment?view=graph-rest-1.0
You can try to get attachments list using message's id. (Do not worry about HasAttachments => false). You will get all CID Embedded Images files.
I'm implementing a simple email feedback feature in angular app. The mail has predefined mail subject and content template. The angular controller need bring up client email client (like invoke "mailto:foo#bar.com") and fulfill predefined subject, content template. Any body know how to implement it?
Inject $window and use $window.open() method.
Inside controller define...
$scope.sendMail = function(emailId,subject,message){
$window.open("mailto:"+ emailId + "?subject=" + subject+"&body="+message,"_self");
and call it like...
$scope.sendMail("foo#bar.com","Mail Subject","Mail Body Message");
use $window.location:
$window.location = "mailto:..."
This should open new tab for Google mail or email client, depending on users settings.
In Angular JS: Concatenate string in controller like so:
$scope.mailLink = "mailto:" + $scope.emailId + "?subject=" + $scope.Subject + '&body=' + $scope.bodyText;
<a ng-href="{{mailLink}}" target="_blank">Send</a>
location.href works too!
$scope.email = function(item){
location.href= 'mailto:' + $scope.allemails (array) + '?subject=Subject you want';
Note: If you have an array in $scope.allemails, and you will use method .join(', ') - thunderbringer email client will not recognize this as a collection of emails and it will add a new line of 'To:' to every email from that array.