Sugarcrm DCMenu Qucik Create | After Save redirect - redirect

I am showing quick create view of a custom Module Payment on a Button Click in the detail View of Accounts via DC menu load view in SugarCRM.
what i want is when i save values on clicking the save button for the QuickCreate View, i want to redirect the user to the newly created record.
In the after save logic hook for the payments module i have tries all these
1) Used JavaScript window.location.href for redirection
2) SugarApplication::redirect();
3) Changed values of $_POST['return_module'], $_POST['return_action'] and $_POST['return_id']
Yet after applying all of the Above in a correct way the page does not redirect. I am using AJAX UI for the Accounts Module.

If you use this customization to redirect your user on full form instead of quick create, your code describe above should probably works.

I had found a workaround which is obviously not upgrade safe but does the trick.
what i did is created a logic hook on after_save for the CustomModule and indexed it to a bigger number like
$hook_array['after_save'][] = array(20,
In that hook after my custom logic finished i checked for the AJAX Call and finished the process like this
if($_REQUEST['is_ajax_call'] == 1)
echo '{"status":"redirect","url":"index.php?module=lev_payment_schedules&action=DetailView&record='.$bean->id.'&CreatePayment=true"}';
Now in the DCMenu.js file located at
i added a condition for the output i just echoed above.
In function just in the switch ( returnData.status ) Block i added my custom case condition as
case 'redirect':
window.location.href = returnData.url;
This did the trick for me and the browser was redirected to the URL that i had supplied. i hope this helps someone.


Drupal 7 Webform redirect

We have a Drupal 7 webform that redirects to a url upon successful submission.
What we need to do is redirect the user if they land on the same webform again and have already submitted.
Do we need a module for this, or do it programmatically?
Thanks in advance.
I looked through the webform module and didn't find any setting that will redirect the user if the user has already submitted a form, so I think you need to do it programmatically.
Note: It might be possible without a custom module by using the rules module. I haven't tried this.
To do it programmatically you could do something like below. It implements the hook_node_view() and checks if the user has already submitted anything by using the webform api function webform_get_submission_count(). (edit: the custom module in this example is called example_webform)
* Implements hook_node_view().
function example_webform_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
global $user;
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');
$submission_count = webform_get_submission_count($node->nid, $user->uid);
if (!empty($submission_count) && $submission_count > 0) {
$redirect = $node->webform['redirect_url'];
As it is now it will reuse the page that is used when the form is submitted, so if you choose to do this remember to make the success page reflect this. (E.g. it would be strange for the success page to say "your post has been saved" if the user lands on it for the second time.) Or you could replace the $redirect with another page than the one from the webform setting.
Also note that the webform will still add the message "You have already submitted this form. View your previous submissions." if this is enabled.
So here is the solution that we ended up going with.
I saved the webform and made it available as a block
I created a page to hold the webform
I configured the block to appear above the page content
In the page content I put in some javascript to detect if the form element was present - if not forward to the correct url
So the webform redirects correctly upon submission(set in the webform settings), and it then redirects if the user lands back on that page and has completed the webform.

Grails: calling an action that uses withForm

I have a situation in which I need to reuse an action that has its functionality wrapped in a withForm closure.
Everything works well when submitting the form but when I try to reuse that action in another way I get redirect errors from my browser. Specifically, I need to redirect another action to it, possibly call it with chain, and I also want to call it from a hyperlink.
I'd really like to avoid creating a redundant action or having the invalidToken closure execute the same code. I've tried to find some more details about how withForm works and find out what happens if no token is passed to the closure but the Googles have let me down.
Is this possible? Am I trying to make it do something it can't?
More info:
I have a user edit controller action. It is wrapped with the withForm closure. There are three different cases in which I need to call this controller to render the user edit page:
An admin enters the user's id into an input and clicks the form
submit button (this form uses useToken). This needs to be secured
and protected from duplicate form submission.
An admin selects a user to edit from a list of employees by clicking
on the user's name (a hyperlink). Its possible I could turn this into a form submission with useToken and do some CSS styling to make it look like a link.
An admin creates a new user. When the user is successfully created
the create controller redirects (or uses chain) to the edit
controller. I can't find a work around for this, except to create a redundant controller.
If your code is used in more than one place a controller action isn't the best place to put it. I suggest you to move that piece of code to a service and call it from both actions.
Here is my solution. If anyone has some insight into other methods of solving this please contribute. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had this problem.
The answer is due, in large part to #Sergio's response. It was far more simple than what I was thinking it would be. I created my edit action without withFormthen call it from another action that wraps the edit action in the withForm.
def editWT(Long uid, Long pid){
edit(uid, pid)
def edit(Long uid, Long pid){
// Do lots of stuff to prep the data for rendering the view
This answer isn't innovative or ground-breaking but it works. I hope this helps someone else.

Incoming Phone call to make a Popup inside of SugarCRM?

Hello I am trying to make a module that will make a popup window inside of SugarCRM when we receive a phone call. I have seen that some others have accomplished this already (expensive paid modules) and I am hoping to get some insight on the actual popup triggering part....
Our phone system has an API that sends an HTTP post to a URL when we have an incoming phone call.
Inside of SugarCRM, in my Modules code, I am not sure how I can use this HTTP POST from my Phone to do the Popup, the reason is I do not see how it can be fast enough, If I were to set a Cron job to check a page every 1 minute, that would still be too slow.
So does anyone have any ideas how the other similar Phone integration modules are doing it and having the Popup happen almost immediately as the phone call comes in?
Any ideas on how to do such a task? I am planning to do a Desktop application that just sits in the Tray and waits for the POST but seeing others have been able to get the same result inside of SugarCRM without a separate program really interests me.
I am working in a company that has created a expensive paid module to accomplished this, but I can give you hints for 2 ways to achieve this ;-)
1) With GenericHook
in custom/modules create a logic_hooks.php and a YOURCHOICEHERE.php
in the logic hooks create an after ui hook
$hook_array['after_ui_frame'] = Array();
$hook_array['after_ui_frame'][] = Array(1, 'Display Javascript for Telephone','custom/modules/YOURCHOICEHERE.php','GenericHooks', 'displayTelephoneJS');
class GenericHooks {
function displayTelephoneJS() {
if(!$_REQUEST['to_pdf']) echo '<div id=\"telephone_div\"></div>
<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"custom/somewherewhereyouwant/Telephone.js\"/></script>';
// you yould also add a stylesheet here
in the Telephone.js you can do what ever you want for example:
function Telephone_poll() {
if(data != 0)
var result= JSON.parse(data);
//HERE you can do manipulate your telephone_div and populate it with response data "result" from the call to some.php
//Here you can also add styles and so on
setTimeout("Telephone_poll()", 1000); //restart the function every 1000ms
Telephone_poll(); //initial start of script
2) An other approach would be creating a demon/service from a php file that reruns itself.
Here you would need some way to identify users and Phones to ensure the popup is displayed for the correct user/phone.

how to redirect a page through controller in zend

When I click on a submit button i want the page to redirect to the following page?
header('Location: /pdp/policy-info.phtml');
I wrote the above code in the controller code but I am not able to redirect to the above page. it stays on the same page.
the filename is called policy-info.phtml in the view.
Also once I redirect, would I be able access my form values through $_POST?
Or is there an alternative.
ok it sounds to me like you may be missing a few concepts:
You will never redirect to a phtml file. (unless you have written some custom rewrite/route rules) Zend uses the MVC architecture, urls exist in this fashion: /module/controller/view/key1/value1/keyx/valuex/
generally zend urls don't terminate with file extensions. Also you will never directly call a view file from your browser.
In your form tag, you specify where the form submits to with the action attribute. For your url i'm assuming the pdp controller and policy-info action
If you want to redirect after a form submit from with your controller you would use:
# maybe you want to execute some code and then execute
# additional code in another controller without re-bootstrapping
$this->_forward('policy-info', 'pdp');
If you redirect you will not have access to your POST unless you saved those values elsewhere (like in your session). If you forward, I believe the values will still be available in the second action.
actually there maybe a few ways to do what you want to do. I haven't tried this first method yet but it should work.
Render a new veiw script from your controller/action if isPost():
public function myAction(){
$form = My_Form();
$this->view->form = $form;
//if form is posted and submit = Submit
if ($this_request->isPost() && $this_request->getPost()->submit == 'Submit') {
if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) {
//this is where you want to capture form data
$data = $form->getValues();
//render a new viewscript or _forward to a new action and perform your processing there.
$this->render('path to phtml file');
//if user needs to press a button to accept submit = accept some more stuff...
I think this or some variation will work.Note: I don't think _forward resets the request object, so your $_POST data should not be affected.
Also if this policy-info does not require additional input from the user and is just informational you could easily just _forward('action') to a blank action and the router will display the view script.

How To Redirect From a Control Using MVC2

I have been tasked with creating a user control to live in our master page that allows users to switch between accounts. This way, we can allow users to change their account without having to go back to the accounts page. This seemed like a legitimate and perfectly straightforward task.
I've built the control and added it to the master page using Html.RenderAction. The last step is for me to redirect the user to the home page for that account. In order to do this, I build a route to the home page and attempt return RedirectToRoute(route).
When I attempt this, I get this error:
Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect actions
Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this or have I coded myself into a box
Thanks in advance
You can cheat with an ugly hack:
public ActionResult SomeUserControlAction()
// ... some processing
var url = Url.RouteUrl("routeName", new
action = "foo",
controller = "bar"
return null;
It's so ugly that I feel ashamed for even mentioning it, but it works.
Another possibility would be to pass the url as part of the view model to the view and perform the redirect in javascript by setting window.location.href to the new url.