Editor similar to Compare Editor - eclipse

Is there an example showing editor similar to Eclipse Compare Editor (simplified)? I am looking for a way to create an editor which is split in two parts where top part is DSL and bottom is AST of DSL.

The best place to start is the org.eclipse.compare.CompareConfiguration class. After that, you can review usage in org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.TextEditChangePreviewViewer.ComparePreviewer, org.eclipse.compare.internal.CompareEditor/org.eclipse.compare.CompareEditorInput ... There are a lot editors/views in Eclipse which use this stuff.

Looks like direction I should go is to use a Composite like SashForm when creating control in the editor during createPartControl(Composite parent) call.
After playing around with editor, which extends TextEditor, but any editor will do, I came up with this:
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
final SashForm sashForm = new SashForm(parent, SWT.VERTICAL);
sashForm.setLayout(new RowLayout());
Button label2 = new Button(sashForm, SWT.NONE);
And it looks like this:


How to add action item to the coolbar of e4 eclipse rcp application?

I am currently trying to port my eclipse 3 rcp application to e4.The major hurdle I am facing is to use action item which i was using in e3.In eclipse 3 application i was creating action item of coolbar by extending action.The code was looking like below spinets.
public class Testaction extends Action {
private IWorkbenchWindow window;
public Testaction (IWorkbenchWindow window, String string) {
this.window = window;
public void run() {
Do something
was adding it to coolbar through
But with e4 this part seems to be changed and I understand that there we need to have annotation #Execute which will excute the contribution which we will be giving through setcontribuitionuri as below snippet
I just want to know whether I can use my old action class here or i need to port everything to newer style .
Any help on this will be appreciated.Thanks in advance...
e4 does not support Actions for model elements in the Application.e4xmi.
The simplest conversion is to use a Direct ToolItem in the tool bar. However using a Handled ToolItem with a Command and Handler is more flexible.
In either case the Image, Label and Tooltip are specified in the Application.e4xmi.

Use eclipse GMF to create read only diagram

I followed the file system example http://gmfsamples.tuxfamily.org/wiki/doku.php?id=gmf_tutorial1
what I wanted to do is not using the generated editor with its palette.
I created a new plugin with one view and I wanted to create a diagram programatically inside this view to show for instance 2 objects connected with link
I came across this answer GMF display diagram example
but it didn't help me a lot.
in createPartControl of my view I did
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
DiagramGraphicalViewer viewer = new DiagramGraphicalViewer();
RootEditPart root = EditPartService.getInstance().createRootEditPart(diagram);
viewer.setEditPartFactory(new EcoreEditPartProvider());
as in the answer but I didn't know how to get that "diagram" variable
The easiest would be use the same GraphicalViewer for your view and the same diagram as well. Just get your DiagramEditPart from the viewer and call disableEditMode() on it. (Do the appropriate type casting if necessary).

How can I extends GWT

I'm trying extend GWT's MenuItem, in GWT you can only place text there, what i want is place any widget like a button near the text. So I start making a sub class from MenuItem and i get many problem. Many properties are private, I cannot override them, or I must override all function which use these properties as well. And there are many stuff are only in package visiable, so my implementation must follow the original GWT Widget, use the gwt's package structure.
So I think it's not quite easy to extend the GWT Widget, I know there is a Composite class which can pack different Widget together, but that cannot solve all problem. And I don't want to use other 3rd GWT libray like smartGWT or GWTExt, they change alot and are very diffrenet from GWT.
So my question is, is there any good way to extend GWT's widgets?
Something like this?
MenuBar menu = new MenuBar();
Command cmd = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Window.alert("you clicked me");
MenuItem item = new MenuItem("click me", cmd);
item.setHTML("<input type=\"button\" value=\"click\" />What the hell");

How to provide a custom component in the existing Web page Editor Palette

I want to add a new custom component in the Web page Editor Palete named "myHTMLComponent".
So, as soon as user opens any html page with WPE, myHTMLComponentM should be present there.
How can I do the needful, moreover this component will as well need to generate the code changes accordingly. How to achieve the desired result.
Is there any input I can get for this.
I already created standardmetadata tag, but what next!
Finally, I found the solution of the problem.
For adding new categories in the palette, we need to use pagedesignerextension in plugin.xml as following -
Where CustomEditorPaletteFactory will be extending AbstractPaletteFactory. Here in createPaletteRoot(), we can add our category.
public PaletteRoot createPaletteRoot(IEditorInput editorInput){
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = new PaletteRoot();
return paletteRoot;
//return null;
private static PaletteContainer createStandardComponents() {
PaletteDrawer componentsDrawer = new PaletteDrawer("CustomHTMLComponent");
TagToolPaletteEntry paletteEntry = new TagToolPaletteEntry(
new FormPaletteComponent(".....);
return componentsDrawer;
This will create the component category in the palette and we can add as many components as needed using the componentsdrawer.
For adding a new category in the existing one -
Add this in the constructor -
this._paletteContext = PaletteItemManager.createPaletteContext(file);
this._manager = PaletteItemManager.getInstance(_paletteContext);
Then use Palette Grouping like this -
PaletteGroup controls = new PaletteGroup("CUST HTML");
ToolEntry tool = new SelectionToolEntry("CUST Cursor",
//Custom Marquee
controls.add(new MarqueeToolEntry("Marquee", "Marquee Desc"));
controls.add(new PaletteSeparator());
//This class maintins or load all categories features
controls.add(new CustomComponentToolEntry("Custom Component", "Custom Component Descrition",
This really is a good start but I can't find any tutorial or book that get deeper in this matter. For instance, I don't want to replace the default palette but this code does with "new PaletteRoot()" and I lost my HTML tags. Also I want that my new custom components behave as HTML Tags using Drag and Drop, but I don't know how?????????
More Info:
I discovered this code, that was very helpful, whereas file come from ((FileEditorInput)editorInput).getFile()
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = DesignerPaletteRootFactory.createPaletteRoot(file);
This is very interesting topic and I think we are pioneer documenting this feature of eclipse. Here other good point, I want to personalize the tag... e.g. something similiar what I want to achieve is add a tag like "MY TRUEFALSE TAG" and then when is selected and place it in the HTML Designer, I want to become something like <select><option>YES</option><option>NO</option></select> and I guess that I can achieve it by doing something with the tagTransformOperation extension... if you know how to implement it, please let me know. also there is others extensions(tagConverterFactory, elValueResolver). I am guessing here! please I would like your help.
<extension point="org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.pageDesignerExtension">
<paletteFactory ...>
<tagTransformOperation id="plugin.tagTransformOperation1XXXXXX">...
SOLUTION?? (Chinese) -solved with tagConverterFactory

Looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete

I'm looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete / type-ahead, i.e. the user can enter a couple of characters and the drop down list should show all matching elements.
You can also check out the org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.AutoCompleteField class. It's not a combo, just a text field, but it adds auto complete functionality as if it were a combo very easily. You can do something as simple as this:
Text textField = new Text(parentComposite, SWT.BORDER);
new AutoCompleteField(textField, new TextContentAdapter(), new String[]
{"autocomplete option 1", "autocomplete option 2"});
I don't think there is anything like this built into either Combo or ComboViewer.
As thehiatus suggests org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.AutoCompleteField is probably the best place to look for this, however, there is support for Combos:
new AutoCompleteField(combo, new ComboContentAdapter(), new String[]
{"item0", "item1"});
You may be interested in Eclipse's "Content Assist" feature. You can see it in action when using the Eclipse IDE's Java editor. As you edit source code, you will sometimes see a drop-down menu with phrases that complete what you were typing. (Note that you can press Ctrl+Space to force the drop-down menu to be displayed.)
You can implement this in your own SWT/JFace application as well. The "Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse" has an sample application that implements Content Assist. The sample application is a SQL editor, and it is described in Chapter 26, "Building a Custom Text Editor with JFace Text." There's actually an online overview of the chapter here. The sample SQL editor project, com.ibm.jdg2e.editor.jfacetext.sql, can be found here.
On the other hand, if you want to create your own Combo widget and auto-populate it based on input that is being entered, then this might not be very applicable. I'm thinking the org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer might be helpful (though I'm not positive).
Check out: http://sourceforge.net/projects/swtaddons/
I use it in my project (with a little tweak).
It's really dead easy to set this up.
As thanks to paz117's comment, thought I'd share the code to make this work:
String[] proposals = new String[controller.model().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < controller.model().size(); i++)
proposals[i] = controller.model().get(i).getAppropriateName();
comboViewer = new ComboViewer(parent, SWT.NONE);
comboViewer.setContentProvider(new ArrayContentProvider());
comboViewer.setLabelProvider(new AppropriateLabelProvider());
// additionally, configure the comboViewer arbitrary
new AutoCompleteField(comboViewer.getCombo(), new ComboContentAdapter(), proposals);
The only minor nuisance is that you have to separately populate the model of ComboViewer and AutoCompleteField separately, but that can be at least automated via a static utility method or something similar.
As reference for future visitors, the AutocompleteComboInput (SWT Add-on), can also be a way to achieve this.
Code snippet for screenshot (refer to documentation link above for the code template):
import net.sf.swtaddons.autocomplete.combo.AutocompleteComboInput;
subjectCodeCombo = new Combo(tab3Composite, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
// other code modifying Combo appearance here...
// returns a String[] of items retrieved from database
String[] subjectCodeArray = dbQuery.subjectsToArray();
subjectCodeCombo.setText("- SELECT -");
new AutocompleteComboInput(subjectCodeCombo);
The add-on requires all JARs below to be added to the Library: (more info)
net.sf.swtaddons_0.1.1_bin_src.jar (sourceforge)
Click here for JAR pack.