Error running script - firebird

I have a Firebird SQL script as follows :-
When I run it in ibexpert, I get the following error :-
Invalid token.
Dynamic SQL Error.
SQL error code = -104.
Token unknown - line 2, column 1.
why is this?
Why won't it run multiple statements, one after the other?

From the IBExpert documentation:
The SQL Editor is intended for the execution of single commands. The Script Executive should be used for more complex scripts.
The Script Executive can be used to view, edit and execute SQL scripts. It can be started from the IBExpert Tools menu, using the respective icon in the Tools toolbar or [Ctrl + F12]. It is used for SQLs covering several rows. The Script Executive can both read and execute scripts.


what is the difference between executing a batch and executing a bunch of statements in dbeaver

Is there a fundamental difference in DBeaver between executing a script and executing the same statements as "Execute Statement" instead?
With the following PostgreSQL script
If I execute both as part of a single "Statement", it looks like they are executed within the same transaction
While if I execute the "script", they seem to be fired individually (not inside a common transaction)
Is this a feature of DBeaver or PostgreSQL?
From the manual:
-> Execute SQL Statement. This executes the SQL query under cursor or selected text and fills the results pane with the query results.
-> Execute SQL Script on the main menu or in the main toolbar. This executes all queries in the current editor (or selected queries) as a script. DBeaver parses queries one by one using a statement delimiter (“;” by default) and executes them consecutively.

How to guard execution when 'USE' not supported in SQL

When I'm sketching out SQL statements I have a file of all the queries I have used to analyse my live data. Each time I write a new statement or group of statements at the end of the fileI select them and click 'execute' to see the results. I'm paranoid that I may forget the selection stage and accidentally run all the queries sequentially in the entire file and so I head the file with the line
USE FakeDatabase
so that the queries will fail as they will be run against a non-existing database. But no, instead I get the error
USE statement is not supported to switch between databases
(N.B. I am using SQL Server Management Studio v17.0 RC1 against a v12 Azure SQL Server database.)
What tSQL statement can I use that will prevent further execution of tSQL statements in a file?
use is not supported in can try below ,but there can be many options depending on your use case
Replace use Database with below statement
if db_name() <>'Fakedatabase'
You could, instead, put something like this in each script:
IF ##SERVERNAME <> 'Not-Really-My-Server'
raiserror('Database Name Not Set', 20, -1) with log
-- Rest of my query...

Migrating a SQL Anywhere database using triggers

I was trying to create a trigger using SQL Anywhere which would export the database so it can be transferred to another database. The query is the following:
SELECT * FROM Estudante ;
OUTPUT TO 'c:\Users\XUSERX\Desktop\file.xml'
When running it shows error on the line
OUTPUT TO 'c:\Users\XUSERX\Desktop\file.xml'
The OUTPUT TO syntax is only available in the dbisql utility, not in stored procedures or triggers. Look at the UNLOAD statement in the docs.
Disclosure: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering.

ADO: Execute multiple TSQL using connection and command object

For a particular installation of my application, I need to create the database and the schema on the SQL server from the installer itself. I have a custom installer through which I have been able to detect and install the pre-requisites and the software. The user is prompted to give the IP of the database server and the username and password. Behind the scene, I create a connection and a command object. I keep the queries in different files. I use a reader and read the content of the file and set the content of the file to the CommandText of the command object. The typical content of the file is like following:
create database mydatabase
Use mydatabase
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable #command1 = "DROP TABLE ?"
Now the issue is the first statements get executed but it gives error after that. The error that is shown is: "syntax error near 'GO'". I tried removing the GO statement and also tried ending the sql statements with semi-colon. The error in this case is "Database 'mydatabase'does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.".
However if I keep a single statement in the file, it works fine.
Can somebody help me?
As you can see at
GO is not a Transact-SQL statement; it
is a command recognized by the osql
and isql utilities and SQL Query
So this is the cause of your problems when you run it using the SqlCommand from .Net.
In my opinion you have two options:
1) Execute the instructions one by one. Maybe use a separator in your files, then split the SQL statements and execute them sequentially using a for/foreach.
2) Use Server class from SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) that should allow you to execute the script containing "Go" statements.
You can execute more than one sql command statement by simply adding a ";" at the end of each command instead of a "GO" statement.
cmd.CommandText = #" Update TableA Set ColumnA = 'Test' Where ID = 1;
Update TableB Set ColumnA = 'Second line' Where ID = 2;

DB2 Equivalent to SQL's GO?

I have written a DB2 query to do the following:
Create a temp table
Select from a monster query / insert into the temp table
Select from the temp table / delete from old table
Select from the temp table / insert into a different table
In MSSQL, I am allowed to run the commands one after another as one long query. Failing that, I can delimit them with 'GO' commands. When I attempt this in DB2, I get the error:
DB2CLI.DLL: ERROR [42601] [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0199N The use of the reserved
word "GO" following "" is not valid. Expected tokens may include: "".
What can I use to delimit these instructions without the temp table going out of scope?
GO is something that is used in MSSQL Studio, I have my own app for running upates into live and use "GO" to break the statements apart.
Does DB2 support the semi-colon (;)? This is a standard delimiter in many SQL implementations.
have you tried using just a semi-colon instead of "GO"?
This link suggests that the semi-colon should work for DB2 -
I would try wrapping what you are looking to do in BEGIN and END to set the scope.
GO is not a SQL command, it's not even a TSQL command. It is an instruction for the parser. I don't know DB2, but I would imagine that GO is not neccessary.
From Tips
Although GO is not a T-SQL statement, it is often used in T-SQL code and unless you know what it is it can be a mystery. So what is its purpose? Well, it causes all statements from the beginning of the script or the last GO statement (whichever is closer) to be compiled into one execution plan and sent to the server independent of any other batches.