Manage Titles when Uploading Multiple Images - uploading

It would be great if we could manage the titles of each image that we upload when uploading multiple images. This way I could select each image that I want to upload, title them, then hit the upload button. Right now one must either upload one by one or have all the selected images have the same title.
Kinda like Facebook or Panoramio where it's easy to manage the titles of the images before uploading.

This isn't natively supported in Fine Uploader at the moment, but I've opened up a feature request and tentatively scheduled it for the 3.7 milestone. In the meantime, you can certainly provide your own UI elements to allow users to provide alternate names for each upload-able item and pass these new names as a parameter. Server-side, you would have to parse this parameter and associate it with the uploaded item. Fine Uploader will have to adopt a parameter name that contains the user-supplied alternate filename anyway (and the server will have to be aware of this convention and parse this parameter), since we won't be able to change the value file input field sent along with the multipart encoded request.

use this:
var uploader = $('.uploader'),
titleBox = $('input[type=text]');
request: {
endpoint: 'path/to/url'
formatFileName: function (name) {
var title = titleBox.val() + ' - ' + name + '';
return title;
uploader.on('submit', function (event, id, name) {
uploader.fineUploader('setParams', {title: titleBox.val()}, id);


Azure Media Services - Download Transient Error

I have a lot of audios in my database whose URLs are like:
I am using these URLs as my JobInput, and submitting a encoding job, because I want to migrate the audios distribution to a streaming approach.
However, every time I use this kind of URL, it fails with DownloadTransientError, and a message something like while trying to download the input files, the files were not acessible.
If I manually upload a file to the blob storage with a simpler URL (, and use it as the JobInput, it works seamlessly. I suspect it has something to do with the special characters on the bigger URL, but I am not sure. What could be the problem?
Here is the part of the code that submits the job:
var jobInput = new JobInputHttp(new[]
JobOutput[] jobOutput =
new JobOutputAsset(outputAssetName),
var job = await client.Jobs.CreateAsync(
resourceGroupName: _azureMediaServicesSettings.ResourceGroup,
accountName: _azureMediaServicesSettings.AccountName,
transformName: TransformName,
jobName: jobName,
new Job
Input = jobInput,
Outputs = jobOutput
You need to include the file name in the URL you're providing. I'll use your URL as an example, but unescape it as well so that it is more clear. The URL should be something like
Just include the actual blob name of the input video or audio file with the associated file extension.

Intercept and edit multipart form-data POST request body in Browser

I've got a site that accepts file uploads which are sent as multipart/form-data within a POST request. To verify that the upload, which shows the filename afterwards, is secured against XSS I want to upload a file which contains HTML Tags in the filename.
This is actually harder than I expected. I can't create a file containing < on my filesystem (Windows). Also, I don't know a way to change the filename of the file input element inside the DOM before the upload (which is what I would do with normal/hidden inputs). So I thought about editing the POST body before it's uploaded, but I don't know how. Popular extensions (I recall Tamper Data, Tamper Dev) only let me change headers. I guess this is due to the plugin system of Chrome, which is the Browser I use.
So, what's the simplest way of manipulating the POST requests body? I could craft the entire request using cUrl, but I also need state, lots of additional parameters and session data etc. which gets quite complex... A simple way within the Browser would ne nice.
So, while this is not a perfect solution, it is at least a way to recreate and manipulate the form submit using FormData and fetch. It is not as generic as I'd like it to be, but it works in that case. Just use this code in the devtools to submit the form with the altered filename:
let formElement = document.querySelector('#idForm'); // get the form element
let oldForm = new FormData(formElement);
let newForm = new FormData;
// copy the FormData entry by entry
for (var pair of oldForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0]+': '+pair[1]);
if(typeof(pair[1]) == 'object' && pair[1].name) {
// alter the filename if it's a file
} else {
// Log the new FormData
for (var pair of newForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0]+': ');
// Submit it
fetch(formElement.action, {
method: formElement.method,
body: newForm
I'd still appreciate other approaches.

Empty MultipartFile[] when sending files from Vue to SpringBoot controller

I'm doing a program that will help me to make monthly reports and I stuck at uploading photos which I need for one kind of the reports. For some reason, it doesn't get an array in the controller.
I use Springboot RestController at the backend and Vue with BootstrapVue and vue-resource on the other side.
index.html (BootstrapVue):
<b-button #click="uploadPhotos">Upload</b-button>
inside vuemain.js:
data: {
photos: null,
methods: {
var formData = new FormData();
this.$'reports/photo', formData).then(result => {
}, ...
inside Controller:
public void addPhoto(#RequestParam("photos") MultipartFile[] photo) {
System.out.println(photo.length); // shows 0
what I see inside Params at browser:
[HTTP/1.1 500 326ms]
Request payload
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="photos"
[object File],[object File],[object File],[object File]
So for some reason at this point #RequestParam("photos") MultipartFile[] photo it's empty array. But if I change it to just one photo like this: #RequestParam("photos") MultipartFile photo and send one from js: formData.append("photos",[0]); everything works nicely and photo gets uploaded to the server.
It's my first experience with Vue and to be honest I don't want to go deep into JS learning, so probably there is some silly mistake somewhere. Any way I can use a loop in JS method to upload them one by one, but that would be so ugly. I hope there is a better way to do it (without any additional JS libraries of course).
If you use axios then you should add header
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
headers: headers,
to be able send files to the server.
I agree, sending files in separate requests one by one is very "ugly", but I also don't like the idea of not using the mapping resources of Spring Boot, having to send all files with different names (seems disorganized) and having to work with MultipartHttpServletRequest, but there is a simple solution for this: Ian's answer to this question (not realy related to Vue.js, but useful) worked for me:
In order for Spring to map items in a request to a list, you need to provide the same name (in the FormData.append calls) for each item when appending to the form data. This allows Spring to effectively see the request as name=value1&name=value2&name=value3 (but obviously in the form of form data). When Spring sees the same key ("name") multiple times, it can map the values into a collection.
In your .vue file, append the photos with the same name:
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
And in your Controller:
public void addPhoto(#RequestParam("photos") MultipartFile[] photo) {
System.out.println(photo.length); // Should be greater than 0 now
I used Vue Axios to consume my API and manually added the Content-Type: multipart/form-data header. Make sure its in your request header list.
I found an acceptable solution here Rossi Robinsion's code works nicely. At least it looks better than sending files in separate requests one by one.
The answer is based on using getFileNames() which helps to iterate on files inside a request even if they are not in the array.

Fiddler Script - SaveResponseBody()

I want to save all png images that are loaded along with some webpage into a separate folder.
I am using below code with in Fiddler Script [CustomRules.js].
static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session)
//Actual content of OnBeforeResponse function.
Problem here is, I was unable to find any image got saved within Program files/Documents.
Where do “SaveResponseBody()” will save the HTTP Response Body?
Can we give our own custom folder?
My Fiddler version is (v4.4.5.6)
The default SaveResponseBody() method saves the files to your \Documents\Fiddler2\Captures\ folder. If you want to use a different name, use the overload that accepts a filename. You should check the Response's status code is 200 to ensure that you're not trying to save off HTTP/304 responses which won't contain a body. Also, rather than looking at the URL, you probably want to check the response's type.
So you end up with something like this:
if ((oSession.responseCode == 200) &&
oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "image/png"))
SaveResponseBody("C:\\temp\\" + oSession.SuggestedFilename);
Note: The manual way of doing this would be to go to the QuickExec box below the Web Sessions list, type select png and hit Enter, then click File > Export > Selected Sessions > Raw Files.

From CMIS how do I get the thumbnail placeholder for Alfresco?

I understand that the following URL will give me the thumbnail of a document or the placeholder image, if there isn't a thumbnail. This works because of the ph=true at the end." + childId + "/content/thumbnails/doclib?ph=true
I have also found that the following server side code will get me the ContentStream of the thumbnail image.
OperationContext context = session.createOperationContext();
CmisObject doc = session.getObject(id, context);
List<Rendition> renditions = doc.getRenditions();
if (renditions.size() > 0) {
Rendition rend = renditions.get(0);
cs = rend.getContentStream();
The problem with this is it does not return the placeholder image if there isn't a thumbnail, like the first URL.
For the server side how would I retrieve the appropriate placeholder image when there isn't a thumbnail? For example for docx and xlsx files.
I think in this case the most effective way to retrieve thumbnails (doclib or a placeholder) is to call directly the REST Alfresco Service.
I'm not 100% sure but CMIS rendition response from an Alfresco Server contains only existing renditions. There's no placeholder provided in CMIS renditions part like the one provided by the Alfresco REST url.
The key here is in if (renditions.size() > 0) -> this is exactly what the webscript does.
But what the REST webscript also does is to ad an else -> so if there aren't renditions so far, it fill determine mimetype and fetch the corresponding placeholder.
You should do the same in your code to make it fetch placeholder -> add an else and then find the placeholder for that image.